What people are saying about "Bloodstains"
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over 14 years ago
My friend failed to tell me about this game coming out till AFTER it was out a week. Found a collector's off E-Bay which you know.... not cheap but well worth it for the extra fun. Gameplay... well my head feels great since you can't blame the game.. at all. It's just that damn good of a game.
almost 15 years ago
Demon's Souls is for the PSP, it's another name for Monster Hunter
ThySelf D. Mad
almost 15 years ago
Welcome, Lost Soul, Does thou seeketh more power?...
almost 15 years ago
IT'S A TRAP! and yay to games that force you to not suck.
almost 15 years ago
I'd rather have a "bad" game with a good plot than a "good" one with bad/nonexistent plot.

To me plot is what make a game good.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_31492]@Kurata[/url]: You've never played Metal Gear Solid 4 right? I love that game, but every time you do something you'll have to listen to something about PMC's or nanomachines or something.
almost 15 years ago
Demon's Souls is a throw back to classic difficulty. When completing something was actually an accomplishment that required practice and time, as opposed to the inevitably of victory most games presently provide as long as you face roll the controller. In DS, you can only blame yourself for death.
A Bag of Opinions
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_31492]@Kurata[/url]: Boy, ar' you sayin' you don't like them picture shows? Is that right, son?
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_31488]@Anon[/url]: Exactly why I hate games with longass cutscene. I'm looking at you star ocean : 30 minutes long cutscene, go back to ship, another 40 minutes, get off ship, another 20 minutes. yay.
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
I want a PS3 now.
almost 15 years ago
Demon Souls -
Its hard but you actually feel like you have accomplished something by the time you slay the second boss. Unlike other games, its actually more like playing a game instead of watching a DvD where you occasionally press buttons to reach the next videos...
Nolan Nymous
almost 15 years ago
Dual shields were here. All other weapons are small time.
almost 15 years ago
Wait, scratch that, it's Frontier not Freedom
almost 15 years ago
Joe. Monster Hunter Freedom 2. Now.
almost 15 years ago
I guess Joe never played any of the Monster Hunter games.
almost 15 years ago
You're still looking in the wrong place for good PS3 games.
almost 15 years ago
why change weapons? The only weapon you ever need is the MAGICALLY ENHANCED KEEL SMASHER! also welcome to 5 months ago, we missed you
An Evil Penguin
almost 15 years ago
Heh, that looks pretty cool actually!
almost 15 years ago
Duel wielding 2 Sharp Kilij's always got the job done
almost 15 years ago
I would say that Squint's LP of it describes it better.
almost 15 years ago
look up escapist demon's souls video review, its epic and describes the game in the best way possible.


almost 15 years ago
Demons souls is like playing monster hunter in the middle ages with magic and you die...alot, in demons souls bosses are designed to kill you with no mercy.
My world has been mended
almost 15 years ago
The only time I swap out weapons is
a) I need to heal from yon blessed mace
b) I need mana from yon Crescent Falchion
c) I need to fuck somebody that has high specific resistances(Blunt weapons for skeletons, etc)

Other than that, I use a bow more than anything else.
almost 15 years ago
@tapw@tar the games about not getting owned (and failing at it xD) lol j/k this game isn't for everyone I suggest reading a review somewhere.
almost 15 years ago
What is Demon's Souls about?...still dat guy got owned tho
almost 15 years ago
noob pwnd 1337Hax0rz
almost 15 years ago
I love Demon's Souls. It's a fantastic game. Glad to see some comics about it.

One thing though, the setting never influences my gameplay, I just use a sword all the time.
Late to the party
almost 15 years ago
First Post Thief
almost 15 years ago