What people are saying about "Hell's Penguin"
Hell's Penguin
Comments have been closed for this comic.
over 13 years ago
So... Penny Gadget's dad, Inspector Gadget's brother. Deemed an unfit father, Penny went to live with her uncle.

Too bad that by that time Penny's father had already performed a partial brain transplant between his brother (Inspector Gadget) and Penny's new dog Brain.
over 14 years ago
It's Uboa!
almost 15 years ago
thank god they left it at overalls
almost 15 years ago
I've always wanted an explosive penguin zombie.
The Hero Prinny!
almost 15 years ago
dood! *explodes*
almost 15 years ago
And here is the reason why Penny is living with Uncle Gadget instead of her real father.
almost 15 years ago
oh wow, i just started playng disgaea like 4 days ago, i saw the anime beforehand and i thought i have part 2 of the game, turns out i had part one which made me happy as i was sad i could not find part one when i though i bought part 2.anyway, an interesting coincidence, dont'cha think?
almost 15 years ago
check out the look on his face, he knew exactly what reaction he was going to get.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_31788]@Anon[/url]: Obviously, if you brought it up, you care about it. And knowing that, someone must do it to grab the attention of people like you.
A Bag of Opinions
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_31788]@Anon[/url]: Agreed...buuuut, this is the interwebs...and your asking a'lot of these people.
almost 15 years ago
There is a point where the claiming photo notes needed to stop and we have clearly passed it.

Nobody cares if you put a photo note over every single part of every character in each comic. Nobody cares if in every blank space of a panel you say there's a spy. This shit is not funny, comment better
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
Next TF2 comic = Pyro raging about Tribal Shiv?

Why did Valve do that :(
A Bag of Opinions
almost 15 years ago
@This-is-Hip-Hop: *Egor impression* But how many "subjects" will we need, master? 5? 10? 20? I don't know of any penquin or vulture cementries 'round here.
almost 15 years ago
Makes me thinkn of the old frankenstein archtype, all we need here is a bolt of lightningh, and maybe some cackling laughter,

We should do it dood,
K D Bonez
almost 15 years ago
Huh, that girl reminds me of Roll from the megaman series. Also, PRIIIIIIIIIIIIINNY!!!!!!!!!!!!
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_31772]@SRG[/url]: Yes we must have the Fanny Pack where he keeps all of his throwing knives and throwing pans, that and he must also explode when thrown!
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_31771]@someone[/url]: may be the bird is lifting it's wing? also where is the fanny pack?
almost 15 years ago
Zodbones: doesn't mean he can't at least get them within 5 degrees, I mean come on that's like 45 degrees off straight.
almost 15 years ago
dood That is scary dood DOOOOD doooood

and @ Stan: he's a scientist not a taxidermist
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
Some mad scientist he is. Couldn't even get the wings on straight.
almost 15 years ago
Saying "Hell's Penguins" out loud makes me think of a Prinny biker gang. Or heavy metal band.
You know...
almost 15 years ago
making the recent "screwups" deliberate. To laugh at the gramma nazzi 'tards screaching "Your do'n it wonrg!!!!" If you stop pointing out every little nick, it might clear up some... you ever stop to think? And yes, the quote example is intentionally messed up.
You know...
almost 15 years ago
The last five strips seems to have some english screwup or two (or more) Whereas earlier strips it was only every now and then. Therefor I posit that Jo actually knows how to "speak" english, second language or not [2Bcontinued]
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_31755]@MoRaZz[/url] more Like Golbat.
almost 15 years ago
Let dr zed fix ya up
almost 15 years ago
Fuck yea ZUBAT
almost 15 years ago
@Jake'm: Haha, yeah. His songs are real witty.

The newest pokemon right now would be pretty terrifying, though. LIKE ALIENS.
almost 15 years ago
On the other hand (or paw, w/e you go by), Mightyena would make a real badass guard dog IRL!
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_31748]@Zaranthan[/url]: Pssst--Ninetales is a *fox* (or more accurately, it's based on the Kitsune, a Japanese fox-spirit), not a wolf.
almost 15 years ago
DT = fail.
almost 15 years ago
In all fairness to Dr. Daddy here, most pokemon would be pretty terrifying if you ran into them in Real Life(tm). A walking Audrey II? A wolf with nine tails that's on fire? A five-foot tall turtle with cannons coming out of its shell WALKING ON ITS HIND LEGS? I'd scream like a little girl, too.
almost 15 years ago
oohhh.. Dood...
almost 15 years ago
To Dt:

Dood =/= poo
Doody = poo
Dood = Prinny catchphrase

lern2Disgaea dood
almost 15 years ago
Evil scientist is EVIL
almost 15 years ago
To Jo:
Dood = Poo
Dude = a man
Also, moar Valve-related comics... Most of us don't know what is that game you talkin aboot.
almost 15 years ago
A horrible nightmare
almost 15 years ago
Be careful of what you wish for...
almost 15 years ago
Mice note, codfish. Johnathan Coulton reference ftw
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
Dat moustache.
Once, I Was Many
almost 15 years ago
Hmmmm. Could that little girl be Samus? Maybe this is why she started killing abominations against nature...

Gotta have a beak, dood!
almost 15 years ago
Penny wanted a Prinny, but after this she just decided to get a dog with a human brain.
Lemure Zombie
almost 15 years ago
Prinny^2 Dood!
A Prinny Dood!!
almost 15 years ago
I actually play under this name, Dood! I wonder if he explodes when you throw him, Dood!
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_31704]@chrian[/url]: The Heavy.
almost 15 years ago
I admit it, this was genuinely funny
almost 15 years ago
Dr. Utonium makes a come back. A scary comeback
almost 15 years ago
Whinny kids. You will play with that abomination against nature and you will like it!
almost 15 years ago
So who did The Medic marry ?
almost 15 years ago
lolololololol weirdo
almost 15 years ago
Devil Penguin MINE
almost 15 years ago
That IS scary, dood.
almost 15 years ago
It's just not the same without the fanny pack.
almost 15 years ago
No matter what you do for your kids nowadays it's never good enough.
almost 15 years ago
I lol'd. <3 Disgaea
almost 15 years ago
She gets what she wanted and still not happy.

Kids these days
almost 15 years ago
That... is odd.