What people are saying about "My Own Magic"
My Own Magic
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over 1 year ago
70$ I wish... it's over 90$ where I live and we aren't rich country like US I would say.
over 1 year ago
and line the pockets of a transphobe who plans to give the money to anti-trans organizations, don't forget that @Kawa
over 1 year ago
Play Ultrakill instead, much less expensive, amazing action, *and* the bad guys aren't obvious Jewish stereotypes.
over 1 year ago
Sorry, I'm not seeing these references you're alluding to. Can you please spell out what it is you're seeing that I'm not? In the mean time, I'm going to play a game that is fun, without any care for internet outrage inside a bunch of hollow sounding chambers.
over 1 year ago
single player games like Hogwarts can wait till they go on sale. This isn't like Street Fighter 6 where the PvP is the meat of the game.
over 1 year ago
over 1 year ago
Meanwhile I got Deep Rock Galactic and it's DLC on a huge sale last week (almost 70% off and even at full price the game is cheap) and I've been having a blast running around as a Drunk & Danish spacedwarf in retro-polygonal style. Rock & Stone!
over 1 year ago
If you look at the history of gaming prices, you'll notice there was never really a "Standard".
over 1 year ago
If you like games with anti-Semitic undertones that aren't even that under, where you play the baddie...
over 1 year ago
i'm seeing $60 for standard $70 deluxe myself, but that could just be American steam prices, can't say i favor $70 for a base game either way. likely gonna end up waiting on a sale anyways.
over 1 year ago
The $70 thing makes me genuinely frustrated with people's buying habits. It got that way, because people thought $60 was okay.