What people are saying about "Master Plan"
Master Plan
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over 14 years ago
hmm...Yep. its a guy. look mit up people
over 14 years ago
ITs a guy -.- look it up
almost 15 years ago
*rub hand* xanatos gambit worked...... mwahahahaha
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_32246]@Twilightdusk[/url]: The grey shirt is probably 100% cotton.
almost 15 years ago
Is that guy/girl holding a thing of Mentos?
almost 15 years ago
There's no joke. It's just great! It's a turian and he's being torn apart for what he did.
A Bag of Opinions
almost 15 years ago
@All them photo-notes regarding steps...

Wow! Thanks guys! I skipped a step...now I'll never get that Lego car right.
almost 15 years ago
this here, this right here.
blach reference.
almost 15 years ago
Its a GUY not a chick....
almost 15 years ago
I wonder what they'll do with those candles.
... Heh.
almost 15 years ago
Ohh, I get it now.

All the more funny now.
almost 15 years ago
that is a genius plan and will totally work.
almost 15 years ago
Interesting. [url=#user_comment_32259] @Chris[/url] Hell, if you're stuck in a car, try the warming bodies approach (if car is battery dead :P)
almost 15 years ago
Frida: I don't think that's a guy. :3
almost 15 years ago
Remind me of doing that the next time a thunderstorm is about to hit.
almost 15 years ago
Alan Wake *makes you scared of the dark* so the guy turned the lights off to get her to snuggle with him/her it, thing :P
almost 15 years ago
For those confused at the gender of the boy at the end, just remember that jo is like brazillian or something
almost 15 years ago
@A Blowdryer:
almost 15 years ago
I think the creepiest part is I cannot tell if grey shirt is a guy or a girl.
A Blowdryer
almost 15 years ago
I loved Yahtzee's joke at the end of the last Zero Punctuation how Alan Wake is an acronym for Anal leak if you change W to L xD
almost 15 years ago
@A Bag of Opinions
Or it could be because English isn't Jo's first language.

I'm still surprised that Alan Wake even came out, and that it was actually reviewed positively.
Captain Fubar
almost 15 years ago
I'm thinking of Orihime and Tatsuki from "BLEACH".

...is that bad?
almost 15 years ago
The Candles refrence is about Alan Wakes game Mechanic, in order to fight the big horrendous monsters, you are supoosed to shine light at them, any light will do, flshlight, streetlights, flash bangs. So, its not condoms, at least I believe it isn't.
almost 15 years ago
The photo notes make me sad for humanity, as usual.

Also, 5th panel = PROFIT.
almost 15 years ago
It makes a lot more sense if you've played Alan Wake. Light is the only things that can damage the Dark Presence or the Taken.

Of course, it's all just a ploy to get cozy with a chick.
It's funny
almost 15 years ago
The guys face in the last panel, holy shit is he derptastic or what.
Lol at everyone thinking it's a girl, shows the talent behind the comic
A Bag of Opinions
almost 15 years ago
Oh ho ho! Grammer mistake is funny because the 'I' key is next to the 'O' key...

*chuckles some more*
almost 15 years ago
You should have totally put Henry Townshed to give her the candles, lol.
almost 15 years ago
I think the monsters and bad stuff in Alan Wake only come at night or in the dark, so candles would protect one from those things.

The plan of the dark-haired gal/guy was to freak out the pink girl and get it in her/his room, because he/she has candles ON it :D
/pointless explanation
almost 15 years ago
is that black hair one holding a highlighter or a used pregnancy test?
almost 15 years ago
I honestly don't understand.
uber spycrab
almost 15 years ago
i think you meant 'in' my room..
still, pretty funny :D
almost 15 years ago
In before BLEACH
almost 15 years ago
"I have some candles on my room..."

I lol'd
almost 15 years ago
lawl candles on the room
must be some big candles
john R P
almost 15 years ago
who draws this comic?
almost 15 years ago
pink lady is playing alan wake and it's scary.

grey lady shuts off the power, pink lady freaks out so they get to snuggle...or more.
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
...I dun get it...


I mean i suppose Alan Wake is supposed to be creepy judging by the last panel, but I think I missed something here.
almost 15 years ago
Just as planned*!

*plan means keikaku
first !
almost 15 years ago
im goig to try it next rainy day
almost 15 years ago
Just as keikaku!