What people are saying about "Shiny"
Comments have been closed for this comic.
over 13 years ago
oh noooononono those aren't pokemon =<
about 14 years ago
And then he trades away the original, which the new trainer actually keeps active and evolves. They meet up again, and the original kicks the shiny one's ass. Then the trainer's. :P
over 14 years ago
i could never have done that, im way to attached to my pokemon ;w; my shinies stay in the box
over 14 years ago
Some people like shinies way too much.http://chatroulettetrolling.com/2010/07/27/yahoo-answers-troll-respect-pokemon-gtfo/
over 14 years ago
I would take them both :D
almost 15 years ago
Too human.
R.I.P. Bill Overbeck
almost 15 years ago
Wait...So Pokemon are really all sexy chicks? My childhood 0_0 all gone...
almost 15 years ago
I'd complain about my childhood being molested, or something, but this is mild by comparision.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_32520]@Anonymous[/url]: I loved that show, and now that you mention it, there is a bit of a resemblence, not identical but the features are there. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNu6_dxWbNo
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_32520]@Anonymous[/url]: Picking up space chicks wearing Pokemon outfits and destroying half of Jersey with a mech that has a convertible for a head?
almost 15 years ago
What is that guy from Megas XLR doing there
almost 15 years ago
Everythin's shiny, cap'n, no need to fret.
almost 15 years ago
Shinies are trophies, not to be used in the main game unless it's truly going to be superior to something you already have...
Kinda like legendaries for me, I use them more for fun battles, multiplayer etc.
Shiny > Normal
almost 15 years ago
You must admit, a shiny PKMN is way better than the normal one, except for the IV and nature xP

Does anyone here play Monster Hunter Tri =)
almost 15 years ago
Well, unless the shiny is an egg shiny, then it has the best IV's possible. But yeah, in this case nobody was the wiser.
almost 15 years ago
Of course, shinies actually slightly LOWER stat IVs than Pokemon of normal coloration (this can vary depending on the species in question), so she's getting her own sweet sweet brand of revenge there.
almost 15 years ago
I still wonder why the games didn't just have 2 save slots.
Ah well.
almost 15 years ago
I have only encountered one shiny in my entire life.
I was playing on my friend's Gameboy (being careful not to overwrite his save), and suddenly I see a green Onyx. I didn't know about shinies at the time, so I turned off the gameboy and put it back on it's place, hoping I didn't fuck up the save.
almost 15 years ago
@Dr. G: Was it in the top percentile of Rattata?
@comment is down there: You cannot really be that naive, can you?
@Jo, great comic, although I feel bad for the non-shiny :(
almost 15 years ago
I'll take pika-tan off your hands. Unlike you I know how to treat my pokemon properly.
almost 15 years ago
I view Shinies like hats in TF2. Pointless, but I'm going to collect them anyway, even if they do look retarded and I never use them.
This comic takes the opposite view, and emphasises it with the representations of pikachus, and I'm okay with that.
almost 15 years ago
@comment down there
There was indeed some trolling going on down the comments a ways. Perhaps you didn't see it, but it's there.
almost 15 years ago
Every one of you who says they've never encountered shinies are LIARS. You must have fought that red Gyarados in G/S
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_32486]@Kane[/url]: No Kane. Level has nothing to do with strength. Its based on their indivual values and how great you train them. If you battle only Speedy pokemons your pokemons get Speed-EVs and becomes better in speed. Same with HP, Strength, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense.
almost 15 years ago
Pardon the typos, and i meant wild shinies, not ones you get in trade etc.
almost 15 years ago
Only shiny's I ever saw was those damn green teddy bears.
Saw more shinys of him than the normal brown one.

@ the comic, saw a versino of this joke ahile ago and it still makes me sad.
I always stuck to the ones I'd raised from eggs/caught in the wild with level less than 6.
almost 15 years ago
I lol'd. Good comic.
almost 15 years ago
You wouldn't believe how much the difficulty ramps up between the first and second playthrough on Demon's Souls. It's almost like starting the game over, but with lots of awesome equipment.
almost 15 years ago
Honestly, Jo, why not just draw some porn with NSFW signs above it?
You've gotten plenty of fucking pose practice.

I'll agree that the Shiny is more exotic looking, but all things considered I'd stick with the original because, as I got it from level 5, it will be superior.
almost 15 years ago
I almost fell into the trap of "WTF IS THIS I DON'T GET THIS STUPID JOKE" before I vaguely remembered having seen/heard about shiny version of pokemon.
almost 15 years ago
The only shiny I've ever had was a shiny geodude,it was GOLD! But then it evolved really crappy looking. D:
comment is down there
almost 15 years ago
Exactly. Thank you for proving my point.
almost 15 years ago
I've caught 7 legitement shinies and, quite honestly, most of them look worse than the original, My favorite 2 where my shiny linoone and shiny caterpie, which ended up evolving into the ugliest butterfree i have ever seen.
Demon's Soul
almost 15 years ago
(con't) ...looses their steam once you KNOW everything, and that was pretty much biggest draw for the game (that and combat, yes) since it was, well, pretty unique.

And the whole blue summon and invading thing lost their steam too when it turned into cheap tactic slug out.
Demon's Soul
almost 15 years ago
@ Jo:
I agree, but to me the game just wasn't fun once I beat it and started New Game+. Yes, the combat is still visceral, but the dungeon layout and enemy placements are exactly the same no matter how many times you play. The charm of bloodstains and warning messages from other players... (con't)
 Platypus
almost 15 years ago
I feel dirtynow, as I flashing back to the origins of "whose responsible this," But we know whose responsible this. ;-p
Dr. G
almost 15 years ago
I caught a shiny rattata on the way to Ho-Oh in Heartgold. I was very, very happy.
almost 15 years ago
I've never encountered a shiny Pokemon actually.

And yes, there are trolls trolling trolls trolling everybody, hence the "Troll NOW!!" button.
Heavy Weapons Guy
almost 15 years ago
comment is down there
almost 15 years ago
I swear you people are retarded. As soon as somebody doesn't like the comic, you label him as a troll and proceed to gloat on stupid retorts until you choke. Like it was IMPOSSIBLE to like the comic AND dislike fanservice. All of you may as well turn into furries now. NOBODY COMPLAINING WAS TROLLING
almost 15 years ago
Why can't he have both?!
almost 15 years ago
@ample ryan
and then he made a comic about how he draws porn every now and then.
Ample Ryan
almost 15 years ago
I really hope the fan service builds up to a point where the only way to go is meta, sort of like what happened to Dan Kim (clone-army.org) when he finally cracked, and then did a comic about his comic, and then did a comic about him making his comic, it was pretty crazy man, you had to be there
almost 15 years ago
isn't "pokemon" plural, like sheep.
almost 15 years ago
@Thanks Jo: Never mind, that this "fan-service" could easily be interpreted as relation between virtual and real-life commitment.....
almost 15 years ago
I think the comic provides a valid point and I know I've done it in the past. I remeber playing Pokemon Crystal years ago and raising a Magikarp to its final form Gyarados and as soon as I caught the Red Gyarados at the lake further on I never bothered with the other one.
almost 15 years ago
oh look a troll trolling in an anonymous open comment box, why I have this feeling of dejavu......

anyone have the phone number for the WWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHMMMMMMBULANCE?
Brokeback Mountaineer
almost 15 years ago
I wish I knew how to quit Jo.
i have no name
almost 15 years ago
I know everyone is going to quote me and try to ridicule me nonchalantly, but honestly, I do not find fanservice to be the delicious candy it used to be, and I rather miss funny comics. Too much of it sort of kills the point.
almost 15 years ago
@Thanks Jo and It's funny (A.K.A. same person)
Troll harder.

That said, I was wondering when humanized Pokemon would show up on NN.
almost 15 years ago
I see Nerfnow and the Moemon trend have collided head on.
almost 15 years ago
@It's funny
Is there a point in porn? If "fap" is a a point, this comic wouldnt be pointless. Not gonna argue against your "theory" since its pure troll, but since u missed that im just gonna laugh since you weren't smart enough to see that.
A Bag of Opinions
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_32441]@Sinez[/url]: Agreed.
almost 15 years ago
i've seen lots of shinies, but in the way my luck is they've always been Onyx, so i didn't care, i just killed em

oh yeah, and it was in Gold/Crystal version, so...
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_32440]@IceStorm[/url]: i no rite, i feel the same about ppl who rage at photo notes, you dont HAVE to read them.
almost 15 years ago
I see the anti-fanservice haters are back in full force. If ya Don't like it, don't read it.

on a side note: My only shiny ever was an Oddish, and it was in silver so I could not port it to the new games. woe is me.
almost 15 years ago
i have seen several shineys, once a shiney and an alternate in one day, but the last set were in pkmn crater, a shiney and a dark.

also, the spy is going to go after the old pikachu, i swear.
almost 15 years ago
Haters gonna hate.
almost 15 years ago
I've seen two shinies in my entire life. The first was a caterpie, and that was before I even got pokeballs. I rage quited immediately, of course. After playing the game over a few times, I caught a shiny pidgey near the beginning. that was the only time I leveled a pokemon higher than my starter.
almost 15 years ago
@ Oracle:
If you like, I could trade you a different shiny for it? MSN / email is KCzz15@yahoo.co.uk just give me a call and I'll make you an offer :)
almost 15 years ago
Actually, Pikachu is Versatility, Raichu is Power. Ideally, you get your Pikachu to the power set you want on it, then evolve it to Raichu for the extra stat gains.

Since Raichu never learns any new attacks by leveling up, and has a rather pathetic TM / MH learnset, there isn't much incentive.
almost 15 years ago
I have 384 Pokemon, of which ONE is Shiny. It is an "Unown". The most USELESS shiny Pokemon EVER. It will never learn any attacks other than the one, lonely single Hidden power.

I hate my fortune.
almost 15 years ago
It's too bad there's not a lot of difference between normal and shiny pikachus in the games.

But I like normal Pika better here.
almost 15 years ago
I dunno, I find the concept funny.

Maybe you just gotta hate?
almost 15 years ago
well since I can't stop myself from falling for this trollbait, I might as well point out that love interests in pokemon get similar crap treatment so if anything the comedic value with this strip is doubled, not nullified by the fanservice
Not really
almost 15 years ago
@It's funny

Personally I just find it cute done like this. Whats the big problem?
Heavy Weapons Guy
almost 15 years ago
It's funny
almost 15 years ago
The people whining about Thanks Jo only like the comic because they're fapping to it. Get over yourselves, the comic is pretty much shit and pointless porn
It's stupid.

"You keep coming back to it"
That's because it's impossible to look away from a trainwreck, have you tried? You can't.
Heavy Weapon's Guy
almost 15 years ago
@Thanks Jo

Cry some more!
Random Douche
almost 15 years ago
@Thanks Jo
"I shall judge you on the internets. My opinion is fact."
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
@Thanks Jo

Life imitates art.
Screw the rules i have money
almost 15 years ago
Oh, totally forgot. He also draw porn, so it's always good to practice.
Screw the rules i have money
almost 15 years ago
@Thanks Jo
More people prefer this way and this dont screw the joke at all, so NO reason to quit the fanservice at all. The funny part is: You are going to come back.
almost 15 years ago
Its nice to have a comic centered around some light-hearted, fanservice enduced hilarity, this comic is always a nice reminder to never take things too seriously, that and boobs are amazing, in any shape or form.
almost 15 years ago
I have done this before. I always feel bad later tho ;-; Not even a shiny can make the guilt go awa-...Oh, hey, look! A shiny Umbreon! *Chases*
Internet Guy
almost 15 years ago
Odd, diden't know Jessica Negri was makeing comic apperance's now...
Mr. B
almost 15 years ago
I caught a shiny Magikarp.

I named him IIDX because he's gold.
Thanks Jo
almost 15 years ago
Back to shitty fanservice I see

Is there any need or it? No, does it make the joke better? No, could it of been conveyed using normal little electric mice? Yes.

This is easily the worst you've done
*Monocle Man*
almost 15 years ago
Dude, this has only happened once to me. However i didn't change my team to include the shiny Pokémon
This is just shit
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_32384]@Zodbones[/url]: Or 2vs1 ;)
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_32381]@Ohai[/url]: Delicious redhead is superior.
almost 15 years ago
@john R P

German bag?

Watch as he doesn't bother to evolve it at all, since Game Freak love Pikachu more than Raichu.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_32378]@heh[/url] You CAN dual-wield pokemans, in double-battles that is
almost 15 years ago
The dude should've just used both in 2v2 battles ;)
almost 15 years ago
Am I the only one who preferred the non shiny in this comic? ._.
almost 15 years ago
this mine shit is stupid
almost 15 years ago
too bad u cant dual-wield pokemans :D
almost 15 years ago
Need more Shiny Bidoof as the only shiny you'll ever get.
almost 15 years ago
meh, shiny pikachu is just a bit orange anyway
almost 15 years ago
i didn't care much for shiny or not. too much damn work to get a shiny.
almost 15 years ago
No you didn't!
almost 15 years ago
haha, got those first ;D
almost 15 years ago
Yay, first one.
Also, I don't get it.