What people are saying about "Companions in Distress"
Companions in Distress
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10 months ago
Drow slander? UGH! You are so cancelled!
10 months ago
"Oh, and I killed Viconia, because fuck drows."

Ah, a man after my own heart, I see.
10 months ago
As others have said, Viconia ends up getting a redemption arc in BGII (depending on how you romance her), but Jaheira is and always have been my yardstick for measuring video game romance sidequests. Also, Minsc is the GOAT.
10 months ago
Viconia has great development in BG2 IF you romance her. She's still a dick to everyone else, though.
So many great quotes in BG, it's hard to pick a character based only on the quotes. I mostly just picked the ones i was attached to most: Minsc, Jaheira, Khalid, Imoen, and in EE, Neera.
10 months ago
Minsc will help lead with blade and boot! (Boo will take care of the details)
10 months ago
A friend in need is a friend indeed :)
10 months ago
But... but... Minsc!? How can you say no to the guy with a miniature giant space hamster who is voiced by Jim Cummings?
10 months ago
She's a cultist of Shar now, though. Basically amounts to the same thing.
10 months ago
Just give Viconia a chance in the second game. You don't have to have the same companions the entire way through there, and Viconia has VERY interesting character development.

You see, I agree. F Drow, mostly. But Viconia no longer worships Llolth.So she may be the race, but she's not a cultist
Magnus Knoblauch
10 months ago
Big mistake on VIconia, she is one of the most interesting companions and has even a redemption arc in BG II. Also, Minsk definitely should have a place in any party.