Your comment about ninjas and miniguns made me wonder if Warframe had any miniguns. Turns out they do, which really tempts me to return to the game. Parkouring around the map while unloading with a chaingun sounds like oodles of fun.
Ninja's, the reason I bought TMNT: Shredders Revenge, and Cyber Shadow, and Ninja Gaiden, and DOA's 1 - 3, Mask of the Ninja... Just search the Ninja tag on Steam and look for the good ones, then every tenth that looks interesting.
Most of the Earth Defense Force games also let you dual-wield gatling guns. Easily some of the games of all time.
over 1 year ago
A a minigun-wielding kunoichi character would work if the minigun shot kunie and/or shirkens.
over 1 year ago
Trivia time! That thing's only called a "chaingun" because the rotary multi-barrel thing in DOOM was called a "chaingun." The _real_ chain gun is more like a bolt-action rifle, with a link going round and round a loop of chain to cycle it and fire it. Belt-fed, yes, but very different.
It was made by fromsoftware so it will be way too hard to be fun for me. unless a mod comes in that reduces dmg taken by 50% or something ill not touch it just like i did with elden ring.