What people are saying about "Mac vs Pc"
Mac vs Pc
Comments have been closed for this comic.
about 13 years ago
fucking hipsters
over 14 years ago
level 3 sentry. WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW MAC?
Linux Engie-Tan
over 14 years ago
infinitely customizable*
Linux Engie-Tan
over 14 years ago
*Fiddles with system*
*Looks up at bickering Engie-Tans*
*Goes back to working with free, high-range, infinitely upgradeable, sapper-immune sentry*
*Snickers at the fools*
over 14 years ago
You really should have made the Mac turret a Portal turret.
over 14 years ago
Fight the Mac evil!
Also RydWolf
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_34884]@RydWolf[/url]: As a second option, not to replace the current turret.
over 14 years ago
You know, that actually sounds like an interesting idea.
A turret with extended range, that's immune to sappers, but is stuck at level 1.
over 14 years ago
Mac Engie-Tan.....DO WANT
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33156]@Mac[/url] Spy: Heh Heh, iSap
over 14 years ago
I saw something like this on haloz except the mac was a turret from portal
Totally Win
over 14 years ago
The greatest comic so far... not that the others are bad, but this one is teh Win
over 14 years ago
@English fail: irony
An Evil Penguin
almost 15 years ago
@Xero Storm Hear hear!
almost 15 years ago
Should've given the macfags their own servers. Everybody's lagging because of their shitty equipment.
almost 15 years ago
Oh, and while I'm here I would like to thank this comic for making me attracted to Zerg....I never had that problem before this comic. Zelda yes, Samas yes, Zerg hydralisk...yes?
almost 15 years ago
Let us not forget the fact that that alien looking little Mac turret will most likely trap EngieChan in a secret underground testing facility, force her to wear a form fitting red jumpsuit and play mind games with her until Pyro bursts in to save the day....again.
almost 15 years ago
@Lone Pyro

All hail the Emprah...
almost 15 years ago
For the freaking sake, people! This comic got now over four times average amount of comments.
1. Make comic.
2. Input Mac vs. PC - the people's topic.
3. ???
4. Profit.
English fail
almost 15 years ago
@My God: *worse
My God
almost 15 years ago
You people are worst than the idiots in the console wars.
Steve Jobs
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33028]@I[/url] HATE MACs Cool Story, Bro
almost 15 years ago
The only reason why people don't bother hacking or dropping viruses on Macs is because they don't have jack crap on them.
almost 15 years ago
So once more people start using macs, all you will have is a bunch of programs you paid for that you didn't need, even worse that pre-made PCs and windows, that you can't upgrade, and mac can only fix, and has viruses. Hope you enjoy your investment.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33135]@Armory[/url]: I sold Mac products for 5 years in retail stores and I have spoken to professors and anyone who knows about macs and computer viruses knows that only reason they don't have viruses for macs is because so much fewer people use mac computers. If more people did, more would build mac viruses.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33135]@Armory[/url]: I looked into buying a Mac that could support rendering for Maya 2010/3D Max suite. I found that the difference between them was that Macs were $500 more and came with a bunch of even more extra stuff I didn't need. I got to college for my animation degree and all they use there are Macs.
almost 15 years ago
Just a small detail: Macs are not "immune to sappers"
In fact, a hacker clearly stated that Macs have almost no security at all because they didn't need it so far, and that there are viruses for them..and pretty soon they'll be in deep trouble.

almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33028]@I[/url] HATE MACs: How do you know any of this? Whatever resources you used could have been fake, spam, rumors, or you got phished for crappy info that some drunken person made up. Have you ever used a Mac, and if so, what kind?
almost 15 years ago
P.S. Oh at a +$500 cost worth of stuff to do the same thing, that you can't get fixed or upgraded easily.
almost 15 years ago
cont. So as soon as more than 30% of the market switches to Mac the "no viruses" benefit goes away.

Mac has become very clear they are good at selling crap with enough hype and advertisement.
almost 15 years ago
Macs are not any better than PCs, in-fact they are worse. The only thing good about them is that they don't get viruses and are slightly, very slightly, better at digital art. The ONLY reason they don't get viruses is because NO ONE USES THEM! So people don't bother making viruses for them.
Lone Pyro
almost 15 years ago
*looks down the thread*


Guys, seriously...
You're arguing over hardware. Neither Macs nor PCs stand up to the purging, pure flames of the Emperor's Will- i mean Flamethrower.

Hudda, know what I'm saying?
almost 15 years ago
and as you can see: mac sucks get a pc
The Foppish Toaster
almost 15 years ago
Hey, I just noticed, in the third panel you see both her hands, but in the fourth, she wears a glove on her right hand :3
almost 15 years ago
i hope it would be good.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33116]@Hurr[/url]: What kind of Mac was he using, was he looking at something with possible malware or hidden viruses, and did he update the software (which all macs do, they TELL you when you need to upgrade). Those are the questions. @Some Dude with a PC: How do you know if the comps are pre-made? :3
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33114]@Anonymous[/url]: Not really. You can put all that on a PC, thus it doesn't really mater. Also,[url=#user_comment_33112] @Donutsz[/url]: That makes no sense at all.
almost 15 years ago
Nothing gets viruses if your not a moron and protect yourself.

Also I've only even been in one argument about macs, and it was about crashing.

In two years my lil' HP lappy has only had firefox crashes. While my friends mac has crashed multiple times.
almost 15 years ago
She says the extra expense is 'quality'
She says it's 'immune' to sappers (viruses)
She has a self righteous smile that makes me want to punch her

This IS a Mac owner, sure enough
almost 15 years ago
Mac = Overpowered
almost 15 years ago
It probably costs 225 metal to build.
almost 15 years ago
The real question is...

How fast does it build?

Because if it doesnt build faster, Im sticking to the regular.
Sapper immunity and extra range dont really help at offencive engineering...
Some Dude with a PC
almost 15 years ago
PCs can be made cheap, and what could of been a PC for cheap, could be loaded with whatever that new Mac OS is called. Nothing against the operating system, but those pre-made Mac computers have absolutely horrific value. The laptops are expensive too, but then again, they're laptops.
almost 15 years ago
@Black Dragon: Lol good point
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33049]@ArmsAreLoud[/url]: What if they watched walkthroughs? :3
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33060]@DM1293[/url]: But some anti-virus software could BE a virus. And you can just go on eBay and buy a mac some guy doesn't want anymore because the mouse pad got sticky and he doesn't have enough sense to clean it or use a plug-in mouse. Macs are meant for office work, not games. Trolololololololololol.
almost 15 years ago
@The War will begin: Exactly. Yet I still don't understand why anyone would say which computer is better. It's not like they are actual people...
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33091]@Lluvia[/url]: Have you ever even used a Mac? And how do you know which computer is safer?
You Both Suck
almost 15 years ago
I don't know what the big deal is. Everyone knows that Linux is better than both Mac AND PC.
almost 15 years ago
Personally, I don't care about the whole Mac vs PC arguement. To each their own, I say. I'll just be sitting next to my lvl 3 sentry gun, sipping a cola from my dispenser, and listenin to some tunes on my shiny earbuds, which do jack shit. but I don't care cuz they're shiny, and it's a video game.
Ample Ryan
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33091]@Lluvia[/url]: Whats that? a mac user complaining about PC users? Hypocricy thy name is Mac
almost 15 years ago
All mac users are elitist assholes!
Also a PC is better, cheaper, safer AND upgradable.

Hypocricy thy name is PC.
almost 15 years ago
You should totally have drawn a portal turret for the Apple one

"Is anybody there?"
almost 15 years ago
Note that this comic got something like three times more comments above average. Mac vs. PC - the people's topic.
almost 15 years ago
what is "battlefied"
Frank who?
almost 15 years ago
Who the heck is Frank? And why should i care?
almost 15 years ago

u know, mac players get mac turrets and pc players get pc turrets, and the most kills wins!
almost 15 years ago
Going by the standard Apple markup scheme (+100% then round up to the nearest 'nice' number), the Mac Sentry would cost 375 metal. If anything, targeting range would be decreased due to undervolted components and below-par optical input. Gun sacrifices power for quiet operation.
almost 15 years ago
@Poor and Irish:
Hehe, TF2 for consoles.

The War will begin
almost 15 years ago
Gentlemen, PLEASE!!!

Let's settle this flame war of Mac vs. PC where Valve intended: ON THE BATTLEFIED!!!

Even now, General Justin Long and High Warlord John Hodgman are amassing their forces!! Lines will be drawn and destinies will be revealed!!!
almost 15 years ago
So which computers will mark the arrival of a Sentient AI bent on world domination?
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
This comic is insanely anti-mac. I approve.

Also, Mac Engie needs a "I am better than you" badge.
almost 15 years ago
This reminds me the engineer update hasn't been released yet.
almost 15 years ago
Could' have been cuter if the Mac Sentry was a turret from Portal like the mock commercials.
Crass Spektakel
almost 15 years ago
This is the iPig. It can easily be attached to your iMac.

But why would you want a pig connected to your computer?

I don't make jokes about apple products. Only about their customers.
almost 15 years ago
@Xero Storm: the way /I/ see it is that Red Engie and Blue Engie are secretly BFFs and she wore a blue sweater so that she could show Blue engie her new toy without having to worry about other Blue team members KOSing her
almost 15 years ago
I mean "I miss youuuu, so please come back <3"
almost 15 years ago
Yeeeessss..... CAAAKKKEE....
Erm I mean data! Yes! DATA! AH ha ha ha ^_^"
((Hope I didn't blow my cover there... Nah. Mmm Cakee))
almost 15 years ago
The device has been modified. Data has been filed.
Opposing link *bzzT* not: COMPAT.... *Bzzt*
Aww fuck it, I cant play POrtal on a Mac. OR TF2 FOR THAT REASON!!! Where is Chell. :< I miss her, fun times when she thought I died but I did not, ha ha. O, I'm forgettin'! Must collect valueable data.
almost 15 years ago
should have used the portal turret
Internet Guy
almost 15 years ago
You crazy kids and your flame wars.
almost 15 years ago
@Poor and Irish: oooooh lookie here, an "INFERIOR" gaming platform has come into the flame war
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33060]@DM1293[/url]: You don't even need to BUY anti-virus software, there's a bunch of free ones that are good.
I do wonder...
almost 15 years ago
Does the Mac Engie's turrets come out of the large black center, or does it act like a Portal Turret and the guns come out the side?
Poor and Irish
almost 15 years ago
I have TF2 on my Xbox 360. I don't even HAVE hats. And you Macs and PC's are arguing over which computer is better for playing the full, hat-filled version of TF2 that you can play regardless of what system you have?

For shame.....
almost 15 years ago
The bottom line is, don't tell me to buy your $2,500 Mac when I can be perfectly happy with a $500 PC and upgrade that and power it up with tons of software and gaming. For HALF the price.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_32939]@Mac[/url] users I direct you to panel 2. Then back to panel 1. It costs more and you can't upgrade it. I can upgrade a weak PC for cheaper and just buy a decent anti-virus software. I'd get both the power I want and the sexy video card I need. How much? About 200 bucks cheaper than Macs. Wee!
Black Dragon
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33040]@Yoyo[/url]: That's what I figured. I was probably going to get it regardless anyway. :)
almost 15 years ago
I assume the mousewheel grey dot is a laser. Does a sucky laser turret beat out a powerful bullets/rockets sentry in terms of awesome? hmmmm...
almost 15 years ago
you'll notice that the tf2 sentry can't fall over, rotates 360 upgrades three times, has a higher fire and kill rate. What does it take to beat a portal sentry? A box. What does it take to beat a tf2 sentry? Extreme caution
almost 15 years ago
Who the hell is frank?!?!?
almost 15 years ago
I don't really see the point of the Earbuds. Despite being an avid PC user and a defamer of Apple products everywhere, I won't be gunning for Mac users specifically either; besides, they'll die faster 'cause they are all gonna be newbs at this point.
almost 15 years ago
I dont even like the idea. Mac is waaaaay to overstylized. Me, I can fix my own computer if it breaks down. I could even fix my damn Nokia phone if nothing is fried.
But an IPhone or Mac? I once opened up an IPhone (yes, its possible) and even on the INSIDE were barriers to stop you!!!
almost 15 years ago
@ Platypus : That, sir, is an awesome name for the two items. Gotta love the hate :D
A Bag of Opinions
almost 15 years ago
(Thinks about other controversial topic so everyone can stop figthing and tearing this NerfNow family apart.)

...how 'bout that Obama?
 Platypus
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33043]@SAC[/url] oops sorry, wasn't supposed to troll as[url=#user_comment_33043] @SAC[/url]. But for the real troll Cheaters Lament + Ear Buds = Angelic Asshatery Which I will happily be wearing :p . WinTrolls can rage hate my Angelic Asshatery, because they jealous cheaters.
almost 15 years ago
Good point, unless the Mac players started on PC back in 2007 they won't have gold merc status or the cheaters lament (which oddly got the same hate new Mac players are getting, hum... is there a correlation?).

I'm not saying WinTrolls are cheaters, but I'm not not saying either.
almost 15 years ago
PC: Every item since free cosmetics were available.
Mac: Earbuds.

Not sure what "improved targeting range" is referring to. Welcome Mac users regardless.

Also, Linux: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/en/images/9/9f/Ground_turret_rebel_2.jpg
Oh dear...
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_32969]@Chromos[/url]: Boy you best be trolling...
almost 15 years ago
sorry "Don't listen to the horror stories, its just people bitching" don't know why it mashed it together
almost 15 years ago
hey black Dragon, don'eople bitching, like people do about EVERYTHING. Valve & Steam are honestly one of, if not THE, best video game company ever. They offer great games, at decent prices (not to mention their deals, which they always have)
almost 15 years ago
... no portal sentry?
Black Dragon
almost 15 years ago
Also, what's with the PC peoples fixation on shiny things?
Black Dragon
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33015]@Vulpis[/url]: Agreed. The bottom line is I'm just really happy I get to finally play this game, though I'm still unsure about Steam because of the horror stories I've read about it. In reply to the comic: I'd go with Mac Engie-Tan ;)
almost 15 years ago
You all forget the most important thing of all. I use a Mac, therefore I'm better than you. The earbuds are just a sign of the superior human beings who can afford such things.
almost 15 years ago
shoulda had a Portal-style turret as the Mac Team sentry.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33017]@Kendon[/url]: Oh. So you group together and say you're worse than everybody else? Now remember, you said it.
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
@Xero Storm: Ehhhhh, people can change teams at will. Like that traitorous witch, HEAVY-TAN.
Typer Shark
almost 15 years ago
actually the first sapper was invented for Apple software before moving to Microsoft. The only reason sappers are so prolific on the PC is because that's where all the people are.
almost 15 years ago
PC for ever!
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33017]@Kendon[/url] most of you (Apple customers) are pompous dicks who think they're better than others because their stuff is more shiny than others. Not all of you, but almost all of you.
almost 15 years ago
I use a Mac. A lot of people bundle all Mac users together and say that we are all pompous dick who think they are better than everyone else. We're not.
almost 15 years ago
Wow, what a bunch of whining--the ear-bud thing is a bunch of have-not complaining same as the Halo, and the Mac gamers I know are thrilled to not to have to run a crashy OS in Boot Camp just to play a great game. Me, I'm cheering at finally having a practice mode.
almost 15 years ago
its not rage against macs itself really, its most against user's like the other engie here who are smug assholes
almost 15 years ago
I never understood the rage against macs. it's just a different computing system with different pros and cons. I understand that people have preferences but thats no reason to start hating on the other option
almost 15 years ago
wait we should be saving our rage for the massive disapproval morgan be getting and not on earbuds, shoot they don't stop a shotgun sentry.
almost 15 years ago
As for the viruses, Mac doesn't get attacked only because it's not worth the time. Well, recently someone broke through Apple's "defence" easly and revealed 113k iPad users' personal info.
almost 15 years ago
Apple products are just overpriced shiny and fancy toys you can show off to your friends while acting like a douchebag.They have little practical use compared to other companies products, maybe except the iPod and iTunes. Mac is good for video editing and professional graphic works, but nothing else
Oh dear...
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33008]@Armory[/url]: My point exactly. [url=#user_comment_32939] @Mac[/url] Spy: Hadabbadahwhodahwha? What were you saying there?
almost 15 years ago
That didn't even make sense to me. I wonder how this flame war will end...
Mac Spy
almost 15 years ago
It no longer has sapper immunity thanks to the Mac Sapper. Unlike the PC sapper, you can't break these. Have fun building a new sentry every time Mac Engi.
almost 15 years ago
@Oh dear...

Macs are only good for office work and super HD gaming.
PC are made for the gamer, by the gamer.
almost 15 years ago
Thus, don't even bother with it. PCs and Macs serve their purposes well. Who needs a PC to PLAY A SINGLE GODDAMN GAME? It's not more important than life, now is it?
Oh dear...
almost 15 years ago
my best friend, who outright stated that is Mac had crashed.

However, my only real problem with the Mac itself is the ad campaign. Seriously, it's like Jobs inherently hates PCs, as ALL of the Mac commercials are all "Mac is better and here's why."
almost 15 years ago
@all who degrade Macs:

Why do you even have to bother with which one is better? Macs were not made for gaming, PCs were. Yet there are still games for Macs so that way the gaming world would be equalized and all those with Macs don't have to get their ass up, go to a computer store, and buy a PC.
Oh dear...
almost 15 years ago
a "waste of time", or something to that effect (I have no evidence to back this up, so it might be false). However, Macs are pretty good when it comes to the arts (IE: making pictures and whatnot).

As for the whole "does not get viruses/doesn't crash", tell that to...
Oh dear...
almost 15 years ago
It appears that this one comment has made quite a mess.

Speaking from my own experience, both the PC and the Mac have their own advantages. Macs, however, are not precisely built for gaming. I am not certain if this is true, but my best friend said that Steve Jobs said that games are...
almost 15 years ago
iWonder... would a female using a PC submit to SM more than a female using MAC? Shall we conduct studies?
almost 15 years ago
Hmmm,sap proof level 1 SG with improved targeting range? No thanks. Even Scouts can run over a level 1. :p
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_32997]@Altherix[/url]: You know, you dont need to censor yourself.
almost 15 years ago
Oh God, not this *(&! again!

I work on computers for a living, you know what the biggest flaw is amongst all O.S.es?

An idiot user behind the display. Driving, Computers, Babies, should all require a license.
almost 15 years ago
I was expecting Portal turret, but there you go.
almost 15 years ago
Or ReactOS and MenuetOS. Those are good too...
almost 15 years ago
What about BSD?
almost 15 years ago
wait did capt's engie just cop a feel in panel three?
almost 15 years ago
I go with pc-tan but mac-tan looks oddily cute
almost 15 years ago
I go with PC engie-tan!
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_32923]@SRG[/url]: Very nice Argument There Boss
almost 15 years ago
Xero Storm
almost 15 years ago
You're all missing the bigger issue: Why are the engies suddenly on the same team? That shouldn't be POSSIBLE; it screws up their whole secret Romeo/Juliet relationship. This is a SERIOUS narrative oversight, which puts the entire Nerf Now paradigm in jeopardy!

Priorities, people.
herp derp
almost 15 years ago
mac vs PC on a Linux server near you!
almost 15 years ago
don't have to sap it if you can just tip it over
iDerp 4.0
almost 15 years ago
@This is getting out of hand
"sacrifices power for performance"
Wha? Aren't they basically synonyms in a computing context?
"middle-ground of OS's"
What are you trying to say? Balance between power and user-friendliness? If so it's not really true. OS X isn't any friendlier than Windows, (cont.)
iDerp 4.0
almost 15 years ago
(cont. from above) despite what Apple's marketing dept. and fanbois claim, while windows isn't inherently any more or less powerful in hardware utilization than other OS's, that comes down to drivers.
Also, you seem to just be making assumptions about Linux.
almost 15 years ago
@Herp Derp: That is how i saw it.
Sylvester Ink
almost 15 years ago
@This is getting out of hand:
Linux is NOT hard to use. In fact Ubuntu Linux is easier to install and get running than both Windows 7 and OSX. It does lack games, since few games are ported over, but those that do run natively run very well. I'm eagerly waiting for the Linux release of Steam.
Herp Derp
almost 15 years ago
Macs: For when you want a fashion accessory, not a computer.
SF Legend
almost 15 years ago
>implying PC is an operating system

no john you are the morons
This is getting out of hand
almost 15 years ago
@all the morons

Mac: sacrifices power for performance, NOT FIT FOR PROPER GAMING END OF LINE!
PC: the middle-ground of OS's awesome for gaming but it's updating can bug the system
Linux: never used it, but it must be good cause it's FUCKING HARD TO USE!
almost 15 years ago
I'll kill PC and MAC players with equality and skill either way. :)
almost 15 years ago
@ Chromos: Doesn't take an elitist to know how shit mac and Apple are. It just takes someone who knows how to work a damn computer, something most mac users don't have a clue on how to do. The best defense you all have is "it doesn't get virus'", and it shows just how tech illiterate you all are
almost 15 years ago
@Jeve Stobs:
Actually, my laptop, which cost less than a Mac but has similar specs, is highly upgradable. The *only* thing I can't upgrade is the mobo. Eat it, bitch.
almost 15 years ago
Linux-tan runs the server. She must work with the Administrator.
almost 15 years ago
Damn straight I'm smug. All, or most of the Mac Elitists are former PC Elitists from back when PCs were the thing to have, and we Mac Loyalists have been taking shit from them and you for years. You PC Elitists have no right to complain about Mac Elitists, though that's all you will do anyway.
almost 15 years ago
How can you like a product that doesn't respect their customers... or anyone for that matter.
almost 15 years ago
Hey Chromos, take a look at Apple's advertising campaign.
almost 15 years ago
loled at Chromos, well arent you smug
almost 15 years ago
I laugh at all you PC-elitist bitches who have nothing better to do than spend your days insulting Macs and Mac-users. Are you really that insecure about your operating system that you need to spend so much time putting down Macs in order to feel good about yourselves?
almost 15 years ago
I think valve did a good thing as ear-buds will make them stand out as they all will wear them to prove they have a mac so just grab you bluntest rustiest weapon and kill them ;)Kidding aside it just a OS. To each his own I like my windows for my PC, Linux to run my servers and macs for my relatives
almost 15 years ago
Only one comment: If you're a Mac owner, and your counter to being unable to play games is "I can install Parallels and run another system's OS", what does that tell you about your OWN OS when it comes to playing games?
almost 15 years ago
Without increased damage or turning speed, all that turret is is a lvl 1 Sentry that costs more and can't be upgraded. Pretty much anyone that could flank the thing would destroy it, and everyone that can't would just be inconvenienced by piddling damage unless they tried to charge at the thing
Spizzeye Hizzere
almost 15 years ago
Yay! Hotter Engie-tan is back!
almost 15 years ago
Actually, besides the appearance, an unlock with properties like that might make sense
almost 15 years ago
I'll never switch from my good ol Sentry--er...I mean PC! *Cocks scoped shotgun* BRING IT ON SPIES!

Also I swear, the Mac users are running around aimlessly on my favorite server. Its almost like they've never played an FPS before on their computer--oh wait.
almost 15 years ago
iSpycheck apparently doesn't understand emoticons.

I'd put a photo note but I used up my allotment.
almost 15 years ago
OSX is full of holes. It gets destroyed in pwn2own competitions.

Protip: Harden your firewall by closing uneeded ports and generally don't be an idiot. Last time I had an infection on my PC? Looooooooooong time ago.
Shaolin Dave
almost 15 years ago
Admit it, you'll all be switching soon.
Not True
almost 15 years ago
Macfag: Now I have to buy a new computer because mine doesn't support X
Valve guy: why not just replace the video card like I did with my model x Apple product
Macfag: Hurrdurr
Ok then
almost 15 years ago
Ok then people... Literally I have read like 3 comments here of people who have a mac and one of them said they wanted a PC, this isn't a flame war cause the other side isn't here. So can we move on please. Everyone is commentin like there are an equal amount of people here defending macs
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_32931]@TheBaron87[/url]'s photonote: Sooooo true. Some Mac users still think that Macs are immune to viruses. Btw, I played the new training mission, and the bots on my team scored higher on the MVP than me ._.
Black Dragon
almost 15 years ago

Here's an interesting article that compares the two. Anyway, I apologize for coming off as a fanboy, but I just get tired of PC fanboys acting like their preference is the end-all/be-all with everything, including gaming.
almost 15 years ago
I don't hate Mac users, just the ones who try to delude themselves into thinking they can outperform a properly upgraded PC.
almost 15 years ago
I use a Mac Pro tower with Boot Camp. It's different from other macs, I swear! I can still upgrade it... as long as the hardware is supported on OSX.

*sigh* I really just want to build my own PC so that I can play games in DX11. The only reason I got the mac is for Final Cut. Stop persecuting me!
almost 15 years ago
Those with apple products are part of what i like to call the iCult. They do have some cool stuff but mostly its just more expensive cus its more flashy
almost 15 years ago
Wow, Mac. Chill out. Everyone knows Macs are inferior to PCs. I swear to god, if Apple's products weren't shiny and sleek people wouldn't give a shit.
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
Replace[url=#user_comment_32931] @TheBaron87[/url] with Black and vice versa. Comment failure.
almost 15 years ago
yaay old engie-tan is back!
almost 15 years ago
and all support for the previous version are dropped indefinitely.
almost 15 years ago
your laughable "lifestyle". For the rest of us that aren't shitting Franklin's out the ass, however, there's always the PC.
Enjoy your shiny but otherwise hilariously overpriced "computer", fanboy. At least, for the few months that you have it before a "new and improved" version is released and
almost 15 years ago
You should know better Josue.
Spy Behind You
almost 15 years ago
I want a PC vs. Mac competition or something when there's an equal amount of players :P
almost 15 years ago
For an iMac's hardware. Also, you're full of shit. We all know that while Apple users don't have to "upgrade" their computers (Oh, I don't know, probably because they CAN'T?), your kind are always more than willing to shell out another several thousand for another sexy new apple iShit to keep with
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_32931]@TheBaron87[/url]: Any computer regardless of OS or company can be hacked, and you've only proven yourself more ignorant than Black by implying that Apple products do not. However, since most of the people with information worth stealing have PC's, there's really no point in wasting time making a virus
almost 15 years ago
@Black Dragon: Hurf durf all PCs gets viruses and I can buy one Mac and never have to upgrade it for the rest of time. Do you even realize how ignorant you sound?

Judging PCs by their pre-builts is like judging American cuisine by McDonald's.

Search Youtube for "Mac Switch Hunter Cressall"
Andrew Littler
almost 15 years ago
and here we have reason why you should not let readers comment on your shit
Black Dragon
almost 15 years ago
Personally I'd rather have a relatively expensive Mac that fits my needs (Graphic Arts) than a "cheap" PC that's filled with viruses and needs upgrades every couple of years that will end up equaling the Macs price anyway. :D
almost 15 years ago
@ Platypus
No I didn't actually, I only tinkered with other ppls macs to surf the net if I'm bored. But it continually advertises itself as a simpler option to a PC.
almost 15 years ago
Panel 1: No, these days there's no real quality difference, just price difference.
Panel 2: "Immunity" = Spies just don't think it's worth sapping.
Hitman Spike
almost 15 years ago
I'd also like to mention that the most commonly spoken phrase I've heard while working with Macs in my school is "iStoppedWorking."
Hitman Spike
almost 15 years ago
Jo may have started a flame war, but he's got some good points...

Also, Rath's comment about the Linux spy is the only one that made me laugh out loud.
almost 15 years ago
oh god, OS wars are like the high class version of console wars. can't we just get along so we can look down at the poor irish 360, ps3, wii users?
 Platypus
almost 15 years ago
I'd like to play around with Mac-Tan's "CoreServices" if you know what I mean. And you know she'll be touchable everywhere fairly soon. [url=#user_comment_32918] @Discet[/url], have you had a chance into dig into Terminal or tinker with the Property List Editor. It's only as simple as the user, not that I'm saying you are.
almost 15 years ago
That mac engineer has no gloves!!!!
almost 15 years ago
While I personally can't stand the simplicity of mac's. I think the flamewar here is pretty one sided. Since this IS a video game webcomic... no even more a primarily computer based webcomic. any one who reads this has been entrenched in pc gaming since... ever.

Dont be hatin
almost 15 years ago
Macs are nice. Macs have less strength then a PC but they use it more efficiently. The thing is they cost a crap load more then a PC and are only worth it if you can get it for a "Steal" of a price ;) If ya know what im sayin.
almost 15 years ago
And then Nerfnow was drawn in a Mac, the world ends.
almost 15 years ago
Fuck all the hipster faggots that support Apple, too.
almost 15 years ago
Fuck Apple.
almost 15 years ago
The Mac vs PC thing has always hit me as a misnomer. The acronym PC stands for "Personal Computer." So, a person that owns a Mac computer owns and uses it personally, making it their "Personal Computer." But I suppose "UNIX Based PC" vs "Windows Based PC" doesn't quite roll off the tongue.
almost 15 years ago
Switching classes changes your outfit entirely, and makes you :3
Cool. Also, upside-down, then right-side up zippers.

Oh yes, most Mac users are elitists and annoying. I hate Apple.
almost 15 years ago
They're both blue engineers. =/
almost 15 years ago
BLU Engineer just got a lot hotter. A LOT.
almost 15 years ago
Isn't this also an Android-iOS debate?

In this case, I'll stick with Android.
almost 15 years ago
Jo, you've started a flamewar.
Shame on you.
Absolute Truth
almost 15 years ago
PC > Mac
That is all.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_32901]@aurum[/url] the same place Linux is in real life. Nowhere.
almost 15 years ago
This comic came two hours ago and yet, look at all the photo notes and comments!

We have no life! ;(
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_32886]@Lou[/url] If we have Mac-tan and PC-tan, then where's Linux-tan?
almost 15 years ago
I dont care about the fancy menus or the retarded training bots, i dont care about the earbuds or the ubernubs from the mac side, all i care about is the engie was seen with Morgun in the trailer, and it mean all will be right soon.
almost 15 years ago
@Jeve Stobs: If you buy the right laptop, you can update pretty much everything except the mobo and video card.
A Bag of Opinions
almost 15 years ago
Hrmmm...I wonder what would happen if I wore the earbuds w/ the halo...hrmmm, indeed.
almost 15 years ago
Now instead of two engy-tans... we have a Mac-tan and a PC-tan...
almost 15 years ago
Needs more Starcraft 2 Sentry.
Archaic order
almost 15 years ago
How to correct your mac's problems
Step 1: Drop it in the ocean
Step 2: Go buy a real computer
Dude on his cellphone during a concert
almost 15 years ago
Good to see OG Engie-tan again!
To remove Snow Leopard's god-awful mouse acceleration
almost 15 years ago
1. Start Terminal App
2. Enter: defaults find scaling
3. Then, enter:
For mouse:
 defaults write .GlobalPreferences com.apple.mouse.scaling -1
For trackpad: 
defaults write .GlobalPreferences com.apple.trackpad.scaling -1
Jeve Stobs
almost 15 years ago
"You can't even upgrade it!"
Only applies to the iMac and their laptops (and all laptops are un-upgradable), and even then, you can swap out the RAM.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_32850]@TCC[/url]: It's not like people repair regular sentries for you anyway.
almost 15 years ago
The engy-tan fell to the dark side
Archaic order
almost 15 years ago
I was thinking more whiny emo mac using elitist annoyances infesting more of the gaming community. Kinda something like locusts or rats.
Possibly Internet Guy
almost 15 years ago
@Archaic order

Archaic order
almost 15 years ago
Rise up my fellow PC comrades! Rise up and exterminate this mac plague upon our TF2! If they defile this what is next!?
almost 15 years ago
It's too hot for turtlenecks!

Internet Guy
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_32858]@iSpycheck[/url] Actually sounds like a fairly simple designe, and I wouden't be suprised if something similar was used in the Engie update. Also, Don't you know that every Mac comes free with a turtleneck and a small Latte? That's where her new sweater came from. Duh.
almost 15 years ago
Aparently Blonde Engie-tan takes fashion advice from Steve Jobs, its a mighty-morphin turtleneck!
almost 15 years ago
Dear Jo. I miss you.


almost 15 years ago

Actually, I dot't give a damn about earbuds.
almost 15 years ago
Engineer Update Day 1:
The Sentrintosh
+5 firing range
+50 health
+Immunity to sappers
+35 metals required
No upgrades
Cannot be repaired by other Engineers using standard sentries
Internet Guy
almost 15 years ago
Ironic to think that Jo was considering buying a Mac just a little while ago...

Still, Funny to think about the shitstorm people are makeing those little trinkets that the mac user's got.

Ah well, America's 1# War themed hat simulator and what not.
almost 15 years ago
I'm surprised it isn't just a copy of the Portal sentry gun.
almost 15 years ago
really not bothered by the debate, all i want is to STILL KILL THINGS WITH FIRE
almost 15 years ago
actually as far as in game goes that's a pretty fair trade.... except the whole thing were nobody can fix it for you... that kinda sucks... .__.
almost 15 years ago
Note that Valve still favors PCs; Macs get a pair of earbuds, and PC players most likely have a gold or silver metal.
almost 15 years ago
I got the earbuds by actually having "hl2_osx" up for about 3 seconds before crashing, lol. Os X 10.5.2 fails.

Also... blonde Engie-tan has different clothes now
almost 15 years ago
You get http://tf2wiki.net/wiki/Earbuds if you log into TF2 with a Mac till June 14, 2010. So I think I'll install Mac on a VM.
Archaic order
almost 15 years ago
Mac's they make really nice paperweights
Frank West
almost 15 years ago
I like my computers the way I like my women. Which is the same way I like my shotguns.

Reliable, ample clip size, pump action, and...

Wait... where was I going with this metaphor? Sorry, thinking about women and shotguns distracted me.
almost 15 years ago
The mac sure is more hot.
But she's also a slut, the PC wont cheat on you.