What people are saying about "Migration"
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over 1 year ago
Still pissed that it'll be at least a year after it's released before they finally port it to PC; at least I'll have time to see if it sucks though...
over 1 year ago
Been like that with GTA since 3 back on the PS2, nothing new there.
over 1 year ago
I mean, GTA does kind of match up with what a juvenile would consider to be "grown up", "adult" or "mature"...
Markus Gollinger
over 1 year ago
So the kids will do the same thing we did at their age?
over 1 year ago
Yeah... ignorant parents assuming video games are still just a child's pastime and getting their kids whatever they want without looking at the ESRB rating will always lead to things like this.
over 1 year ago
Never could get into the GTA games. Red Dead, DOOM and Saints Row (1-4) yes, but never GTA.
over 1 year ago
Is that different from previous GTA games?
over 1 year ago
I found it weird how Kotaku made a big thing of that element, that "it's a game for grown-ups!"

Then again, this is the same publication that loves jerking off to Baldur's Gate III, so I dunno...maybe it's just them being anti-social idiots as usual.