over 14 years ago
This site seems to lock up my computer and eat its processor for a few seconds every time it has to load a new comic.
over 14 years ago
"What!?! Grandpa, you can't be good at video games, you're old!" "Son, have you ever played Ninja Gaiden?" "No..." "Then stfu and come back when you can beat an actual game."
Angry Cow
over 14 years ago
From the pose on the old man in panel 5, he is clearly about to show us all how to catch our first pokemon... with his mug of coffee.
omg spy is op
over 14 years ago
I'm assuming it is ment to be the xbox 360 controller. Maybe you should have had a picture of it next to you as your draw it as you draw it as the colors of the buttons are wrong and your miss the analog sticks. other than than nice comic
over 14 years ago
The shape of the controller (not buttons) looks more like a wireless white genesis controller than anything else
Mao Ranma
over 14 years ago
Joe's story telling is fine. He wouldn't have put the title in the final panel if this wasn't part of an arc. This isn't "Memento (2000)".
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Replace remote with Penis
over 14 years ago
kids: ogre's a noob for using club
the /co/mp/a/triot
over 14 years ago
As a short explanation: Gramps sees kids getting PWNED hardcores and picks up a controller to help them.
On the noe of personal inference, this will either result in the Grandpa making it worse (making him the noob) or saving the day (the kids are the noob)
over 14 years ago
@Annoying Bastard
It's the start of a new arc, and it's an old school gamer picking up a controller so he can show his "noob" kids how to play.
Annoying Bastard
over 14 years ago
Once again he needs to work on his story telling. Either this is just a bad joke or no one understands what the hell gramps did.
over 14 years ago
It looks to me to be a strange remake of the first Final Fantasy.. Warrior, Black Mage, and White Mage, taken down by an ogre.. Used to happen to me all the time outside the elf town, except I had a fourth character. Which brings us back to "strange remake". What, are they each controlling one?
A comic
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
He beat them with one hand, while not even facing the TV?
Also what fantasy game (which appears to be an RPG) allows 3v1 battles?
over 14 years ago
@Sigh.....: Those aren't side burns and their are clips in her hair. Iz a girl.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33560]@1hp[/url]: Personally, I was interpreting it as Gramps had the controller all along, and the kids only just realized who 'pwned' them in the last panel.
over 14 years ago
White mage is androgynous. Enough said.
Funny how everyone seems to judge them on hairstyle alone.
over 14 years ago
Amazing how a obvious white mage expy gets charged as sexist. Get off of it, red hair is obviously a boy,you can tell by the chin and sideburns.
over 14 years ago
/u/ Newcomer /u/
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33526]@SmallIvoryKnight[/url]: Me too, but at least my dad is that cool. XD He's the reason I got into gaming in the first place.
What game BTW? Not much of a console gamer.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33560]@1hp[/url]: wow, i didnt see it like that, I thought that it was going to be a new story arc about how grampa tries to help them but always fails, then ends up saving the day.
Your interpretation gets immediate lulz though, so im going to take it yor way until the next panel shows up (if its an arc)
over 14 years ago
you know, I can't help but think that this comic would have been better if the panel order had been switched around so that the grampa was the ogre that pwned them. It does seem to be how peeps are interpreting it even though the pwnage happened before he even picked up the controller
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_33536]@StarPilot[/url]: BOINK!
over 14 years ago
you know Jo, you CAN put up just a sketch once in a while, i seen webcomics do far less work then what you're doing and still get publicity.
over 14 years ago
Use Linux and everything's fine.
over 14 years ago
when i get old ima be the tech grandpa too
"hey timmy wana play call of duty 23 after i change my dipar?"
Sixth, epic pic except for the fact that I own my dad at every type of game except timesinks. (he has a lot more time than I do)
over 14 years ago
I hope they're looking to the controller ._.'
A Bag of Opinions
over 14 years ago
Grandpa: "Back in' my day...we had 'real' controllers. We only need two buttons to play...TWO! Today's youngsters...don't realize...how lucky... they...arrrrrrrrrrrr..." *Snores to sleep*
over 14 years ago
And Mungo, you're a bastard. At least say "First" and add something about the comic. Damn.
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