What people are saying about "Bad Code"
Bad Code
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Gareth Martin
3 months ago

I don't know if links work here, but apparently the assembly code is a valid APM "Power Off" request - except for the fact that 0001 to specify "all" isn't valid!

I guess it *is* here, and turns off "all" robots?
3 months ago
I... hate to be 'that guy', buuuuuut:
What you've described is 16-bit x86 assembler code
T-800s run on 6502s. They don't even have software interrupts!
3 months ago
I feel like it's been a while since we've seen Morgan. Happy to see her again!
Pug OfWar
3 months ago
"this statement is false"
Ovis Militaris
3 months ago
Don't be so modest. We've always known you would eventually reveal the plan to save our future: https://www.nerfnow.com/about
Denilson Sá Maia
3 months ago
Congrats on using a real piece of assembly code that interacts with the old "Advanced Power Management" standard! My only nitpick is that hexadecimal numbers are usually written with "h" suffix, like this: int 15h (but I know this syntax changes depending on the assembler being used).
3 months ago
Every programmer I've know will keep a back door in their work so they can go back in later to make changes. Hackers love these as it lets them in with out bruit forcing a firewall and will be how we shut down the system.