What people are saying about "Need More Science"
Need More Science

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No No
about 1 month ago
@Swagner Shows exactly how clueless and moronic you are. I grew up playing the games that Dragon Age Origins is based upon. Planescape: Torment, Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 and so on.
If you cannot tell the difference between Origins and Veilguard, you're a 100% lost cause. Mind rotted.
Guilherme D'ravem
about 1 month ago
Just me that heard in my mind a familiar TF2 "beep" noise?
about 1 month ago
@No No, lol, I've watched some streams, you're just an easily triggered baby. If you'd been old enough to have any media literacy when you played the originals, you'd have seen that they were "woke" too. "Everything that wasn't status quo before I was 18 is against the natural order!" -you
Jack Montana
about 2 months ago
@Swagnwer Plus if they played the old games too, they would complain those games are woke too.
No No
about 2 months ago
@Swagner you're a tool. Go try the game yourself, you'll see that it is full of real-world lecturing nonsense about gender identity and politics to the point that old mainstay characters are ruined.
Just shut up.
Not public
about 2 months ago
See here is where she F-ed up. She didn't replace the miniguns with lasers and the rockets with a mug nade thrower.
Bharda Sullivan
about 2 months ago
“Not like that.” ^_^
about 2 months ago
There's a reason the steam forums are infested with crap like "Please keep the game neutral, don't make the mistake of adding politics, LGBTQ, inclusive, and woke stuff"; it's because easily triggered reactionaries are the least likely to realize they're being fooled by a spambot.
about 2 months ago
"Culture war?" Jesus christ ya'll, you're not being oppressed because someone added more optional "gender" options or whatever it is you're whining about this time. You gotta learn the difference between "advertisements" and "tHe WoKe LiBs".
about 2 months ago
Just needed a little more gun.
about 2 months ago
@Malekit GJ look up Dragon Half ED on youtube. That kind of chibi had a smaller head compared to the body and a thicker body. Basically a shortstack version of the character.
about 2 months ago
@T You are thinking Nendoroid but the final result is chinese copycat FunkoPop
about 2 months ago
@Andreas Schone personally I’m a fan of 90s chibi where the character is vertically shrinked but the body retains the curves (see Dragon Half or Sailor Moon). It is kinda both chibi and shortstack.
about 2 months ago
@Вв Дд
Plasma bolts are fine, sure, but the classic way to make your gun into a science gun is to have it shoot lightning.
about 2 months ago
Ok, she prob expected the sentry gun to be firing some sci-fi plasma bolts or smth.
Sara Kelthad
about 2 months ago
Just want to point out in the game you can take the soldiers guns and you can build some armor that lets you bypass the biometric locks on their guns to go blast them in the face with them. Yes even a shotgun, or a rifle chambered in .308.
about 2 months ago
That's what those 11 hard science degrees are for. What's she complaining about?
about 2 months ago
that scene where the girl does pushups just because she mistook a pronoun already put the new Dragon Age in the bottom of my wishlist.
Andreas Schone
about 2 months ago
Check out the reviews of the critics and you will realize, it is copy-paste of the same.
DA is officially dead with Vg, it is so soft padded story, lore and even Political Correctness lectures sprinkled in, it has nothing to do with DA anymore.
The chibi look is terrible too(Heads too big)
about 2 months ago
Yeah, there's a lot of culture war nonsense going around Veilguard, but as far as I can see, it's just not very good, and the usual suspects circling the wagons and declaring it the best game in the franchise is only throwing oil onto the fire.
about 2 months ago
At this rate Angie is going to get her own "Things Dr. Bright is not allowed to do at the foundation" list.
That One Guy
about 2 months ago
I mean

Engineering is a type of Science, after all. An Applied Science that she is using to apply Violence against invaders. The logic checks out!
about 2 months ago
Veilguard has radically changed the art direction of the game. Completely different combat system. Dialogue seems written for children. Several factions have been radically altered to make them easier to get along with...to the point they lost their identity. Will alienate fans of Dragon Age.