What people are saying about "Squirrel Girl Origin"
Squirrel Girl Origin

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about 1 month ago
Technically girls (and boys, and potatoes) are naturally radioactive as they contain a small amount of radioactive isotopes occurring naturally. When I slept on a regular radioactive couch after eating a regular radioactive potato I became the hero known as Couch Potato!
Joseph Lee
about 1 month ago
If we're going with a new origin, how about a squirrel who ate the Human-Human Fruit?
Daniel Ellingson
about 1 month ago
There was a character in the comics called "Girl Squirrel" who might have claimed this origin, but she turned out to be something else. Ah, well.
about 1 month ago
Do Italian Spiderman next!
about 1 month ago
Reminds me of the backstory for "The Crimson Chin" who was bit in his chin by a radioactive handsome actor which gave him amazing chintastic powers and a amazing chintastic costume, also his chin became about half a metre to a metre long.
about 1 month ago
Squirrel Girl was a mutant, until Disney had issues with Fox, but rather than make her an Inhuman, decided it better fit her character to say she was just born how she is but doesn't have an X gene or inhuman gene or alien genes. So fan theories can go crazy about her origins all they want.
about 1 month ago
that radiactive girl went on a bite spree
about 1 month ago
Squirrel Girl is a legally distinct mutant. Not a Mutant, just a mutant. Born that way.
about 1 month ago
about 1 month ago
"Girl power" - Tits and the ability to entice lonely nerds with sex appeal
about 1 month ago
I thought (and she thought for years) that she was a mutant but the wiki says she's not "She suffered a modification in her genes for unknown reasons". No further info. Kinda annoying.
about 1 month ago
Actually this is closer to Spider-Ham's origin then Squirrel Girl.
A nice ordinary everyday Spider that gets bitten by a Radioactive Pig.
about 1 month ago
The ability to control a dog through mere vocalizations seems like an ability a squirrel might want, and girls often have that power.
about 1 month ago
Human-level intelligence, massive size (for a squirrel), and opposable thumbs all seem like powers a squirrel might hope to gain from being bitten by a radioactive girl.
about 1 month ago
In fairness, this is basically Spider-Pig's origin: it was a spider bitten by a pig, not the other way around.
about 1 month ago
pretty unusual for a squirrel to rest on a carrot