Fuck that residential level. I could not do it without two medics.
over 14 years ago
Done Brutal missions and won before. Drop turrets in doors to block the swarm, works better than welding. Teamwork is a must, firing lines, heals, etc.
Dat Engineer
over 14 years ago
So true.
over 14 years ago
Crash(?) speaks words to live by: There is no cure for stupidity.
I have encountered this a few times myself. Each time it has been with someone who is less then level 10.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
C: Me is very happy.
over 14 years ago
Reminds me of the many times of playing medic and finding myself the only one alive because everyone else thinks they're invincible. Yey for Medigun, flamethrower, and electric armor!
Weeshnog 01
over 14 years ago
That's so they can fit more content into one CD. They just barely finished the campaign and stuff, and the engine still has plenty of bugs, no doubt. So quit complaining about it not being on one disc. The campaign is huge, the graphics are sexy, and this game is gonna be fucking epic.
over 14 years ago
On wasting a bunch of money at once... I'll wait until it's in a campeign bundle instead of only one fucking campeign each CD... The old SC is already beating it by far because they aren't milking it as much as this one... Really, SC II is already starting to feel disappointing because of that :|
over 14 years ago
Going out to get SC2. Seeya on BNet, bitches! xD
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_37143]@Ld[/url]: Every heard of Stop, Drop, and Roll? Lol :P
over 14 years ago
the only thing i HATE in this game is the flame thrower, its friendly fire is through the roof on hard and insane, i had an asshole set me on fire and was too busy burning A DOOR to put me out, i died even WHILE getting healed by a beacon.
over 14 years ago
Here's a tip: Whenever you're playing SynTek Residential (the mission with most of the parasites), have everyone who can run around with Electric Charged Armor. This makes the medic very thankful and can concentrate on curing wounds, as he doesn't have to bother about parasites.
over 14 years ago
My god, this is so true.
over 14 years ago
Just started playing yesterday and thankfully I havn't run into this...yet...However I have run into a medic that thought rolling around, not heals, puts out fires. I thought it was funny that he was yelling at me for not rolling the fire out, when the 2 guys with mics were telling him to heal me.:P
over 14 years ago
Jaeger is a fool.
over 14 years ago
I spent about 5 minutes on that one. I felt like a complete retard after figuring it out.
I was turning the wheels up and down and watching the lights on the right, trying to find a pattern. I thought it was a binary combination, didn't even pay attention to the rotating wheels.
over 14 years ago
Once my team spent 10 minutes waiting for the tech to hack something because he didn't understand the "binary" puzzle.
Four columns, each containing exactly one number 1, and little tabs to make the one move up or down? WHAT COULD I POSSIBLY NEED TO DO?!
over 14 years ago
@ gimmethegepgun
I usually just hack it quickly and shoot off a cryo nade every time something gets too close for comfort mid-hack.
over 14 years ago
@Internet Guy:
I play hard most of the time, and rarely lose on lower levels without welding a damn thing (except the 2 doors near the hack in the bridge level). Just keep moving, have someone (maybe even you) cover your ass, and you'll be fine.
over 14 years ago
I started playing Alien Swarm because of this comic.
I managed to do pretty well until I ran into one of those things and it killed me! I tried running TOWARDS the medic, but it was too late! D'X
Slinkyfest /tg/
over 14 years ago
Anyone else have issues with people who turn it into a race? To the detriment of everyone else. Its like another group of players altogether. No teamwork, just runrunrun. They always play tech, they always host. Its good practice for speedruns but I want to fight the horde back to back with an ally.
over 14 years ago
Electric armor doesn't instantly repel parasites, it weakens the ones on you so they fall off and die quickly. It's not a perfect save, but if you have full health and use it, you might survive the walk to the medic.
over 14 years ago
I don't like the electric armour, as I've never seen it save anyone, and the one time I've used it after being infested, I died anyway.
Worst stupidity I've seen, has been a tech who couldn't hack. To be fair, it was a 3 line hack, and so some tiles may have multiple valid positions but still..
over 14 years ago
I do never use the electric armor, then again, that's cause on every level I run a flamethrower. I never have to worry about parasites, I just know where they spawn so I burn them.
This is also why if I ever use AI Director mode, I will never let it spawn parasites, that thing just spams them.
over 14 years ago
So many stupid people playing this game. People running past healing beacons when low on health only to spam "medic" moments later. People who completely fail to keep the tech alive. People who run off and get themselves killed without the support of your heavy weapon.
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
Then you must have been luckier then one of those golden wrench finders, or been playing with some competent pubbies.
Speaking of pubbies, it's always amusing to hear them freak out when you accidentally shoot them, but not hear anything when they accidentally shoot you.
over 14 years ago
I want a blue starcraft marine skin for the officer so bad.
over 14 years ago
@ Internet Guy
That's not true at all. I completed the entire Insane campaign with pubbies without using a welder the entire time.
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
Oh, I'm well aware of that, I mean when playing on hard/insane on the earlier levels, it's pretty much impossible to survive unless you weld pretty much every door behind you to stop the flood of screeching alien things that want to eat you or impregnate you with alien babies.
Strong bad
over 14 years ago
@Homstar Runner: What the crap are you talking about Homstar? The update? I will do the update, but I need to check with Matt first. Mabye Mike. But still, how arwe you supposed to look pro without that cool badge? I did jump but please, your being a horse's tweese.
Homestar Runner
over 14 years ago
@Strong bad: I like being cool, but your just jumping, very, very high. Suprising for your tiny legs. But seriously, why don't we update it later at my place? You can bring The Cheat.
over 14 years ago
Holy shit. I just saw someone do exactly this... except they WERE the medic.
over 14 years ago
Ugh, I think the worst of all must be the pro players who try to *shoot* the parasite off and instead just make a shotgun spray-sized hole in their teammate.
over 14 years ago
Hey I was that guy.
They don't explain to you what's going on at first... I was trying to shoot it off and shot the medic who proceeded to run away from me until I died.
over 14 years ago
@Strong bad: You simply don't promote. Nothing forcing you to.
Strong bad
over 14 years ago
I hate how you lose your weaps when you get promoted, how am I supposed to mess around with the grenade launcher when the next game I play I lose it?
Homestar Runner
over 14 years ago
I have had this happen so many times, and grayish blue armor? That a new unlock?
Medic Guy
over 14 years ago
Once I was in a game with a friend and 2 friends of theirs. I was healing my friend and the nice other friend keeping them topped off with health, when jerkass decides i was ignoring his loss of 5-10% health. So he TKs me. That was the level with most of the parasites. This was Hard and only medic.
HE HE this pic is so true. I like medic class in every game where is medics and this is too common situation :D
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_37040]@Sable[/url] Are most people you play with under 13 or over 45? xD
over 14 years ago
First time I encountered parasites, I got Parasite Puncher.
Most people don't have my reflexes though.
over 14 years ago
If you're playing with random pubbies you're likely playing normal mode, and you can very easily complete all of normal mode solo with tech + flamer + cryo nades + anything else.
over 14 years ago
@Internet Guy There arent that many doors to weld in the last two levels, but there are a lot of parasites
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
Also Techs who don't weld are way more annoying than panicky teammates.
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
And this is why your play with friends.
@StarStorm[/url]: and who set them on fire in the first place, hmmmm?
That One Guy
over 14 years ago
Why peeps be hatin' on the officer?
over 14 years ago
-attempts to heal teammate-
-teammate runs off into a pack of swarm alone-
-teammate dies-
And this is when my teammates DON'T have a parasite.
over 14 years ago
Remember kids, always play medic. Because no one else knows how. Seriously, if your medic loads out with dual SMGs, a flame sentry and adrenaline, find another game.
over 14 years ago
lol all the time
Blasted parasites.
over 14 years ago
I'd like to have this Frank/Zack thing explain to me plz. Links to explanation? It's hard to Google 'Frank' or 'Zack' with accuracy to this instance.
over 14 years ago
yay alien swarm comic, knew you'd make one, i see you playing it a lot :)
the game is super fun, what's annoying sometimes is how when tech dies game is automatically over, but it makes sense though; also that is why i mostly play as tech cause then i'm important :)
over 14 years ago
lol this always happen
over 14 years ago
I suppose it's time to add another facehugger to the list Headcrab,Metroid,Parasite.
over 14 years ago
Also, Vegas owns, Crash sucks
over 14 years ago
Though of course, the last 3 levels using Bastille is practically suicide. He can't remove parasites worth a damn, so end sup having to medigun them for like 15 seconds to get 1 off. Fuck Bastille, gogo chainsaw medigun Faith!
over 14 years ago
Worse than people running away from me when I was healing was when prior to getting the healing gun people assuming I had infinite healing beacons.
I do not like infected people nuzzling up against me until they explode because they don't understand that I don't have heals left.
over 14 years ago
Heal gun not have cure stupid setting?
Why it need, enemy cure stupid for you.
over 14 years ago
I played through the last level with someone who thought parasites could be cured with bullets. He had a minigun. That poor medic couldn't heal fast enough.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36989]@Aurum[/url] - This happens to me WITH friends. I've never been so aggravated at them until this game. Running ahead, getting infected, and then coming back to die and introduce his parasites to us.
over 14 years ago
My god, if people keep running away from me as medic I'm going to scream. Think i'll just stick with tech <3
Darth Z
over 14 years ago
When u see parasites, time a sideways roll when they leap, I once rolled past a group of 5 parasites on a narrow bride and auto-aimed them all with my P Rifle.
Remember parasites jump up, so you roll down.
over 14 years ago
Actually there is one good time to run away from your team.
Have had a few instances where someone gets infected and there was no way to heal them... but stuck near the team, exploded and infected everyone.
If you know you gonna die (no survival chance) run away from your team...
Liro Raeriyo
over 14 years ago
noobs on insane? preposterous, why i had a level 1 guy who hadent even played yet keep up with me, i just, you know, had to tell him how to kick ass and chew bubblegum, i told him to use the noob friendly guy and he was kicking ass(jaeger + vindicatorx2 + tripwire mines)
over 14 years ago
The worst thing people do isn't run in panic when infected, it's refusing to get behind the door you're about to weld. Either you leave it unwelded and let everyone get killed, or you seal them out and are forced to listen to them whine at you.
Hey you
over 14 years ago
So let me guess this is an experience you had ingame, and you are...
The guy that got facehugged? Most likely, knowing you.
That one xenoform
over 14 years ago
Teehee... face huggers are funny littel bastards aint they.
over 14 years ago
Fucking hate it when my teammates do that. COME BACK! I CANT HEAL YOU WHEN YOU ARE OVER THERE!
Happned today, one of my teammates left the pack and went out ahead. Gets hit the face with one, doesnt say anything until he's like down to quarter health before screaming for help. Dies and blames me.
over 14 years ago
Why isn't the guy happy? He just unlocked a new hat apparently.
over 14 years ago
This is awesome, but too many medics can actually ruin everything.
Sapphic Neko
over 14 years ago
Heh, played yesterday as medic... Was awful.
One guy racked up over 150 friendly fire incidents... per mission.
Another kept using the flamer setting whole team on fire, then rage quit and said we sucked cause we died.
over 14 years ago
@Groovy Pants et al
Even WITH Faith, healing parasites takes too damn much healing juice. With pub players, I need all my juice just to keep everyone alive. Healing parasites is a luxury. I can fix one max two parasites and have barely have enough to scrape by for a win. Idiots.
over 14 years ago
Ugh whats worse is when you run into the ones with terminal derpies and flamethrowers, who seem to think that fire cures parasites .....
Metal C0Mmander
over 14 years ago
Yhea evry time I get parasited I stupidly think I get it off by punching evrything around me.
over 14 years ago
Oh yeah. I use the tesla gun and the medical gun. There are retards that do run around and not stand still. This is why you play with friends and yell at the top of your lungs "To stand still".
over 14 years ago
Or you could just use the Tesla gun. It hits the parasite and not the person.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36984]@carsonist[/url] With Faith, it takes only 2 heal beacons to cure an infestation. Your teammates just need to be smart enough to not stand in the beacons while the infested guy is being healed.
over 14 years ago
Even when you have healing, parasites are way too powerful. You're basically blind, and it takes about a quarter of your healing reserve per parasite.
Healing items are just crummy. Healing beacon divides healing between people being healed, so a guy with a parasite can die even in the beam.
Groovy Pants
over 14 years ago
Had the same problem. One of my friends who was new to the game joined my squad on the last level. I ran out of ammo for my heal gun beacause of him. Several times, in fact. Luckily for me, I had the electro-armor.
Tech Guy
over 14 years ago
Medic's dead.
over 14 years ago
Well I hate it when the Medic(usually me) is out of ammo and an infected person runs up to me and sprays parasites over the whole team. I:
I even tell them beforehand when I don't have enough ammo to cure infection anymore.
over 14 years ago
Then you got the noob medics who don't know what they're doin'. HEAL US! The game says you're the only one who can get the damn things off, so HEAL US!!
over 14 years ago
The git shoulda used electrified armour, makes 'em fall right off.
The [BEER] Clan's Medic
over 14 years ago
When you have a clan awesome enough to be named "BEER," there is no such thing as idiots on pub matches.
My teammates are slowly learning that running away from the swarm shouldn't also mean running away from the rest of us. NO I'M NOT COMING OVER THERE. YOU COME TO ME.
over 14 years ago
in perspective of tf2 player:
if they dodge my medic gun i figure they don't want to get healed and switch back to normal weaponry
Not Such a Heartless Medic
over 14 years ago
Ugh, I hate it when idiots run around when I'm trying to hit 'em with the medical gun. It's like they /want/ to die.
over 14 years ago
I also like the guy who stands outside the healing beacon screaming for help.
over 14 years ago
Gotta hate the guys that run from a medic when infested, alien swarm is a great game but..WHY DO YOU KEEP FORGETTING ABOUT THE TF2 ARCS!? i apologize for that outburst >.>
over 14 years ago
meh, most of the time i end up in games with good players, but i think that's because i only play insane now ..
WO! just had my third(and last) promotion, almost done~
over 14 years ago
I only really play with friends anyway; I played pub once, and the entire team ran separate directions and got them selves killed. Three times. XD
Anonymous Coward
over 14 years ago
Just one thing you should know. The electro-shock armor doesn't work instantly (I don't know if its a glitch or design), you still take a few hits of damage, so on hard and insane getting infected with no medic nearby is pretty much game over.
Liro Raeriyo
over 14 years ago
i must say i am VERY fortunate to find good players when i play games like alien swarm, even when i played an insane game, i ended up with 3 other very intelligent people as we planed our moves, tactics, stratagem for success and all that, we didnt get far but we had hours of fun trying to do better
Reclaimer, the dispenser
over 14 years ago
This is why I only play with friends.
over 14 years ago
I always play as Vegas so I can get the melee dmg bonus with the chainsaw. Then I cut down doors instead of hacking.
over 14 years ago
yup, playing always medic.... and so often see that nobrains runing AROUND the medipack I put on the floor. In fire, parasite, no care I'm a dumbass so I run around and cry "medic"
Sometimes, the friendly fire is good :D
over 14 years ago
Or those who decide to play tech and refuse to hack, seal doors, and use their stun grenades...
over 14 years ago
The one time I got hit by the headcrab thing I ran to the medic and didn't have time to save me
over 14 years ago
Oh oh oh. What about the idiots that get set on fire and then proceed to run the hell away when the two people with flamethrowers try to put his dumb ass out?
over 14 years ago
I can't tell which are worse: The trolls with no fire discipline (sometimes literally), the dumbfucks who don't stick with the group and run off/lag behind and get suparRAEPED, or the patent idiots who get parasites three times in 45 seconds.
over 14 years ago
Im better off equiping myself with a health pack than that to fend off those buggers
I really hate pubbing in Alien Swarm. It's as if Leeroy Jenkins cloned himself 5000 times and all of the clones decided to play Alien Swarm.
over 14 years ago
I love when people run in fear. That's why I play Pyro in TF2.
over 14 years ago
ive always had the good fortune to be playing with my steam friends, but when i do occasionally have to pub most people are good about running to the medic screaming when they're hurt.
Q. Fabius Maximus
over 14 years ago
you know if this game was made in japan, the comic would have had a pretty funny ending what with the second panel...
The Anon
over 14 years ago
electro armor doesn't always work : (
over 14 years ago
Urgh, this is why I hate random games with people. I'm always a medic and they always run like little baby men when I try to heal them. Stay still.
over 14 years ago
Hey, what are those red lasers for? *teamkill*
If people would just take 5 minutes to play the offline mode before hopping on Insane at level 0 they'd be fine.
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