Well, it's obviously pics of the spy and sniper-tan.
over 14 years ago
Five bucks says it's really a photo of Scout's Mom and the Red spy.
Frank West
over 14 years ago
You know what? Screw you! I worked twice as hard as you Francis, I fought zombies WITHOUT guns, and I fought other psychopaths WITH guns!
Erm, the psychopaths had guns, not me. I fought without guns.
But either way you have no reason to hate me! I've covered wars you know!
Next Pyro goes nuts after learning about the affair and reveals to Engie that he was the Engineer she fell in love with. Sniper is crushed and Spy doesn't care after the first night. Hilarity ensues.
over 14 years ago
there are 2 options for HWguy.
1. show the pics and run damage controll
2. burn the pics and try to get them back together, and live with the knowledge all his life...
(and 2 more things, medic hat is awesome and the medic might be a spy. But what color...?)
over 14 years ago
That male medic has not been in any comics in a while...
The Anon known as Ivan
over 14 years ago
I see it coming, in every new TF2 comic will be photo notes of "Chibi-Medic-hat here" on every Heavy.
St. Jimmy
over 14 years ago
Why is the little Medic Adorable.... i want one ._.
over 14 years ago
10$ medic i spah
over 14 years ago
That Medic is definitely the Spy.
over 14 years ago
i still think it will be effing hilarious if its not sniper-tan. i mean can anyone else see the ragestorm?
blah blah blah
over 14 years ago
we need someone to make a medic hat. that would be nice
BLU team
over 14 years ago
Hey big fellow. Great to see you back. It's been a long time. We've missed you. Remember those epic battles? Really great and... AND DO YOU KNOW THERE IS A LOLI MEDIC ON YOUR HEAD?!!
over 14 years ago
I love the little cute medic :3
over 14 years ago
Cara, vc é muito bom =D, eu nem sabia muito de TF2, mas graças as tirinhas eu até saco um pouco agora e tipo... nice job xD suas tirinhas são d+
over 14 years ago
Heavy stole scout's entire outfit...
A Fan
over 14 years ago
Hope HWGirl is busy killing little cowards. Otherwise, the awkwardness could take a quantum leap here...
Also, the only thing better than Heavy with chibi!Medic hat? Medic with chibi!Heavy hat. That's right. I went there.
over 14 years ago
Um..... The medic freaks me out....
over 14 years ago
Wait didn't the blu pyro befriend a Gay red spy seeing how this arc brought back medic and HWguy.
If a spy is any good at their work then straight boning pyro's wife would point to his ass if any one took pictures so he must have worn a disguise like a sniper mask.
The Anon known as Ivan
over 14 years ago
Hm, it looks to me if Medic-Chan is getting more and more tiny.
Eugene Che
over 14 years ago
I have to say, medic-tan is so... so... DAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW :D
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_40137]@REVoLT[/url] and D4rkLight7:
Even further back http://nerfnow.com/comic/8
Also, medic spy +1
Cyclone Duke
over 14 years ago
Sniper looks really nice in the 4th panel :)
over 14 years ago
It's no wonder Spy is so good at what he does, considering how blind Blu is...
over 14 years ago
1 - that is the most adorable thing I've seen. Becoming headgear...<3
over 14 years ago
porn star the the mother of small pryo will just be the begining.....
Mr. Obvious
over 14 years ago
Of course the Medic is a Spy, HE HAS A RED BACKGROUND!!! Now i'm off to make a Medic-Chan hat mod! OTHERS FOLLOW SUIT BECAUSE I'M NOT THAT GOOD =D
over 14 years ago
the medic its teh spy!
you're ninja'd
over 14 years ago
So they sit together drinking coffee and later HWGUY accidentally reveal the photo of Spy & Sniper havin' "coffee"
over 14 years ago
Next time on Nerfnow, see Heavy show the files and see Pyro, Sniper, and Medic spew out cofee, AT THE SAME TIME! With Cameo of the Old Spice guy.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_40167]@zeruf[/url]: With jiggle bones for random flailing?
over 14 years ago
I guess this one's gonna be about the Sandvich nerf, and the upcoming Natascha nerf.
why does he have to wear it? He could have left it removed on a table/floor. Also, he IS a spy - he's bound to have some sort of surveillance equipment about him, no? Also, perhaps the Announcer has cameras, took pics, and put em into the intel briefcase?
Black Dragon
over 14 years ago
@Peter Vertin:
It could be, but the only problem with that theory is that he wasn't wearing a camera beard at the time.
over 14 years ago
wat is this I dont even
Reliable Ecchi Deliverer
over 14 years ago
*sigh* Heavy's worried and sad, and it's an M-rated photo, and he's going to Sniper and Pyro with it...Anyone else think it's the photo from http://nerfnow.com/comic/297 ?
over 14 years ago
I hate delayed climaxes
over 14 years ago
Good job on getting first, Q. Fabius Maximus. Also; The Medic loves the taste of Heavy Weapons Scout.
over 14 years ago
He found a hat! And one I've never seen before! This calls for a celebration!
Q. Fabius Maximus
over 14 years ago
i wish there was a hat like that for heavy in game.
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