What people are saying about "Smoking Time"
Smoking Time
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over 14 years ago
except as per Canon, raynor does frikkin experience zeratuls crystals.
over 14 years ago
I'm sorry but if the bro to ho choices weren't so stacked in Kerrigans favor....
over 14 years ago
On Raynor choosing Kerrigan to save the universe, the Zeratul crystal missions are actually optional. Even if you do not play them such that Raynor does not know about the prophecy, you still get the same ending.

Raynor is simply not cool.
over 14 years ago
Personally I don't see the suit thing being a huge plot hole .. didn't he say basically all his internal organs were wired up? For example, if you would try EMP-ing him to disable the radio communication thingie, how can you be sure you won't be disabling some machine that keeps his heart beating?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42928]@Batabii[/url]: It's Tychus' black twin brother, Tahkawss, who will make a Tychus-esque appearnce in HotS
over 14 years ago
Who is this guy?
over 14 years ago
Smokin' Weed Ev'ryday eh Ty?
over 14 years ago
Hey, if bro tries to kill ho, I choose ho.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42895]@El_Nazgir[/url]: this.
over 14 years ago
And i dont really see why they never tried to help remove the stuff from his suit or anything, espcially after Matt told Raynor about it after one of the missions. also agreed with the plot hole thing, there just seems to be a few loose ends that even one of those convos after mission could fix
over 14 years ago
Merlynn, i agree with you, sorry to seem like i totally agree with the whole thing Raynor did. Tychus had to be my fav character, so of course it would be great to see him make a comeback in the heart of the swarm.
over 14 years ago
they can decode Zerg DNA,I'm pretty sure a portable jail isn't going to pose much of a problem.
over 14 years ago
amaze me how often a few lines of dialogue could just fix all these plot holes. It makes the difference between a tragic loss that couldn't be helped and Raynor just being too much of a dick to help his friend.

Prime: Portable jails,like Tychus' suit,are about as secure as a portable safe. If
over 14 years ago
Prototype: I'm not saying he should let Kerrigan die,I'm simply saying they could have shown more being done to help Tychus. As it is,pretty much everyone is telling Raynor Tychus is going to be forced to betray him and Raynor's reaction is "Duuuuuuh,ok!" Nothing is done about it. It never ceases to
over 14 years ago
I like to think that Raynor shot at the Mengsk's transceiver and somehow faked Tychus' death so they could pull him out of that suit without Mengsk knowing it.

Please, please, please, just say that this hilarious bro is alive in the sequel!!!
over 14 years ago
I really hope your TF2 senses are on the money, the update happening today would make my weekend. Also awesome comic and semirelated youtube awesomeness.
over 14 years ago
There is a "Star Wars Prequels"-like amount of plot holes about Tychus' treason. There are a few theories which fix some of them.

At any time they could have EMPed the suit (the suit has to receive a code for the death switch) and cut him out.
over 14 years ago
In the dev commentaries of the behind-the-scene DVD, they say they considered bringing him back but decided against it, that it would be cheap. I hope they keep this decision. Tychus should stay a casualty
over 14 years ago
You forgot to mention that the ho was the only person that could avert the apocalypse, and that the bro wanted to kill her.
Hey man
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42893]@Noob[/url] There's a manual fix you can find through google. No idea if any patch fixed it though. @Prime_2.0 Mengsk was looking to the future. He wanted to kill Kerrigan and knew, if anyone, Raynor would get her. Also, killing Tychus during Blitz wouldn't guarantee Mengsk's victory
over 14 years ago
Before I try this game, have they fixed the frying your video card bug?
Prime 2.0
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42873]@Merlynn[/url] Having Tychus under a death switch by Mengsk is just a plot hole in general, considering Media Blitz. But obviously, if the suit is wired up like that and sent into enemy hands, there must have been a way for him to know if it was being tampered with, and set off the killswitch then.
over 14 years ago
*Spoilers im sure*
Gotta admit shooting Tychus was a dick move on Raynor's part but doesnt anyone remember the last protoss crystal mission? kerrigan kinda needs to live.
over 14 years ago
Don't quite remember Tychus being black.
over 14 years ago
I look forward to there being a "good" group of zerg under Kerrigan's control in HotS. Zerg up till now have been uninteresting. I hope some of them get voices.
over 14 years ago
I once have a thought of Tychus revived as an Infested Terran and becomes its new leader.
But then, how can he control the Zerg if he has no psionic powers?
over 14 years ago
Raynor's a bigger dick than Tychus could ever be.
over 14 years ago
knows how they're going to kill him if he don't do what they want. Something could have been done,like disarming the "kill switch" in the armor or just getting him out of the damn thing. But no,Raynor waits til Tychus is forced to try to kill Kerrigan and he just shoots his "old friend".
over 14 years ago
I always felt like Raynor just didn't give a damn about Tychus. Sure,he's not the nicest guy but he's loyal. He did hard time to protect Raynor. And all through the game they basically say he's going to betray you. Tosh says he's going to do something he doesn't want to do,Matt scans the armor and
A Bag of Opinions
over 14 years ago
I luv dem sayin's wen you clik on dem.
over 14 years ago
@Alice Margatroid: I loved listening to Tychus talk. He takes his sweet time saying everything in his delicious baritone...ah! So good.
over 14 years ago
My apologies dear Josue. I have been shamed D:
I Keel You!
over 14 years ago
What's with black army men and cigars! Really. Sgt. Jonson then this dude? geze get some new material!
Alice Margatroid
over 14 years ago
Honestly, I never liked Tychus. His accent was even worse then the rest of the Terran hicks and he was just a dick.
over 14 years ago
10th and the last!!!!
EDIT: Not Ninja'd
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42849]@THH[/url]: The secret mission Also: Raynor chose the ho cause they'll all be dead if he didnt.
random guy from the internet
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_42849]@THH[/url] Not played the secret mission did u?
over 14 years ago
*possible spoilers*
Lolwut Josue? What "Mengsk hybrid tech research?" Mengsk doesn't even know about the Hybrids or the prophecy. And as far as "Raynor choose da ho," uh, YEAH, if I knew the ho was key to universal survival, I'd choose the ho. Tychus was great til he finally had to choose his fate.
over 14 years ago
You need to construct additional ventilation!
over 14 years ago
Anthony Higgs enjoying the old federation Model Suits I see.
The Doctor
over 14 years ago
He is Black Spy!
random guy from the internet
over 14 years ago
bros b4 hos
over 14 years ago
because he felt like being black that's why.
over 14 years ago
Need an exhaust port here.