What people are saying about "Freaks"
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over 13 years ago
Hehe Blatant Freaks reference.
about 14 years ago
I wonder where Ellis is.
over 14 years ago
I don't think you even know what that word means
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46334]@Durp[/url]: Go watch the link for the movie he was referencing. It's not supposed to be gobble, it's supposed to be gooble. Gooble gobble gooble gobble.
over 14 years ago
This is what Squeenix gets for outsourcing to those dirty nips.
Troll #34
over 14 years ago
@te-kun: Need just a little more moe and ero.
Troll #34
over 14 years ago
Hellgate: London was not that bad. It WAS bad, but playable bad. And even enjoyable up to about 30-ish level.
over 14 years ago
A little but I get what they're trying to do. 2 things mostly...
1. Trying to make their game unique from FFXI
2. Trying to stop Real Money Traders
I commend them for the first but I think the second is just silly.... well only time will tell if 14 will sink or swim.
over 14 years ago

Isn't it a little discomforting that SE has managed to forget everything it learned from a game that it created 8 years ago?
over 14 years ago
I am actually enjoying FFXIV. Is it flawed, well yeah... but not game breaking so. Certainly not anywhere near as bad as APB and Daikatana were. Hell given time it may be just as good as FFXI was. <and no I am not an SE fan boy or a troll, just giving my opinion.>
over 14 years ago
You spell gobble with 2 b's not 2 o's
A Bag of Opinions
over 14 years ago
I for one don't care for petty squabbles between the votes of Kotaku, for as we have this site. I am pleased with that.
over 14 years ago
I love the stonecutters photo note reference!
over 14 years ago
But Marsellus Wallace don't like to be fucked by anyone except Mrs. Wallace
over 14 years ago
Congrats, the current Kotaku Sunday Comics Deathmatch results put you in the lead (@ 22.11% of the votes)

Yes, you're beating Penny Arcade
over 14 years ago
Best use of photo notes EVER!
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46307]@Iceholder[/url]: There's a censor on Nerfnow! now? Hmm... SHIT FUCK CRAP SHIT ASS FAGGOT BITCH.
over 14 years ago
I hate all those games.

Especially that Dai-katana game or whatever it's called.
Frank West
over 14 years ago
You know what these games are missing? Me. That's probably why they're such failures. I mean, I've covered wars, you know?

Why not make a comic about a game that matters, eh?
over 14 years ago
take wallpaper on that minimedic :D
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46281]@Patch[/url]: Daikatana was designed to be the most advanced FPS game to date with 3D graphics instead of the 2.5D like Doom and Wolfenstine(3D look by scaling 2D sprites for distance). It's considered a failure because it's release was pushed back so much and others ended up doing it first.
I Shot Sonic
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46260]@ZT[/url]: FFXI peaked at 500k subscribers. FFXIV will be lucky to have that many by this time next year.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46287]@usbfridge[/url]: They didn't claim her because there's not a clear shot of her girly parts.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46307]@Iceholder[/url]: Sonic is dead. You should probably just accept it.
over 14 years ago
"Daikatana gonna make FF 14 his bitch!"
over 14 years ago
Also, Sonic isn't dead. The people that make his games need to quit being *&^%(%^&%&%$^&%)%*&^%^&%*%%*^!)(*&*(^&*&%*)*&%^&$*(*%($%^$*(&%*&^% is all.
over 14 years ago
Never played Daikatana. Dunno.

FF XIV doesn't look like a bad game when I watch my buddy play it, but like all MMO games, unless you've got a group to play with for most of the time, it looks like it can get really boring, really fast. Same problem I have with WoW.
over 14 years ago
Hellgate: London was an awesome game, it was just released out of it's 'beta' stage too soon. Definitely needed more work.

APB..... Nice concept, but way too easy to be a total dick as the... w/e the 'cop' side was called, can't remember. Bloody stun weapons.....
over 14 years ago
Yea... Tabula Rasa... Except that it was actually playable. I have the collectors coin on a necklace xD
over 14 years ago
Wait a moment...
Nerf NOW! 21.19% (4,604 votes)
Penny Arcade 22.11% (4,804 votes)

Nerfnow can win this!!!
Lilly Satou
over 14 years ago
Are we going to get to the part where they mutilate her and turn her into a duck? Or are one of the freaks who claims her the ones who'll do that? :<
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46293]@pingas[/url]: Which is a shame; TabRas was a good game, a good engine with a good setting. It just needed more direction and owners that weren't nucking futs.
over 14 years ago
Should have had Tabula Rasa instead of Daikatana considering it was the shortest lived MMO until APB beat theur record.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
So....they're turkeys?
over 14 years ago
No claims on her? One would think the group of stuff claiming in these comics normaly would end up claiming her.
over 14 years ago
I agree with Uber Spycrab, that medic thing in the discription and comments area is so cute. Also, Spies should be able to "Lock" the ubercharge of a medic if they are ubered, so they can spah crab all they want.
over 14 years ago
I think they just need to make a MMO using the races from tactics advanced 1 not 2, 1. I think that would end up good if they had a lower price than 15 a month. One more thing Bob I agree with your last thing you said, it is better than WoW.
over 14 years ago
Wait a minute, Daikatana isn't an MMO, is it? or is this a >4.0 sect?
over 14 years ago
poor poor mithra
I actually felt bad for her XD
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
omg that golden age video is epic!!
over 14 years ago
If this comic was the first time you've ever heard this reference, you probably have a life.

Me, I got it as soon as it got to "one of us".
Über Spycrab
over 14 years ago
That mini-medic with the hat is so freaking CUTE! :3 :D
over 14 years ago
But of course, Jo could make a version with tentacles.

But it wouldn't be the kind of tentacles you want to see.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46265]@MrHitler[/url] Holding him with what? as far as we know, Jo always do things that he like to do, listen to positive responses and updating constantly. And oh look, a /v/ called other /v/ pot, meet kettle, kettle, pot
over 14 years ago
Personally, I can't wait to get a computer that can support FF XIV. But still, that doesn't change the fact that this comic is very, very true.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46261]@Boolean[/url] I just the Hitler reference because of the WW2 Assassin's Creed thing amused me. Also I don't know what this Little Gamers is and find it ironic that CAD isn't even on the listing, as it shouldn't be. I did say Jo was clever, but as I stated, you lot are the ones holding him back. gb2/v/.
over 14 years ago
Hehe. Face.

Also, FF XIV and Kotaku suck.
Still, FFXIV is better than WoW IMO.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46260]@ZT[/url]: I'm gonna assume that those two million people are either Japanese or don't exist. FFXI was a virtual ghost town, last I checked in with a poor schmuck who still plays it. Single mob camping, FTL. FFXI was a shit game, and FFXIV is the same game. Simple, ne?
over 14 years ago
404 strip

tons of hot girls, clothing 404'd

fuck year!
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46247]@Marmalade[/url]: 2 million active characters is "barely staying afloat?" Besides, all the people responsible for the bad parts of XI got promoted away to work on the flagship XIV, leaving XI in the hands of the guys responsible for the good parts.
over 14 years ago
Dear Josué! Are you planning something special for comic number 404?
over 14 years ago
Rather obscure for a reference, but very fitting.
over 14 years ago
I played Hellgate and actually I loved it despite the lag and massive glitches if the game was actually finished it would have been awesome but alas they never got it past a beta-ish version
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46254]@MrHitler[/url] with that name, obvious troll is too obvious? please go back to reading little gamers...... or whoresipping ctrl alt del..... whore
over 14 years ago
I voted for PA on account they don't have a loli complex. You're clever, Jo, but you're no better than the company you keep.
over 14 years ago
Hellgate, at least, succumbed to a fate I hope FFXIV dodges. It was rushed through beta (check), released too unpolished (check, at least according to most)... then by the time it improved, people had already given up on it. (Not yet)
over 14 years ago
Ok thats just freaking classic
See what I did there lol
over 14 years ago
APB guy looks like he's mouthing an invisible dong.
over 14 years ago
I first heard of the gooble gobble song from southpark, it peek my interest then i rented the movie. I'm glad the author makes a reference to freak :D
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_46229]@Anon[/url]: It has been 6 years, and multiple failed competing MMOs since WoW launched, you'd think Square-Enix would've learned a thing or too instead of releasing their second MMO in such a sorry state knowing how their first one failed to be much competition and barely even managed to stay afloat.
over 14 years ago
You should make the one with the tentacles.
over 14 years ago
ONE OF US!! ONE OF US!! God, today's comic is such a win!
over 14 years ago
The sad thing is while APB didnt sell it was still a much better game than FFXIV that must have sold a ton. APB deserved to be much better but was dragged down by a ton of production problems and a constantly moving release date.

I really miss working at Realtime
over 14 years ago
Feh, PA is nothing but dick jokes now. It's not nearly as funny as it used to be. I'll vote for Nerfnow. Also more FFXIV bashing, please. [url=#user_comment_46229] @Anon[/url]: You do know FFXI got worse as the game went on, right?
over 14 years ago
you got my vote Jo, buuut since penny arcade is there too i tossed them a vote aswell. the awesomeness of both NN & PA are comparably equal so i could not sway in either direction, especially that you can vote on more then one.

btw i played FFXI, and i didn't like it, so im all for more bashing.
25 Extra Lives
over 14 years ago
APB could've been good, actually the game seemsed fine with it's huge openworldness. To bad it didn't workout
over 14 years ago
Zombies are also alive in one form or another, but at what price, at what price I ask you o_o

If it'll be available again for the western world at reasonable conditions i'll jump that... but til them...
over 14 years ago
Did you know that Hellgate was acquired by Koreans and is still alive and well in one form or another?
Kinda weird.
over 14 years ago
This comic somehow makes me sad... especially since HG:L and APB were games I quite liked :(

But screw FF IV, give me GW2 :I
over 14 years ago
Honestly, WoW has spoiled us. If anyone can remember, WoW was far worse than FFXIV at launch. It took it a good hard year to get up to what we consider the game now. We're a little over a month into XIV, and fact of the matter is, XIV is still in a better shape than WoW was. Even compared to FFXI.
over 14 years ago
Actually I have seen the movie.

The best part is with Prince Rodrick crawling around with a knife in his mouth.
over 14 years ago
DON'T FEEL BAD. You did a fine job tossing your little fanboys away. AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
over 14 years ago
The last one is so much fail I've never heard of it.....
over 14 years ago
HAHHAHHAHA. I get the reference with all 3 games now. LOL. All Failures.
over 14 years ago
"The freaks of fail rpg games."

Battlefield Heroes vs. Team Fortress 2 comic post-Mann .co update would be sweet.
over 14 years ago
I voted. Now I demand the version with tentacles.
Gabba Gabba
over 14 years ago
Yay, I know all of the Games and the movie. Poor FF XIV. Though, You could really make it a lot bigger. So many bad games that were supposed to be awesome...
over 14 years ago
But Hellgate is coming back though.
over 14 years ago
Aaaaaaaaand vote given :D

poor FF XIV, hope she can tolerate the others, or she will ended up as the chicken lady

over 14 years ago
Unfortunately I know the movie reference just not the games in question.
over 14 years ago
You're coming in second so far and considering Penny Arcade's in, not many could do better, good going.
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