What people are saying about "An Apple A Day"
An Apple A Day
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about 14 years ago
Noooo, that jokes has stopped my brain. It's to brain-slowing.

Great joke btw. :D
The Sturk
about 14 years ago
I recognize that first panel. Its the cover to the first Superman Comic ever made
DJ Lee
about 14 years ago
Not sure if anybody else noticed but the first clip is the parody of the first Superman comic book cover.

Also Ubermensch means Superman in German.

Medic says "I am ze Ubermensch!" In the game.
Aron "Yellow Hat" Times
about 14 years ago
OMG I just figured out the joke. I read this strip a few days ago and didn't get the whole, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," thing.

Well played Jo, well played.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47239]@Perlder[/url]: Then why do some of the classes yell "DOCTOR!" when trying to get the medic to heal him? Because he probably has a doctorate of medicine, thus, he is Dr. Medic. =D
about 14 years ago
but hes a medic and not a doctor
about 14 years ago
If the teams were switched, would the apple be blue? :O
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47097]@Zamb[/url]: Two fingers on the touchpad and click.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47159]@Perlder[/url]: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."
about 14 years ago
i dont get it
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47154]@Ryaw[/url]: omg, you're right ;..; now theres going to be a purple dog in the next comic, and then engi neer is going to kick it or scare it or something...
Radigan Conagher
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47152]@Croves[/url] Actually, that's just the Engineer family's name. My grandson's first name is Dell.
about 14 years ago
Is it just me or does the Engie look somewhat similar to Eustace from Courage the Cowardly Dog? Sure, he doesn't have quite the overly large jaw, but the look's sorta there.
about 14 years ago
Ubermensch pushed so far into enemy territory that he exited the cp map and ended up on a pl map.
about 14 years ago
Engie's name is Conagher.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47147]@Scuffles[/url]: Nah more likely they would breed and create a complicated system where every thing you do leads to a command.
about 14 years ago
So if I got a Kinect and set it next to my SteelBattalion controller .... would the two annihilate each other, ceasing to exist but releasing a burst of some new clean/renewable energy?

Could The reaction between these two polar opposites be the answer to the worlds future energy needs?
about 14 years ago
This is, quite possibly the best story arc I've ever seen! I lol'd for real.
about 14 years ago
I have a particular issue with Kinectimals. It's not related to pet sims or casual games, I can understand those. It's just that the cartoonish facial expressions in those realistic animals trigger a strong Uncanny Valley effect in me that makes me want to punch them in the face.
about 14 years ago
I doubt simple motion based games like Kinectimals and the Party games they are selling are going to overshadow traditional games. Sure, it does appeal to the numerous crowd of non-habitual and casual gamers, but usually they don't buy games as regularly as traditional gamers
about 14 years ago
I don't buy into the argument that the rise of casual gaming will bring about the death of hardcore titles. Nintendo made oodles of money with Wii Fit, but they haven't stopped making Mario/Zelda/Pokemon/Kirby/Metroid titles.
Frank West
about 14 years ago
Hah, silly Ubermensch, you shouldn't be fighting battles you can't handle.

Not like "Newsman!"

The incredible superhero who can cover wars like no other! He has no weakness!(that can't be vaccinated)
about 14 years ago
Better question: why is he considered a threat if he can only fight crime for ten seconds every two minutes?
about 14 years ago
ok, hands up. who else here detests of medic twins?
it is more than annoying when a medic pair runs havoc in the enemy team! it is detestable!
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47019]@Nerfnow[/url]: While the market as a whole will expand into areas considered to be more profitable, 'traditional' games will continue to be made until the difference in accounting profit is great enough to absorb the cost in change of production. Along as we demand games we want, they will be made.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47097]@Zamb[/url]: If you still use a one-button mouse on Mac, you're doing it wrong.
about 14 years ago
I'd like to think people are smarter enough to not really find buttons on regular controllers "Complicated," but I've already read stuff about people hurting themselves or accidentally breaking their TVs while playing with Kinect. So yeah, I have to think people are that dumb.
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47097]@Zamb[/url]: Use a two-button mouse. Problem solved.
about 14 years ago
No right-click on the mac - can't pop über! So long, über-mensch...
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47091]@Vulpis[/url], the Move (and the accompanying equipment, e.g. PS3 etc.) also COSTS more. And for casuals, cost is a big factor. So, I'm thinking that the Wii and Move will be fighting for that top spot, while the Kinect... won't quite be in the running.
about 14 years ago
Gah--failed auto-complete on that last one..that 'v' is me.
about 14 years ago
Unless Nintendo pulls out something surprising, the Move is probably going to end up on top--it does everything the Wiimote does (except have an internal speaker, I think), and does with with finer position-sensing. Granted, this is assuming motion-control doesn't fall to the wayside in general...
about 14 years ago
I figure the Kinect is going to flop in fairly short order, for the exact same reasons the EyeToy failed--to use it you're just flailing rather than having a physical representation, and it takes entirely too much clear space to keep from confusing the recognition.
about 14 years ago
Gotta love the super man reference, along with the apple a day keeps the doctor away joke, this is probably one of you're funnier arcs for me.
Spy von Joker
about 14 years ago
You fools! How dare you explain jokes repeatedly to unknowing viewers! Prepared to trolled in a fashion most uncivil!

Except you Mewt, March trolled you more than I ever could.
about 14 years ago
The First Panel is a totally win !!!!!
about 14 years ago
@Mistah S: One of them was called pc_sawmill, you capped two CP's then pushed a cart through a checkpoint to a hole like a regular payload map. It was really, really fucking fun, and I've yet to see a server run it in a long time.
Dr. Furry
about 14 years ago
if kinect gets less halo, im actually gonna like it
about 14 years ago
Jo, you've outdone yourself. Two comics in a row with panels that deserve to be hi-res wallpapers.
about 14 years ago
Well there's lot more control in gaming right now.Latest invention from japan are using Onahole as controller.
Mistah S
about 14 years ago
People, there ARE maps for TF2 where you have to capture a control point AND push little cart.
They were community made though, and I dont quite remember the name of them.
Jesus C
about 14 years ago
Didn't know the proverb (figures, I'm from Poland), but the first panel should be made into a wallpaper. That's how awesome it is.
about 14 years ago
Doesn't anybody realise that with Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony all wasting time trying to outdo each other's motion control gimmick games/hardware, PC gaming can capitalise with a return to basics.

This is the opportunity of a lifetime for PC gaming and publishers that don't want to make ports.
about 14 years ago
But... from where i'm from, "an apple a day, keeps the REAPER away"...
Is this why people made fun of me at school?
about 14 years ago
An apple a day keeps the doctor away i see :D
about 14 years ago
A great fear of mine, Kinect takes off an as a result Bio has to castrate Mass Effect 3 to make it compatable.
about 14 years ago
I hate apples.
about 14 years ago
You idiot, Jo!

That's not a control point, that's a bomb cart! Get your facts straight!
about 14 years ago
I love this comic. It makes me squee with nostalgic and fangirlish delight. <3
about 14 years ago
You fools! Ze Ubermensch can defend points by throwing around payload carts! That is a free-floating prop that he is using to bludgeon everyone with!

There's no track!
about 14 years ago
cont: is now, but also as a gateway to future gaming systems. For example, the prius is an overall gayass car, no denying it. however, newer cars like the Tesla (electric sports car) and other hybrids will be the future of cars. It has to start somewhere.
about 14 years ago
you seem to be missing the point of kinect. Sure, right now the games blow, but eventually they'll be amazing. Imaging using a couch or something as cover and being able to duck and aim and crawl and kill people just by aiming and moving your fingers. The potential is incredible not only for how it
about 14 years ago
Does the engineer look like lex luthor to anyone else?
Cooking Cock
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47036]@Protobender[/url]: I'm a chicken and very offended I HAVE RIGHTS TOO
about 14 years ago
Wait, wait... I don't think Ubermensch can push a bomb cart, let alone carrying it...
Hipster Bastard
about 14 years ago
Jo deserves more praise for that first panel.
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
I'm not sure why motion controls are supposed to mean the end of "hardcore" games. I see the Kinect as a gateway into the future. The thought of one day having a virtual environment that I can completely interact with is great imo.
about 14 years ago
Then "Batman" comes out from the shade and knocks the apple out of the Engi Neer's hand with his Bat-sandman.
or have the "Yellow Arrow" and shoot it out of the Engi's hands. there is so much potential material to work with in this arc.
about 14 years ago
damn ninjaed!
about 14 years ago
That first panel looks almost exactly like Action Comics #1 cover.
Nice one Jo.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47030]@kshade[/url], thx. Second: Don't worry, Kinnect and other motion gaming stuff will rank behind traditional gaming. That's almost law...
about 14 years ago
@Cooking Cock : First off, change your name
"The point is being captured"
about 14 years ago
Ha ha, zee first panel :>

about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
It iz ze Ubermensch's one weakness! The humble apple!

Kind of a weaksauce weakness eh?
about 14 years ago
Unfortunaly i can see the gaming market focusing almost exclusively on the kinetic crap. And I agree that real games that involve basic challenge will suffer for a while, but there will always be holdouts for real gamers, it will just be harder to find those games.
about 14 years ago
@Serious response: The market will go for what is more profitable, in the end, there can be only one. I'd be loved to be proven wrong though.
Cooking Cock
about 14 years ago
Wait I thought they were playing CP!
Serious response
about 14 years ago
Kinect is a different sort of gaming world to the one that is primarily in their 20s and playing the sort of games you like, Nerfnow guy. it's two completely demographics. Sure, it may not be your thing, but variety is the spice of life.

Also Kinectimals is fucking adorable!
about 14 years ago
And Apple A Day Keeps the Doktor Away