The fun in EVE all comes from interacting with people tbh.
I prefer to interact with people using autocannons but there's lots of scope to do whatever.
If you just log on ajnd set a skill running you're doing it wrong tbh.
ps. Lowsec is awesome. We have rum.
EVE player
over 14 years ago
No, we don't want j4g carebears
EVE player
over 14 years ago
So you don't want to play with other people in a *multiplayer* game?
over 14 years ago
join Test Alliance Please Ignore, the most fun nullsec alliance out there
over 14 years ago
@Warp 0m: If you make enough in-game cash (ISK), you can buy in-game time cards called PLEX that will give you 30-days of game time. Many players play for "free" thanks to it since they make enough in-game to buy it (~300 ISK last I played).
Warp 0m
over 14 years ago
€ 131.40 a year is just to **** much!
over 14 years ago
I should thank you, Jo. Because of this comic, I got interested in EON and now I'm hooked. Still on the 14-day trial, but I'm loving it nonetheless!
over 14 years ago
The drama and political intrigue in EVE is what makes the game fun.
Byrr (EVE Pilot Name)
over 14 years ago
I played EVE and got bored with it after a while. Then I stopped living in highsec and joined a fun corp/alliance and I've loved it since. We've owned our own sovereign space for about 8 months now, and it's been much more fun that living in empire space.
over 14 years ago
nice touhou hijack, idk wtf to name mine though,flandres mah wafu, but a nitori is fine too
over 14 years ago
Dang. I really feel like digging it up again. It'd help if I find a corp I can relate to for once.
I'm curious for the new update though. sexy faces :3
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47663]@Scuffles[/url]: Games that play themselves (or otherwise encourage farming like this) are a stupid idea to me.
over 14 years ago
But you don't get to kill people in cold-blood and nuke their escape pod! D:
over 14 years ago
You have to join a player corp to enjoy this game.
over 14 years ago
To those of you who love Eve, more power to you. I got a job instead. It's pretty much the exact same thing except they give me money.
over 14 years ago
If you aren't in a corp in Eve you aren't going to have much fun. Saying that the stories of drama and intrigue scared you off is like saying that the explosions in TF2 scared you so you hid at the spawn point.
Frank West
over 14 years ago
*snaps pictures*
Aw man, this is even better than wars!
over 14 years ago
Hey, man, I'm free to hate on anythin' I want, includin' myself!
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47658]@Louis[/url]: Ah Christ, this is more depressing than zombies.
over 14 years ago
Stop being such an ass, Francis!
over 14 years ago
I hate bad grammar. Just admit it, you only started doin' it 'cause I was doing it first, right? Only way to explain why I'm always here before ya on every comic, right?
You should cover this war between me and Other Francis. It's about to get serious.
over 14 years ago
I loved playing this game because of the freedom to do as you pleased. I pretty much made a junker, preying on scrap from big raids and fights in space. Of course, it's rough trying to outrun the former owners and their buddies when they catch you in the act...
EVE Player
over 14 years ago
Join a NullSec (0.0) Corp. If you go "ratting" in nullsec space, a good hour can net you millions of credits. By yourself. In your corps soveriegn space. If you're with friends, you can get even more. Doing PvE in High Sec, no matter what the level of the mission, will always give out less.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47636]@1hp[/url]: No! His name is Joseph!
over 14 years ago
EVE is a great game - in concept. And PVP is amazingly fun. Get in a huge corp fleet, protect your investments on a daily basis, guard against invasions, etc. all that is amazingly well implemented and fun. Even "transport goods from A to B" is fun and exciting in 0.0 sec. But the PVE ruins it.
Green Lantern Hal Jordan
over 14 years ago
@Chuck Green
I wish I could create weapons to save my important city.......
*coast city explode*
Chuck Green
over 14 years ago
@Frank West
Then again...who wants to imitate you anyway, am I right? Now if you'll excuse me...I need to create a weapon of mass destruction with my awesome, non-photo related, skills to save a much more important city.
over 14 years ago
hey blu engi has a mole!
in panel 3 and both hands... this must been a flash back.
Frank West
over 14 years ago
Nobody ever tries to imitate me, because everyone knows there is only enough awesome on this world for ONE Frank West.
And that's me. Plus, I doubt anyone else could cover wars like I do.
over 14 years ago
It helps.
That or you just have to know how their skill system works. You don't get any skill while you do things in the game. You do however get skill based on what you have added to your skill queue which runs regardless of you actively playing or even being logged in.
over 14 years ago
Is this another one of those jokes where you have to have played the game to get it?
over 14 years ago
OH. It's going to be a BITCH apocalypse now, BITCH.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47650]@Francis[/url]: Hey Original Grease Ball, remember how imitation is the best form of flattery? Be thankful that anyone would ever want to be just like you.
Xevious is a genius in the last panel. No one can deny this. I would say "Hats off to you!" but yeah...
Zabie Bill
over 14 years ago
Don't make me say it.
Lord Serathil
over 14 years ago
Eve. A game that rewards you for not playing, and punishes you for playing.
When in doubt... you could always forget the MMO part and just play some good'ol Freelancer.
over 14 years ago
i hate imposters
over 14 years ago
Hey, other Francis, why don't you stop being a dumbass with that grammar and stop posting here altogether? We both damn well know that I'm doing a better job at it.
over 14 years ago
Hiding in High Sec? Check.
Didn't join a corp? Check.
Congratulations! You've completed the checklist to guarantee you'll hate Eve Online!
Seriously, grab a good corp and go out and get yourself blown up some. Also, if you want a passive ISK income, check into Datacore farming and PI.
over 14 years ago
i bet she puts out on the first date.
over 14 years ago
EVE Online's game systems are not the most interesting things in the world; some of them are quite complicated, others just add tons of tedium (mining!).
Your best shot at having fun in EVE is finding a corp to do stuff with; especially real-life friends!
Defiant Wolf
over 14 years ago
Did the nullsec thing with a corp last time through. After trying the "end game", so to speak, I decided the game just wasn't for me. More power to those who like it though.
Biomassed my character and am never going back.
troll name
over 14 years ago
is jo a girl?
over 14 years ago
Poll finds majority of males from the Democratic People's Republic would have elected to 'liberate' a naked woman
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47572]@Nickyticky[/url]: wut, do you even play EvE?
over 14 years ago
>does not join corps
>no pvp, just missioning... again and again
why are you playing eve then?
over 14 years ago
I managed to get into the pvp last time I had time to play eve. Being able to mine the ore to build my next combat ship was always a big help. the only real fear them was losing my implants to some ass who didn't care about having low sec status.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47582]@Ezgam3r[/url]: When you spend 2 months with a corp that ALL they did was camp a single lowsec boarder system, you learn to fear it. Not to mention horror stories from spots like Rancer.
Frank West
over 14 years ago
This game is silly. You know how I level up? By suplexing zombies and taking pictures of scantily-clad women. Now THAT'S a real game.
Dead Rising for LIFE!
over 14 years ago
i hate eve
over 14 years ago
Make your own corp, kick people out randomly, profit!
Also, planetary interaction
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47588]@Dominic[/url]: Some lame space ship floating around some the player heads.
Remember when TF2 fans mocked battlefield heroes for selling worthless cosmetics in their game?
over 14 years ago
I wonder what an EVE Online hat for TF2 would be like.
over 14 years ago
I'm surprised that no one's made a comment about X3:Reunion yet.
over 14 years ago
I've been playing Eve online for the last 5 years. It's a great game but it's a VERY DIFFICULT game. It has a lot of turnoffs, especially if you come from the modern MMOG world.
Why? Because it's a sandbox. So if you want "end game content" you're fucked. (Need longer comments =/)
over 14 years ago
Ezgam3r speaks the truth, take note people.
over 14 years ago
Yeah EvE was the same way for me.
It went from steep learning curve for ~20min
To most Awesome game EVER ..... for like 3 weeks
.........Then it was just damn boring.
then it became a chore to login, mostly to add more to my training queue ... then immediately log off.
over 14 years ago
New players (<1 mth) have fought and won against beta vets in PvP, marketing, trading, scamming and the rest as skills are only so much in game. What you actively do in these engagements holds far more weight than any skill could.
tl;dr: EvE is not a WoW clone. "Levels" are of minimal importance.
over 14 years ago
It wouldn't matter if the guy facing you can fly a fully tech2 fitted HAC or a Titan if they are flying a Rifter. If you got all skills relevant to Rifter's maxed out, you're on even ground skill-wise since there is only so many skills you can use for them.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_47550]@cbale2000[/url]: This is possibly the biggest misconception of EvE that new and non players have that is completely false.
Sure, some guy from 7 years ago will have far more skillpoints than you will, but in any profession, nearly all of it will be completely useless.
over 14 years ago
If you want passive income look into
1. Research agents, aka farming datacores. It`s easy passive 100m month.
2.Planetary Interaction, easy money.
ISK are easy now, with LP for misions lv3 , salvaging I make enough in few hours for Ashimmu with faction webber/ENAMs.
over 14 years ago
Always the option of being a total baller, train up some skills for a T2 fitted T1 frigate and go hunt in lowsec.
over 14 years ago
Yeah, spend some time on a space station till a huge pirate raid in 1.0 security space destroys the station you're in @.@
over 14 years ago
In EVE Slang, the nerfnow creator is a carebear, for never venturing into low sec. I feel you man.
over 14 years ago
EVE is definitely not for just anyone. You have to CRAVE PvP, as well as have a steady group to play it with. Going it solo normally doesn't go well, and the PvE gets boring after a while
The trial for EVE is nowhere near enough time to give you a feel for the game. You'd need, like, a few months
Victor Reznov
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Give Star Trek Online a try. Beats the shit out of EVE.
over 14 years ago
I hate free trials.
over 14 years ago
completely agree with OP. EvE is too much real.
A Bag of "Idontevenknow"
over 14 years ago
Speaking of TF2 fapping to hats! How about that Poker Visor
*Wink Wink Nudge Nudge Hint Hint*
over 14 years ago
Man, what TF2 player doesn't fap to hats nowadays?
over 14 years ago provides a pretty effortless way of making isk. The creator made 2 bills in 2 months with it.
over 14 years ago
Starburst needs to make a commercial about EVE Online.
It's Both Boring, and Exciting.
Seriously: You hear all the awesome stories about it (exciting) and then you play it, and odds are when you start up: boring. Then if you go into the right role for you: exciting (or boring if it's mining)
over 14 years ago
You know, I thought about playing EVE once, what with it being in space and having fancy graphics.
But it just looks so Goddamn boring.
Also, nice angle.
over 14 years ago
I can totally relate to this comic. Though I still have an EVE account, I hardly ever play except to train skills and occasionally reset planetary factories. Knowing that no matter how high my skills get, that someone out there with far better skills can kill me anytime keeps me in my station. >_>
over 14 years ago
EvE's got a lot of merit, but the real enemy is fatigue. You have to set your own goals and trigger your own serotonin releases, so it's more like Dwarf Fortress with other players and spaceships. And as in DF, you sometimes have to start over with nothing to show for your efforts except lessons.
Mark Raynor
over 14 years ago
Seriously, kids, if you want to learn PVP in EVE, I'd see if you can get into EVE University. They do good work, or so I'm told. And after that, the real trick to making EVE fun is finding a well-fitting corp for you to call home; it just takes a bit of work to figure out what *you* want.
needs moar 東方
over 14 years ago
"Suwako Nice Boat" A well chosen name!
over 14 years ago
Sensei, can we have Cirno as a snack?
over 14 years ago
Yeah, I played EVE for a while, both a bit ago and fairly recently.
It's just too much dull work for unclear goals. The only real "end game content" is the player corps taking over the universe, but even if you win, it's still all empty space.
over 14 years ago
I honestly don't know how people tolerate this game. Like every time I see a war story or crime story from EVE I get excited. Then one day I actually played the game in the 15 day trial. Bored out of my fucking mind, 20 minutes feels like 3 hours. Never played it again.
over 14 years ago
7th. lol
over 14 years ago
My friend and I just got sucked back into EVE as well. We're thinking of starting up our own little hisec PVE corp. Interested?
over 14 years ago
nice comic btw.
over 14 years ago
actually there is a passive way to earn money aside from mining. planetary exploitation. plop a colony down there, tell it what to mine/build, have then launch it up to you in space and sell it off.
over 14 years ago