What people are saying about "Preparations"
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over 14 years ago
this is image scrap playxp(http://www.playxp.com)
over 14 years ago
with the shattering occuring [pre cata event] which put in all the new low level area changes and quests...

well i get to launch a giant punching glove at goats which then get splattered into cliff faces.

over 14 years ago
empty bottle to piss in because wowfags are technically not human beings
That Guy who holds the Bags
over 14 years ago
So that is where I left it!
Silly me.
A Bag of L4D Characters
over 14 years ago
*Note to whoever it concerns*

"Be wary of contents for reproduction and/or cloning can occur inside bag. Original Character would then be uncertain due to multiple copies."
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_48486]@Nick[/url] Whatever. Just get your scrawny copied ass out of here.
Zombie Bill
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_48486]@Nick[/url]: Well at least you ain't dead.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_48463]@Nick[/url]: Ummm, no? Listen up, jackass, I was here first, so take your cheap imitation suit, and your bad attitude, and get out of here. These copies are almost as bad as the goddamn zombies.
Salen Stormwing
over 14 years ago
And here I thought we were preparing for Poker Night items. New Minigun is Credit to Team!
over 14 years ago
WoW is nothing more than event party seeker with the intense plotline that everyone wants to be part off. Once the cataclysm is finished in the most awesomeness of grueling, yet rewarding challenges, the game will sink into nothingness until the next coming event

Ah, the circle of cyber life
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_48446]@Truth[/url]: For a month, then they'll go back to WoW when they realize any fresh blooded MMO needs at least a year to be worth playing, due to polish and lack of content. Same thing happened with AoC and WAR. Hate to be the party pooper, but the reality is only WoW will kill WoW, eventually.
over 14 years ago
I held my own RP session, I saved that Quest when you needed to use that "Doomed" saying the end of the world was happening, of course, several people ignored me, but in the end, some 10 minutes before the server closed, I was like Moses guiding the lost people of Orgrimmar,to Draenor to safety.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_48452]@Nick[/url] WHAT THE FU- SCRAWNY LITTLE BITCH I'LL HAVE TO KILL.
over 14 years ago
We held an awesome RP session in the Park as the servers came within 30 minuets of shutting down.
We fled from the elementals to the keep then fled back when the invasion was over.
Then we watched by our fire as the world ended.
over 14 years ago
I would like that bag of "hips" please.
over 14 years ago
A strange game, the only winning move is not to play.

How about a nice game of chess?
*Monocle Man*
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_48385]@StarPilot[/url]: What else did you spected him to do on those long camping sesions? After all he has no relationship.
over 14 years ago
I'm honestly convinced anyone who plays WOW past one expansion is addicted and needs to seek help.

Joined during Burning, Quit, came back for Wrath. That was a mistake, quit for good after Uldaman.
over 14 years ago
I bet that Zoey girl plays this... just don't tell Ellis.
over 14 years ago
Frank West
over 14 years ago
This is a silly game. Why not spend hours killing zombies? How about 72 hours of unadulterated Zombie killing fun!?

You can, with the Xbox classic Dead Rising, starring the handsome Frank West. Pick yours up today and get years of fun for a fraction of the price of this weird goblin simulator!
over 14 years ago
It was by far the greatest trailer I have ever seen. Other than Burning Legion.
over 14 years ago
@ Destati you musn't wait long my friend, most of the western audience for WoW will be pulled by ToR when it launches in 2011. The Chinese can keep WoW though.
over 14 years ago
It's 'play him off', not play away. Deathwing will make sure the grammar-noobs are the first to go.
over 14 years ago
I read somewhere that 60% of the players on WOW are bots or Chinese gold farmers (or maybe it was 60% are real players). Either way, I patiently wait for the day when WoW dies. See you on the other side.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
World being badly damaged by some powerful being? And then a newer play system... I liked this better when it was EQ2.
over 14 years ago
Despite the fact that I put in a photo note, I personally don't play WoW, nor do i ever want to.
over 14 years ago
I hate preparation.
Cyclone Duke
over 14 years ago
Looking good!
over 14 years ago
i wish i could get excited bout cata, but beta kinda killed the buzz. i think i hate beta testing now... atleast in bad games o.O
story so far..
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_48419]@Croves[/url]: UberMensch's wife gets into a bad neck accident and rush to the hospital where the undead where staying, a mummy gets offended at the stereotypical comments he keeps getting. Meanwhile, engi-tan back from playing Eve finds out about crates and now gave up TF2 to start her wow addiction.
over 14 years ago
Time to fill up some spare Jarate bottles.
over 14 years ago
Play Vindictus.
over 14 years ago
I still want to know what happened to the übermensch and engi neer.
over 14 years ago
OMG, I saw a completely unrelated comic with boobies, and I had the urge to draw a box and say "Mine!". Damn you photo notes! XD
over 14 years ago
Don't forget the new Alliance Furries.
over 14 years ago
@Curtis Ritchie: And they are retuning damage and mob health, so a bossfight will last longer than 20 seconds.
over 14 years ago
The new combat system is a re-tooling of how many of the classes work, adding many new skills, changing others, even giving a bunch of people new resource systems. On top of that they are re-working the whole stat system and returning to a 'control over damage' focus for content design.
over 14 years ago
Spy sapin mah tank!
over 14 years ago
Meh. Not bothering to return to wow anyways. Oh. GT5 comes out on wednesday so looking forward to that.
over 14 years ago
The third panel should be a jar, not a ketchup bottle...
New combat system?
over 14 years ago
What new combat system?
over 14 years ago
Lots of revamps in the MMO scene lately. RO's got the hilariously-badly-handled Renewal, for one.

Well, it'll be fun to hear how WoW's cataclysm is handled.
over 14 years ago
Prepare to gain another 30 pounds and become 25% paler.
over 14 years ago
hopefully someone doesnt make a stupid south park joke again
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Needs wider mouth. Should use a gatorade bottle like the troops do. For added lulz, use a lemon-lime gatorade bottle.
g >_<
over 14 years ago
* swap
over 14 years ago
sway urine bottle for catheter