Wrong, whinging (pron: win-jing) is pretty much a synonym for whining. Bullets do neither when ricocheting. They may whizz or whirr. :)
about 14 years ago
Whinging is something bullets do, usually past your head.
about 14 years ago
You are so right. I hate (HATE) level cap increases. They only satisfy habitual grinders who don't seem to understand that a cap is a cap is a cap, even if it's a little further away. Give them a week and they start with their whinging all over again and anyone who's NOT hardcore is screwed.
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
Pool, rather. anyone else love how they can english?
about 14 years ago
The mentality to be first. Funny thing is, that same mentality drives the D-bags that can't drive. THINNING GENE POLL ANYONE?
about 14 years ago
bored ~_~
Do a bit involving the monotony of PS3 updates.
about 14 years ago
Would you do a comic about Monday Night Combat, please, Jo? It's that DotA+TF2 game.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54269]@Vulpis[/url]: I have the same mentality when it comes to gaming in general. I like to enjoy the experiences the developers put into the games, and the unusual situations that can arise when with other players. I don't give a damn if I'm winning or not as long as neither side is dominating the other.
about 14 years ago
lol@"performance raiding". I'm too busy exploring and sowing devastation in PVP to put up with a guild of impatient nancy boys who gkikck you at the drop of a hat. I do raids for fun, but will never lose sleep over whether I'm "REALM 1ST!!!".
about 14 years ago
Bah--the main problem here is that mentality that you need to be 'top player' at all.
I guess I'm just weird about how I play MMOs. I somewhat enjoy the chatting, and I appreciate the ability to find help when needed, but...in general, I just don't *care* about how I compare to other people.
about 14 years ago
Meanwhile, I'm kinda-sorta having fun with the quests. I could be having more fun if my friends would help me out with them, but they can't be arsed, because they've played it 24/7 for 2-3 straight days and are burned out.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54063]@Nobody[/url]: I completely agree. I hate it when my friends are all like 'Hey dood, DOOD, check out this new free MMO we found!', and then I try it, and by day TWO, they're bored, because they couldn't find someone to 'power level' them, JUST so they could 'PvP'.
El Mex
about 14 years ago
Wasn't there a Miley Cyrus song that went something like this?
about 14 years ago
And it have MMO elements in it, can't wait!
about 14 years ago
Finally the Demon's Souls spiritual sequel is going to be released, it called Dark Souls, for PS3 and Xbox360, wide open world and the same difficulty.
Yeah and then some kiddy comes two weeks later through the new elevator and tells you what skill he has. A really good journey, when you can say: wow, now I am as avarage again like any other douge who plays.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54062]@Nobody[/url]: oops changed the working and missed one. Meant to say is not the only one.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54052]@dark[/url]: No. It's an MMORPG thing. WOW is a MMORPG but does not the only one in existence.
I always find it hilarious how everyone screams in these games how they want to be power leveled and get to the end game super fast to do the fun stuff. End game is waiting for new stuff to come.
Liro Raeriyo
about 14 years ago
MMORPG = best community, gayest competition
XBOX = Most Trollish Community, Best Competition,
Combined? the worst thing wins, now you can tell why i dont have an Xbox when i play games like this.
about 14 years ago
Waiting for the new APB, hoping it will be all about the journey.
about 14 years ago
This is why City of Heroes is so awesome. It's never pretended to be about anything but the journey. Level 50 has been the cap for pretty much the entire 7 years it's been running.
about 14 years ago
is this a world of warcraft thing?
about 14 years ago
@ Chocozumo, photonote
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54045]@Catattack998[/url]: Or FireFox with AdBlock+
about 14 years ago
I'm sorry, did you say you get ads?
(google chrome + awesome extensions)
Somebody had to say it!
about 14 years ago
I journey through Guild Wars, it's awesome.
The most ironic thing about my comment is that the advertisement right now is for the Tom Clancy's HAWX 2: Open Skies expansion pack.
about 14 years ago
I wish you were right, Mr Artist, but people again and again prove if you give them (always at least a few) something to be the top of, they'll do whatever it takes to be it. Dead Space 2 had several hundred people competing for the top 10 on multiplayer ranking- which is purely based on rank. Time.
about 14 years ago
I like to climb moutains and stuff,but this epic.
Even Minecraft guy can't do that,only stack up something,and he has limits too!
Defiant Wolf
about 14 years ago
This is actually one of the reasons I gave up even rushing to the end of an MMO or raiding. Why go through all the work and drama involved in raiding only to see all that work get obsolete? I now focus on the journey instead...
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
Playing EVE makes us go higher... And there's no need to climb !
about 14 years ago
But the destination says what the journeys about...
A witch accidentally marries a monster, and now she and her familiar has to navigate life around her monstrous husband and her even more terrifying in-laws.
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No End
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