Everything is better with tentacles!! And Engie-tans puppets!!
about 14 years ago
I'm BR. ;-;
about 14 years ago
Zoey tells me that Jo looks a lot like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unspeakable_Vault_(of_Doom)#Nyarly
Some jerk
about 14 years ago
I've read that the TF2 team is at present all of 3 people (robin and 2 other guys) due to portal 2
at least we are finally getting LOD models for the community items now
about 14 years ago
I fucking knew you were a tentacle monster, de-geso.
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
Defiant Wolf
about 14 years ago
*disturbed that the tenticle is up Puppet Engie Tan's dress"
about 14 years ago
All of a sudden it makes so much sense that there are so many girls in your strip.
You just can't keep those Japanese girls away from tentacles.
about 14 years ago
I want to buy one, or MAKE ONE!
Bad Karma
about 14 years ago
Jo is a ventriloquist. He's so good that not only do you not see his mouth move, you don't even see his mouth.
Shuma Gorath
about 14 years ago
Green tentacles are better. Purple just makes them laugh, trust me on this.
about 14 years ago
Sell Engi-tan hand puppets.
about 14 years ago
The reporter in the third panel needs to do his research, so he'd know that apparent Jo is or is related to the star of the classic game Manic Mansion... ;-)
about 14 years ago
I think Jo needs to do something where we can buy T-shirts from him.
about 14 years ago
@ Platypus: If you were a BAD Demospam, you wouldn't be sittin' here, typing a comment now would ya?
about 14 years ago
@Liro Raeriyo, but how will I be a good demospam then? :'(
about 14 years ago
If Jo is a tentacle monster, and is being interviewed, where is his mouth or where ever words come out of a monster? I can't say I've ever seen it here.
A fan
about 14 years ago
Bill Watterson, can't you hear me?
Bill Watterson, please don't fear me.
Don't treat me like I have rabies
I only wanna have your babies!
about 14 years ago
Want ep 3. And meet the pyro and meet the medic.
von Boomslang
about 14 years ago
Not enough suckers for Jo to be Purple.
about 14 years ago
Hmm, so you're not a character from one of your comics, but you are a character from a LucasArts scuum engine based adventure game? =P
about 14 years ago
Is that some strange mix of G-man and Andrew Ryan? :P
about 14 years ago
But...Bill Watterson wasn't the stuffed tiger. If I recall my Calvin & Hobbes correctly, he was the dad.
about 14 years ago
I, for one, welcome our tentacled overlord.
about 14 years ago
OMG, I havent noticed this until now...
Jo is now a POLITICIAN D:
about 14 years ago
I want my portal too, but I'm still waiting half life 3rd chapter.
note: that tentacle is already appeared in a a strip about samus didn't it?
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54452]@VinLAURiA[/url]: Well, if he ever played Day of the Tentacle, he should know that purple tentacles are the superior species in the universe, and might be wanting to appease our rightful gods through the imitation of their magnificence...
about 14 years ago
Fun Fact: That isn't a puppet
How many tentacles too?
about 14 years ago
...how are you talking without a mouth? or vocal cords? or ANYTHING that looks like it could make different noises to mimic speech?
Also, Stickies need a proper nerf, bring back original attack from release, then proper nerf em.
Liro Raeriyo
about 14 years ago
The revised drop-rate!
Weapons drop like the current drop system with 11 hours a week with a steady drop rate.
Crates drop half the time, and dont have a limit per week.
Hats have a 5% of droping per 3 hours, with no limit per week
about 14 years ago
So, you saying that you're Ultros?
about 14 years ago
Oh, Jo, you and your Loli-raep ways.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_54469]@Kmuf[/url]: Persons of Tentacle?
about 14 years ago
...uh... WHAT?
about 14 years ago
Its still a bit bigoted, though.
Have you seen how many hats some guys have and how few others have had dropped?
about 14 years ago
I forgot to mention... the tentacle is up Engie's skirt!
about 14 years ago
New Theory of Valve Physics states: "Anything with or about hats is directly related to video games!"
about 14 years ago
I thought you drew tentacles because it's easier to draw than a set of hands.
about 14 years ago
IMO they added too many weapons in a short period of time.
about 14 years ago
I guess the politically correct term would be Tentacle Person?
about 14 years ago
If you were a giant writhing mass of tentacles you could be a one-monster Jim Henson muppet troupe.
about 14 years ago
I think the Red head engineer is his type of girl, if there's a way to customize a female game character he will make them like that.
about 14 years ago
Now I am beginning to wonder what TF2 promo items might be made for buying Portal 2, yea they did the cube in portal pin, but it is pretty meh and never actually made obtainable.
To bad the will likely never do a teleporter replacement with the portal device for the engie.
about 14 years ago
this all well and good, but where is punchline.
about 14 years ago
Half Life 2 Episode 3!!!!!!
about 14 years ago
Tentacle-monster Jo is still relevant to my interests.
about 14 years ago
So Jo officially considers himself a giant purple tentacle? I thought his avatar was the second Engineer girl.
I'm confused.
about 14 years ago
I'd like to see more official Territory Control maps like Hydro. I think it's the only gametype Valve has made that hasn't been expanded upon, excluding Medieval, but that came out a few months ago.
Also, Episode 3.
about 14 years ago
Somehow a tentacle monster using a hand puppet of a female gives me the wrong idea.