What people are saying about "Non-Silent Protagonist"
Non-Silent Protagonist
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almost 14 years ago
Steve Blum is as foul as ever.
almost 14 years ago
How come NO ONE can get gordon's hair right?
about 14 years ago
It's definitely funny and I get that it's supposed to be over the top. But after a while I take a break because I can only handle the silliness for a short period of time.

I am definitely getting old.
Talon Karrde
about 14 years ago
Annoying Bastard
about 14 years ago
The drawing of Grayson is seriously bad in this comic.
about 14 years ago
@Dead Herald: Touche
about 14 years ago
Iirc, wasn't the entirety of House of the Dead: Overkill a giant parody of Slasher B-Movies?

Given that, perhaps the rampant expletives were made on purpose to turn people off to "badass swearing".
about 14 years ago
HotD:OverKill gave me the feeling the level of swearing was too excessive and merely there for people who still think cursing at that level's awesome. And the South Park episode put it best, saying curse words too much ruins the novelty of them. It makes them seem pointless.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56441]@PT[/url]: Constant swearing isn't viewed by all as silly humour. To me, it feels immature to the point that only someone under 18 would find it great. As I stated, in House of the Dead:Overkill, they pulled the same stunt. An episode of South Park poked fun at this with the knights of standards.
about 14 years ago
"Playing it on PC however can be a irritating experience."

No, it isn't. Take off the rose-colored PC fanboy glasses.
Dead Herald
about 14 years ago
Slippy was more tolerable when he just croaked at you. And you could let him die.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56460]@TheMaskedMan[/url]: Foox!! Get this guy off me! Aaaaaaahhhh!
Possibly that guy
about 14 years ago
2 bucks that cut off "uck" on the left says "duck"
Dead Herald
about 14 years ago
Painkiller, you'll certainly need one.

Seriously, you'll get a headache from the concentrated awesomeness. XD
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56458]@Cenequus[/url]: Giving characters personality via dialogue is all good and fun until they won't shut up. 'I swear to god Slippy if an enemy fighter gets the drop on you again I will shoot you out of the sky myself.' There is a fine line between banter and blather.
about 14 years ago
I find it pretentious for people under 27ish yr to be so over this kind of humour. Bulletstorm is the kind of chill out games that people should play more often sure Half Life has better story but I'd rather play some Painkiller/Serious Sam/Duke Nukem and have a laugh.
about 14 years ago
Fuck Bulletstorm, and fuck Cliffy B. If you treat us PC gamers like trash then don't be surprised when we pirate your shitty game
about 14 years ago
I thought that the swearing wasn't to noticible until I noticed the fact that every swear when there was a swear was dick.

seriously though BUY THE GAME! the multiplayer is hit and miss but the campaign is beatiful.
Mr. Al
about 14 years ago
Shit, didn't know Nick starred in Bullet Storm!
about 14 years ago
anyway, people oughta relax more, i believe bulletstorm uses teh cursings and all to make humour, as some mentioned here.
about 14 years ago
i think people aren't understanding jo's point of view about bulletstorm. i believe he's merely making a joke about the contrasts between the two protagonists of these two games: while one is a silent cientist, the other is a foul-mouthed space pirate. he's not saying he disliked the game, i think.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56440]@Radar[/url] It's not about making them hardcore and badass. It's just a silly humour, that's all.
about 14 years ago
Uck, now I may not pick up Bulletstorm. I'm okay with swearing, except when every other word to come out of the protagonist's mouth is a curse word, it seems like the creators were trying too hard to make the game seem "hardcore" or "badass". House of the Dead:Overkill did that and put me off.
Dead Herald
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56431]@Hex[/url]: As a rule, I don't tell other people what they should like or dislike. If you think Half-Life 2 is fun, then who am I to tell you not to play it. Just let me rant though, it helps me cry in my pillow less at 3am.
about 14 years ago
@Common Sense: "Otherwise, the game is beautiful and skillshots are ingenious."

about 14 years ago
I hate excessive swearing too. It makes the swear seem less powerful to the point where you might as well say "darn," "crap," or "scum."

For comedic or paradoy purposes, it can work if used right. For action or drama... not so much.
Common Sense
about 14 years ago
I will buy a over the top game in the vein of Duke Nukem where I play as a totally wasted space pirate. Oh goddamn he cusses a whole lot, the whole point of the game is lost on me, better go wank off to valve again for being ~so original~
about 14 years ago
Half-life 1 and 2 were great. You never saw Freeman's face or heard his voice, so the only character you really had to be was yourself, given the name 'Freeman' so that other characters could talk to you at all. That plus a minimalist HUD, a strong plot, and varied gameplay made it great.
about 14 years ago
@Dead Herald: Well, I don't agree with your opinion, but I'm glad you at least explained why- oh wait.
Cyber Tiger
about 14 years ago
Thank god for censoring options...
paroding a parody?
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56378]@MasterOfMagnet[/url]: if so then won't this make this comic a equivalent to epic movie adding in a Borat joke?
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56293]@Regnar[/url] so, "When it's done"?
about 14 years ago
Don't you get that same dialogue with online game play?
about 14 years ago
I really, really wish they would bring out Episode 3 already. I could care less about Portal 2 and TF2 updates.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56375]@Lucky[/url]: I didn't like Half-Life 1 either. HL2 I loved, but HL1 seemed tedious all the way through.
dr. robotnik
about 14 years ago
am I the only one who thinks that shooting shouldn't take a back seat to platforming in a shooter?
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56339]@PT[/url] You're right. THERE IS NO COMPARISON! :D
about 14 years ago
Love this one!
Frank West
about 14 years ago
A protagonist should only talk if they have something important to say. Like explaining that they've covered wars, you know?
about 14 years ago
Honestly, I happen to mostly prefer silent protagonists for FPS games. Mainly because all of that cussing and talking can get distracting when I'm trying to locate where people are shooting from. And if I want storyline, I don't play FPS games to begin with.

Well, with one possible exception...
about 14 years ago
You don't need a better PC, it runs on the goddamn UT3 engine and that runs on fucking anything.
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
Gordon Freeman was indeed a silent character but do we knew what he was for real when we know what he was thinking in all his trip outside Black Mesa?

Freeman's mind, Machinima series :3

Just kidding about the first paragraph, We miss you Gordon.
about 14 years ago
Jesus Christ get a spell checker. this is the worst blurb yet
about 14 years ago
I just completed Bulletstorm today and while it isnt the greatest FPS or has the best storyline, it is the funniest and I laughed all the way though it.
Dead Herald
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56381]@Daka[/url]: Bad writing is still bad.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56375]@lucky[/url] mabey it's because i've never played half life one, but i agree, the only parts i've found stood up to the massive praise was Ravenholm. Ravenholm kicked ass.
about 14 years ago
Half Life was the first game to use scripted events to tell its story, theres practicaly not one event in Half-Life that takes control away from the player. Plus Dr. Gordon Freeman is a science nerd taking on the Marines and an Alien assault.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56375]@Lucky[/url]: To each, his own.
Dead Herald
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56375]@Lucky[/url]: Yeah, I don't get it either. It's not the dullest game I've ever played, but it's not all that interesting. Props for the physics engine which is good and all. But aside from that the game play is standard issue FPS and the writing and characterization is fucking horrible.
about 14 years ago
I still fail to see the appeal of Half Life. In my whole gaming experience I have never been more bored than when I was playing through that crap some of you people call a game.
about 14 years ago
HL ep 3 will come soon.

oh and anyone seen Tera's Loli upskirt action?
about 14 years ago
wow this site is memoryleaking like a MOTHERFUCKER.

time to remove it from my favorites.
about 14 years ago
Bulletstorm is mostly satire and if you listen closely it will insult the target audience for the dialogue.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56339]@PT[/url]: All protagonists are tools, as they are fictional characters who exist solely for the purpose of bringing pleasure of thousands of people sitting at their computers.
дlщдяLө€ҝ Fөяşдҝєή
about 14 years ago
I miss HL too : <
about 14 years ago
If i'm reading that right "Superior breed of pc games" ? -_-
meh, does bulletstorm have the millions of different guns like borderlands had?
George Carlin's ghost
about 14 years ago
Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker, Tits.
about 14 years ago
Wow, Jo did really surpass himself with his engrish.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56293]@regnar[/url] Awesome! this means that Ep. 3 is not too far now!
about 14 years ago
that gun is weird. it's like an ak47 with a shotgun pump attached to some futuregun handle
about 14 years ago
Well... Buetstorm IS a parody of action and shooter cliches, so maybe this is to be expected...
1 trick pony
about 14 years ago
you should play some different games.
about 14 years ago
Duke Nukem is not amused by your "Free Man".
about 14 years ago
Wait...what kind of swearword is Dicktits?
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56304]@Mac[/url] Please don't tell me you've just compared Gordon Freeman to a soldier drunktard. PLEASE
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56335]@Cirno[/url] o_o
about 14 years ago
Love the beginning (esp the assassination part). Then it went to the same old shoot and follow the coridor stuff while listening to tough guy speech. Well, the last part would be great (loved the general more than The Hero) if not for the cliffhanger ending... duh!
about 14 years ago
That is all.
about 14 years ago
WHAT! Encrypted config files? They're nucking futs!
Liro Raeriyo
about 14 years ago
Something about putting a head fucking plant on a dude then impaling his balls with manually controlled explosive bullets or whip grabbing them from 60 yards and perforating their skul into nothingness then kicking em off that 1000ft cliff, but...
about 14 years ago
finished the game in 8 hours...time well spent...
was friggin' hilarious...loved the part where he kicked the sign and the "forbidden area" got half destroyed and the part where you escape the bomb room and land in the bomb room again...
Liro Raeriyo
about 14 years ago
The amount of insults in this game is horrifiying, its like they try to sell this to children who think every swear word is cool beyond definition. i cant go 3 steps without some brutish and pointless insults being spewed like vomit.
about 14 years ago
I'm pretty stoked with Bulletstorm, I find them hilarious and silly, maybe not day 1 purchase, but I'm going to get them for sure.
von Boomslang
about 14 years ago
wait wait wait what's that about no mouse? D:
about 14 years ago
i agree
about 14 years ago
Silent protagonists are a sort of crutch, but they're an important one. They remove the awkwardness of having words put into "your" mouth, and that counts for a lot if you want the plot to feel unintrusive (see Half-Life and Demon's Souls, where the protagonist speaking would be inherently awkward)
Dead Herald
about 14 years ago
The Silent Protagonist. A moronic concept that has only been properly utilized twice in the entire history of gaming. And Half-Life was NOT ONE OF THOSE TIMES. If anything Half-Life is a glaring example of the worst way to implement a silent protagonist. BTW, twice would be Metroid Prime and Doom.
Gordon Frohman
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56298]@PT[/url] Yeah i can already see that his apinion is grate. If he has nothing to say (except for swearing) he should just stfu.
about 14 years ago
Another one added to the mute list.
about 14 years ago
I actually hit my own mute button after a while if I'm swearing too much
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56298]@PT[/url] While silent protagonists may be boring, "tough guy" protagonists are annoying. One can only hear forced expletives for so long. HL: 1 BS: 0
about 14 years ago
Silent protagonists are boring. They literally are only tools, following others without any kind of opposition or opinion of their own.

What do you mean "playing FPS without a mouse"? Bulletstorm works well with a mouse...
about 14 years ago
Thanks for the warning, Jo.
about 14 years ago
you will get Ep. 3 when Duke Nukem Forever comes out
about 14 years ago
Which will come out first? Episode 3 or Black Mesa Source?
about 14 years ago
Gordon has brown hair, actually.
about 14 years ago
We all miss him engie-tan ='(
about 14 years ago
I want Ep. 3 already. D:
about 14 years ago