When playing LoL you are prone to being called a "shitnoonb" and if you dare mention the word FUN you will be raged to death.
almost 14 years ago
And this like DotA, but this ISNT DotA at all
almost 14 years ago
Hey, play LoL!)) Its nice and funny game)) Just if hands not curves...
almost 14 years ago
found out about this comic last night, and read through the whole thing before work today. Great stuff!
The community on LoL is about par for what I see of online games. The trick to getting good/enjoying it is like your TF2 "it gets better" comic. Find a core group to play with and learn from!
almost 14 years ago
You play Miss Fortune... >:(
Galio and Shen are ftw
Seth Vortu
almost 14 years ago
LoL... is bothersome. Sometimes you get a good team, sometimes you get a bad team. Sometimes you get the latter but kick ass. Sometimes you get the former and it's a bad game and you feed.
Recently LoL has been, IMO, flip a coin. Heads they win and tails you lose. Such bad luck T_T
almost 14 years ago
I play constantly, and it definitely takes a certain breed. If you can ignore people hating you for being different ("different = bad" to most players), then it's a great game. (Protip: never play ranked, it has more ego-centric jerks.) If you can't see a game being worth lots of verbal abuse, pass.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_57417]@Tim[/url] : or morder, or maokai (AP), or akali, or ... well most of the good players can take the middle with their main.
about 14 years ago
yeah, same story for me with LoL i hated it, but my friends insited and i got tired of their complaints and after a while i got into it.
i guess its a game that grows on you, i play it more than tf2 now just because more of my friends have LoL and friends is the key to starting LoL
about 14 years ago
@Dead Herald: you really need a ranged person mid, exceptions are Gangplank, pantheon, or Katarina
about 14 years ago
love it lover everything about it except i cant help feel like its missing somthing............ MUNDO!!!!!
about 14 years ago
Dear Mango,
Go get 1600+ Elo and then speak to people.
about 14 years ago
Miss Fortune's breasts are not nearly big enough in this comic.
about 14 years ago
E acabei de descobrir que um dos meus quadrinhos preferidos eh brasileiro. =D Precisando de ajuda, so invitar.
BTW, tenho em torno de 5-10 amigos que jogam quase todos os dias, com vent. Seja bem vindo a comunidade =D
about 14 years ago
Hey, LoL is not a hard game, but you need friends to learn it. If you want, just add me ingame and we play together. It's easy, you well see.
And btw, TF2 is still the best place to be =3 and MNC, oooh MNC is good too *.*
about 14 years ago
yeah... don't worry. It was the same story for me in DoTA, which is what the game is based off. It took me at least 1 year to get the ropes of the game, with out a practice mode. Then another year to at least get decent at it. Yeah... stay away from the DoTA/HoN/LoL community. They ain't nice.
about 14 years ago
Playing a jungler generally seems to be the easiest learning curve since it makes it more difficult for you to be a feeder. Playing a tanky jungler such as Nunu helps out even further.
about 14 years ago
If you have friends who play it, they are a big help to getting you ahead of the learning curve. I feel bad that you had a bad experience with the community.
Annie Lamb
about 14 years ago
I was kinda lucky I spose, I joined the week they had Annie out, and after trying her in a few games, I was like a pro! twas fun, and I even bought her as my first champ :3
in short, once you find your champion, game iz fun, otherwise iz naff.
about 14 years ago
seems like a good game, my friend tried to recruit me but i'm already addicted to S4 League check it out.
about 14 years ago
Also any Tentacle failure to do anything falls back to the Octodad mechanic just look at how much mental strain he had to keep that cup up. Seeing jo play Lol let alone win would be pure chaos with a lace of rage.
about 14 years ago
Also, **** Miss Fortune.
about 14 years ago
Recomendo que você dê uma segunda chance ao jogo. Ignore os trolls, veja alguns guias no Leaguecraft, videos no youtube, divirta-se com seus próprios erros e vanglorie-se nos seus multikills. Até a próxima!
about 14 years ago
E pensar que isso vem do criador de uma das minhas webcomics favoritas. Lembra da sua página, "It gets better"? É só uma questão de treino, como no TF2. No começo você pode ser ruim, muita gente pode te criticar, mas se você se manter firme em jogar, o jogo fica muito mais legal!
about 14 years ago
I just recently started it and I'll be honest, it's very fun, to me anyway. But I don't really have that many friends who play it, and I don't mind people who are new, but the people who ACT like they know it, then blame others because they rushed in alone instead of being with the group. Let em die
about 14 years ago
I play LoL on an almost daily basis, I actually drafted half my WoW Guild to play it, and now post-WoW we still do. Word to the wise, you NEED to learn to play with friends unless you have a high tolorance for fail. I played from 1-10 in custom games, then taught my friends in customs directly.
Dead Herald
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56811]@Tim[/url]: I know Ashe is popular for laning the middle. But I can't seem to recall if Amumu is prescribed middle laner. I don't remember him being, but as a Garen player, the middle lane is a bad place for me to be.
Marcus Dranz
about 14 years ago
Not the problem, Tim. I saw Amumu wipe out three people once at their own base. Scared the shit outta me.
about 14 years ago
see the problem is he was playing amumu
about 14 years ago
Ended up quitting League of Legends and Heroes of Newerth because it ended up being a chore to play.
about 14 years ago
LoL gets exponentially more fun the more people you know on your team. Get a couple of friends together on ventrilo or skype. Check out the leaguecraft.com champion guides. It gets better when you know what your champ can do. Also, LoLs userbase has far less raging teenagers than HoN.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56803]@Trotim[/url] pay to win? dude i've been playing that thing for over half a year and never ever EVER has it been in any way shape or form pay-to-win, Tf2 is pay-to-win, the only thing in Lol that you can BUY for real money is skins.
about 14 years ago
I hate DOTA for one sole reason: Dota created a genre called DOTA clones. There goes all the innovative potential of S2 Games. Dropped the awesomeness of Savage 2 (fun, innovative title) in favour of HoN, a boring, run of the mill clone. Do not want.
about 14 years ago
Lol pay to win ?
You cant actually get nothing op with RP.
Yeah it takes you time get runes while just playing free and some heroes.
I beat day to day paying customers with fancy skins.
about 14 years ago
the problem I have with LoL is that it's pay-to-win, so even if you did learn and practice a lot you'd still be pretty bad off
about 14 years ago
Brazilian Jo had to go dress up a tentacle for a comic?
the thing he has to do for Funny... God the reveal is almost as bad as Andrew Hussie self insert. atleast Jo didn't stoop to frenching dead fictional tentacle characters like the octospy.
about 14 years ago
I miss the time that the game didn't have that many players and wasn't that popular...And when everyone spoke English so we understood each other (unless the entire team was from 1 country).
about 14 years ago
Takes time to learn. Failure is part of the process.
And I don't touch ranked.
verified information
about 14 years ago
you should play offline games. there are like 100% less twats.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56744]@ParrotParrot[/url]: "Shaco here." Best picture comment.
about 14 years ago
LoL is a really fun and varied game with a horrible, horrible community. If I could lose a single game without being called every racial slur in existence, I might recommend more people to it. I just hope something new comes out that I want to play so that I have an excuse to stop playing this.
about 14 years ago
I can imagine if the new Deus Ex game coming out good, Jo tentacle and JC Denton will have a fight for red engie.
about 14 years ago
My best advice- play for the lulz, don't get too serious in it if you don't want to. Take the advice and resources other people suggest (used my LoL username for this btw), read a guide on a hero you fancy, and play bots until you think you can take on players. PS. I agree. DAT SKINNED ASHE x,x;
about 14 years ago
Simply put, most of the reason LoL players at the top are extremely lethal is due to constant hours 'wasted' reading up on items, skills, and field tests on bots various item builds, rune combinations, and mastery setups with each hero, until they find something they like. CONT again...
about 14 years ago
I used to suck a lot at LoL. On the other hand, I've shot for more supportive casters such as Soraka and Sona most my playthrough. Kog's the one I fit with the best when it comes to offense, and it took me forever and the help of a friend obsessed with the game to help get me a build I like. CONT.
Some random Dude
about 14 years ago
People in LOL whines all the time to Riot anyways
about 14 years ago
Hahahahaha! Too true, Jo. Too true.
about 14 years ago
I'd don't blame ya Jo, I play the game and I'm sure I only really understand it because of extensive forum reading.
Dead Herald
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56779]@BOB[/url]: He means W+M1. Indicating a low skill pyro play where the pyro simply suicide rushes the enemy. Simply holding W to move forward and Mouse 1 for a constant stream of flame.
People hate W+M1 pyros, because it's one of those rare noob strategies that sometimes is effective.
about 14 years ago
what's W+1?
about 14 years ago
Zach, you just suck
about 14 years ago
Sorry... I have too.
about 14 years ago
LoL is really a game that should be played multiplayer from the start. At low levels you learn a great deal more from playing against real people, and people are way more forgiving. If you leveled up in practice, then went to multiplayer at a higher level... that would suck... badly.
about 14 years ago
i love the pose of engie-tan in the last picture
A Bag of Opinions
about 14 years ago
So did the collaborative effort from the NerfNOW!! community turn Jo in to a tentacle or was he like that from the beginning?
about 14 years ago
I like it better when engie-tan was your avatar : |
about 14 years ago
I just got finished with a harsh round of LoL, myself. This was very refreshing to me since it had great timing. Thanks for the refresher!
about 14 years ago
The problem with LoL is that people smurf all the time, high leveled players with like 1,000 games under the belt just make new accounts in 5 seconds and beat up on newbs quite often for an ego boost.
Sadly enough, i'd say more then half the new players are all people who suck at being lvl 30
Dead Herald
about 14 years ago
Addendum: Gangplank can suck a goat.
Dead Herald
about 14 years ago
How to play League of Legends.
1. Pick a character
2. Get ganked
3. WTF!?
about 14 years ago
yeeeeeah it's EXACTLY like that. Luckily/Sadly for me I had friends who were well versed in the game so i got skilled very fast because due to the level offset I was playing against MUCH HIGHER levels
The Hedgehog
about 14 years ago
Aye, starting this game can be hard. it's a lot more fun when your team is made up of friends. =]
They made the bots harder/better/ ;)
about 14 years ago
All I wanted was a hug T.T
about 14 years ago
Level 30 with around 400 wins here. Never take your teammates seriously in LoL, especially if you're low level. Play, have fun, and screw people who complain about new players. Everyone has to start somewhere.
Besides, normal games aren't even ranked.
about 14 years ago
Jo, I suggest you keep an eye (tentacle?) on the updates, as they're going to implement a Co-Op vs. AI soon, if not on the next patch. Also, a plus is that they patch the game a LOT, so you won't be going a month with a game-breaking bug caused by the previous patch.
Zeeky Boogy Doog
about 14 years ago
The tentacle should speak with Sideshow Mel's accent.
That is all.
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
Jo, I respect your usage of a tentacle monster in your artworkf regarding yourself, and I think it maeks you look extreemly, EXTREEMLY, EVIL.
You are my new best friend.
about 14 years ago
All hail the Purple Tentacle.
Ivan is just butthurt over 30minute doombringer on scout.
Mecha Jesus
about 14 years ago
This comic translates to "I went strait to 5v5 without any practice at all."
about 14 years ago
thats why DotA still owns... I used to play dota, went to HoN and then to LoL, playing hon and lol... but both.. OMFG... they are getting so imba... LoL with his no mana heroes, or "energy" heroes. HoN with his "i dont like what icefrog did, lets put the sacred relic to 3400 from 3800... Cuz we want
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56738]@Maphysto[/url]: >3. Play ever champ.
Nope. Don't play champions that you don't know. try them sure, but don't try to play with them without prior knowledge. You'll be yelled at. Knowning how to play a champion doesn't automatically make you aware of what counters it, only what YOU suck at with it
Harland Sanders
about 14 years ago
If you want to end friendships, there's no easier way than League of Legends.
Just simply get all of your friends to play LoL together on the same team for a few weeks. You'll be fist fighting in no time flat!
about 14 years ago
The basics of LoL:
1. Know when to run for it. It's better to get no kills than to feed.
2. Call MIA. Pay attention to the minimap, and if your lane opponents are missing, they're prolly setting up a gank.
3. Play every champ. Knowing how they play means knowing how to counter them.
about 14 years ago
To casual for a casual game?
about 14 years ago
Do you always fight so poorly? '.'
about 14 years ago
Check out leaguecraft.com, they have some great guides for which items to buy and how to play different champions.
about 14 years ago
Yeah, but if you have friends to help to know the game, will be easy fast, give one more try, have new bots, and just ask for help to your fans xD
Lonely Ninja
about 14 years ago
Honestly i love lol but i hated dota the difference is finding that champion style that suits you and then learning the game from there. My first champ was Kennen back when his stun was his best bet and his damage was bleh. from there i can now play anything save squishy ranged with no escape-asPr
about 14 years ago
LOL is a fun game, but i recommend you read a few guides before you go into competitive play
and playing with bots is fun, but nothing like the real thing, i can't wait for co-op vs ai to have decent bots :3
about 14 years ago
@Marcus Dranz: Pfft, tryndamere, he needs a nerf so badly XD I played him, sucked early game but was raping shit left and right late game, against my friends who have higher levels than me
about 14 years ago
usually good if you try custom for using new characters and builds but still good idea to play with friends instead of randoms
about 14 years ago
Its best you play with friends who have the game, that way it becomes less about following any kind of ruleset to win against your opponents and becomes mor about just dicking about and having fun with your friends.
about 14 years ago
I found out I'm one of the few people who use Heirmindinger on a regular basis, the 'engineer' of LoL. It took me a couple months but I figured out how to play him. That and it wouldn't help that I usually get 2 or 3 levels higher than other people on my team earlier. ^^
about 14 years ago
well of course you're bad at LoL with those tentacles =/
Marcus Dranz
about 14 years ago
I do pretty damn good at LoL.
...Or I did, until the roster change. Now I have to BUY Tryndamere.
about 14 years ago
Dont b discouraged if u rnt doing so good the first few times. A couple of hours into the game, and some helping friends, u should b able to farm on dem nibs 4 breakfast
about 14 years ago
yeah, they are coming out wit Co-Op vs AI, "new bot mode" but harder bots.... Honestly, i cant stop playing this game. i play it 10-15 times aday if i can
about 14 years ago
Bot matches are coming back, as Riot is getting ready to implement Player v Bot matches running on the match-making system. It'll have better ip rewards than custom games, and is perfect for practice.
about 14 years ago
I had the same experience with Company of Heroes Online. Being new at these times of games is unforgiving.
about 14 years ago
MoBA all have mean learning curves. LoL's is actually one the most forgiving. Bots, templates, and recommended items all help with that.
Most people ignore the fact there is a curve and yell at anyone that isn't halfway through it.
Name = LoL name. If you wanted to give it another try.
Storm Frog
about 14 years ago
If you're having issues with LoL, this site is full of helpful people:
about 14 years ago
I'm laughing how people say HoN or DotA are better then LoL. They are practically the same game.
If you hate one and like the other, it mostly means you just suck with their heroes and never bothered to learn the game.
Pollo Jack
about 14 years ago
It gets better if you play with friends or get in the higher win brackets (high elo).
When you are under lvl 30, just enjoy it. Maybe read a guide on some char you think is cool for some basics. You will really do better when you read about other champs, in particular ones that are stomping you.
about 14 years ago
This is how you get good at LoL:
Install HoN/WC3 Dota. Suck at it for about 2 weeks.
Go back to LoL. Instantly godlike!
Rage that its for noobs. Go back to a real game like HoN or WC3 Dota.
about 14 years ago
If you need anyone to play with on LoL, I do show newer people how to play the game via Skype or TS, We all play low level accounts and only 1 to 2 of us know what were doing the other 3 generally will "feed" so if you want to join a full team were you wont be yelled at, youtube my name and msg me!
about 14 years ago
Never forget the /ignore "namegoeshere" function. Actually helped a game a couple of times and was actually able to focus to win.
about 14 years ago
I keep getting Nerfnow comics featuring LoL in my dreams! T_T
about 14 years ago
For god sake, just play TF2. Everyone have the same fucking weapons, the only thing that will make u win is the way you play. Or u can always find a MMORPG, spend the rest of your life looking for itens and levels. See? U don t even need skills.
about 14 years ago
I really need to save up money for a commission (hmm I wonder if a could mail him a blank mtg playmat and have him draw on that is a payed extra) the commission would have tentacles
Teemo and Sona
about 14 years ago
I play LoL, and love it. I've gotten many of my friends into it too. You'll find a champion really fun and do ok, but make sure you try them all out. Eventually, you'll find a few that REALLY jive with you, and you can rock with.
about 14 years ago
So you just discovered DotA. It's a hard game to get into and if you think LoL is hard then stay the fuck away from HoN or wc3 DotA.
about 14 years ago
you should get LoL another try it's a fun game you just need a little practice.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_56678]@kami[/url]: Wait...you actually think HoN is better?!
Oh my god, that is funny!
Hon is in every way inferior to LoL.
Liro Raeriyo
about 14 years ago
i think ill wait for VALVes DOTA before playing a non starcraft broodwar/warcraft 3 DOTA (dont know any) again
about 14 years ago
LoL it has a touhou reference in it some people notice it some people don't it just that one item in the game
about 14 years ago
Miss fortune....what have she done!?!?!?
where is the shock and awe, we know and love from you ingame!?!
(FYI im talking about her boobs....Riot love them boobs)
Liro Raeriyo
about 14 years ago
tried lol, sucks ass, i mean dude only 2 maps and 8 zillion champs, the lack of maps (okay its dota, but just 2?) was rather off putting, its not hard to come up with ideas, say for example, more or less then 3 lanes? its not rocket science here.
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
Sad. I play with me friends in the same room. We get 3 guys who really suck, but still win. Not because we are so pro, but because we don´t listen to the guys who start yelling:" Stop feding! Yo wil fed nemy with kil!" (yes, written like this). The game makes a whole lot more fun this way.
about 14 years ago
I stopped playing poorly at this game and other DoTA games by just having a hero guide to Alt-Tab to, do try it, its makes a big difference. There are loads of good hero guides for both LoL, HoN, DoTA. For LoL in particular I would recommend Leaguecraft for guides.
about 14 years ago
Well I for one love it to pieces. It just seems to push all the right buttons for me. My favorite atm is Mordekaiser. But i do agree with "Idaho". The chat spammers are just annoying and stupid.
about 14 years ago
In short, the fucks calling anyone a "noob" in such a poorly balanced game should go play Starcraft (or even WoW) and die in a fire.
about 14 years ago
We can't all be great at everything we do, Jo. Some people just have to suck. At gaming or comic writing, amirite?
about 14 years ago
Meh, I play, but it's one of the worst balanced games to ever make it out of beta. Only fun for lols. Riot seems to put very little effort into balancing champion abilities or summoner skills- the fact that you have a group of consistently banned "OP champs" in ranked games speaks volumes.
about 14 years ago
I'm doing LoL as well. Seems like I prefer spellcasters than anything else.
And as always, you got your ups and downs in sessions.
What I really hate are those fuckers calling others noobs and spamming the chat with their usual insults.
about 14 years ago
LoL is vary bad! hon FTW!
about 14 years ago
Everybody goes through the noob phase.
The reason that it seems like every other player is better than you is a lot of high-level players make new accounts so that they can roll face on noobs.
And in case your username really is Nerfnow, level 3 is way too early to quit!
about 14 years ago
As far as LoL goes, my personal favorites are Amumu, Cho'Gath, and Blitzcrank. Especially Blitzcrank.
I love to play Urgot as well, but I only play him with a premade, since randoms seem to think he's a TANK for some ungodly reason. Yes he gets a shield and a defense/MR buff, but he's not a TANK.
about 14 years ago
Yeah, DotA/LoL/HoN can be total ass-fests if you're not used to playing them. Best thing to do, as has been said, is just play with friends to learn the ropes. Most importantly, figure out how you like to play. Melee or Ranged? Magic or Physical? DPS or Tank?
Lemony Flesh
about 14 years ago
Just like DotA, sucks like DotA.
about 14 years ago
The other issue being that if you are bad, it's not a case of "well we'll work harder to pick up the slack" but it gives the other team a HUGE advantage. They will level faster, get more gold, and take down towers easily all because of one person
about 14 years ago
I've been playing LoL for a while now, and certainly have had my share of RAEG. Part of it comes from being stuck with someone for at least 20 mins and you know 5-10 mins in usually to tell what's going to happen (though I've had my surprises).
about 14 years ago
It´s all about finding the right champion for your gameplay. The day I started playing with Nidalee my stats skyrocketed.
Doctor Awesome
about 14 years ago
Not gonna lie, LoL is really, really harsh if you're new to it and don't have anyone to give you any direction. That said, you would probably find it a lot more fun with someone to play with. If you ever wanted to give it another try, I'm always willing to show a newbie the ropes...
about 14 years ago
whats your lol ign, i'll show you how to pwn nubs
about 14 years ago
LoL, it can be great fun if you have the right people playing with you, especially when you are learning and new. If you ever want to give it another go, ill send you an email and we'll try out a few games with my circle of friends
about 14 years ago
If you are winning you yell: FOOD!!!!
If you are losing you yell: FOAD!!!
about 14 years ago
A good portion of LoL and HoN players have years of experience playing the DOTA map for WC3. So they expect people who try these games out to have some understand or to atleast have played with friends. From my view point I had many noobs join my games not even knowing the basics.Learn to play first
about 14 years ago
LoL is pretty casual imo. if you're half decent at RTS games. then from there its just knowing when to pull back.
about 14 years ago
Why I hate Left4Dead and DoTA. They expect everyone who comes in to be infallible. The whole atmosphere of the game is thick with blame that, even your own teammates would endlessly criticise your bad play on public speak.
about 14 years ago
LoL sucks. Sorry.
HoN is at least decent.
about 14 years ago
loving the "ecchi" mug, tentacle jo.
about 14 years ago
My suggestion: Custom games with people you know. More fun than playing vs bots, but you can still learn the ropes and make mistakes without being flamed.
about 14 years ago
played the game. didnt find it to fun. only play it occasionally with other people i know.
about 14 years ago
Everybody goes through this phase where they buy Ashe, and either stick with her or move on immediately because they feel like a whore for playing her.
about 14 years ago
It is clear that you have not played the MF'ing Cho'Gath, my friend.
With a gentleman skin.
THEN the game gets fun.
about 14 years ago
I tried LoL, on several occasions. It's not that I hate it, I just don't really find it fun.
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The Weave
Rennie Kingsley
A young woman pursued by bad luck is witness to the murder of the Fairy Queen of Summer. Can she get to the bottom of this mystery?
Headless Bliss
A story about story-telling, and other metaphysical themes such as Nightmares! (Failed) Teamwork! Comedy! And more!
Lies Within
Lysander's aimless and carefree life is turned upside down when he accidentally discovers that the cute boy next door, Simon, is a literal monster
In an underwater world of unknown coordinates, inhabited by aliens, ghosts, and robots, a young member of a warrior underclass is framed for a crime and goes on the run. Little does he know he is part of a grand design that only gods and ancestors could choreograph.
How to be a Werewolf
Shawn Lenore
Malaya Walters was bitten by a werewolf as a child. After being raised by her human family, she faces the chance to learn what being a werewolf is really like as an adult.
Alice and the Nightmare
Misha Krivanek
Alice finally attends University to learn to collect the dreams of humans, meet new friends, and deal with a pesky reflection along the way.
Alexander, The Servant & The Water of Life
Reimena Yee
The 21st century retelling of the life and legends of Alexander the Great.
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
Nigh Heaven & Hell
Heather Vodihn is on a simple mission: find her father. However she becomes entangled with two strangers with mysterious powers being stalked by a group with bizarre demands. Heather must learn to trust her new traveling companions, even if she is untrustworthy herself.
Sister Claire
In the troubled aftermath of a great war between Witches and her fellow Nuns, novice Sister Claire just wants a purpose.
Goodbye to Halos
Valerie Halla
Cuddles, gay flirting, weird feelings, and magic-fueled knife fights - it's an adventure across the queer multiverse!
Winter Jay Kiakas, Windy
August and her ragtag group are just like everyone else, simply surviving in the treacherous Crater... When they stumble into what may be an artifact of the ancient past, their lives are thrown into a much bigger loop as they trifle with bounty hunters, monsters and gods.
Not Drunk Enough
Tess Stone
Logan Ibarra is possibly the unluckiest repairman in the world. A late night job should not have landed him in the middle of a mad scientist's squabble, but he soon finds himself surrounded by monsters and further madness with little tools to get out.
Adam Warren
A sexy superhero comedy (except when it isn't) about the never-ending struggles of a plucky but very unlucky young superheroine.
Sula has always preferred to forge her own path, but before she knows it, she is pulled into the middle of a civil war between man and monster!
Edison Rex
Chris Roberson
The adventures of the world’s greatest villain who, after defeating his superheroic nemesis, decides that he’s the only one left to defend the world.
This is Not Fiction
Nicole Mannino
What do you do when the person you're in-love with is an anonymous romance novelist? Get your best friend to hire your worst enemy for help!
Sleepless Domain
Mary Cagle (Cube Watermelon)
In a world where magical girls and their battles are commonplace, loss has become all too common as well.
Brian Clevinger, Escher Cattle, Lee Black
A troupe of wandering "adventurers" down to their last silver "acquire" a map only to find the real treasure was the fiend they dug up along the way.
Astral Aves
Moon Cabal
A fantasy coming-of-age following the adventures of Astra The Black and friends, as they navigate the mysterious world around them. It's politics, adventure, and the supernatural; oh, and crazy hair.
A festival of broken people, blood flows in the center ring. Come one and come all, to the greatest show in all of Paris.
Taylor C
Wallace Foster, a young, bright-eyed human social worker, has his entire world view rocked when he's suddenly relocated into a city primarily inhabited by monsters.
Star Impact
Jack McGee
A young, energetic woman fights her way up in the world of super-powered boxing after discovering the mighty gloves of her missing idol!
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Stand Still, Stay Silent
Minna Sundberg
A few generations after the end of the world, a small, poorly financed research crew is sent out to rediscover whatever is left of the forbidden old world in the south.
Little Tiny Things
What are the little things that move us? The simple joys that warm our bodies and hearts? The micro life of insects that influence our world more than we think? The tiny steps we make everyday to have a happier tomorrow?
Missing Monday
Elle Skinner
Two girls fall in love through a magic door connecting their worlds. When Monday suddenly goes missing, it's up to Foyle to find her. How she's going to navigate an entirely unfamiliar world is another matter.
Cassiopeia Quinn
Gunwild, Psudonym
A cute, pantsless thief is pursued across the stars by a buttoned-up military officer in the spacey, laser-filled future.