And he was so ashamed, he replaced them with cardboard cutouts.
over 13 years ago
@Admiral_Sandvich's note
Yes, I too enjoy blowjobs.
over 13 years ago
I hope thats an udder.
almost 14 years ago
@Somebody Else: Well sometimes it's seen as exotic in parts of the U.S., kinda like ostrich as a chicken alternative when chicken would ordinarily be preferred.
almost 14 years ago
D' is so cute.
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
...Notice how the gun is pointer at the mouth of the cow.
Somebody Else
almost 14 years ago
Waaaaiiiit... Why is he saying that they're made of buffalo (or maybe bison) if they're not? Aren't steaks made of beef usualy prefered?
Maybe this is just me because I live in the U.S. and when I hear "buffalo" I think bison. :/
almost 14 years ago
The wooden cows will have their revenge.
almost 14 years ago
I've read that Sucker Punch is a trashy movie about trashy movies. Basically it says, "if you enjoy this kind of schlock then you're an idiot, and now here's two hours of schlock." Kind of makes me wonder who their target audience is.
almost 14 years ago
I have read every single one of your comics tonight...its 8:30am and im tried but thanks for the laughs.
almost 14 years ago
Minimedic is sooo cute! OMOCHIKAERI!!!
almost 14 years ago
That cow looks like the one of Farmville (or some other facebook comunity game). Well, she is sad for a good reason.
almost 14 years ago
Cow says "Don't taze me, bro!!!"
Lilly Satou
almost 14 years ago
I can't believe I just noticed how the Chibi medic looks like Ciel.
Mad Cow Milk
almost 14 years ago
Everything tastes better with a little dead animal on it.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58952]@English[/url] Please, get over yourself. Pronunciation and colloquialisms aren't even uniform between different parts of England, and those change from one decade to the next anyway. Fluency means you can understand others and adequately express yourself in turn. The rest is just arbitrary bullshit.
almost 14 years ago
Well, movies, like anything else, are all individual preference. And that is why it is up to the individual to watch/read/play what they like, regardless of what the sheeple of society think.
Heavy grinds Secret Cow Level for gold so he can buy ammo. Buffalo steaks is extra.
almost 14 years ago
This makes me think the heavy would be a nightkin in new vegas...
almost 14 years ago
Did Heavy find the Secret Cow Level?
almost 14 years ago
suckerpunch is like matrix. If you cant see the fine shades of the story and the implications behind whats happening, you are fucked.
I didn't like the mechs, but that doesnt stop the boy being a hero.
That being said, fuck frank.
almost 14 years ago
Yahtzee put it better than most.
War looks like someone sat down...
...started designing him...
...and then never stopped.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58952]@English[/url]: Its like all the different types of Spanish: Theyre all basically the same language, just with a few differences.
Unless youre talking about Ebonics. Thats just a bullshit excuse for a language.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58924]@Tiaker[/url]: Thats because none of us are faggots that play FarmVille
almost 14 years ago
Americans don't speak English fluently. They speak a bastardized version of english. You want to hear fluently spoken English? Go to England.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58932]@Wut[/url]: If you don't know English is obviously a 2nd language to him you are an idiot. How many you speak fluently as an American? My guess is just one. LOL
Fallout Boy
almost 14 years ago
* Brahmin was hit for 84 hit points and was killed *
almost 14 years ago
Wait doesn't mini medic have glasses usually?
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_58940]@TheMaskedMan[/url]: This also explains why Scout's Mad Milk had to end up as a "non-milk product." Heavy was stocking up on meat to use on his future set way before the Polycount Update came up.
It was either the magazines or a cardboard-cut out of a bottle. Scout had to decide something!!
almost 14 years ago
This explains where all the real cows in TF2 went.
Mini-Medic:"Is that why all our cows are card board?"
almost 14 years ago
engy should mount a sentry on the cow and lets see how mr. weapons likes it
almost 14 years ago
there is a typo, it is "where did you find the meat?"
almost 14 years ago
''But where did you found the meat for it?''
''But where did you found the meat for it..''
''But where did you found the meat for...''
''But where did you found the meat...''
''...where did you found the meat...''
''...where did you found the meat...''
almost 14 years ago one besides Idaho realizes that the cow is from Farmville? >.>
almost 14 years ago
Anyone else feel that the last 3 comics have been, well, bad? Tuesday's had a good idea, but was ruined by lazy illustration. Thursday's lacked any real wit aside from "Pay 4 new mount lol". And now Saturday's considers shooting a cow with a minigun to be a punchline to a pretty dull set-up.
almost 14 years ago
The best part is that the title sounds exactly how he says it.
almost 14 years ago
Wait. Minimedics eating raw meat. The Steak Sandwich is raw meat. Minimedics gonna die.
almost 14 years ago
Darksiders reminded me on an epic version of Legend of Zelde...
the game was somehow cool...but not cool enough to be "extreme badass" like Bulletstorm
almost 14 years ago
Well I War isnt really that a boring character. Of course he has no disturbing past like Kratos or any emotions like master chief but I guess you have to always be serious when everyone thinks you destroyed the whole earth.
almost 14 years ago
"Where did you found the meat"
almost 14 years ago
I think he means the fact that critics don't like it is ironic because he liked it, along with the public it seems. I saw it, I know critics are going to hate it, but I enjoyed it.
almost 14 years ago
Heavy did a really good job getting all the bullets out of the cow. Making meatballs with fried potatos and freshly-salted cucumbers is easier and tastes better :3
Vegetarians screaming
almost 14 years ago
well shit, what was I doing?
almost 14 years ago
Vegetarians screaming "MEAT IS MURDER" in 3...2...
almost 14 years ago
Silly Heavy Weapons Guy. Killing cows give you leather, not meat.
pyro guy lover
almost 14 years ago
The steak can be burned by pyro guy, no need of the BBQ.
almost 14 years ago
@A Bag of Opinions: Well Max always calls him Mr. Weapons in Poker Night.
von Boomslang
almost 14 years ago
Derivative or not, Darksiders is one of the bigger bundles of fun I had lately.
A Bag of Opinions
almost 14 years ago
So...Misteeeeeeeeeer...Guy. Or do you prefer that we call you be call Heavy Weapons, instead?
almost 14 years ago
Yeah, we don't use spatula to BBQ steak, we need BBQ fork for that! outrage!
The Anon known as Ivan
almost 14 years ago
Yeah, take that Animal activists ^^
(I really hate animal activists)
almost 14 years ago
I find this offensive.
almost 14 years ago
that must be the cow that bothered me at minecraft
almost 14 years ago
So much for Farmville...
almost 14 years ago
To Jo:
I don't get your note, so does it mean you like what critics hate or you hate what critics also hate? maybe you need to rephrase that words.
And now I'm craving for steak, tasty dead animal steak! PETA(People Eating Tasty Animal) approve!
almost 14 years ago
Better be careful about splinters if those cows are from 2fort.
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