Get Stalker: Call of Prypiat or Shadow of Cherynoble. Clear Sky is just brutal.
almost 14 years ago
Squeal like a piggy.. SQUEALLLL!
almost 14 years ago
Engineer got a new toy. A teddybear!! :D
The Anon known as Ivan
almost 14 years ago
Fuck Stalker, CoD or Monday Night Combat.
Play Metro 2033 in Russian with Subtitles in your favoured language (English, I think ^^)
It don´t have a Multiplayer Feature, but fuck that, the Story is Epic.
almost 14 years ago
I personally didn't mind Clear Sky. I mean the ending made it feel pointless (Too obvious, I was hoping for a twist) but I don't really see what all the fuss is about.
almost 14 years ago
Stalker is good... Just don't touch Clear Sky (it sucks, seriously).
SoC is more of a survival horror (especially with unlocker mods like AMK... they make it more SURVIVAL), and CoP concentrates on exploration of the world (which still has pretty creepy places and events :)
almost 14 years ago
Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl is one of my favorite games the headbob at the beginning can be brutal though. ;)
almost 14 years ago
Sentry learned giga-drill.
It's like one of my Japanese animes.
An Ukrainian
almost 14 years ago
Play Stalker, Shadow of Chernobyl, sure the mechanics may seem a little unforgiving at first buts it really is a great game.
almost 14 years ago
Lol, you should know what it is
almost 14 years ago
I'd vote black ops. Don't play Homefront, as my friend said "I'd pay for Valve to remove it from my Steam."
almost 14 years ago
Uh-oh. Engie crossed paths (AKA, "met eyes") with another player! A battle must now ensue.
almost 14 years ago
I expect TF2 to get a big leg up when Portal 2 gets its finished final polishes, since a big chunk of the Valve staff are on Portal 2. A bit more people on the TF2 team would definitely help.
almost 14 years ago
Play stalker! Start with shadow of Chernobyl then Call of Pripyat. There is not enough good stalker comics out there.
almost 14 years ago
i, personally like homefront, but crysis 2 is my favorite game, just saiyan
Old-Skool Gamer
almost 14 years ago
If you want a game that's unforgivingly hard (even on easy), exceptionally creepy, and deserves its listing in the 'Nightmare Fuel' section of TV Tropes, go for STALKER.
Hint: Bloodsuckers cloak like the Predator can do. And they'll rip you a new one. And They're SMART. Enjoy traveling at night.
almost 14 years ago
Darn, it's hilariousto see how the word "mine" can cause such angriness toward butthurt peeps with no sense of humor... :)
almost 14 years ago
Ah yes the Spy Crab's deadliest foe....the Sentry Crab.
almost 14 years ago
To correct a lot of people: that isn't a sentry gun fused with a living creature. Rotom is a ghost type Pokemon. It is possessed.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59977]@ohWOW[/url]: If I gave a shit about balance, I wouldn't be sitting here playing MNC right now would I? Besides, I focus on the objective, not killing other players. Oh, and don't bother Juicing in front of me, I actually know how to handle Juiced players.
almost 14 years ago
On 3rd panel i see a engineer trying to have sex with sentrycrab.
almost 14 years ago
So, are those horns in the new evolved sentry?
almost 14 years ago
Wait, it evolved into a Sentry Crab?
almost 14 years ago
The sad part is, that's a better pokemon then 90% of the crap in black/white. srsly Gamefreak? SRSLY?
almost 14 years ago
@ how about no
The guy is probably talking about war or world hunger.
almost 14 years ago
If you ever had any concern about TF2 or any MOBA games (ie. LoL etc.) of being imbalanced dont even go near Monday Night Combat.
That shit is so imba its discusting.
almost 14 years ago
for all you fags who actually think homefront campaign is worth a damn:
Avoid Homefront singleplayer like the pleauge. Multi is decent though.
almost 14 years ago
Stalker rox if you like games that have a soul, and unique atmosphere. Just do not expect superb graphics, or too epic scenes. Its worth mentioning that the shooting model needs getting used to. I do not recommend CoD, and i have completely no experience with Homefront.
almost 14 years ago
I recommend Painkiller as your next game.
How about no
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59961]@stop[/url]: Rage harder and he might actually start caring about how you want him to stop.
Also, I noticed that only ONE person is bothering to bash this story arc now? It almost seems too reasonable to just assume that the other two didn't bother showing up because they don't like it.
almost 14 years ago
stop this
almost 14 years ago
Nice page :) Wonder how this will go :)
But on a side note, and I the ONLY one here that has his computer freeze for a whole minute after opening this site? O.O
An Evil Penguin
almost 14 years ago
I quite enjoyed the black-ops storyline, I had been looking into numbers stations ( just before I payed the game and was plesantly surprised to find their enclusion. Stalker is a fantastic game though, kept me and my housemates entertained for hours!
almost 14 years ago
Homefront might be worth playing if you can borrow it off a friend or something, don't waste money on it. It has an interesting premise but it fails to fulfil it in a very meaningful way.
If you play stalker make sure to get the stalker complete mod. whole host of graphical and environment updates.
almost 14 years ago
It's "Darksiders", not "Darskiders".
almost 14 years ago
I agree on Homefront though. The single player campaign is one of the shortest and most forgettable I've ever played. The only thing I really liked was the opening bus-sequence (which was really immersive and got you wanting to shoot those damn, dirty Koreans).
almost 14 years ago
I don't know when or why it got "hip" to hate Black Ops (like Bieber. Sure, his music sucks, but c'mon). The singleplayer is standard CoD-fare, silly but decent fun. The multiplayer's a lot of fun and I've -never- had any lag. Ever. But then I don't try to play on servers outside Europe.
almost 14 years ago
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. for sure.
almost 14 years ago
Don't worry Jo, Valve is just busy with another ARG, but this time, with potatoes and glyphs!
I'm hoping this doesn't count as the 200th update, because i was hoping for some neat new things and Meet the Medic
almost 14 years ago
Don't try Homefront. Singleplayer is a bland, typical shooter story with no real innovation. And it's over way too fast. So, rather try Black Ops or Stalker, where I would say Stalker is the better of the two.
almost 14 years ago
I just finished all 3 stalker games recently, HIGHLY recommend playing them.
SoC came out first, then CS came out, and last was CoP, but you wanna play CS first, then SoC and then CoP.
Thats the order the story goes, and its also the worst one of the three first, and the best one last.
almost 14 years ago
Seems like little Medic-tan has a strong opinion.
almost 14 years ago
STALKER or Black OPs dont bother with Homefront. The single player mission is like 4 hours long. That's even shorter than CoD4:MW
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_59931]@ryalmc[/url]: STALKER is a Tactical\Survivalist style first-person sandbox\RPG hybrid with semi-invisible environmental bubble traps and grotesque mutents against the backdrop of the of a REAL LIFE NO MANS LAND!
Mr. Al
almost 14 years ago
I think he already has, and said that he wasn't really suprised about how it was just a half-made TF2/tower-defense crossover/rip-off. or was that someone else? Hm, can't remember, but it's what I would expect from Mr. Jo :3
almost 14 years ago
found 2 mistakes in this comic, sorry :(
In happier news, that sentry is awesome, I want one!
almost 14 years ago
Hey I'm actually playing through STALKER for the first time, and so far I'm loving the atmosphere. I would be really interested in your opinions on it.
almost 14 years ago
Black Ops and Homefront are designed only for profit, when STALKER is a real game. Might be difficult during the first hours (damn low accuracy pistol and not enough bullets for rifles) but truely great after that.
almost 14 years ago
People keep saying the black ops story is shit but i found it kind of fun. Action filled! it was nice and the multiplayer isnt too bad. just the price tag and the fame drive me away
Problem Sleuth
almost 14 years ago
...potato hat?
I smell Portal ARG potential.
almost 14 years ago
Run from Black Ops. Generic story is generic, and the terribly laggy multiplayer is absolutely horrid. If the hit detection doesn't fuck you over, the terrible balance issues will.
almost 14 years ago
Homefront is incredibly short. 4-5 hours long and with generic multiplayer.
Black Ops is broken on EVERYTHING except on 360. Don't bother. Story is shit too.
Now STALKER... You are in for a real under-appreciated gem. TRY IT!
almost 14 years ago
Someone add a "Trainer wants to battle" note to the bottomright corner, I'm too lazy to sign up for just that.
almost 14 years ago
sticky bomb on the corner?
almost 14 years ago
dont play homefront. the story is great, but its way too short.
almost 14 years ago
(Bait set... here, fishy fishy fishy...)
almost 14 years ago
The next comic should have some very good stuff for Pokemon haters: An actual, step-by-step dissection of a living Pokemon-like creature.
And knowing the Engineer, there wouldn't be any anesthetic simply because he thinks it is still mechanical... ... hehehe, I can't wait.
almost 14 years ago
Homefront was incredibly short though.
almost 14 years ago
I personaly play Homefront and it has a worthwhile main story, somthing many FPS games lack these days.
almost 14 years ago
FFS Jo go play Monday Night Combat.
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
First comment, Keep up the good are inspiring me to make a TF2 Webcomic!