What people are saying about "Roles"
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over 12 years ago
"Being a bad healer was easier than being a bad rogue."
Ah yes, this is so true. Healing and Tanking are vocations, you really need like it. Being a DPS shares the responsibility, but it's WAY lower; you just kill stuff and don't stand of fire (which's hard for some people)
about 13 years ago
This kind of begs the question now about your thoughts on Guild Wars 2 and the fact that their system won't have designated tanks or healers, replacing it instead with a system of more dynamic combat allowing dodging and blocking much like a hack and slash as well as a series of efficient self heals
about 13 years ago
I also took DPS because I thought tanking and healing was a huge responsibility.
Eventually I learned I was a tank 100 times better than the loltanks I meet in random groups.
about 13 years ago
Tanking - ok guys i just got a shield slam crit ill be back in a few i need to bio
Healer- im happy my dps does thier job so i can sit on my ass.
DPS- God im tired of carring these people
about 13 years ago
friends don't let friends play wow, besides the concept of not being able to play online games with strangers is retarded

basically it's straight up bad game design
about 13 years ago
I think most newbs go through this thought process... I played rogue for a few years and switched to druid to tank because this very scenario played out far too often... even while playing with friends.
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
tank: ur deeps is suk!
dps: L2holdaggro so i can deeps u is suk!
tank: watch aggro u die cuz heals u suk!
heal: no heals for deeps tank squishy cuz u is suk!
tank: i wer deeps geer for deeps L2heal u suk, I use [Thunderfury.. Windseeker] that i ninja'd cuz I'm pro!
dps2: ur mom
about 13 years ago
I prefer to play a healer. It works well when I have to run a pick-up heroic. No matter what, at least I know I can trust the healer.
about 13 years ago
wait 45-50 minutes as dps for dungeon que. before you can even finish the loading screen, random dps leeroys 2 pulls and dies, leaves group, then healer leaves when tank picks them all up and gets, tank dies and leaves, and other 2 dps leave, and you zone in dead and alone going WTF?
about 13 years ago
LOL dps is hard..... don't stand in fire and interupt when your suppose to.. O noes its hard
about 13 years ago
Druidjezus I agree with you about halfway and then strongly disagree with you the other half. Tanking (the only thing I do) can be infinitely easier than the other roles...if the people playing the other roles are playing their classes correctly. If they don't, then Tanking becomes the hardest imo
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
(continued from below) have a harder job than tanks. Tanking is all about staying alive and has a lot more to do with preparation and planning than actual playing skills. DPS and healers have to be focused in on the fight. Tanking is easiest by far.
about 13 years ago
I used to play a dps and figured we must have the easiest job ever. Then I started tanking (because it was always so hard to find tanks) and after a bit of trouble with the mechanics of moving bosses and managing my survival cooldowns, I have now decided that tanking is easy as all hell and that dps
about 13 years ago
I tank, and I find that on most fights, dps has a MUCH more difficult job. The main difference is that, when a dps screws up, there are many other that can cover his mistake, so it's rarely noticed. When the tank screws up, it's a wipe.
about 13 years ago
While I have high level characters of every class and role, I've played a Thief/Rogue since 2e Adv DnD and it will always be my main.
about 13 years ago
Heh Lords of Magic reference niiiiice
about 13 years ago
DPSers are the derpiest class...
about 13 years ago
None of the roles are hard stop kidding yourself. If you find any of the roles mildly difficult you are bad.
about 13 years ago
Oh man I love the dps' expression in the last panel. That smiles gonna get wiped off his face in a hurry
about 13 years ago
lol typo
about 13 years ago
then I realized it wasn't that hard and I was doing an okay job at it. After a few weeks, we were having a 70% to 80% success rate when I was comm, it's only at that moment that I stop refusing playing comm when needed.
about 13 years ago
Red Orchestra squad leader.

I never thought of playing it because it's an enormous responsibility. Then, after spending months of shouting at the comm for not throwing any smokes ever, I tried comm. At first I was shitting my pants "OMG I'm gonna fail, I'm gonna fail", ...
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
Why I picked up how to tank.
about 13 years ago
yeah, I chose hunter in WoW because I didn't want my raid to rely on me for shit. Then I'm designated to do all the CC and mob control QQ
about 13 years ago
Tanks and Healers are perceived as being harder roles because there's larger consequences to not being good. If you're a bad:

Healer - party members die.
Tank - Party members get targeted and thus die.
DPS - the boss takes a bit longer to kill.

about 13 years ago
lol, thats actualy not a butcher knife staff, that "blade" is the tanks shoulder pad. lol.
about 13 years ago
I'll go with the Swaff.
(Sword + Staff)
siral exan
about 13 years ago
@Kuro Fox: totally. i miss those times...
Kuro Fox
about 13 years ago
Anyone else reminded of Kingdom Hearts by the first panel?
Dead Herald
about 13 years ago
There are two reasons DPS is considered easy or unimportant. One is because the standard 5 man is 3:1 DPS people, and there are more DPS specs, so DPS is not in high demand. Also the control freaks who run guilds are always tanks and healers and thus look down on DPSers as fodder in most cases.
Dead Herald
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_61127]@dargondarkfire[/url]: No, it has to do with World of Warcraft.
about 13 years ago
"Being a bad healer was easier than being a bad rogue."

Didn't he kinda shoot down his own argument there? It's easier to be bad at being a healer than it is being bad at rogue.

DPS is only slightly easier than tanking, and healing really depends on the fight.
about 13 years ago
Does your healing medic keep you down? Always the same tank that takes mostly part of your kills?
Let them take the example of these guys!
about 13 years ago
You must wait 2 hours before kicking this person.
about 13 years ago
I wonder if jo knows about the fleshpit meleena costume you get from beating the 300 challenge tower.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_61123]@DSS[/url] Some people do. Those people are ostracized as completely missing the point of playing a healer though and then taught on what they need to focus on, such as keeping everyone alive as opposed to raw numbers. This lesson may or may not be administered by liberal use of a clue-by-four.
about 13 years ago
this comic has to do with dungeon hunter, doesn't it?
about 13 years ago
I wonder if any people brag about their hps(healing per second).
Yo Dawg
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_61086]@PyrosNine[/url] Because the first panel is like the start of Kingdom hearts where you figure out your character's basic stat progression. (Choose sword/shield/staff)
about 13 years ago
Its funny because its true
about 13 years ago
I actually cant play a pure dps class. i have to all ways have the option to tank or heal, other wise i am all ways thanking to my self i could do it better.
about 13 years ago
I can't actually make myself DPS since I can't trust whoever replaces me as a healer to do their job. Even if I've been with them before and I KNOW they're brilliant. Healing: Instilling a control-freak-martyr-complex since MMOs were born!
about 13 years ago
Healing is awesome :D
about 13 years ago
I'm actually the opposite, I usually take the role of healer because I like supporting and know that it may not be the most glorious job, but needed for the success anyway. Plus that way I know it will be done somewhat competently.
about 13 years ago
It's only a matter of time before there's nothing left but aggro players and damage sponges. It'll be...


a World of Tanks.

Dead Herald
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_61100]@sbk[/url]: You're just envious of my skill and knowledge for combusting things with my mind.
about 13 years ago
yeah, this used to be me. until one day my group wiped cause the healer apparently wandered off in a drunken daze... lol! I rerolled a healer shortly after that.
about 13 years ago
i can't understand half these posts. thank god.
about 13 years ago
...And that's why I chose to tank! Because useless morons knew sh*t about what aggro means.
Dead Herald
about 13 years ago
As much as it seems like tanks and healers have it rough, bad DPSing will kill a party faster than anything.
Dead Herald
about 13 years ago
A good raiding team is a well-oiled machine. Tanks keep aggro well, DPS knows when to nuke and when to NOT nuke. Crowd controllers keep adds down and Healers can concentrate on keeping tanks up because DPS/CC is not being stupid.
about 13 years ago
Why did this comic make me think of Kingdom Hearts?
A Bag of Opinions
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
Squishy DPS/Nuke classes: get bitched at for not putting out enough damage despite the fact that they're getting focused and locked down.
about 13 years ago
No class is really the 'easy' class in any MMORPG. It's all about skill and gear.

Healer: Gets bitched at a lot, but usually it isn't their fault.... usually.

Tank: Gets bitched at a lot by high-damage characters who don't realize they should back off a minute to let the tank re-aggro.
The Duke of Quakem
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_61034]@Kaibaon[/url] Sure, spam 2-3 spells on tank. Everything it's fun and games till some nub steals aggro from tank and starts running around like a headless chicken spamin' "heal meh!" and provokes a party wipe, to finally say "dam, you suck" ya, beign the healer is an easy class...
Elevator Doors
about 13 years ago
True been getting back into mmorpgs. Just renewed my hunters license for PSU. I was totally taken back when i just noticed that PSO2 was still being made and going into beta soon.
about 13 years ago
Also a dk, a paladin, and an up and coming warrior, interspersed with various other classes. (mage for pvp! ICE LANCE)

I prefer tanking because, in WoW's 5m instances, the tank controls quite a bit of crap. You can survive a subpar dps and even healer more than a subpar tank (HOW I HOLD AGGRO???)
about 13 years ago
Bears wear leather because it's all they have access to. >_>
about 13 years ago
I play DPS and get yelled at by the healer for not healing them, and the tank for not pulling agg off them when they were about to die xD
about 13 years ago
Get ready for comic #500!!!

Master Baiter
about 13 years ago
I've never liked taking on an important role...not because I can't, but because they're always the first ones bitched at in case something goes wrong.

Also we now need a comic now that the Backburner is actually good again.
about 13 years ago
Now with 25% worse grammar!

Comic 499 yeeeee.
about 13 years ago
It's only shame that all the coolest classes are always dps classes.

Also if you like being verbally abused by lazy retards who expect you to pull the group despite their slacking, then I would warmly suggest on rolling a healer or a tank.
about 13 years ago
You got it pretty good here.I usually prefered to take dps rols cause I thought it was easy..but later on when I tried a tank I liked it to a certain extent..T realised I liked to do dmg high and fast so went bk to dps.As for cleric..yah thats actually a easy class,you spam heal 2,3 spells....
about 13 years ago
@Josué Pereira

If all the girls are going to be in the 500th comic, a note:


Not pissed, just a little note. If you've forgot already, just look at the first comic you made.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_61025]@Tkun[/url]: Maybe all the girls are being saved for comic #500.
about 13 years ago
Why no females on this comic? Why is Jo not a girl/tentacle/brownguy?
about 13 years ago
Me Tank, me punch Deathwing in the face....RAAAAAWR!!1!111
(Don't even think to kick me, or u will be w8ing forever...)
about 13 years ago
You know, other than the "CHOOSE YOUR DESTINY!!!" part, this strip doesn't really need any text at all.
about 13 years ago
So much derp, love you Josué
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_61016]@@ThatImposter[/url]: :3
about 13 years ago
You slinky fuck. You spelled nein wrong.
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
Surprisingly, Jo has dran my hair in that second panel. *locks all windows and doors.*
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_60987]@syn[/url] I cannot agree with that statement enough >< if you play games to find awesome random people you will be dissapointed most of the time if you play with friends and then pick up a random that enjoys your style then you can always add more to the group :3
Dead Herald
about 13 years ago
@Cyclone Duke: I've played a healer role extensively and I've played a damage role extensively. Healer roles are much more stressful because there is less room for error. But this only really comes into play in end game raids. DPS can fuck things up too, if they do it wrong.
Dead Herald
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_60992]@Sjcodan[/url]: Vindictus is not really the same as WoW. There's only three classes and they're all offensive oriented to some degree. Evie can be a healer, but most people thumb their nose at Evies that don't use Scythes, so that should tell you how much emphasis Vind has on DPS.
about 13 years ago
But I have no friends :(
about 13 years ago
Not sure about Tanks, never liked tanking much but Healers in EQ and WoW were pretty easy, most of the time. It was a matter of getting a button combo rhythm right and decent timing. Usually you had enough leeway to even go off-tempo. I would often hotkey target and spells and play 1 handed.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_60987]@syn[/url] True, but Vindictus, and some other mmo's, actually have some reliable leveling. You need to have skill to level.
about 13 years ago
Jo hit on a very well-known fact.

All randoms are complete garbage. Play with friends or don't play at all.
Cyclone Duke
about 13 years ago

I think that the MMO community are afraid of non DPS rolls as they are pereceived as hard... the reality is they're really really, not.