What people are saying about "Nub Tub"
Nub Tub
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over 13 years ago
And she predicted the Armored Authority hat, lol. XD
over 13 years ago
lt_amazil (pyro)
over 13 years ago
man i hate those new weapons. they're too powerful, if something had to get nerfed NERF THE DAMN WEAPONS! it makes me a guy who can't buy online sad =
over 13 years ago
soldier class isn't cheap? the first time i played as him i owned so hard it was ridiculous, on different servers too so it wasn't a fluke.
over 13 years ago
i use the LnL ._., and wait, what is she using, a grenade launcher or the LnL?
over 13 years ago
Im Duke Nukem, and Op Soldiers piss me off.
over 13 years ago
In light of the release of the Cow Mangler, this is even more appropriate.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68892]@MSG[/url] Jo is DrunkenF00l D:
over 13 years ago
First he predicted the Golden Wrench. Then the pyro boot. Now the mangler? Could you please do a comic about me unboxing 10 unusuals in a row?
Elia Moroes
over 13 years ago
Tell me, my dear ma'am ... Are you some kind of fortune-teller?
over 13 years ago
Lol you predicted the pyro boot now you managed to predict the new rocket launcher which almost looks like that and acts like it.
over 13 years ago
Lasers are for Gingers.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68864]@Nitrocrisis[/url]: Now we wait to see what's the set-back of the weapon.
over 13 years ago
great ... now we have it -.-
over 13 years ago
lol yep they put a nuke powered wep for soldier
over 13 years ago
Jo has predicted at least two things, boot hat for pyro and the new laser launcher.

Jo what is your secret?
Valve trolls
over 13 years ago
you called it
over 13 years ago
Yep you called it the solider now has a nuclear rocket launcher :)
over 13 years ago
Well the date is July 20th 2011 the soldier has obtained a nuke launcher with inf ammo auto minicrit, unreflectable projectiles, disables buildings and sets people on fire with the splash damage congrats folks... we jinxed it
over 13 years ago
Ahahaha ROFL @ the noobs complaining about clases being OP. There's obviously rock-paper-scissors type relationship between classes, just deal with ut. Scouts can't do anything about sentry nest? Bonk up and run around.
over 13 years ago
Zach, u forget the eyelander and other weapons of the dreaded "Demoknight", so he could be considered op with all his melee stuff xp
over 13 years ago
< Tomislav complaint/nerf request here >
over 13 years ago
Please. If anything, Demoman is overpowered. Stickies have a huge blast range, can shoot 8 before you have to reload, and can do over 100 damage. But really, the classes are balanced fairly evenly. Demoman is one of the worst classes when the enemy is right next to you.
over 13 years ago

over 13 years ago
Until I read it twice, I really didn't know what game this was...
over 13 years ago
Where's the Good hEAVY ?
over 13 years ago
@RED Pyro: That shows exactly why it's OP, if it takes a more skilled player of another class and not just one of same or less skill, depending on class (for example, even noob heavies can take down scouts), then the class is OP.
RED Pyro
over 13 years ago
I think Jo is confusing actual humor with his opinion.

Soldiers are easily killed by a more skilled players of most other classes as a lot of others said.

Heavies, while capable of killing anything one-on-one, are otherwise weak to instant-kills and more skilled offense-class players.
over 13 years ago
mimimimimimi vai aprender a jogar com soldier lol :D
over 13 years ago
Changing from Scout to Soldier in matches sure makes for a break. It is hard to be a very good soldier, but even if you are not that good you are still useful to the team. In the case of the Scout, if you don't any skill with it you are going to suck, BADLY (though if you play well...)
over 13 years ago
But the Lock-N-Load is harder to use than the pipes.
over 13 years ago
I see boobs.
Mr. Al
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68480]@PointyKnives[/url] photo-note: Ben ke-noobi anyone?
over 13 years ago
"People should actually be able to do it better with the bat."
The Scattergun has higher dps.
over 13 years ago
who said you needed your primary as scout? People should actually be able to do it better with the bat.
The bottom line
over 13 years ago
any class can beat any other class,

you just need the skill/luck to do it

for instance, spies can easily kill pyros (double ambassidor headshot and dead)

skilled scouts can kill heavys (minicrits + pretty much any primary)

so no class is OP, just one player is more skilled/lucky.
over 13 years ago
I always switch to pyro if the other team has lots of soldiers: Eat your own rocket!
over 13 years ago
I also don't think that soldiers are OP. I'm a good soldier. Not truely amazing, but let's say 'slightly better then average' because of rocketjumping.

Soldiers are countered by other (good) players: sticky demo's, heavies at close range, sentry guns, GOOD scouts, GOOD snipers, etc.
Devil Dan
over 13 years ago
ICBM launcher is OP. Nerf it nao!!!11!1
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68608]@Anonymous[/url]: really now? Soldier takes skill, ever try and juggle someone properly? Heavies are almost like engi, more strategy then anything else. Jump around a corner while spinning your minigun. Point-aim-and shoot. And someone who isn't retarded can easily spy-check. And avoid snipers.
Somebody Else
over 13 years ago
Lol, Davy Crockett missile launcher in TF2. That would be so annoying, every 15 seconds someone blows up the entire map on their first shot out of the re-spawn. And that somebody would probably be me... Well, the first three times at least, I do have standards.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68549]@Efrath[/url] This. There is no reason why fights need to be ended as quickly as possible. The long fights between players are always the best, and all these high dmg weapons cheapen this. LnL is however hard to use, so I'm mainly looking at FaN, DH, Heavy spinup buffs..
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68544]@alkdsjf[/url]: really? see, alot of people complains about heavies being overpowered, but really, heavies have alot of weaknesses. soldiers, demos, snipers, spies, they can all easily take out a heavy. Now soldier on the other hand, is overpowered. The main cause of that: he has no weakness.
over 13 years ago
The main disadvantage of the L'n'L is that you can't bounce grenades anymore. So no bounce-kill SG's for example.
And the base dmg is around 125, while the normal nade launcher is around 100. So on average you still need 2 hits for all classes except the heavy that needs 3.
Not worth it really.
Elia Moroes
over 13 years ago
I've been trying the Loc 'en Load for some time. Then, I realized that I am more a trickster than a nuker. The average Granade Luncher was, again,the natural choice
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68537]@boobtube[/url] Go search on google if you want some to sucky sucky you long time.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68537]@boobtube[/url]: for the comics. If I wanted "just" drawings of cute/sexy girls, I'd look up sites with artists more specialized in it.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68546]@lol[/url]: Elitefag, probably cares about the internet, too.
over 13 years ago
me playing scout:
aim sandman,
make sure the ball hits,
shoot twice,
double jump around the corner,
throw milk bottle,
shoot again,
pray everything works

hurr im a soldier hurr *shoots at feet*
blows us both up.


over 13 years ago
The granade Launcher is much better than the Loch-n-Load
over 13 years ago
I like it! But what happened to your awesome graphic novels about TF2 i loves the story line. Please bring those back!
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68549]@efrath[/url] well the thing is. the loch is EXTREMELY hard to use. if it did less damage it would actualy be completely useless
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68549]@Efrath[/url] and Critz
over 13 years ago
I am rocket launcher guy... and this... is my rocket.

She weighs 150 kilograms and fires two thousand dollar custom tool nukes at ten thousand megaton por minute.

It cost four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon... for 12 seconds.

over 13 years ago
The problem with the Loch n' load is that it kills 125 classes in one hit. It really should be an easy rule of thumb to follow for Valve really, no weapons should be able to kill 125 classes and above with one hit except for sniper rifles and knives.
over 13 years ago
The regular grenade and the lock-and-load are different, personally because they both take 2 grenades to kill most classes i use the regular. You can spam the regular grenade, but if your good enough the lock-and-load can be really effective as it fires faster and can travel farther.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68475]@Caspian[/url]: go google yourself some mods
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68469]@TheFuzziestKitty[/url]: casual faggot, probably a freebie too.
lol direct hit
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68446]@Vahnara[/url]: Really? Stock=pro Black box=when there are a lot of players Direct hit=for people who can't use the demoman's grenades Liberty launcher=for bad soldiers that can't time rockets properly
over 13 years ago
They need to nerf heavies...
Demo Pimp
over 13 years ago
The soldier is OP, they can just do everything, except heal other people. But they can heal themselves with the black box.
over 13 years ago
Cry some more. :D
over 13 years ago
just draw female characters only! why do you thing people "read" this comic anyway?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68535]@Batabii[/url] Not really, the top most bubble is usually to be read first in comics, otherwise characters would always have to be arranged by speaking order from left to right or right to left.
over 13 years ago
The first two speech bubbles look out of order, or at least ambiguous.
over 13 years ago
soldier well get more weapons than eng have i think the eng need more weapons
over 13 years ago
.. isnt soldier-tan's redeemer knock-off oversized?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68463]@cybercobra[/url]: because no one can aim.
over 13 years ago
people who complain about grenade launchers in any game amuse me.
Denilson Sá
over 13 years ago
Nuclear weapon, huh?

Unreal Tournament was great! :)
over 13 years ago
@Kuro Fox Actually "Tactical Nukes" are smaller than the city destroying ones. The term tactical comes from the use they were meant for as in destroying front-line troops or massed armor. Basically for use in actual battles where your conventional forces are greatly outnumbered.
over 13 years ago
lol the loch n load is a noob weapon haha.

over 13 years ago
I see our female soldier is played by Sephiroth.

Man some nerds will get a bonner at anything.
Edge-Worthy Lawyerman
over 13 years ago
PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSST Give soldier-tan a cravat and poofy shoulders! It goes PERFECT with the "disciplinary action"!
over 13 years ago
U should do fem skins 4 tf. Anyone have link 2 fem tf art or skins(mods). thx
p.s. U awesome. In russia we love u.
A Fan
over 13 years ago
@Kuro Fox: Simple. The tactics lie in who and what you want to go kaboom, and when you want them to do so. And trying to get as many of those people and things within the blast radius of a single nuke.
over 13 years ago
yep the new rocket isn't op at all. =P
over 13 years ago
You know, what the hell is so "tactical" about a "tactical nuke?"

It's big fucking bomb! You arm, you drop, things go kaboom!
over 13 years ago
oh yeah some challenge when you use a fucking gun ten times the size of the one your dissing
over 13 years ago


Also had this convo last night in the WDZ Clan 2Fort server.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68492]@Musculus[/url]: nope, making female classes doesnt have to change the hit box, or the silhouette. take a look at the chemica alia femal models. the only problem is that getting new voice actors would be very hard... and they wouldnt look like supermodels...
over 13 years ago
but...but..... The loch&Load is the hard one to use!
over 13 years ago
Devs said they were ready to if that didn't change the gameplay.
Sadly, men and women have different hitboxes.
over 13 years ago
I use the Loch n Load >.<
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_68475]@Caspian[/url]: That's something I've always wondered, they should really implement female characters.
over 13 years ago
I'm one of those rare Medic players that don't use the Ubersaw. I always used the Bonesaw until the Amputator came out. Now I just use the Medieval set for the bonus regen, Crossbow for long-range healing, and Amputator for group healing. I still don't have a Quick-Fix, but whatever.
over 13 years ago
The Loch 'n' Load and even the regular grenade launcher take skill to do right. It's those darn stickyspammers that make me shake my head.
over 13 years ago
They are so cute, why aren't there female versions of classes ingame?
over 13 years ago
I totally agree with cybercobra, Loch'n'Load requires more skill that plain grenade launcher
over 13 years ago
A Geavy is a Heavy where the finger slipped on the keyboard while typing. Incidentally the key 'G' is right beside the key 'H' on most keyboards I know.
over 13 years ago
I see this a lot and it confuses me. I don't understand what this "skill" is that everyone's talking about and why so many care about it. I play the game to have fun with friends and so hopefully my team wins; I don't care about impressing strangers on the internet by pointing my mouse at things.
over 13 years ago
Just my thought... What on earth is a geavy??
over 13 years ago
What's a Geavy?
over 13 years ago
cybercobra, that's the joke. For some odd reason, if you're not using the most overpowered weapons in the game you're somehow considered to have no skill. The truth is, using a lower tier weapon well is real skill.
over 13 years ago
oh and its not UP iether.

it can do ALOT of damage,
you usealy kill a scout in 1 hit.
and a crit with this thing? lets say it gets kinda close to the weapon in the third pic >:3
(only you still have to hit with it)
over 13 years ago
how is the loch a noob weapon?

you have to hit enemies or it wont explode at all,
you cant just spam it becouse you wont hit anything,
you have to aim precisly and often lead the target,
and does high damage but again, ONLY IF YOU HIT SOMTHING

and your telling me that THAT is a noob weapon?
over 13 years ago
So now you know it. Geavy+Medic is better then a Nuke!
over 13 years ago
"other then some grammer errors (as usual) good one"

I didn't see any, other than your use of "then".
over 13 years ago
In my experience the Loch-N-Load is only a noob weapon in the sense that you'd have to be a noob to think it's worthwhile. Useless for indirect fire. It's only going to pull its weight if you're basically sniping (accurately) with it, and good luck with that. Normal grenades are better.
Grammar Nazi
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
Shoot at ground, win.

That's why I strive to use only the direct hit, you know, actually aim.
over 13 years ago
I don't know why... but demo-tan always makes me sad...
over 13 years ago
why did i write engietan? i meant demotan... crap.
over 13 years ago
engietan is missing border line on her parker in the middle pannel. and solitan looks like she has no pants in the last one.
over 13 years ago
Black Box = spam rockets and you shall live forever.
Liro Raeriyo
over 13 years ago
Yeah, that would be called, the nuke launcher (replace rocket with nuke! so funny!) 1 shot, all players are killed, all sentries destroyed, all spies checked.
Liro Raeriyo
over 13 years ago
other then some grammer errors (as usual) good one
over 13 years ago
Heh... first time seeing a picture that isnt completely covered in photo notes.... yet xD
over 13 years ago
TF2: Dont worry about aiming, you kill him anyway.
over 13 years ago
If god wanted you to live, he would not have created ME!