Oh, I got it... He's butt...err, neck hurt because Heavy dragged him back to work (after they baited him with cammy/chunli porn)
over 13 years ago
Heavy is not overpowered :/
Demoknights are.
Also, dem contact lenses.
over 13 years ago
lol baddie heavies in denial
over 13 years ago
11monkeys: Actually,the TF2 miniguns are some of the weakest I've seen. About the only one that's weaker would be the ones in RPG hybrid games like Fallout 3. Those things have insanely low damage. But yeah,the UT1 minigun,which does 20 damage per shot,no damage reduction over distance,has a slower
over 13 years ago
but more accurate firing mode that can peg snipers at long range,and no movement slow down. God,modern FPS players would be crying for weeks. And it's not even the most powerful weapon in the game! :p
ah ah ah alone in my world
over 13 years ago
@ I forget: Fuck you
Season 2 is amazing
Teddy Roosebelt
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
There is a heavy on our lawn!
I forget
over 13 years ago
fuck ponies !
over 13 years ago
yet another quality meme-spouting nerfnow comic.
Get your shit together man, come on.
over 13 years ago
Why are we not keeling tiingz wiv fire?!?
over 13 years ago
healing does damage to undead! D:
chibi lover tentacle hater
over 13 years ago
No one care about tentacles. Make mini-medic happy again -_-
over 13 years ago
Having no brain doesn't mean we are safe!
It means the zombie does not have a weak spot!
over 13 years ago
Give him an uber, Mini Medic. That should cure it.
over 13 years ago
No one care about tentacles. Make mini-medic happy again -_-
Iz tru. Fiks the saddz. NOUGH.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_77670]@D4rkLigh7[/url]: Did you really think I was calling you a pedo? Take a joke, man.
over 13 years ago
You will fix Heavy or you will find out how we, the big guys of the internet, feel about the zombification of our comrade in harm. You will find out physically and at painful length!
over 13 years ago
it's like this in all games:
is doesn't die that easy? it has extreme dps?
Then, people learn to headshot, backstab and shotgun from the side.
over 13 years ago
Wait,when did the Heavy get "overpowered"? Cause last time I checked,I still get head shotted,blown up,back stabbed,and shotgunned to death all the time. I think you're just playing against noobs who simply run right at the heavy without dodging or using cover.
over 13 years ago
Grains ...
over 13 years ago
Jo is now a GM for WoW?
over 13 years ago
"Working as intended" needs the little (TM) symbol at the end please.
Annd now I have to feed my brain to a zombie to get the end song of Plants vs Zombies outa my head, good job Jo.
U dont need heavy
over 13 years ago
medic + solly = full of win
over 13 years ago
No one care about tentacles. Make mini-medic happy again -_-
over 13 years ago
Indeed, how strange that someone would wish to play the old Torchlight prototype when the real one is already out.
over 13 years ago
No brain?! Jo there is a cluster of brain cell above each sucker on a tentacle! Tentacles are essentially a string of brain bits! You're zombie finger food!
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_77666]@Davtwan[/url]: If she was real I'd agree with your assessment of my personality, but there are two things wrong with it: 1) She is not real 2) and neither is the persona that I am portraying. This is online so I am simply playing out different types of people for amusement.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_77653]@D4rkLigh7[/url]: Suuuuure, that's why you did it. *wink*
Why don't you have a seat? Over there.
over 13 years ago
I claim all three so she does not have to be tossed around like a whore.
over 13 years ago
Like I say. Go make some new friends Mini-Medic, such as Solly or Demo, it doesn't necessary to always be HWGuy
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
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