[url=#user_comment_78207]@Richter[/url]: "Perhaps the same could be said of all religions..."
over 13 years ago
Ha! that made my day.
Teddy Roosebelt
over 13 years ago
Remember kids
over 13 years ago
It's better to be beaten than raped
Teddy Roosebelt
over 13 years ago
Oooh. This wont turn out well.
over 13 years ago
Whole team is /zom/bies.
Also, Steam TF2 download is currently at 35%.
Lets see if they can sell it to me >:)
over 13 years ago
Great, now they're all going to be turned into either A) zombies or B) mouthless disgusting blobs. Where will we get our fanservice *then*?
over 13 years ago
Seriously? Why are people still "mine"ing, its annoying
over 13 years ago
Shes just a child! D:
over 13 years ago
Ha... Hahaha...
Wow look at that character variation. What a.... What a cast.
over 13 years ago
Would love one from 330, the Hardcore/Casual
over 13 years ago
Jo, when will you sell your fellow stealth brazilians some cools tshirts? Following you since the first TF-Arc and would love a way to support you :)
Doujins where?
over 13 years ago
C'mon, I'm sure the minimedic got a LOT more than just a spanking. Need a doujin.
U MAD bad tentacle ?
over 13 years ago
no more hot lesbian action for you !
over 13 years ago
You know, this is the first time where a tentacle monster is scared of a group of girls. Interesting
over 13 years ago
Your death will not be swift.
over 13 years ago
So... those girls want to try that spanking too?!!
over 13 years ago
I think he will end as sushis.
over 13 years ago
Anyone else miss Mini-medic's glasses?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_78123]@Dracula[/url]: Tribute!?!
You steal men's souls and make them your slaves!
I like ponies
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_78080]@Jayke[/url]: Because watching something means you can't criticise it. Or is something on the internet immune to criticism? I always forget which it is.
Cool story bro.
over 13 years ago
I think they are mad they haven't gotten turns at spanking yet.
over 13 years ago
Jo, you poor tentacle monster. You're in for the sexiest, yet most savage mauling since Zapp Brannigan and Phillip J. Fry wound up on the planet of the Amazons.
I'm not sure whether to congratulate you, or prepare a eulogy. Maybe I should prepare a eulogy congratulating you?
You see, that's the problem with spanking...you spank one, then you have to spank all of them! That tentacle is gonna have a busy day.
over 13 years ago
Hot lesbian sense.... tingling
over 13 years ago
@ waaahbulance: your mom is funny
@ lobster: your mom is hilarious
over 13 years ago
Revenge of the -tans. Film At Eleven.
over 13 years ago
no, it's not. theres nothing funny about something I've seen more than 587 times.
u know what's funny? jokes and funny remarks are funny
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_78089]@waaahbulance[/url]: Because it's absolutely hilarious to claim stuff. Also to highlight random blank areas to note the presence of a spy.
over 13 years ago
Yeaaah, I'm thinking the lady with the gigantic lobster claws just might be priority #1.
over 13 years ago
No sh*t Sherlock, but that may be an understatement, they look like someone called them fat. I'd run fast.
Bad Karma
over 13 years ago
I can only hope that they're all upset because they didn't get a spanking, too.
over 13 years ago
Nice photo note, Stormwing.
Also that is ONE derpy face in panel 3 and noone mentions it...
I mean pay for
over 13 years ago
Every nerfnow -tan in a mass scene with a tentacle monster? That's a film I'd torrent!
over 13 years ago
@Elia Moroes: Exactly my thoughts. The ladies got jelly.
over 13 years ago
Finally!!! Mini-medic rule34!!!
Elia Moroes
over 13 years ago
I have seen enough hentai to know where this is going ...
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_78111]@Richter[/url]: "It was not by my hand that I am once again given flesh. I was called here by HUMANS who wish to pay me tribute."
over 13 years ago
That scruffy-looking artist is in for it now.
over 13 years ago
How can you be sure that none of them have tits? maybe some have man-tits!
@Hahaha oh wow: Oh, I'm so sorry. Who's holding the gun to your head and forcing you to watch it? Or is mommy making to read webcomics you don't want to? Poor widdle boy. Here... have a cookie.
Blu Soldier
over 13 years ago
-fap fap fap-
over 13 years ago
You know how many comics Jo has been putting out recently? It feels like Jo put out 3 today, when you usually only see 1 a day.
And hell, maybe it's referencing how all women give the same look when they're pissed at you.
But I'm not here to flame. :3