[url=#user_comment_97498]@Tiaker[/url] It is called a stole, but the colors depend upon the liturgical season or purpose. Priests wear the stole as a sign of having received Holy Orders.
I have no idea for what reason a Protestant might wear one since they do not receive Holy Orders.
over 13 years ago
It is probably wise to stay away from Origin in its present state. Heavy DRM, troublesome EULA and now this.
over 13 years ago
Lesson learned: Never invite your ex-girlfriend. :(
over 13 years ago
is it not against the freedom of speech?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_97419]@Scorch_Mechanic[/url] Worth also noting that VAC just kicks you out of VAC-protected multiplayer servers - you can still get to your games anyways.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_97411]@Merc[/url] Actually, RPS has reports of people with certain avatars being Origin banned as well.
over 13 years ago
My father is a Protestant minister, and he dressed almost exactly like that for my wedding. The purple item is called a stole, and as far as I know is just for decoration. He's more than likely standing behind a podium either for atmosphere or because he has notes for the ceremony.
over 13 years ago
Right, but if he's really a Catholic priest, he would be wearing white vestments and not dressed like he's ready to hear Confessions.
the same asdf
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_97380]@Acacia[/url]: I'm assuming he's a catholic priest because that's the standard religion down here in Brazil. =\
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_97380]@Acacia[/url]: He is a Shadow Spec Wololo Priest.
over 13 years ago
I'll point out here (because it hasn't been yet) that Valve emphatically does /not/ VAC or disable steam accounts because of behavior on the Steam forums. I do know of a man who got VAC'd in a few hours because Robin encountered him hacking in a game of TF2, but that's an extreme outlier.
over 13 years ago
And I was so looking forward to getting SWTOR...
over 13 years ago
That said, the small transgressions speak more of A. A stupid algorithm that just auto bans. or B. Stupid human behind the button.
The stubborness that EA is showing by standing behind it is... not exactly great PR.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_97387]@Obby[/url]: Taking away something you already paid for and not letting you have access to it?
Sounds like fraud to me. XD
over 13 years ago
over 13 years ago
Also worth noting is that at this point, it's fairly obvious that EA is looking for excuses to ban customers - this way EA doesn't have as much load on its delivery network during upgrades, or the customer has to pay AGAIN to get their game(s). Either way, morally wrong, and likely illegal.
over 13 years ago
My wonder is when the class-action lawsuit against EA will appear. The lawyers are circling now, no doubt.
Also, US courts have previously ruled that EULAs are not the end-all-be-all - if the courts find that EA is committing fraud or the like by its banning practices, that's all she wrote.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_97325]@asdf[/url]: If that's a Catholic priest, then he's dressed for Confession, not a wedding. Also, he would be standing with the altar behind him, not in front of him (and not with a podium), and the bride and groom would be kneeling, not standing. The women would also be wearing mantillas.
over 13 years ago
At least the steam forums aren't that dangerous. oh, wait. right.
over 13 years ago
I would so love to see EA getting the bill for all their bullshit one day.
"wtf is perspective"
over 13 years ago
joe, why is origin-tan way bigger than those people in the bench even though they are in front of her?
does not sense maek
over 13 years ago
Take a look over at Boing Boing. Seems it's considered proper practice to accuse anyone with whom you disagree of "trolling."
over 13 years ago
Origin! That is NOT proper attire for a wedding!
over 13 years ago
Good, the ninjas and scumbags tend to troll the forums until they get banned there anyway.
over 13 years ago
This comic is in violation of our terms and conditions. Readers of this comic may be subject to suspension of service and banning.
Remember: Origin Is Your Friend.
over 13 years ago
"Instead of just doing a good customer service job, let's ban our customers so very soon no one will ever want to purchase our services again. WHAT COULD GO WRONG?!"
Seriously, I rememember when companies tried to do good thing for their customers instead of stealing their money and tell them to f
over 13 years ago
Didn´t you already have a comic on people who complain in an internet gaming forum?
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_97290]@Robert[/url]: I'm pretty sure it's a catholic priest.
over 13 years ago
Amen to that, Jo.
@Arwael[/url]: Avoid [i]anything[/i] that requires Origin to be installed on your system, by any means necessary. Best advice I can give someone, short of "don't dance in traffic, it won't end well."
M Delusion
over 13 years ago
haha. i knew that boycotting origin right from the beginning was a good idea. starting their own proprietary digital distribution will never end up well.
over 13 years ago
I still don't have Origins registered so I can read this comic safely :)
over 13 years ago
EA are pirates, they steal your hard earned money. Ironic that they are so upset about pirates consider what they do to people.
over 13 years ago
Since when did reverends need a judge's podium to perform marriages?
over 13 years ago
Can you believe that people actually defend this crap?
And have the nerve to say Steam does the same crap just as often?
Also, pokerface.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_97257]@Nitrocrisis[/url]: I'm viewing this on a different computer than my Origin installed computer.
One can never be too careful.
over 13 years ago
Who wants to bet everyone who views this is going to get banned by EA in the near future as a result?
You know, I have to wonder, I recently bought a couple of games from Steam, that are published by EA, (Bad Company 2 and Mass Effect) and I got an email about my account with them being upgraded to Origin in the coming months...
I've been wondering... should I just ignore the thing completely?
over 13 years ago
I can think of many people who need to be banned from life and that guy is pretty low down the list
over 13 years ago
I don't think this comic was the best analogy for the situation.
Maybe, "He insulted his bride's sister!" would have been more relevant to the context.
It might just be me, but this sounds more like EA banning users for admitting to using Steam.
over 13 years ago
EA, it's so easy to hate on them.
Now with one more reason!
Black Banna
over 13 years ago
My concern would be if you posted something negative about a game then they take action against the posting.
Shadow Scryer
over 13 years ago
@Shadow Scryer
Well, there were no posts before. Stand by the too harsh thing though.
Shadow Scryer
over 13 years ago
Kinda harsh O-tan. Ain't much of a marriage if one of 'em's dead.
Nope. No first here.
over 13 years ago
I tried to do that last time but was too late.