What people are saying about "There can be only two"
There can be only two
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almost 12 years ago
implying LoL is casual. removing useless mechanics that were only there in the first place due to WC3 engine limitations does not make a game casual.
over 12 years ago
The irony is that I passed on DotA back in the day because of a lack of design depth, while LoL is the only one in the genre I've enjoyed specifically because it has decent mechanisms against snowballing and a pace that promotes tactics over reflexes.

I play LoL because I'm too hardcore for DotA.
over 12 years ago
i've dealt with alot of hardcore serious business types in LoL (funny as that sounds) anything that tourney derpitry touches i usually walk away from unless im playing solo.
Cyborg Mage
over 12 years ago
Heh. She thinks LoL is casual. How cute.
over 12 years ago
they are ALL the exact same game. They aren't TRYING to be the same game, they ARE the same game!
A Guy
over 12 years ago
Sometimes when I look at porn I remember I haven't checked Nerfnow in a while.
over 12 years ago
Good god, Dota2-tan :D
over 12 years ago
competitive scene isn't always shit like that of mobas, if you know anything about the SC2 scene you'll know otherwise, and another example of a great community is tribes community, the compeition created a fair amount of professionalism with in the scene and force its players to act accordingly.
over 12 years ago
What the hell is hon?
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_99072]@usbfridge[/url]: I've only played LoL, and solo queue in ranked (LoL's "competitive" scene) is by far the most unpleasant gaming experience I have ever had. And LoL is considered downright _friendly_ compared to other MOBAs. So no, a "competitive" community is not necessarily better.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_99587]@dskzero[/url]: Do people really care about a competitive scene for games like these? I want to play not watch other people play. Couldn't care less which game has tournaments and which doesn't.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_98933]@Why[/url] is there even competition? Probably because Guinsoo's DotA was a compilation of heroes from other maps (hence Allstars) with some ridonkulously overpowered additions of his own while Icefrog actually put the map through some balancework to make it the scourge of Battle.net it is today.
over 12 years ago
Well at the end it's all a personal choice what you like more.
But if you look at it from an objective view, well there is only one thing to say and that is that HoN has definetly the best Gameplay. I played DotA, DotA 2, LoL and HoN and the last one had the best controls. And the best game pace.
over 12 years ago
Also,[url=#user_comment_99587] @Dskzero[/url]: GDC awards, where was HoN?
over 12 years ago
Fuck yeah, we get Old School Engi :D
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_99587]@dskzero[/url]: Uhm, 5million dollar price pool for lol. I think there is a competitive szene. DOTA2 will get it's own for sure. And hats. If one thing is sure, than it is that DOTA2 will have hats.
over 12 years ago
FUN FACT: The only one with a competitive scene is HON. It's easily the best game of the three, but DOTA 2 is made by Valve, so it's obviously the "mainstream choice". Lol is the "idiot's choice".
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_99152]@Anon[/url]: True dat my friend. The other 2 Games may be nice for casual Gamers with a medium skill level. =P
over 12 years ago
two games are the same shit...
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_98979]@aki[/url] yeah, she does, doesn't she.
I'd buy that for a peice of bacon
over 12 years ago
No love for Monday night combat i see?
over 12 years ago
LoL is just as much a hardcore play style game as DOTA2. saying LoL "might stick around" is also false considering LoL's been introducing new players to the genre since day 1 where as DOTA2 is bulked on old timers so LoL is definitely sticking around because it has a new generation of players.
over 12 years ago
Saying LoL is casual is like calling a water buffalo a small rodent. i play LoL and DOTA2 and they both have casual and diehard players. although DOTA has a lot less casual players simply because nobody wants to pay money to play something once in a while which is why. LoL has more casual players.
over 12 years ago
Not really sure what all the "casual" fuss about LoL is all about. I play LoL, I've played HoN (still play it from time to time) however I haven't played Dota2. Judging from how it looks I doubt I will play it.
Just cuz LoL is easy to pick up doesn't mean it's any worse competetively.
over 12 years ago
As someone who plays all 3 games, I can say that HoN is the game that requires the most skill and reflexes, and has the highest skill cap.

Dota 2 is slow and slugish in comparison.

Lol is a joke in comparison.
over 12 years ago
I will get BLU Engie someday, it will happen... someday
over 12 years ago
im looking at all this, just saying lol dominion is amazing and the community is much less hardcore. and just saying, ANYONE WITH A FULL BUILD IS UNBALANCED, BECAUSE THEY HAVE A FULL BUILD WHEN YOU DONT
over 12 years ago

over 12 years ago
This bitchfest didn't end in lesbian tension. I am dissapoint
over 12 years ago
I enjoy LoL actually, pretty fun with some smart friends. I'm kind of looking forward to getting DoTa2, to have a change of pace. HoN has no excuse though.
over 12 years ago
Hurray orange hair engie is back!

It seem LoL gameplay wise is more focused on abilities, load of skillshot and being able to improve them as well. Dota is more centered with AA with majority of champ having mostly passive related to AA (still got a lot more interesting spell).
over 12 years ago
What about HoN?
over 12 years ago
Hey, your comic got a mention on Leaguecraft's FB page - https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=324424084242813&set=a.176923508992872.39860.155123054506251&type=1&theater
over 12 years ago
So ...
nobody likes Demigod?
over 12 years ago
As little as I care about both games, I personally think it's better to have a good competetive community than to have a good casual community. Competetive gamers take the game more seriously, so they are more likley to point out bugs and less liley to crticize things that don't need to be changed.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_98995]@Mikael[/url]: Holy shit man, I hadn't heard of this until you posted the link. Blizzard Dota is going to blow EVERYTHING out of the water.
over 12 years ago
Faro is right.

In a decent team, you mostly ever have eye, dust or wards when there is an inv on the other team.

For God sake, invible characters are in Dota, HoN AND LoL, and there are the SAME WAYS to counter it.

Are you sure you are used to play "Dota-like" games?
over 12 years ago
Anonymous shows how much he knows when he calls stealth characters unbalanced. All the heroes are easily counterable when you understand the mechanics. Stealth heroes become almost unusable when you start using sentries, dust and Eye. Gankers are countered with wards and team coordination. Easy.
over 12 years ago
Well, stuns fucks master yi up, but that was just an example, and he have ways to protect himself (a quicksilver or any hp iten).

To ME, every champion in LoL is OP in some way, so it makes the game even. You are more "independent" in this game.

In HoN you are way more dependent of your team.
over 12 years ago
I tried out HoN.

It was unbalanced shit with terribly ugly character designs and the stealth characters could just camp the shit out of your base.

LoL at least has mechanics to keep things balanced and fair.
over 12 years ago
Any master yi that doesn't carry a quicksilver sash is just begging to be killed by a Teemo or a Sion.
over 12 years ago
In response to the Master Yi one: yes, because Sion stuns him for 1.5 seconds and he dies within that stun due to having 0 defensive stats.
over 12 years ago
Dota 2: Slower than HoN, yet far from being complete, so i cant have a decent review. Still playing HoN.

All the 3 games have OP heroes. Can you say a Master Yi with a full build (2.5 Atks/Sec, 300 dmg and 75% crit Chance) isnt OP? Or a 10/0 Nomad that had free farm mid isnt OP either?
over 12 years ago
I played all the 3 games and:

LoL: Casual, slower game. A noob-friendly community. Original graphics were bad, but Dominion map is AMAZING.

HoN: Faster game, harder and with a evil community. Some heroes and features are GREAT. Is the only competitive Moba running at it fullest.(I like it.
over 12 years ago
I played all the 3 games and:

LoL: Casual, slower game. A noob-friendly community. Original graphics were bad, but Dominion map is AMAZING.

HoN: Faster game, harder and with a evil community. Some heroes and features are GREAT. Is the only competitive Moba running at it fullest.(I like it).
over 12 years ago
also because of the whole "stealing content and players instead of making your own game" thing. goes to LoL too but their playerbase is too dumb to notice.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_99009]@Sukudo[/url]: That's because IceFrog took over DotA in 05 from Guinsoo. Guinsoo then went on to be a part of the formation of Riot Games, who made LoL.
over 12 years ago
All Dota clones suck anyway.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_99023]@shibomi[/url]: That's what Gabe says to keep the Lawsuits at bay.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_99015]@Anonymous[/url]: because the Dota in Dota 2 isnt an acronym like the vanilla DotA is
over 12 years ago
I like how, to the left of this comic, there is an ad with a chick is wearing a t-shirt with the word 'MEH' written on it
over 12 years ago
What's so difficult about capitalizing DotA correctly? Not even Steam does it properly; nobody seems to have this trouble with HoN or LoL. DotA, though, since WC3, has never been capitalized correctly except by a small fraction of players. Bizarre.
over 12 years ago
here is the thiing you forgot....
you forgot to mention Ice Frog..
He is the guy who made Dota and is working on Dota 2
and Hon was just a game to fill the time till dota 2 comes out^^
over 12 years ago
I won't argue that HoN will probably eventually fail against Dota2 because it really is similar. However, it's still somewhat of a different game currently, and it fills the gap while Dota 2 still hasn't come out.

I do enjoy it however, mostly because it's currently the fastest paced MOBA.
over 12 years ago
Well, HoN, that'll learn you to have a head like a shriveled orange and a distinct lack of boobs.
So going by the comic
over 12 years ago
well replace Jaw with chin.
So going by the comic
over 12 years ago
Dota2 player = jawless blabbermaw.
LOL player = 'original' jawless blabbermaw
HoN player = all jaw and all mute.
An Onymous
over 12 years ago
Dont know about you guys, but I'm with orange hair Engie-chan all the way :)
over 12 years ago
@^_^ then I rather go with the girls.
enjoy your forever alone.
over 12 years ago

This looks great by the way, seems like they are getting rid of the crap mechanics (no deny, last hits, kill stealing) and streamlining the actual fun bits of dota. Blizzard just gets it.
over 12 years ago
Girls play Dota2 and LoL, true men play HoN.
that guy
over 12 years ago
@guy who said that the genre has a shitty community

l2p eota.
eota>dota2>dota>hon>everything else>lol.
over 12 years ago
bitches dont know bout my nomad..
over 12 years ago
YOu would be suprised at how many clones there were of the original Dota... it was sickening... even now there is almost nothing but DOTA on WC3's Battlenet...
over 12 years ago

I love LOL and will continue to play it when dota 2 comes out. However I've been playing DOTA2 recently (yay 4 beta!) and its really really good.
over 12 years ago
I love DotA more then LoL but omg looks so much like Hoshii Miki. HNnnng
over 12 years ago
I'm with LoL because of no denying and no gold loss on death. Another thing I heard and agree with is that in HoN (and dota?)all heroes are OP. When I tried it I got blown up in seconds before I could click a spell, LoL has a slower pace leaving more room for skill and strategy, not just face stomp.
over 12 years ago
Slightly unrelated, but I just found about the "animated" comics on youtube, specially the ones with the E-tans. Pretty sweet.
over 12 years ago
Engie-Tan(1) is a fanboy or a fangirl?
over 12 years ago
There was one guy who played LoL with us for a while, decided he was horrible at it, and eventually quit. He got a Dota 2 beta key, and we spent one night laughing at him as he tried desperately to convince us that Dota is SUPER DEEP AND ENGAGING and LoL is for NOOOOOBS.
Temia Eszteri
over 12 years ago
Short shorts and debates over shitty RTS spinoffs? Where did the good Nerfnow go?
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Jeez! These two should just make out and have a sexy time already!

Oh, are we talking about these MOBA games? I say, these games are good in their on way. Just play which you enjoy the most.
over 12 years ago
Meanwhile BLC is sporadically twitching in a pool of his own blood on the floor with RoI is grabbing at the heels of LoL in desperation. Then we have SMITE and SMNC slapfighting off panel.

And I bet 90% of you don't even know what every one of those is.
over 12 years ago
I dont even know what HON is, but... YEAY!, the two Engies!!!
They are fighting again, so that mean that they gonna have angry hot lesbian sex later? =P
over 12 years ago
DotA 2 players are so mean.
I don't get why people say LoL is any different, it really isn't.

Also, dem shorts.
over 12 years ago
And of course, there is the normal Dota. Not to mention "Blizzard Dota", which Blizzard annouced not too long ago. (Basicly Dota with Blizzard-Characters in a different theme)
over 12 years ago
If HON players weren't suck jerks to newbies maybe they'd actually get new players. This way, forever alone, it is.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_98933]@Why[/url]: Except Jo wasn't lambasting it. The joke is that it has almost no fan support.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_98930]@Adriankat[/url]: And you're saying that the original Dota heroes that were ported to HoN was not broken? How long have you played it? I can agree that HoN heroes are kinda broken but I rather live with that then play the slowpaced LoL games. Oh, and it IS a Dota clone.
over 12 years ago
Why if it isn't the curious case of the typical person who lambasts HoN without ever having played it.
over 12 years ago
So are there still folks annotating that Annotate man?
over 12 years ago
HoN was originally a Dota clone (though it kinda still is) until they lost permission to copy the DotA heroes, then they had to come up with their own heroes and they're broken as shit.
over 12 years ago
Yeah, it's kind of strange that two games that use the same basic concept, but very different approaches to battles and character systems, have their gamers so riled up against each other. Me, I like both. There's room for more hack than Diablo in my heart, too.
over 12 years ago
I play LOL, mainly because it doesn't have that bad feeling when you are denied... it really bothers me, and if i wanted to play something like Dota, i would play Dota, or Dota 2. For the time being, im happy with LOL and not being such a serious player (don't have that much free time to play games)
over 12 years ago
I don't know why LoL says she doesn't need to play with bitchy people... as far as I can tell LoL's community isn't any better. The entire genre has terrible communities.
over 12 years ago
HoN and dota kids argue more than LoL kids.
and msot of the points ginger engie made bounce back on lol but lol isnt that blocky.... turn up your video settigns fool it aint minecraft :P
Derp Messiah
over 12 years ago
We don't see much of Ginger Engie Tan
Random guy
over 12 years ago
Doesn't matter, I suck at these games... yet I still play. my 120 lose streak continues...
over 12 years ago
Moral of the Story:

When you're the best, you don't need to say a damn thing.
over 12 years ago
Just brillinat this "Forever Alone" Troll face from HoN just is a perfect Match against the two deffinetly more popular games like DotA and LoL xD
over 12 years ago
Been playing both DotA2 and HoN quite a bit and I'll stay on HoN for now until DotA2 gets closer to being finished. HoN is still superior with a lot larger heropool and a lot of design changes they have made along the way. DotA2's problem is that they aren't using remaking as chance to improve...
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
HoN is much different from DoTA now. Saying otherwise implies that you haven't played it in some time.

It's significantly faster paced with a completely different hero pool and has features that DoTA or LoL don't have.
over 12 years ago
Red Engie-tan needs more love.

Also lol, tryhard games trying hard.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Poor HON, forever a clone. :<
Gabriel Calder
over 12 years ago
Is LoL less complex than DotA? Without a doubt. Does that make it WORSE than DotA? That's a matter of opinion.

I just wish everybody would quit slinging the word "casual" around, it's lost all meaning. Less complexity = more newb friendly, more newb friendly != casual != The death of gaming
Why is there even competition?
over 12 years ago
From all the arguments that I have ever heard I can comfortably say that 99% of both LOL and Dota community doesn't know that Gunisoo was the lead designer of dota and that he is one of the lead designers of LOL, so comparing which one is better is like comparing Fanta to Coke... same winner
over 12 years ago
Haha, DotA2 gets the main character of the comic as representative <3 [url=#user_comment_98877] @Dex[/url] You should definitely check the female heroes ported to DotA2... Official art: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/348/a/3/a3a9bd59c13f4f761df5ddad32f06728-d4j2an5.jpg
over 12 years ago
Well Demigod was Dota with like, six champions.
over 12 years ago
I seriously play LOL because of the art style and the cute girls with slutty clothing.
It's the only reason I play it.
HON and DOTA2 can't compare.
over 12 years ago
Implying everyone who plays LoL is a tryhard wannabe and everyone who plays DotA2 is a Pro "BadAss"
over 12 years ago
HoN should really be Demigod.

Who remembers Demigod?

It just came to Steam also.
over 12 years ago