What people are saying about "Winter Has Come"
Winter Has Come
Comments have been closed for this comic.
Some guy
about 13 years ago
For some reason i just had a game of thrones moment and thought of steam-tan like 'the others' of wintergale
Andrew Hall
about 13 years ago
Steam should in fact hire you to run promo comics. I haven't give a crap about Steam in years, but these are funny. :)
An Onymous
about 13 years ago
I dont care that she's got fangs, silver hair, and claws, I still love Steam-chan; heck if anything those things make me want her even more. :)
Sasha Nekosune
about 13 years ago
I dont care how evil or monsterous she looks. I love the way she looks. with fangs and evil eyes and flowy hair.
about 13 years ago
Eee! Vampire Steam is awesome. (Whaddaya want to bet that's her getting one last run out of her Halloween costume?)

Personally, I primarily use Steam as backup for my Humble Bundles, so I don't have to worry about it :)
about 13 years ago
I find it funny that Jo's body is ready. When the tentacles find a victim, you'll know that this season there's going to be a discount on cameraaaaaaaaasssssssssssss...

God that wasn't funny.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_100230]@Wraith[/url]: Also "Mean while at good old games". %50 off is a good deal.
about 13 years ago
Well for the chance to win the ridiculously generous grand prize... You need TONS of coal to have a chance...
And to get TONS of coal
1. You need ALOT of games to earn the achievements
2. You must be a GOOD SCAMMER to trick those poor souls of their only items to keep them warm in the winter.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_100253]@wurmsrus[/url]: Yes, but they simply did not look good on black. It should not have vampire fangs too afaik. I took some (several) liberties with it.
Andrew Hall
about 13 years ago
"Steam-tan attacked Mastercard-chan with left claw and critted for a whole bunch of your money!

Steam-tan attacked VISA-chan with right claw and critted for all the rest of your money!

The party was defeated."
Andrew Hall
about 13 years ago
How much damage does undead-Steam-tan do per hit? Those claws look like a pair of nasty crits just waiting to happen.
about 13 years ago
"We've got to have... money!"

I'd like a comic with the new weapons. Being a medic player, mainly Pomson.
about 13 years ago
Wallet has startled Steam.
about 13 years ago
shouldn't her hands be black?
Hero of Oakvale
about 13 years ago
I love you Steam.

You gave me the one game I love above all else, one I've spent countless hours playing.

One which shall never have a worth sequel due to the creators obsession with better systems and tech, rather than story.

Fable - The Lost Chapters.
about 13 years ago
Next comic:

"Meanwhile, at Origin"

about 13 years ago
Steam-tan voiced by Grey Delisle as Ice Queen in Adventure time, somebody fund it.
about 13 years ago
The best part about this comic is it's shockingly accurate.
about 13 years ago
A very clever strip. Well done!
about 13 years ago
Nice ASoIaF references in this one, well done.
about 13 years ago
Yeah, broke. I got exactly 8$ :(

And I got two coupons I have no use for - Chantelise and -50% off Valve games. Already got all Chantelise and all Valve games.
about 13 years ago
There's nothing like a Steam Sale! WHEN YOU'RE FUCKING BROKE!
about 13 years ago
Wait in panel 4 she as two fangs on the bottom of her mouth. Now the the reveal shows her with no Jaw?
did Visa Shoot her jaw off between panels 4 and 5?
about 13 years ago
Steam is cunning. I don't buy games for myself, I buy games for my friends for Christmas then feel bankrupt from that :P.
about 13 years ago
If you haven't tried Mass Effect yet, each game is 10$, do yourself a favor already.
about 13 years ago
Steam-tan now has fangs, but in this situation, they are decidedly not cute, nor little.
about 13 years ago
That's still hot
about 13 years ago
But I already own almost every game that I want off Steam! What am I to do...
about 13 years ago
Come on everybody, all together now!
What's the spell? Loads of money!

Also, fangs.
about 13 years ago
Alternatively, keeping up with the relationship thing, Steam-tan during the sales should be shown being overly seductive. Whereas an Origins sale would be eerily bribe/lure-like, sexual favours trying to distract from those hidden catch 22's.

GOG would just give you an extra batch of cookies.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_100122]@Carl[/url]: Well, she's looking a bit anaemic; needs to put some credit on them bones, fill her out a bit.
Temia Eszteri
about 13 years ago
Whatever little I have interest in on Steam, I already have.

This sale has absolutely no effect on me or my funds.
about 13 years ago
So, her boobs get smaller when she's hunting or what?
about 13 years ago
You just have to endure the cold turkey.
So many games on the account that it is impossible to get through all of them till end of next year.
The games they sell now are even cheaper then ;)
Oh look PONIES:
about 13 years ago
Problem, Steam?
about 13 years ago
Is a lack of self-discipline a requirement to use Steam?
about 13 years ago
i tried to buy max payne, but i didnt take an arrow to the knee: they locked me out. again. fucking bigots.
about 13 years ago
Steam-tan. One part digital distribution system, one part vampire. Your paypal and credit card accounts are the blood upon which she feasts.
about 13 years ago
Steam-tan: The innocent shall suffer! BIG TIME!
about 13 years ago
American Express has startled the witch!
Derka Derka
about 13 years ago
Very nice comic. Didn't expect the ending but after reading it there's no other thing that could fit there as well :).
about 13 years ago
Wild Steam Sale appeared!
Trainer Kimura used I Have No Paypal!
Trainer Valve countered with Refuse To Sell Prepaid Cards! It's super countereffective! Steam Sale fainted!

Part 2:
Wild Steam Sale reappeared!
Steam Userbase used Everyone Log On At Once!
Steam Servers exploded spectacularly!
about 13 years ago
Josué, no www.nuuvem.com.br o Deus Ex tá 30 e poucos reais, e o jogo é Steamworks, dê uma olhada lá!
ChEeSe 4 EvErYoNe
about 13 years ago
Yeah Steam Sales!!! Buy games cheap now and sell them for unusual hats later. Seem that the basic gift that most players received was a 25% off coupon for any Valve game. Clever bastards I'll give them that :D
about 13 years ago
Can't open free gift. Dat means it's Portal 2.
about 13 years ago
Have you guys seen what the "Grand Winner" of this sale will get yet?
about 13 years ago
Steam sales are worth the waiting time.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_100060]@Nerfnow[/url]: How is that bamboo? It's White Birch Trees, google it if you don't know what those are. Also, I'm sick of people whining that it's been down for 3 hours or whatever, and thus saying "STEAM IS THE WORST COMPANY OUT THERE, Y DON'T THEY JUST MAKE MORE SERVER SPACE LOL"
about 13 years ago
@The Anon known as Ivan: :D
about 13 years ago
@Jake'm: It's just a snowy forest. But the whole comic makes more sense if you read / watch A Game of Thrones.
about 13 years ago
Any reason why they were in what looks like a bamboo forest? Or should I not be asking such stupid questions?
The Anon known as Ivan
about 13 years ago
Damn you! Shareazu!
The Anon known as Ivan
about 13 years ago
My first first.

And also true story, my Wallet will be a lot lighter this days.
about 13 years ago
never thought i'd say it, but...FIRST!