What would the name of this little steam chibi called? Steamac-tan? Steam-chan? maybe the Bigger one could be Steam-tan and the smaller would be Steam-chan.
Andrew Hall
about 13 years ago
I'm picturing Steam-chibi gnawing her way up American Express and Mastercard's legs, eventually.
about 13 years ago
interesting that there are 204 mac games on steam and only 153 pc games on origin (1488 pc games on steam for reference)
about 13 years ago
If there was a little steam vampire girl trying to sap my wallet, i'd let her have a nibble cause she so cute.
about 13 years ago
As a long-time-Mac-user-who-recently-bought-a-windows-tower-because-the-video-card-in-his-machine-was-ancient, I totally miss using OS X.
Would totally give up all the Skyrims to not have to deal with Windows 7. Probably going to switch back next time it's time to buy a computer.
I wanna keep Nerfnow and my other favorite sites up. I hope you do too.
about 13 years ago
Is this subtly referring to the fact that macs users are hipsters and thus have hipster credit cards?
about 13 years ago
"YOU GOAN GET TAKEN HOME" works too, just saying.
'cause I want one :3
about 13 years ago
I feel really dumb, how did I miss Station Orion. My 4x wishes were answered two freaking months ago!
about 13 years ago
@Andrew Hall: I used to be a Mac user, and I can tell you that none of those three points are true anymore. Objective-C is possibly the worst language I've ever had to deal with, a computer is only as organized as its owner, and my Windows laptop has crashed fewer times than my MacBook did.
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
*catalogue of steam games is small
about 13 years ago
I sense Apple-bashing is afoo-OH MY GOD that is the most adorable steam sale I've ever seen *o*
I've been enjoying the sale. While the Mac catalogue of steam games, it does include some of the best games steam has to offer, especially since Super Meat Boy and Beat Hazard were FINALLY ported.
about 13 years ago
Thank god for Bootcamp eh? Also has the fun bonus of I can't start playing Skyrim while I'm working without a restart so I tend to take less 6 hour breaks.
Random Anon-mouse-squeek #215315316
about 13 years ago
@Andrew Hall: lol. Careful, your fanboyism is showing.
in4b Macs v Windows v Linux v Something irrelevant
A little dungeon-crawl with some Christmas stuff. Enjoy.
about 13 years ago
How cute!
about 13 years ago
hau~ kawaii~ omochikaeri~
about 13 years ago
Sadly accurate. I literally went through the catalog and bought every Mac game that I'm interested in. Total cost was maybe $75. Not exactly bank-breaking. There's maybe twenty dollars more stuff I might buy in expansion packs if I like the games, but overall? Pretty cheap.
about 13 years ago
all i can think about is the little girl from 'Monsters Inc' going "rawr! rawr!"
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
Although what I'm really waiting for is for someone to figure out that smartphones (et all) would be killer for 4x games. Seriously, whereTF is Master of Orion, Deadlock, and others.
about 13 years ago
@Arian Chev: Also a Mac user, it's not the porting, it was the shift to Intel x86 chips that did it. If one is bold you can play something as demanding as Skyrim the same way many Linuxers do. Although be ready for a shift to ARM when it goes 64-bit.
Andrew Hall
about 13 years ago
Macs are, in general, and always have been, 1) easier to program for, 2) better organized, and 3) more reliable than Windows PC's.
So why do PCs rule the world?
Because Jobs abandoned gaming in the 1980's, so gaming abandoned Apple.
about 13 years ago
If you think about it, the Humble Indie Bundles have actually been really good at increasing the Mac Steam library, since every game in a Bundle is (has to be?) cross-compatible, and you get a Steam key when you buy a Bundle.
Good luck with games that have high minimum specs, though.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_100726]@Nerfnow[/url]: To reenforce: As the author once said, Size = library (and since this is NerfNow, we all know what "size" refers to)
I guess the number of Mac-capable Steam games means we have gone past "chest enhancements" down into age itself...
about 13 years ago
the first game I bought on the steam sale was Orcs must Die! but I was bereft to learn that it was PC only..... $3 1/2 bucks I'm not getting back. B(
about 13 years ago
Mac users sure have fun with the whole 5 games they can play.
about 13 years ago
Does this remind anyone else of Washington?
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_100724]@Einhander[/url]: It's actually her little sister.
As a mac user I want to point out that because we figured out how to port games there is alot more mac games now then there were before. This is recent technology so there is still lil news about it but alot of PC games actually have the Mac version in the same disks. Sims 3 and Settlers 7 prove it
about 13 years ago
Is that a loli Steam-tan?! I'm taking her home with me!
about 13 years ago
I'm a Mac Gamer.
I run all my games on boot camp though :)
about 13 years ago
Little steam....so adorable...must...resist...cuddle urge...