What people are saying about "Roomies"
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But of course]
about 13 years ago
Just wanted to request help from the mighty fine people round these parts. My friend is running a project on youtube, and you creativity and...uniqueness...will be an asset. Simply, be part of a story. Create your own part of a story,Details here:http://www.youtube.com/user/OurBigStory
about 13 years ago
When Valentines Day comes around are you going to do TF2 couples again? Like Pyro and Sniper-Tan,Demo-Tan and Sniper,and Medic and Heavy Tan because I would love that.
about 13 years ago
I find this comic strip relatable as my favorite class to play is Engineer and my brother's favorite class to play is Demo-man, and he's constantly helping me out defending things.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_108138]@Freelance[/url]: I see, I didn't knew because I never stumbled upon her book, thanks for the info. Now we just need to nerf-name-ify Lifts-Her-Tail... any ideas? Otherwise we can always stick up with Argoni-tan...
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_107892]@DeltaCrow[/url] and An Onymous: She does have a name: Lifts-Her-Tail. Goes all the way back to ES3.
Soph Senkai
about 13 years ago
I'm shocked Jo didnt do a comic on Pyro FINALLY getting a edge over the rest of the team with his new load out.
"insert cool name here"
about 13 years ago
would the random "tool" 34 by any chance have something to do with this comic being comic #669?
about 13 years ago
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HaYZsc66Bk a game where Jo is the Vilan
about 13 years ago
I dunno why, but I realyl like how Engie's hips are made in panel 1. Dat demin.
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
@An Onymous: Well I partly agree with you but we've been calling everyone -tan so why break the tradition huh? Still, great idea, sounds better than mine XP!

Well, let's see what happens next!
An Onymous
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_107872]@DeltaCrow[/url] I rather we call her Argoni-chan or something of the sort, Argie doesnt seem as cute. Thats just me though..
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_107798]@Einhander[/url]: A while? More that that...
about 13 years ago
Can't just Engie and the argonian maid (she may need a name at some point... Argie-tan?) make peace with each other? They both so important here: Engie to fix Jo's PC after too much DOTA2 and Argie to keep the house clean because Jo will eventually go hermit on his room (probably DOTA2 again) T.T!!
about 13 years ago
Engie, just go back to Jo, and make out with the Argonian. You might enjoy it. I know I will.
about 13 years ago
so is that tool 34?
about 13 years ago
A roommate search adventure.

*enter Rick the Adventure Core*
about 13 years ago
"Engi, mon petit chou fleur, you can come to my home for a night.

Spy "

I hope Engi will try other roommate :D
about 13 years ago
If there's someone I miss the most, it's BLU Sniper-tan. Now that I mentioned her, it's been a while since that last arc with Spy and Pyro.
about 13 years ago
It would have been funnier if it was soldier. Because he is a robot that runs on American jobs and also needs a roommate.
about 13 years ago
Frrrraternizing with the enemy!

Actually, I'd like to see a landmine cannon. Maybe make them only stick to the ground, but make them unmovable after arming themselves. So you have to either shoot them, evade them, or trip them.
about 13 years ago
Does this mean ALL the -tans might be coming back, even for a little while?
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_107602]@Bindal[/url]: Yeah, blue demo was male. Check out the earlier strips to see him.
about 13 years ago
It's good to see Demo-tan again!
An Onymous
about 13 years ago
I still miss orange-Engie, though always glad to see another TF2 girl. I also like the fact that Engie's tool box has the number 34 on it :D
about 13 years ago
Yay! Female Demo is back :)
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_107623]@zeruf[/url]: Yup. You got that right, pal.
BLU Sniper
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_107652]@11monkeys[/url]: Oh you should of been there mate. Its one hell of a party.
about 13 years ago
I bet Demo-Tan knows how to have one hell of a new Year Party...
about 13 years ago
Where can you buy the 34 Box? Or do I have to make one myself? Hmmm actually (off to his workbench!)
about 13 years ago
34? like rule 34?
about 13 years ago
I feel the demoman should have more explosive weapons. He is the demolition expert after all.

I also wish the explisions had more... oomf. They just silly little flashes of light. I want to see and hear powerful explosions. Smoke would be good to add to this.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_107584]@Adminitrator[/url]: They're currently not on work, so why should they? Also, there are clearly exposives from BLU in the house, so Demo-Tans blue counterpart might live there as well. (Did we ever HAD a BLU demo so far? I just remember RED. If not, I say, BLU demo is male and Demo-Tans husband. :p)
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_107590]@arteous[/url] OMG LOL
about 13 years ago
does Demo-tan have an Argonian Butler?
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
Hot interracial lesbian lovins.
about 13 years ago
You might wanna invest in a healing dispenser, Engie, just in case you wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Especially if Sniper swings around to apologize.
about 13 years ago
Totally safe
about 13 years ago
Landmines are traps! I'll just run over them and let my reflex saves protect me from harm!
I have Improved Evasion and Defensive Roll perked after all.

TF2 Anti-Material sniper
about 13 years ago
Umm... I think this is a wee bit to dangerous. Why don't you try heavy weapons girl's home. It is better to be surrounded by high caliber ammunition than to be surrounded by high-explosives!
L4D Bill the sniper
about 13 years ago
Hmm... It may not be the safest, but hey, if you are under attack, at least you have ammo!
The Wizard That Didn't Do It
about 13 years ago
Demo-tan is just trying to get Argyle Sap without trying. >.<
about 13 years ago
Was that a reference to Fat Princess in your comment? You know, the allergy to explosives thing...
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_107531]@Pegase[/url]: Because the booze is for her only and not for guests from the enemy team?
about 13 years ago
Mah problem : why does Demo-tan have no booze ? She's scottish, dammit !
about 13 years ago
@Zero-00: It took me a while to think about, and after a quick look at my -ahem- "private 34 folder"...I finally got it! =D
about 13 years ago
A blue engie with a red demo?
Safety Inspector
about 13 years ago
Everything looks fine here. Carry on.
about 13 years ago
I'm amazed no one made a wise crack about the 34 on engie tans tool box
about 13 years ago
"I'm just using it to store some junk..."
The joke is she's a Demoknight.
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
Can Anyone Say A Witty Comment about the comic right now?

I Don't have one. Seriously Say Something Funny. =)
about 13 years ago