What people are saying about "Sensible Arguments"
Sensible Arguments
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over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_120292]@Rycr[/url] I wonder what people like you will say when it turns out that this DLC was actually vital to the story and lore somehow. Probably some dismissive remark about how it's only ten dollars, so suck it up.
over 12 years ago
buying bioware games instead of pirating them?
oh, you silly, silly Jo.
over 12 years ago
This Day 1 DLC is actually some Collector's Edition content that they decided to turn into DLC so the people who bought the standard edition can still play it.

I'm betting it's also not vital to the story, because who's to say that this DLC squadmate is the ONLY Prothean in Mass Effect 3?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119996]@EltonBM[/url] Well, considering that Kasumi was meant to be in the game from the beginning anyway (seriously, her sound data was in the game and everything, they just cut out her sidequest and her character model), it's not surprising that she'd be relevant.
over 12 years ago
This is not knew. Shadow Broker had important information for all the ME players, and it will be important for ME3. Even Kasumi might become important. This is nothing new really.
An Onymous
over 12 years ago
Man, all these arguments make me kinda glad I never bought M.E. to begin with.
over 12 years ago
I'm amazed people just didn't play the demo and go "My god, this is everything wrong with modern games. Guess I'll just find out how it ends on youtube." There was nothing appealing about anything in the demo. Their big new feature was Horde mode with level grinding stapled on.
over 12 years ago
..] In other words, they're charging the same amount of money for this PROTHEAN (a major lore and plot-relevant race and character) as they did for such DLC as The Lair of the Shadow Broker and Arrival, which were both plot-important DLC packages. So it IS vital to the story, evidently.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119865]@Nick[/url] Except it's clearly vital to the story if they're charging ten bucks for it. If it was just a inconsequential NPC that had no lasting effect on the storyline then they would've charged the same amount of money for it as they charged for Kasumi. But instead they're charging 10 bucks for it [..]
over 12 years ago
No one makes any of these arguments. No one. The DLC is not essential to the story of Mass Effect 3. The main reason everyone is mad is because the story is REALLY INTERESTING, and they have to pay extra for it. It's not vital and it's only $10. There's no reason to bitch.
over 12 years ago
How could you play different games by using different copies?
over 12 years ago
I think TotalBiscut has summed it up quite well.
over 12 years ago
Can't confirm this either, but someone who played a leaked version of the game claims that the Prothean is present in the game without the dlc and does his plot thing. The DLC makes him into a squad mate you can take along instead of just showing up for a scene. Won't know if it's true till release.
over 12 years ago

Perhaps (still, previous paid characters were mercenaries with little bearing on the story, adding a Prothean is kind of a low blow). I'm getting CE so no skin off my back.

My point is, it's been planned as Day 1 DLC for nearly a year. BW PR is full of crap with their explanation.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119689]@Lies[/url] The Main story was set and done and this is pretty much filler episodes that can be added on TOP as a what if scenario. Still people will complain and bitch about anything these days
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119644]@pirate[/url] People are gonna spend money on the DLC. wait and see, it does not have to be mandatory and i played ME2 without the DLC. it was a same good game as it was. and I don't see anything different, just added content (think of it as filler). Jo said himself he's gonna buy the DLC.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119686]@Reason[/url] I really wouldn't take anything that PR team says at face value. The Prothean squadmate was leaked at least 9 months ago as "Day 1 DLC" and then the game was postponed half a year, it's not an afterthought. http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/325/index/7551111/1
over 12 years ago
To some of you complaingin down there.

The DLC for ME3 was made after the main game was finished and already sent to the publisher, according to Bioware themselves. So bitching about how it was cut from the main game is incorrect. ME3 will not likley be on Steam for the same reason DA2 isn't.
Len K.
over 12 years ago
i want to kill this blond spoilt bastard in the comic. I really do...
over 12 years ago
@Troll at pirate:
I don't see how that's antagonizing pirates, since we get it all for free. Day 1 DLC is worse than pirates since you just know that they cut that out of the game to sell it separately to get even more money.

Bioware is not a company anyone should support. They need to die.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119627]@Mothman[/url] I don't think the price is the problem. With the size of a normal ME2 mission the 10 bucks here might bring you the same timespan of entertainment you'd get in a cinema. The problem is that this is not a nice buisness practice. "If you don't pay 10 extra bucks you don't get the whole game".
Khârn the Betrayer
over 12 years ago
I just found out able the DLC that was leaked. there is no way in hell I'm going to pay these people for a lore based character that should be in the $60 game I'm buy. I don't care if i have to wait years, When I buy this game it will have ALL the DLC and cost me $20 bucks.
UK Gamer
over 12 years ago
I wouldn't mind but I can't even seem to GET the collectors edition anywhere. The best I can do is the "Digital Deluxe" one which is again massively more expensive than the normal version but because its a digital version all of the extras are digital. Digital artwork, etc. :(
over 12 years ago
10 bucks for 1 mission and 1 new squad member? Yeah no.

I'll keep my money and enjoy the game at it's retail price, I didn't buy the Dragon Age 2 day one DLC and that didn't effect my ability to enjoy the game. Still a pretty shitty business practice though. If it weren't Bioware i'd buy it used.
over 12 years ago
I hope they start butchering more games before release for more money. Hell, I hope they butcher other works too. Imagine buying a book sans 'extra content' and just getting a barebones plot summary. You'll have blank pages where the exposition should have been. Amazing.
over 12 years ago
@Dragon : Because EA decided to try to make Origin successful by using their production resources to make exclusives rather than make the product not be terrible.
Also they spy on you. A lot.
And forum bans can remove your ability to play your Origin games at all.
over 12 years ago
Simply enough to resolve this. Just go to this link http://torrentz.eu
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119594]@AuronX[/url]: Why not Origin and Steam? I have both and gonna make use of whatever games and sales that pop up on both, seriusly what is the big deal with choosing one over the other? Own both, get what both offers, end of story.
over 12 years ago
i think i just wait that whole trilogy gets put in one box with all dlcs and maybe some extras, perhaps even with retouched graphics to be closer what graphics will be by then.
over 12 years ago
Doesn't a greater cut of the money from DLC go to developers, rather than the publishers? This is what I've read in the past on the matter. Buying the DLC supports Bioware more than EA. Though, I don't know if I'd want to support Bioware anymore now anyway after DA2 being bad, and ME being done...
over 12 years ago
Another thing I keep hearing is that the DLC was worked on by a separate team and finished after ME3 went in print. If this is true it wouldn't be different than Arrival or Shadow Broker DLC, with the difference that it got finished now.
over 12 years ago
Remember Sebastian from Dragon Age 2? He was part of the collector edition, didn't play a vital role either. People complained they can't buy it separately so his DLC was released.

The Mass Effect 3 DLC isn't required either by all accounts... it's a bonus they let people get separately...
over 12 years ago
Really? Most of what I've heard is, Pirate pirate pirate pirate pirate, it's crap we have to pay more! I don't agree with it, but stop trying to justify theft.
over 12 years ago
Next comic is #700!
over 12 years ago
rich snobby shits like that should be kicked sensless before being beaten with the wet end of their own dismembered arm
over 12 years ago
Right on. Steam all the way! Fuck Origin.
over 12 years ago
I'm a communist.
Troll at pirate
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119590]@Pirate[/url] He buys it to show his support for the last good bioware and is buying the DLC to antagonize pirates. Normally I'd go to TPB but a few titles I will shell over the money.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119588]@Rock[/url]: definitely doing the same. I see no point in paying more for a game when I already have a huge backlog of stuff to play from the last Steam sale. I'm not here to do charity.
over 12 years ago
Why Jo, why do you insist on buying mass effect 3? Why won't you just head on down to tpb and get the game with dlc for free?

If you must buy mass effect 3, at least pirate the dlc.
over 12 years ago
I will do what I always do now, wait 6 months to a year for summer and winter steam sale and pay tiny baby price. I got like 15 games for 100$ and half of those were AAA titles this winter.... um.... trolololo?
over 12 years ago
@Ztata What happened? The EA! I guess the honeymoon is over and it's time to start milking for real. Well, I wasn't going to get it anyways because of the whole Origin thing. Not even a that big loss because of BioWare's quality being on a downwards spiral for years.
over 12 years ago
To GG who said it's not important, you get a Prothean as a squad mate, if it's like Zaeed where it has no bearing on the story, that'll be pretty dang impressive, because last time I checked Protheans were pretty dang important to the story and one that survived has to be important.
over 12 years ago
Have N7 pre ordered will try to get it on with Prothean ... just hope that nothing assumes control http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=309
over 12 years ago
Sadly, I've gotta skip ME3 until I can find it used for the 360. I'm not putting Origin on my machine or paying EA to do so.
Rerira, the guy from the internet
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119570]@Duke[/url]: Well said.
over 12 years ago
Its Macauley Caulkin! KILL HIM!
over 12 years ago
We need this to be a recurring character. Ritchy Ritch would be awesome. Oh, and something about him makes me read his lines in a brittish accent. So, yes, Ritchy Ritch seems to represent the trollish rich people who think that everything's fair for people who can pay.
over 12 years ago
And it pisses me off to listen to others telling me what to do.
over 12 years ago
My game is pre-ordered, because I think it's worth it, but I won't buy the DLC if I don't see it interesting. I don't get the people who bitch all the time about DLC. You don't like it? Don't buy it! The game is complete without it, consider it extras, or cut off content.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119507]@Dominic[/url]: I'm not sure I would buy the DLC removing Tali's helmet; I get the feeling she'd be much less cute without it (something about the mystery, the purpleness, and the glowing eyes).
over 12 years ago
I think I'll do what I did for DA: wait for it to appear on Steam, in one bundle with all the DLC (for less than the original retail price). That way you actually feel like you get the whole game. If that never happens, I'll just stare wistfully at the trailers and play ME1-2.
over 12 years ago
Never heard of the pirate bay ?
It's my alternative to Origin for when I can't get a game through steam or they want me to buy dlc.
over 12 years ago
Also when will people stop bitching abou how much they have to pay for games?

So you pay $60 for a new game, I pay $100 because I live outside the states. Then if I do want the dlc it is generally another $5-10 over your price

And yet I still buy the games I like and if it is a big dlc as well
over 12 years ago
You know they are considering releasing it on steam since someone started a petition abut it?

Not sure if it will happen but they are meant to be considering releasing it a week or two later so that will be my option if it does come about
over 12 years ago
I'll probably do the same thing I did with Mass Effect 2:
Be patient and wait a year. Once all DLC is released I know what to buy and the game will be a lot cheaper, so in the end I will just be paying the price of the new game...
I've got more than enough other games to play in the mean time.
over 12 years ago
While I'm not a fan of Mass Effect myself, I could pay 200$ for a single game as soon as that single game entertains me long enoungh.
And I heard ME3 is large as fuck.
So, for example, I'd buy BF3 for 200$. I've been having more than 300 hours of gameplay with it's multiplayer and still counting.
over 12 years ago
I said:" Stop, don´t buy Half-Life2. It will be our doom as independent Gamers". All I have to say now:" Fuck you all, no matter what I say, you never listen"
over 12 years ago
Besides, I just pirated (ohnoes) the Mass Effect 2 DLC
over 12 years ago
Now, I wonder if people would be mad if the DLC was a Digital Deluxe/Collectors edition exclusive, and not going on sale
Would they still be mad?
over 12 years ago
You do know that ME3 plus all it's extra bullshit will round up to about fucking $200, right? Someone did the math, it's ridiculous and I can't believe ou're prepared to pay $200 for a single game.
over 12 years ago
Personally, I find the whole mentality that most casual gamers seem to perpetuate to be the most annoying one. You know, the mindset of 'hey, if you can't make a game yourself, don't complain, just be glad you're getting something. As if I need to know how to make it to know it's bad.
over 12 years ago
I'm not too concerned about this whole Mass Effect DLC affair. I just won't buy it until it's cheaper.
over 12 years ago
How very amusing of you people to 'understand' and 'support' these DLC policy of greedy game companies. "If you don't like it don't buy it im gonna buy anyway" mindset is also a load of bull. "Not buying" is not enough. Its time we gamers unite and voice our clear opposition to this retarded method.
over 12 years ago
I will buy the game but I guess I'll skip the DLCs. I did that in ME1 and ME2. While on Dragon ages... Well, bought all of them. Kind of regret it though, since they weren't that good. I guess DLCs are the EA way. I don't mind buying a good, long campaign for a game if the price is reasonable.
over 12 years ago
Personally, i wont buy the game. Played ME 1 not exactly ina way SOPA would be proud, but liked it so much that decided to buy ME 2, collector's even (a bit to compensate for the ME1) and as im playing it.. DLCs everywhere. The same with Dragon Age. Did i buy DA2? No. Will I buy ME3? no.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119546]@Arteous[/url] They're way ahead of you, or have you not seen how they release just the one DVD, then later they reveal the 'Special Edition' which contains deleted scenes, then the 'Director's Cut' which contains additional HOURS of footage, and then the 'Collector's Edition' which has it all.
over 12 years ago
I'm waiting on hollywood to pick up on the dlc treatement.

buy your dvd. find 20 minutes of content removed when you pop it in your dvd player. notice pops up place in pc to acess dlc.

missing 15 minutes are unlocked to watch on your pc/xbox360/ps3/ect for 5.99, 5.99 more for director's cut.
over 12 years ago
...] Overall, that amounts to perhaps.. 20% of the general content you'd get from the WHOLE ME2 experience, and yet you're paying up to 3/4th the full retain price, and if you're getting it bought/lowered, you're paying MORE for it. An expansion, at the very least, is a whole additional game.
over 12 years ago
...] ..neither of which are fully interactive like the rest of the party members. One singular sidequest that amounts to a genuine experience (Shadow Broker), and one majorly disappointing sidequest that amounts to nothing more than breaking character (Arrival), and then a few armors and guns ...]
over 12 years ago
@Copyright Theft

Haha, no. Let's look at ME2's DLC shall we? Hmm.. if you paid for everything that's about, hm, 40'ish bucks on average? Now let's look at the content.. a few non-voiced sidequests, two party members (one of which was meant to be in the game from the beginning) ...]
over 12 years ago
Hope DA3 won't be like Episodes of Dragon Age: Kirkwall. And I hope ME3 is worth its money.
Copyright Theft
over 12 years ago
I accept that there's a lot of overpriced fluff DLC but this Halcyon days argument is completely ridiculous.
over 12 years ago
@Mein Herr God help us all from that movie, though do the 90's still count as a modern audience?
Copyright Theft
over 12 years ago
People saying "whatever happened to expansion packs?": It's the same damn thing as DLC, but because they had to pay for boxed distribution they bundled several things into one box. Now with online distribution you just choose the parts you want.
over 12 years ago
Richie Rich, also known as the poor little rich boy. He would glare at this kid and possibly sic his robomaid on him. His girlfriend is actually from the middle class by the name of Gloria. When I was at the comic shop the other day, actually saw a couple out for sale.
over 12 years ago
I understand people releasing dlc for games like mass effect or fallout however day-1 DLC really pisses me off. If I'm shelling out 60$ for a game I dont want to have to pay an extra 20$ the very same day because the developers want to rake in the cash.
over 12 years ago
They released the game, but they kept making contents for it. And good ones, actually, I think some of them worth the money.
But yeah, DLC like the Black Ops DLC, two maps with a price of a new game... just insane.
(Sry for bad english... oh yes love Tali <3 :D)
over 12 years ago
I hate these DLC things too, BUT:
This day-1 DLC is a bonus content for the Collectors Edition. People with the normal edition should be happy to even have a chance to get it. About the ME2 DLCs, like the Overlord, they created them later to keep the game "fresh"...
over 12 years ago
Actually one of the producers declared that the DLC was created after the game was moved into full bug testing.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119512]@GasBandit[/url]: I could not have said it better. This "DLC" fad is getting way to out of hand. What ever happened to "expansions"
Khârn the Betrayer
over 12 years ago
Yay Tali!
over 12 years ago
oh biowear, what happened? I used to really anticipate when your games came out. Between the convoluted plot of Mass Effect 2, the unplot of Dragonage 2, I can't really bring myself to care about ME3. On topic I revile the DLC business model they've adopted, and hate even more that it's working.
over 12 years ago
Day 1 DLC shits me off - include it in the fucking game. It's not that i can't afford it. But you're already charging a premium price, give me the premium fucking product.
over 12 years ago
Actually complaining over the internet can have a huge impact. Case in point:
The battlefield 3 incident, the outrage was enough that they reversed they're decision.
This will keep happening and it will get worse IF WE LET THEM. If you just say "oh well, nothing we can do" you get walked over.
Monetary Value?
over 12 years ago
Ah, well...

Guess I'm buying used. :)
over 12 years ago
So either,
a) It's important and therefore dumb for them to make you pay extra for it on day 1.
b) It's nothing special, and therefore they just wasted a LARGE opportunity to do something cool with that race.
over 12 years ago
But for me, it's all about what the DLC is. Not going to spoil anything, but it's a far stretch to say that to get the complete story, you NEED the Dlc. It's not like an additional character. The character's race is important.
over 12 years ago
Honestly, the answer they are fighting back with is that it took 3 months after the game was done for things like production and last minute fixes or whatever. And that during that three month stretch, it's then that they made the DLC.
over 12 years ago
Day 1 DLC is one of the biggest FU's a gaming company can give to its customers. It means there were resources they COULD have been devoting to making the game better, but they'd rather gouge you by making you pay multiple times for the game's full day-1 content.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_119507]@Dominic[/url]: Why yes, yes I would.
over 12 years ago
Also I can't remember Richie Rich for shit.
over 12 years ago
I am communist. Also, i am russian.
over 12 years ago
Everyone can be sold on something. If there's a DLC that removes Tali's helmet, you'd buy it, WOULDN'T YOU
Jon Doe
over 12 years ago
All that's missing is a 4th panel showing Richie Rich kissing Tali on the big screen. :D
Shrew Fan #1
over 12 years ago
Oh day one DLC, you so silly.
Tee hee
over 12 years ago
Tee hee