why no tits for princess link? this is so rude! dresses like these+jail=who in this situation is a girl.
girls in anime games=big tits.
therfore,there should be big tits for princess-link.
almost 13 years ago
Woah... zelda been working out or something?
almost 13 years ago
links is already just as girly as Zelda, as well as the fact that the games are named after her and the whole sheik thing i think that the games would actually be more interesting this way,
almost 13 years ago
...And the fangirls rejoiced once more.
almost 13 years ago
But you DO have a triforce. Link always had Courage, Zelda always had Wisdom not Power, and Ganon had Power.
Have you never played a zelda game before!? Clearly anyone who has knows this already.
This makes no fucking sense,if anyone can explain were the fuck they got any of this that would be appreciated.
most definitely not a spah
almost 13 years ago
The funniest thing... Link's still a guy.
almost 13 years ago
If Impa is supposed to get the Triforce of Power but Gannondorf stole it then doesn't that make this comic completely possible... Since while they are "destined" to get it that ends up being equal to "Did you get that thing I sent ya?"
totaly an engie
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_131164]@Nerfnow[/url]: Spah round here
almost 13 years ago
Well I dig this Zelda more.
And I kinda like this Linkette more too.
Suddenly the world of Zelda became much better.
almost 13 years ago
almost 13 years ago
Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, Link
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_131155]@VideoGames[/url]: Until they retcon it.
Kydrou Kair
almost 13 years ago
Poor link is worried about his new "sheikah" transformation....
almost 13 years ago
lol at how she is way more buff than he is.
almost 13 years ago
Wouldn't be possible, Link and Zelda are destined to get the Triforce of Courage and Wisdom respectively.
Impa is actually the true bearer of the Triforce of Power, according to Miyamoto
almost 13 years ago
Agreed, We need to play as a misunderstood Ganon who tries to save the world from a Link and Zelda who have gone made with power.
almost 13 years ago
It all makes sense.
Link needs the wisdom to overcome all these puzzles and use all of his tools effectively.
Zelda has the power.
And Ganon has the courage to try and take over a land ruled by someone with triforce of power.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_131067]@NerfNow[/url]: The real me have a underlined name.
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_131067]@NerfNow[/url]: But Link in a dress is like Bridget, people are having mixed reactions
almost 13 years ago
OoT reference?
Mah Boi
almost 13 years ago
That last panel:
"Gee, it sure is boring around here. I wonder what Ganon's up to."
almost 13 years ago
I can feel Link/Ganon shipfics being written in the pit of my soul...
R. Rex
almost 13 years ago
Why is it I find Link so attractive now?
The Nile
almost 13 years ago
uh-oh spaghettio
almost 13 years ago
CD-i Zelda.
Just remember that.
almost 13 years ago
At least now his name is in the title...
almost 13 years ago
There was actually a CYOA book for Legend of Zelda where Zelda has to rescue Link. I do not remember if it was good though.
almost 13 years ago
If Ganongdorf is supposed to rescue link... I hope he won't try to claim a 'romantic reward'
almost 13 years ago
actually this is cute :C
almost 13 years ago
Cheer up, at least people gonna remember your name.
almost 13 years ago
Possessing Triforce of Wisdom = you are the princesses
Sperium 3000
almost 13 years ago
Body builder Zelda is disturbing.... And oddly attractive.
almost 13 years ago
Zelda has the triforce of power,does that mean she's captured Link and Ganon is coming to save him?
almost 13 years ago
Man I love my women healthy. Zelda is hot.
almost 13 years ago
Those are some AWESOME tits.
almost 13 years ago
Does this make Link OP in SSBB?
almost 13 years ago
Can I do whatevery Link is supposed to do in the last panel?
Mmmmh....needs tits. It definitely need moar tits.
almost 13 years ago
Oh come on guys, You weren't going into a rage when I genderbent tf2
almost 13 years ago
Huh... so what would a Ganon bearing the triforce of courage be like...
almost 13 years ago
I can has his dress?
almost 13 years ago
Zelda is often the reinforce of wisdom bearer and gets kidnapped.
Now link is the owner and Ganon seems to have later come along and kidnapped him, answering his question
almost 13 years ago
I don't get todays comic. Anybody mind explaining it to me?
almost 13 years ago
In bizzaro Hyrule.....
Andrew Hall
almost 13 years ago
I've wanted to make a game involving Link turning evil and being able to play as all three of the main characters at some point in the sub plot (Link, Ganon, Zelda) for years. Pity but what no one here works for Nintendo.
D.D Mining Co.
almost 13 years ago
If great power heralds great tits... what about Ganondorf?
That's probably something I don't want to think about.
almost 13 years ago
Title made me think of that zelda movie: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7573426796770713155
almost 13 years ago
zelda CDi?
almost 13 years ago
In before some killjoy assumes you're sexist for making the Wisdom Triforce Holder the one who gets kidnapped.
idiot fucker
almost 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_131009]@Confused[/url]: that's the joke
almost 13 years ago
Is it me, or does that dress suit Link a little TOO well?
almost 13 years ago
Next up on Gender-Bent Gamerboys: Mario turning tricks in fish-nets and a mini-skirt, while Princess Daisy "bench-presses" Bowser; Luigi remains unchanged.
almost 13 years ago
Well I imagine a game where you get to play as the bearer of the Triforce of Wisdom would play something like a Professor Layton game. As for the Triforce of Power, I dunno, throw the DS at the wall as hard as you can?
almost 13 years ago
but you do get to play as Zelda....in The Wand of Gamelon..... XD
almost 13 years ago
I'm honestly still baffled as to why Link cannot be a girl.
almost 13 years ago
What about the Triforce of Wisdom?
almost 13 years ago
Do we -really- want to see Ganondorf in Link's skirt and tights?
almost 13 years ago
Hmm... Princess Link gets to sit back and play My Life as a King :3
un lapin
almost 13 years ago
Dem biceps
almost 13 years ago
So this is what happens to Zelda when he becomes a girl.
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