What people are saying about "Bad Habit"
Bad Habit
Comments have been closed for this comic.
Denilson Sá
over 12 years ago
Suggestion: put the link to the downloadable map also at the original comic.
over 12 years ago
torchlight fanboys gonna keep talking huh? your game has no chance. stop being so cheap and pay the extra $40 for an insanely better game.
An Onymous
over 12 years ago
Haha, I found this one hilarious for some reason.
I think I might just be at the point where I buy games for a quick fix as well.
P.S. Smoking kills.
over 12 years ago
Holy s...

I've read this comic for years now and I absolutely adore it. No idea why I decided to check out the comments for the very first time now but I certainly hope that doesn't represent the general quality.
over 12 years ago
This is a parody of stereotypical scenes in maternity wards, am I right?
over 12 years ago
People need to stop judging D3 by its beta. Yeah, D3 could be good, it could be bad, but either way, you can't judge it on 1/3rd of an act on the easiest difficulty mode in the game. ESPECIALLY considering they added a 4th difficulty mode. It's a BETA. It's NOT a demo.
over 12 years ago
dat Vanessa cosplay
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_137103]@Blorf[/url] He is doing Daily comics, can't expect it to have the same quality as his older weekly comics.
over 12 years ago
I haven't played anything today in order to summon 'some' strengh to do my homework.
Still haven't done it, as I cheated, I said to myself that "I" wouldn't play anything, and then proceeded to spend the day watching other people play.
Gotta finish it so I have more time to play D3.
over 12 years ago
Im fairly sure that if people expect a quality game like Diablo 2 from Diablo 3 they will be very disappointed, even Blizzard admitted that players are hyping and expecting something so insanely large from that game, they wont deliver the messiah of all games, d2 was close to that
Harbinger of Truth
over 12 years ago
Path to Exile > Torchlight 2 > Diablo 3
over 12 years ago
Don't know if anyone would bother to check NerfNow comic #744 again, but the friendzone comic has been solved!

El Diablo
over 12 years ago
I played Diablo, I played Diablo 2.

I can honestly say I do not see what all the fuss is about.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_137106]@Pong[/url] Give me something with the game mechanics of Diablo and the world, story and questing of something like Arcarnum and I'd be a happy gamer.
Ray Beckham
over 12 years ago
D3 seems bleh. The Skeleton King shows up to say "haha, you cannot defeat me!" over and over before you fight him. This totally defuses the drama of a boss reveal, lunging out at you from the dark. The visual elements show just how Blizz isn't willing to make strikingly dark worlds anymore.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_137106]@Pong[/url] I played both D1 and D2 around their release dates. I like the mechanics but the weak story and lack of a RP component just doesn't appeal to me. It's just a game of grinding. If I wanted that I'd play an MMO.
over 12 years ago
lol...so many kids that played an old game for 15 minutes and gave up. Funny, yet sad.
over 12 years ago
Please... STOP using those avatars (you and your wife?) talking about the nothing that happened this day: THAT is a bad habit. I know this is your own webcomic but, just look at your archives!! What happened to your writer skill!? Where are those lovely Zergs you created!? T_T
over 12 years ago
I think I'll be passing on D3 and just wait for Torchlight 2 and Borderlands 2 thank you very much.
over 12 years ago
Reading these comments makes me happy.

Good to know I'm not the only PC gamer who doesn't give a fuck about Diablo 3.
over 12 years ago
Looks like Jo is one of the many people too stupid to realize you can just hold down the mouse button.
over 12 years ago
Awesome Jo! Hahaha
Khârn the Betrayer
over 12 years ago
For those who don't like D3 new AWESOME skill system, there's Torchlight 2, Path of exile, R.A.W., and Grim Dawn(looks so great)coming out soon enough so just try or pre-order those. If you want Blizz to see the "error of they're ways" don't buy it.
The Anon
over 12 years ago
Spent waaay to long playing Diablo back in the day
Thinking about it I spent way way waaaay to long playing the Diablo demo (since I was a child and poor).
12th demo playthrough, need a goal.... Beat the butcher in a fist fight? \o/ why not?

Borg_(DIE) From battleclinic way back when.
over 12 years ago
I played Diablo 2 for about 15 minutes and hated it. Never understood what was so special. The controls sucked and the art style was drab.
over 12 years ago
Diablo 1 - It seemed fun and easy but then I couldnt defeat the first boss :(

Diablo 2 - Fun but so damn long, never finished it.

Diablo 3 - .....Well see, it better be awsome <.<
over 12 years ago
Diablo 3 will be my first Diablo. Unless you count Borderlands.
over 12 years ago
I tried Diablo 1 once.

It was so basic and boring I stopped after a relatively short amount of time.

Guess I like more RP in my RPG.
Steven Eagling
over 12 years ago
I played Diablo 1 - it was really cool.

I played Diablo 2 - it was amazing.

I played Diablo 3 beta - it's a fuckin travesty.
over 12 years ago
I played diablo 2 once with friend long time ago, get bored after 20 minutes, never touched again.
over 12 years ago
Yes, played Diablo 2. No, I didn't like it.
over 12 years ago
I started playing Diablo 2 recently. Why don't you join me.
(Sim, sou BR heuehuehuehue)
over 12 years ago
Is that El_Nazgir guy for real? Corpsefire was a joke, and bloodraven was piss-easy, too, for anyone who didn't rush to her.

Meh, haters gonna hate, facts be damned.
over 12 years ago
I'm glad you like my map, Jo. <3
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_136976]@El_Nazgir[/url] It was the first 20 minutes of the first Act on the easiest difficulty. It is basically a tutorial. The game won't challenge *real* players until at least Nightmare difficulty most likely.
over 12 years ago
But a quick fix can't overheal or uber properly...
over 12 years ago
+1 for Torchlight2 here. I liked D2, and think D3 might be fun, but I'm not super nuts about it, specially after all the mmo-ish feel I hear people talking about and how it is getting super easy to play.
For Friendzone level, apparently, it represents those that can't move on.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_136977]@BMO[/url]: If you can't see else, then there's nothing to talk about.
over 12 years ago
An smoking tentacle? My godness gracious! What kind of example are you trying to give us, Jo?
over 12 years ago
I've never understood that why people hype D3 so much and this is from a guy who played D2 to death.

I mean what new features does D3 bring to the genre to excuse the cartoony graphics, shitty armor design and no mod support?

I just fail to see why should I pick it over it's competitors.
over 12 years ago
Also of note: I never used a health potion either.
and the transmute and salvage buttons in inventory that I've seen in previous builds have been removed? They were awesome! I'm not buying D3 until it's under 20 euros.
over 12 years ago
I played the beta weekend and was thoroughly underwhelmed. Health orbs? fine. Potions? fine. Both? NO. I never even came close to dying, the whole thing was piss easy while in D2 the super unique in the second dungeon slaughtered anyone that slipped up even a bit, not to mention blood raven.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_136956]@Juan[/url]: This. I'll have a glass myself if you don't mind.
over 12 years ago
Oh god, friendzone. It was inevitable. Too bad the only way to win is by cheating, unless there's a hidden message to doing that.
over 12 years ago
D3 is bad enough itself. Smoking for Diablo?. Fucking nuts. And I did play the first 2 to death.

I'll have Torchlight 2 and a orange juice, thank you very much.
over 12 years ago
So, that is his Mouth...
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_136948]@felstag[/url]: but now that thats over, 1 week to go! : )
over 12 years ago
AMG first?