O.M.G The game Movie of Step up made him blind forever,
Never watch a Evil move like that will kill you if your a guy!
take care.
Gordon Freeman
over 12 years ago
But yet people will keep buying into microsoft's overpriced service with almost no advantages over the valve/sony services. Feel bad for people who want to move onto their pc or ps3 for third party online games minus the fee. But they can't because their buddies are all on the 360.
It's me again
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_145044]@Censuur[/url]: If a company sells you a car that gets easily broken into, you should blame yourself for buying it in the first place.
Also your analogy is terrible: your car security depend on how it was built, while your gaming account security only depends on how long and complicated your password is.
over 12 years ago
@orion turtle: yet the customer service people on the PSN won't tell you to burn money on something free just to get rid of advertisements for one month After you pay them to get rid of ads for the month your using something
over 12 years ago
While this comic is true, XboxLive is still better than PSN.
over 12 years ago
Yet you live in Brazil, a country where you pay taxes one something twice!
over 12 years ago
Xbox Live, the only thing that makes you pay a second fee for the internet.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_145044]@Censuur[/url]: MacGyver. That's who you blame when a toothpick and rubber band is used to steal your car.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_145036]@Wow[/url]: If a company sells a car that can be broken into with a toothpick and a rubber band with little effort who do you blame when the car gets stolen?
Microsoft products are notoriously easy to break into, and blizzard account security isn't great either.
over 12 years ago
I'm really liking this new stuff. Is another tf2 arch in the works? Because it's been a while since I've seen one.
over 12 years ago
So is this why I can no longer play Dawn of War II as I can start it but clicking the different options from there does nothing and their tech support says there is no issue to fix (including to exit). Good to know Games for Windows Live is just as useless for others too.
over 12 years ago
This comic strip needed more class, now do another one. :p
over 12 years ago
Hacked on D3 and now Xbox?
Yeah sure blame the companies, it's probably where the problem comes from.
over 12 years ago
Liking the edgar allen poe reference.
over 12 years ago
Yep microsoft treats people like shit.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_145017]@Blurgas[/url] Here's hoping Section 8 : 3, or whatever they end up calling it, doesn't use GFWL.
over 12 years ago
It's probably a bad idea to give your credit card informations to a company with such a bad reputation like MS. I have the best experiences with the folks of Paypal and so I keep this my No 1 way of doing purchases.
Sidenote: Outside the US the platform of Xbox Live isn't worth a dime...
over 12 years ago
lol this sounds like Paypal.Only I am sure thay are Xbox live dose not keep you credit card info even after you decide to delete it right?
over 12 years ago
This, this is the reason I'm a PC gamer.
over 12 years ago
Paying subscription fees for peer-to-peer multiplayer and abysmal customer support? This is a pretty good example of why PC gamers snub console gamers. Steam stronk.
over 12 years ago
These issues would have been resolved if only you chumps stopped paying MS so much fucking money for such shitty service.
over 12 years ago
Medic and Heavy working in a hospital.
over 12 years ago
and 6 months since they "elevated" it and nothing. About all they've offered is to transfer everything to a new GfWL account. :|
over 12 years ago
Sh*t, back in the days of the Section 8 Prejudice beta I ended up with a "cannot retrieve purchase history" with GfWL. Called GfWL support, jumped through every hoop they offered up before they would accept it's on their end. It's been a year and a half since they first said they'd look into it and
over 12 years ago
That is why i love STEAM. A perfect assist to the consumer.
Actually, Steam do even more than they should, for free.
I know many friend that had problens with their Steam Accounts, and in less than 3 days, it was solved.
over 12 years ago
I'd chalk that up to slow service.
"We'll respond to you in thirty days."
*thirty days later*
"Holy crap, trying to prove hacking is haaaaaard!"
Games for Windows Live
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_144988]@Arteous[/url]: Games for Windows Live is a dark visage of what XBL would be like if it was completely Free. Microsoft just can't handle the idea of not getting money for something and will take it out on anyone that tries to use their shit.
over 12 years ago
Xbox joke? meh
Someone or Other
over 12 years ago
Oh me? I had my account hacked, about a hundred dollars drained from my credit card, and the points on the account removed, about 1980 iirc. They proceeded to refund me the 100 and say "Have a nice day".
over 12 years ago
What? I never got any free time, I only got a refund of my points and my account back.
They didn't even take that damn Fifa achievement off my account, damn dirty blight that it is.
:( my poor poor violated XBL account.
over 12 years ago
Future? I believe you mean present good sir.
over 12 years ago
honestly i never understood why i should have to pay xboxlive. I can get the same xboxlive game on pc and not pay a monthly fee why should i have to pay extra to play on my xbox360?? And i will refuse to pay a monthly fee for fps/rts games.
over 12 years ago
He should be glad it wasn't his penis!!
over 12 years ago
XBLA is the only thing holding back from being a full PC gamer. Pinball FX2, baby.
over 12 years ago
And this is why I, after years of loyal service, decided to convert to the PC gaming masterrace.
I could never wrap my mind around the fact that I have to pay for using internet I've already paid for :P.
Andrew Hall
over 12 years ago
"We'd like to apologize for your trouble. Here are two free tickets to Itchy and Scratchy Land."
"But there are four of us!"
"Here are TWO free tickets to Itchy and Scratchy Land."
over 12 years ago
Never had any trouble with Xboxlive. Maybe because i have barely bought Microsoft points :D. I get all of my DLC stuff on cd's etc. And buying maps for Cod/battlefield is stupid.
Dick Master
over 12 years ago
I speak from experience this is true. Never going to get my god damn eyes back.
over 12 years ago
So Jo has a Rule 34 page. So that's how his ad revenue works.
over 12 years ago
Welcome to the future of gaming.
Greedy companies do as they please, developers work as slaves, and no one gives a shit about the consumer.
over 12 years ago
Agreed Greenman, about Pyromania.
On topic to the comic: And then you call for a nurse, and they tell you the hospital was shut down, then leaving you there. Alone.
over 12 years ago
I'm surprised there still hasn't been anything about Pyromania.
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