I you two can hear me over the fight your having for some silly nonsense...
Take care ladies!
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_148083]@Rincewind[/url]: yeah but I think their both bisexual in a sexy way ,especially when I'm doing it on to of them, ''sinister laugh like Deadpool'' ''ahum'' anyway I'm good with these two hottie's! ''even on the bed'' ''evil laugh like the Joker''
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
Please don't fight girls, save your rage for the video,games you will play.
why don't you just stay with your differences and come and make some baby's with me!
The girls look at me and start to give an evil grin and walk up to me.
I'm screaming in pain.
O,k Take care!
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
I like the look of your girls! especially these two, I don't know some of the things you like, I know some but not all sadly, sorry this doesn't ad to the conversation here, but, your vision for girls is really beautiful.
take care!
What is this
over 12 years ago
Damn you all, it should be called AOS!!!
over 12 years ago
Actually, MOBA=Multiplayer Online Battle Arena ARTS=Action RTS.
Quake 3=MOBA (and also a FPS)
Dota=ARTS (and also a moba)
The correct therm is MOBA ARTS.
over 12 years ago
I remember when Dota was considered an AoS game (after Aeon of Strife, the first custom map of that kind).
Still don't know where MOBA came from, never even heard of ARTS. Either way, the players are pure jerks.
over 12 years ago
I prefer to call then AOS like games but if you want to name the genre after a random game in it that is fine too.
over 12 years ago
Nor have I, although I was a Starcraft/Warcraft/C&C guy myself.
over 12 years ago
Seriously, what the hell is Lords Management?! I've collected "genuine" Action RTS games for years. Battlezone, Sacrifice, Brutal Legend, and have never ever heard the term Lords Management.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_148184]@Babon[/url] mmmmm that depends. Starcraft 2's first single player challenges give you the basic Pokemon-esque order of things, but micro can make all the difference in the world.
over 12 years ago
It's not like RTS's have much strategy either, they're more like tactical micromanagement rock paper scissors.
Megane Cirno
over 12 years ago
I think dota/aos-clones should be called "tactical" instead of "strategy" games. Even though it was based on RTS, the game itself isnt RTS. You cant call Renegade Ops FPS just because it uses the same engine as Just Cause, same thing here.
over 12 years ago
Eh i like diet coke more than diet pepsi when in a can. But diet pepsi more than diet coke in a bottle.
over 12 years ago
gingers have souls !
Andrew Hall
over 12 years ago
The proper name of the genre is "fuckall bastards who need to be beaten with rubber hoses". Whatever you call it beyond that can be your choice, people.
over 12 years ago
Coca Cola Sucks man
over 12 years ago
4 eva alone D:
over 12 years ago
I'm a LoL fan, but I do also say dota-likes.
it's just like coca cola (coke). When you order a coke I also say coca cola, doesn't matter what brand they serve.
force of habit I suppose.
My Wallet
over 12 years ago
I can't resist...
Damn you Steam summer sales, looks like I fell victim on you again :(
BTW Jo, draw Steam-tan 91% off!
over 12 years ago
I wouldn't really call MOBA/ARTS games RTSs though.
over 12 years ago
I prefer "Lords Management."
over 12 years ago
1 MOBA can be applied to just about any game and it's a very random acronym.
ARTS uses the standard logic of videogame acronyms.
An RPG becomes Action RPG if it has more action emphasis, a shooter can be TPS or FPS.
over 12 years ago
I dont really care about whatever-its-name-is games.
But, the engies are fighting! You know what that's mean?
Yes, lesbian make-up sex!! Yeay!
Anon E Mouse (Sarcastic)
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_147996]@yummines[/url]: Or calling an RPG where you fight enemies in a randomly generated dungeon where death of a character is permanent a "roguelike".
over 12 years ago
The proper term for the genre is ASSFAGGOTS, standing for Aeon of Strife Style Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides.
over 12 years ago
I can think of something ELSE that should go in her mouth...
Don't want to sound pedantic,
over 12 years ago
but "among" is misspelt
over 12 years ago
wow you. You whipped this one out. Half of it is mirrored stuff. Nice job with the breasts though.
over 12 years ago
what about tower defense?
over 12 years ago
Gabe and Tycho are morons. "They slapped one genre on top of another, marvelling at their ingenuity."
I guess Natural Selection, Battlezone, Sacrifice, Batallion Wars and Giants Citizen Kabuto get a free pass.
over 12 years ago
ehh i would refer to it as MOBA. calling LoL or HoN "dota-like" would be the same as calling Call of Duty or Half-Life "Wolfenstein 3D-like"
Church of Newellism
over 12 years ago
ARTS is promoted by gabe, therefore it is promoted by me.
over 12 years ago
I'm all for ARTS.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_147954]@Ressy[/url]: All Racist-Tirade S***storm
over 12 years ago
Multiplayer Online Belittle Anyone?
(Can't think of a good one for ARTS if anyone wants to chime in)
over 12 years ago
"maul" games came from Duke Wintermaul, the maker of the first -maulish map.
over 12 years ago
Overtime, people begin taking shit that most others don't give a shit about and turn it into serious shit.
Then it becomes a serious pile of shit.
And yeah, AoS stands for Aeon of Strife, which was the first of its kind, just like how "dota-esque" games came from "Defense of the Ancients" and
over 12 years ago
for me i feel that in dota 2 there less people that are rude.
over 12 years ago
MOBA games are full of rude and mean players :3
over 12 years ago
Actually is it AoS, for Aeon of Strife, after the first game that did the concept.
over 12 years ago
Back in WC3, we called all funmaps that had gamemechanics like DotA "AoS", which was short for "Attack other side". It was consensually agreed upon and nobody ever argued.
What happened to that? Why don't we call it AoS again so you guys may spend your time arguing about how big your E-Cocks are?
over 12 years ago
Well if you think about it there are other games that fit this like SMNC and awesomenauts you can't call that DOTA cause it is nothing like it
That guy
over 12 years ago
I just call it Dota games..
And they all fucking suck...
over 12 years ago
well,i've played dota,hon and 3 games of lol.To be honest moba sound nice,it's like pc's with windows/linux only being called pc's and mac's are differentiated.or we can call it TAWSE(Team arena with strategic elements)
Skub supporter
over 12 years ago
I'm pro skub.
DotA Person
over 12 years ago
MOBA aren´t for the faint of heart. The community is incredibly angry and elitist, you will get shouted at if you pick a wrong item or even when you pick a certain champion. If you can´t handle that, you shouldn´t play a MOBA.
[url=#user_comment_147848]@Mikael[/url]: Sanctum I would also rather qualify as "Tower Defense".
And yeah, while "MOBA" isn't the most descriptive, it suits better than ARTS.
Also, those games are very lacking in the RTS-part and play a lot more like an isometric RPG.
Or go with DotA-Like - like FPS was originally "Doom-Clon"
over 12 years ago
I just use MOBA. First time I hear ARTS, don't think it works with games like monday night combat or sanctum in the mix.
over 12 years ago
These are the main factors on a dota:
RPG-like top down command of a single unit, buying items, grinding, leveling skills.
Multiplayer, always team based combat.
Some minor strategy component
Now time to sum that up in a few letters.
over 12 years ago
I'd wish TF2 had some dota mode too.
And yes, I know about SMNC but I mean a real TF2 approach at the dota game mode.
over 12 years ago
Thank you :)
@Tom Genius
over 12 years ago
ARTS is a terrible description, because the "genre" has nothing to do with RTS. Controlling only one character in a top-down perspective is not an RTS. DotA was a map for an RTS game, but it was not an RTS itself.
MOBA is of course hopelessly vague, but at least it's unique.
over 12 years ago
I've determined that DotA-like is not a genre, but a game mode, like CTF. This is why it can be applied to shooters, like SMNC, and 2D platformers (there is one on Xbox live, I forget the name), as well as top-down games like DotA.
over 12 years ago
dear haters...
If Steve Jobs was alive, and decided to leave Apple to create a new smartphone, would you enrage at him and say he's a faker?
over 12 years ago
MOBA is the marketed genre-name.
If you want to blame someone, blame Riot Games.
Multiplayer Online BATTLE ARENA sounds exciting and intense! No thought hesitation on the fun factor.
Arena Real Time STRATEGY... Sounds like a lot of thinking. Thinking has boring.
I tried DOTA once...
over 12 years ago
garbage it would be to intentionally ruin everyone's fun as much as possible in revenge.
I tried DOTA once...
over 12 years ago
I spent something like three hours reading up on strategies for one character. Then I started up my first game, and quit in under 5 minutes because the cockwads on my team seemed to take real offense at my choice in footwear.
If I was to ever even consider going to one of these cesspits of human
over 12 years ago
going to suffer from balance issues.
over 12 years ago
I'm with Akouma. The truth is, these games are like DotA. They're also like Aeon of Strife, but a lot more people will recognise DotA. And I still can't figure out why some people are saying Super Monday Night Combat isn't like DotA... It really is just a third-person version of DotA that isn't
over 12 years ago
Brutal Legend and Battlezone stomp SMNC into the dirt.
over 12 years ago
Personally, I don't care what people call it, but I've always used MOBA myself. Also, I AM a LoL fan (a huge one), and I don't care if you call it DotA-like, because it is at its heart a game similar in nature to DotA.
over 12 years ago
It's AoS as far as I'm concerned. Only Warcraft 3 newbies call it a DOTA or DOTA-like, and I have no idea when ARTS or MOBA came along.
Sucky Jack
over 12 years ago
MOBA is now an offical genre. Action-RTS fails to describe the Third Person Shooter styled game that is SMNC. And SMNC doesn't play anything at all like DOTA, so it can't be called a DOTA-like.
over 12 years ago
Though to be fair, that term could apply to most "modern" fps's as well.
over 12 years ago
I propose a new term for this new breed of Dota/AoS ripoffs:
MiG: Mediocrity in Gaming.
misspelled AoS
over 12 years ago
You misspelled AoS bro. An AoS is a game that is like Aeons of Strife, a Starcraft custom map.
A Multiplayer Online Battle Arena is an Online Multiplayer game in which you Battle in an Arena. Some examples of this genre are Counterstrike, Gunbound, and Guild Wars.
over 12 years ago
I call it... crap.
over 12 years ago
@no way!1: Arrrgh! Curse you, my stupid internet dyslexia. I meant "her" girlfriend.
B Side
over 12 years ago
You know Jo? I agree with you. DotA-like is a perfectly viable name for a genre that's still moving out of it's infancy, and there are only one or two founding titles to really define it.
Remember. FPSs were once called Doom Clones, and the "crime sims" were called GTA clones.
no way!1
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_147735]@Ninj77[/url]: With "his"? Did we really miss something?
over 12 years ago
Wait a sec! I just realized something...Did Engie-tan just get into a fight with his "girlfriend"? Hu? Did we miss something?
farty mcfart
over 12 years ago
hey Jo, have you ever tried super mnc?
it's basically like dota and tf2's lovechild
El Bavado de la revlousion
over 12 years ago
Mordekaiser es #1 huehuheuheuehue
Lord of the dance
over 12 years ago
Fight, fight, fight, kiss, kiss
over 12 years ago
And in about 5 minutes, they kiss and make up
over 12 years ago
The problem with ARTS is when it is applied to games that follow the same style as other "DOTA-like" games but don't cater the same gameplay. For example: Smite and Super Monday Night Combat.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_147709]@Zacsi[/url]: Ah, I see someone else knows their Total Biscuit.
over 12 years ago
Nuff said.
over 12 years ago
Back in the day all FPS-s were called Doom clones.
Food for thought Jo.
I call 'em Rage simulators. Cause most people I know who play games like this generally have some sort of anger management issue.
over 12 years ago
Wow, such a strip, this means the next one HAS to have them reconciliate with a big kiss and all...
Right Jo?
over 12 years ago
That's not to say I dislike RTS - they just really screwed up WC3 with hero units.
over 12 years ago
I hate games like that - matter of fact I hated Warcraft 3 (yeah, different game genre, but they use the engine I think.) Sorry just not my cup of tea.
over 12 years ago
I don't mean to put you down, or make you feel stupid, but it's Among, not amoung :)
over 12 years ago
I usually just call the genre AoS because Aeon of Strife was the first game to come up with this game style.
Keeps Tabs on These Things...
over 12 years ago
You know, this may have nothing to do with the argument, but it could have everything to do with the last panel.
Is she wearing pants yet?
over 12 years ago
I call it FAG.
Fortress Assault Game.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_147514]@adude[/url]: I tend to agree. These acronyms need to be tautological to have any use, and adding 'arena' or 'action' does nothing to communicate the vast difference between the two. Another argument is that ARTS would still be applicable to StarCraft or C&C.
over 12 years ago
action real time strategy... Mobile Outdoor Barbeque Adventure... Dear Dog in heavens. Idiotic expressions makes me feel old :(. Also regarding the first one with a rts the action bit is sort of selfexplanatory so why even add it. Its like wanting to add a new name to something thats allready there.
over 12 years ago
Basically, in my head. Part of the Moba is the bigger part of the arena.
over 12 years ago
And then there's map objective. Buffs, dragon, turrets, etc.
When was the last time you saw a sc player break his attack to play with the map. Rarely, it's always for an expansion or to get on the defensive. Or a sf player stun his opponent and start hitting a pignata overhead for bonuses.
over 12 years ago
If the minion push, you advance too (or you fall back while the minion push back). There is also more tools for map control (wards, turrets, player traps, hero skills...)than a FPs for example. You're constantly watching for ganks or roaming or the minion (the "state of the arena")
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_147593]@Lansan1ty[/url] : (it's been a while)I've tought about something. In a moba, you are more dependant on the map than most game. Just think about the laning phase, you're not just gunning for the player like in a fps, You're against the player at the same time you're checking the minions.
over 12 years ago
I'm a league player and started on League, hated the original Dotas(and I do mean originals) but I still call games like League, HoN and all these other games coming out the wood works "Dota styled" games since Moba just sounds like a coverall word for any multiplayer game
over 12 years ago
Calling Dota a "MOBA", heroes "Champions" and towers "Turrets" = DEATH.
over 12 years ago
Why are they wearing shirts with boob holders in them?
over 12 years ago
I call SMNC a "Dota-inspired third person shooter".
And I hate MOBA and ARTS as acronyms. I find LoL and DotA too slow to really get an "action" label, and there's only so much "real-time strategy" happening.
over 12 years ago
Personally I'd call those games "Shit"
over 12 years ago
I like the term "Dota-Like" exactly as much as I like the term "Rogue Like"
over 12 years ago
red haired Engie tan is a Dota-fan, and orange haired Engie tan is a LoL-fan.
But everytime I see someone mention MOBA the Dota-fans gets angry
over 12 years ago
They used to call FPS "doom-likes" until that finally stopped..
Also calling games like Super Monday Night Combat a "dota-like" doesn't fit :)
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_147614]@DH[/url]: They did already, its on rule34. :p
over 12 years ago
Misconception? Whenever I play LoL I run into nothing but rude and hateful players.
over 12 years ago
Until there is a better term, I stick with MOBA
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_147614]@DH[/url]: That's not what they're doing in the 3rd panel?
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_147603]@pong[/url]: Actually, I do say that... But that's prompted more by how little role-playing there is in some RPGs. (Mainly MMORPGs.)
But your point stands. So I'll continue with the approach of "whatever floats your boat". It's not like English (or any language) is actually good.
over 12 years ago
I knew there was something wrong here, they are both wearing full regular T-shirts. Clearly its laundry day and that's the ONLY thing they have.
over 12 years ago
You're getting too technical with that explanation. That is like saying you can't use "RPG" because you technically play a role of a character in just about any game.
over 12 years ago
I call them Aeon of strife clones, ha :P
over 12 years ago
the problem with the term MOBA is that the name doesn't explain what the genre is.
Multiplayer Online Battle Arena-
Counter-strike is multiplayer, and online, and you can battle in maps which can be considered arenas.
ARTS is closer, but not good enough.
over 12 years ago
Meh,as long as people know what you're talking about,who cares about terms?
over 12 years ago
Haha, I call em dota like games too, and people do flip out at that. Wooo dota
Dota Originator
over 12 years ago
@A-kun: Ehh, RTS for me defines for me exactly that all you're doing is moving units around, but you're moving large amounts of units around. Especially when you start considering resourceless rts games.
But yes, MOBA.
over 12 years ago
We used to call them video games.
over 12 years ago
There are mean and rude players in every genre.
In my humble opinion, "Multiplayer Online Battle Arena" defines the genre better than "Action Real Time Strategy", because RTS', to me at least, infer that you're doing more in the game than just moving units around.
over 12 years ago
It's "Lords Management", everyone knows that ^^
The Rules have changed
over 12 years ago
The term ARTS doesn't work, not all games of that type are RTS's. Look at Super MNC.
Darth Mario
over 12 years ago
First there was AoS. Then there was DotA/clone. Then there was MOBA.
Though the genre is getting big enough that it's time for its own name, not based on any single game within it. Like how the FPS genre grew out of the term "Doom clone."
over 12 years ago
diablo team death match ;)
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_147553]@Sangra96[/url]: Sorry, "trying to do a brofist" or however you say it.
over 12 years ago
Can't tell if trying to a Brofist, or just fighting.
over 12 years ago
Before I go,[url=#user_comment_147545] @Pete[/url]: Rather than aimed abilities, I'd say line abilities. Though there is a subtle implication of hitting everything there.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_147548]@Whatever[/url]: There. Right in the middle of my spam, is a perfect example of my complaint.
@Ninj77[/url]: Yes. Absolutely.
over 12 years ago
But I tend to use the term AoS, since DotA was based on it. But hey, if someone tells us to adopt "Dotalike", I'll roll with that too. (If Jo told me to adopt any particular name for the genre, I'd definitely follow it.)
@Niggerdicks[/url]: Also, I like ASSFAG for the genre. Quite fitting.
over 12 years ago
Chess is a MOBA if played online.
over 12 years ago
Lockgar, in panel 1, I applaud you.
Now, on the topic: I'm not crazy enough to start a fight if someone says MOBA. But I don't tend to use the term, because as has been pointed out, it doesn't define a genre of game. The model of LoL, with the lobby and the matchmaking system, etc. That's a MOBA.
over 12 years ago
So after reading all these examples and clarifications about what is MOBA & ARTS, the main question remains unanswered:... is this genre filled with mean, rude players?
over 12 years ago
Also, Skillshots should be called aimed abilities as opposed to targeted abilities and auto attack queued abilities.
over 12 years ago
I also called them dotas, now I call them lols among my more casual friends.
Though seriously, ARTS actually follows standard naming protocols and it makes sense, plus its easier to say.
MOBA sounds like some drug or furniture brand, if Riot wanted to make up a name they should have tried better.
Anon E Mouse (Pedantic)
over 12 years ago
The term "roguelike" refers to games similar to the game Rogue. Rogue, however, was not the first true roguelike, but it was by far the most popular representative of that genre. Dota occupies a similar position, regardless of whether it's "good" (that is a flamewar for another day).
over 12 years ago
Yeah they're all just AoS clones.
over 12 years ago
And Brutal Legend had the best multiplayer that nobody played. It's a shame EA intentionally marketed it as an straight Action game to make it more appealing to retards. Tim Schafer tried to get the word out on his own but instead he got all the undeserved blame, to EA's delight.
over 12 years ago
I don't call them by genre, I just call them by the franchise.
Also[url=#user_comment_147523] @Daniel[/url]: Pick Chen, problem solved.
Tom Genius
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
They're called Action RTS but I must say I could get used to calling Brutal Legend a Heavy Metal Lords Management game.
I forgot Natural Selection and Nuclear Dawn. Those are awesome examples too. And then there's the AirMech beta going on.
over 12 years ago
Aeon of Strife Simulator Fortess Assault Game
over 12 years ago
I've actually see these players in real life and when it comes to playing this game. It is almost like a switch. Talk about anything else, you're good. Talk about these games become uber 1337 pro, rage when losing, not my fault, everyone stop sucking, stop using cheap characters, ass hats.
over 12 years ago
Another term I hate is "Skill Shot" its just retarded, ground targeted skills are much more powerful and usually much lager range.
Oh? You got a kill as Ezreal when the enemy was in a bush? Please tell me how you don't need your mother to wipe your ass anymore.
over 12 years ago
ARTS = Action Real Time Strategy.
Makes as much sense as MOBA tbh. The best term would really be "RTT" - Real Time Tactics game. Just stick with dota-genre IMO.
Or AoS genre if you care that much
over 12 years ago
it doesnt matter this genre sucks
over 12 years ago
MOBA is multiplayer online battle arena, basicly its a term for all those "room-based" games who call themselves MMO, so its not a genre but a term. And I think the first custom map of that type was Aeon of Strife, so dota is AoS-ripoff.
over 12 years ago
MOBA = Multiplayer Online Battle Arena
ARTS = ? Arena Real Time Strategy ? I really have no idea...
over 12 years ago
The genre is clearly "Lords Management"
over 12 years ago
And I now have new troll bait for DotA/LoL players.
over 12 years ago
What? It's AoS please.
What the hell does MOBA mean? I can't even figure that one.
over 12 years ago
MOBA? C'mon, it's all DotA or DotA rip-offs.
over 12 years ago
The hell is ARTS? Just call 'em DotA clones.
over 12 years ago
It's a TBRS or Team Based Rage Simulator.
over 12 years ago
You mean lords management games?
over 12 years ago
Brutal Legend is an ARTS. Sacrifice is an ARTS. Battlezone is an ARTS.
If I can't command, and fight alongside an army, IT AINT AN ARTS!
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