EveOnline fits that description. Mind you that game is PvP or GTFO, so it isn't for everyone.
over 12 years ago
it's the ONLY star wars MMO
Nostalgia Fett
over 12 years ago
SWG was the best star wars MMO.
over 12 years ago
@Damean Three words: Guild Wars 2.
over 12 years ago
Eh, I don't consider it a flop. It's still the second most successful MMORPG on the market and saying 'Don't emulate WoW' is like saying 'Don't emulate Apple' when making a smart phone.
WoW was the perfect storm using a standard MMO template that they by no means invented. Simple as that.
over 12 years ago
"Who AM I kidding"
over 12 years ago
The beauty of this comic is that it goes hand-in-hand with the match-fixing that's been going on in the Olympics lately.
over 12 years ago
I'd be royally pissed if I bought a game and then after a few months it went fp2
over 12 years ago
lotro, D&D, ...
there are several games that are very successful with f2p (rightfully so). I'll this TOR is a great game and will stick with it.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_152555]@Jaybonaut[/url]: I don't know?
I mean I know what TF2 is all about... but this F2P MMO thing I have no Idea what it is at all.
over 12 years ago
Why are there people in here talking about TF2 when this is about F2P MMO games?
over 12 years ago
I think MMO Developer know this from the beginning, and are just cashing in gullible idiots like me at launch... Never, ever a MMO with a Launch Price AND monthly subscription...
Some Dude
over 12 years ago
I mean, if they allowed you access to ONE area for each lvl bracket so you could get to max lvl, then have OTHER zones as quest packs, thatd be fine.
also, I didnt mind so much the charge for the dungions and skirmishes, cos that I can understand.
but anyhows, TF2 F2P still best.
Some Dude
over 12 years ago
when I went back to LOTRO, I found the F2P system pretty terrible in places.
I mean, access to all pre-expac lvls, ability to go to every zone, access to all class/race combos pre-expacs was good ill admit
but having to pay for quests that you pretty much need to GET to max lvl? Nope.
Clara Emeralda
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_152033]@MeowMix[/url] Champions online.
Nando Rock
over 12 years ago
F2P is a good model, if this have a good support behind the game.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_152033]@MeowMix[/url] If you've kept up with current events, WOW is in decline.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_151805]@TheBaron[/url]: It's not for everyone, especially people who don't catch on quickly, but from this last beta it's improved a lot from the previous ones. It still has some kinks to work out, but it's most certainly not meh for a looooot of people. Still all comes down to personal opinion though.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_152033]@MeowMix[/url]: EVE online
over 12 years ago
Is there a MMO game that has a subscription fee AND an increasing player base?
Besides WoW of course.
troll trolled
over 12 years ago
Ive just played the game because of these
and ive found nothing wrong with it at the moment
over 12 years ago
Have they fixed the load bug yet, or are they still ignoring the system specs of the people complaining and blaming it on low-end PCs? 3-5 minute load times, given the number of load screens to get anywhere, is horrendous. The loading screen just freezes at 30% or so.
over 12 years ago
For some reason this strip seemed very nichijou-esque in the style and design, I liked it :)
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_151923]@Huh[/url]: Wait ... did you make this comic?
Are you Nerf,Now!?!
over 12 years ago
I want TERA f2p.
I bought it but cancelled sub on first month. It was nice but leveling took too long and combat was the most repetitive and bland I've ever seen in an MMO. Knew I wouldn't be playing it much so why even bother leveling? Dropped it. But if it's free I might slowly do it.
over 12 years ago
Well, time to re-download it again. Might as well finish my character's storyline.
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
I just figured out what country he's from!
My fat friend say's; What is it?
The country of WW SUCK!!
My fat friend say's That didn't help with my Gas problems.
Take care!
The Truth
over 12 years ago
SWTOR is not going to F2P. The first 50 levels are going F2P. The level cap will be raised at the same time it goes F2P. It's the same as how the first 15 levels of the game are F2P now, they're just increasing the level cap of F2P.
Blu soldier
over 12 years ago
I bet jo will play TESO just to see all of Tamriel.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_151547]@Jun[/url]: You obviously were not in beta. GW2 is meh...
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_151582]@Jaybonaut[/url]: Very True, but CoH (A game near and dear to my heart) took their inspiration for that from Dungeons and Dragons Online. The concept of a free game, with people paying for the parts of it they want, is genius. People play the game, and CHOOSE to pay, makes happy customers.
over 12 years ago
I guess you missed the Blizzard Demo in the crowd, placing his explosives in the Bioware building.
Anyways, I wonder how long it will take for TERA to go F2P now. Honestly, I thought it would turn to F2P before ToR.
Well, just a month to go for GW2. Is the Mesmer fixed?
The Everything,man
over 12 years ago
So... what country was he supporting and... why do I even care?
But sadly the guy fell strait on his face and had a terrible nose,bleed but heal be fine as everyone laughs at him. Ha ha ha!
Take care, P.S I'm not an Olympic fan.
over 12 years ago
yeah hey it was this one! http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/673
over 12 years ago
Didn't the author draw a comic showing TOR standing on piles of money equal to world of warcraft?
My Name
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_151722]@Me[/url]: Well, transition to f2p may in fact be beneficial for the game if done properly. And f2p doesn't mean "pay-to-win-grindfest". But then again, we're dealing with EA here, who don't know shit about making games and keeping players happy.
Pre CU SWG Fangirl
over 12 years ago
The problem was that ToR for me was that it played like it was mod for WoW. Since I hated WoW mechanics (especially loot mechanic), I played for as long as I did for the story despite its mechanics.
over 12 years ago
So... are they going to refund the wasted $60 or so I spent on the game or load me down with tons of unique and unfair advantage giving stuff because I payed money for it.
over 12 years ago
SWTOR is a darn awesome game. I've been playing it since i got my preorder and i never complained about it. I'll probably leave the game soon now, since evry f2P MMO will fail in some way or an other. Microtransactions, bad community, goldsellers, etc...not worth the hassle.
over 12 years ago
Means I can keep playing without income at least :p (not that I have played it loads lately though).
Tortanic's Lifeboat
over 12 years ago
You forgot to have SWTOR sink in the ground like it's water.
over 12 years ago
TOR's failure might not be because it failed at being wow.
The game was plagued with annoyances and even though the press was paid handsomely they still got lots of bad rep.
Origin, so many bugs, playing so bad it burned cards, EA's awful way to handle the situation. It was all bad.
over 12 years ago
TOR has great stories for all the classes.
That was it unfortunately, everything else was, "Been there, done that."
over 12 years ago
seems someone is forgetting about tf2,
over 12 years ago
waiting for Guild Wars 2 :3
over 12 years ago
SWtOR is good, solid, singleplayer game. And going f2p isnt bad, both DDO and LotR went f2p and became more successful than when they were p2p(turbine made a good f2p system, better than any I've seen so far). Too bad its EA(ssholes) we have here and those guys suck and love money more than blizzard
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_151582]@Jaybonaut[/url]: TF2 has a good f2p lineup :)
over 12 years ago
Yeah, if you ever want a good example of F2P done right, look at City of Heroes. You can get to the level cap without paying a dime, and get there as fast as anyone else who is on the subscription plan who also doesn't pay anything else beyond the sub.
over 12 years ago
Isn't WoW F2P for the first 20 levels as well?
Some Greybeard
over 12 years ago
and so, another hopefull falls into the ashes of F2P.
many have come before them and have tried, but failed, to defeat WoW the Eternal, Harbinger of the MMO genre.
BUT! there is one they fear!
in their tounge! he is!
(seriously, I pref more solo TES)
over 12 years ago
I retract my previous statement. It IS infact play to win with massive restrictions on what Free players and previous purchasers and subscribers can use. Even bloody City of Heroes refused to remove things from accounts that had once payed for them, but in this downgrades are in full. -_-
over 12 years ago
WoW has pet battles now. There's really no competing with that level of expansion.
They should have went Buy2Play. Would have been a much more secure success like Guild Wars 2 will be. GW2 is looking so good right now.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_151515]@Dehnus[/url]: Seems you're out of the loop or entirely in denial. http://geek.pikimal.com/2012/07/31/swtor-going-f2p-this-fall/
over 12 years ago
Is that why wow emulated almost everything from other MMO's even before they already started. Heck they still do with "new features".
over 12 years ago
On top of that, it is now more a Diablo clone you pay for each month (you don't need to go into the world any more with all the tool assisted grouping). And the Battlegrounds have become a 15 minute farmfest.
over 12 years ago
Seriously grasping here of the Gaming press. The f2p is only for the first few levels not for the whole game. Basically it is more a trial, but they've been on that for some time.
But seems people also have forgotten the crap stuff in Vanilla WOW before it was patched to a decent non buggy game
over 12 years ago
The only problem with this is that it implies the launch was good. Maybe the springboard should be rusty, and he should be being flung backwards while screaming out "IT'S A FEATURE" while flailing his arms wildly.
over 12 years ago
Im probably alone in this thought, but im glad to see it go F2P, it does alot to emphasize the leveling experience and leaves no room for the annoying play to win addition that most games tack on as SWtOR already had a full class set. I see this as getting a good game entirely free.
over 12 years ago
I see this as a thing that's going to keep happening until someone makes an MMO that isn't the typical endless fetch quest formula. I stopped playing MMO's quite some time ago because everyone just does the same, stupid thing.
over 12 years ago
aw damn and i just got me a gtc, now i paid like totally for nothing? oh well it was just to bridge the two months till wow mop ^^
over 12 years ago
Ironically, this also describes their problems with gameplay- awesome buildup (leveling process), terrible finish (raid content).
over 12 years ago
this comic was fucking genius 10/10
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_151446]@Dome[/url]: How is that a bad thing? Games will have to deliver something that people actually want to pay for. The issue with TOR and every other MMO like it is we have played MMOs like that, they really change NOTHING from WoW. You cannot beat WoW by emulating it, you have to find something new.
over 12 years ago
Oh look. Yet another MMO that goes F2P when it can't actually support itself. Just gives me all the more reason to wait until the MMO genre crashes entirely and something rises from the ashes.
over 12 years ago
I knew SWTOR would go F2P eventually. However this is also bad. Now we might end up having more people go "oh I'll just wait till it goes F2P." I dread the problems that could cause as it is not good attitude to have.
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