What people are saying about "Super"
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about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_176040]@Freezestar[/url]: Can I have those 90 seconds back, now? Aquaman did "Grow the Beard" in the Post-Superfriends years. He lost a hand, replaced it with a trident and took a few levels in badass. But the super-strength was added specifically to line him up with Namor the Submariner, his Marvel equivalent.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_175366]@Zaulk[/url]: Yeah, I've never really had a good reason to bother with that wiki. And does anyone really take DC seriously in the post-reboot era? Thanks for the info, though.
about 12 years ago

Fear Aquaman's True Form
about 12 years ago
Actually here's an idea for you Jo, get started on a full erotic "grafic novel" a tf2 doujin and have it ready for this winter's comiket or something. Could maybe even get someone to proxy sell it for you over there? :)
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_175969]@Bulk101[/url]:[url=#user_comment_176006] @AK[/url]: Of course I have seen it. Want to see more ;)
about 12 years ago
You know Aquaman and his kingdom basicly took over the world in one timeline right?
about 12 years ago
Batman has Peril Beam! WATCH OUT!
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_175670]@404[/url]: Ditto Bulk101. His art style is unique and beautifully simple. Search R34 for "jopereira".
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_175670]@404[/url] Have you seen one of jo's porn? They're great! :D
Games Dude
about 12 years ago
Binding of Isaac in a nutshell
about 12 years ago
@Jade Curtiss: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=jJVdZyuGVds#t=2s
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_175282]@Paul[/url]: Go watch the animation film called "Batman: Under the Red Hood". It pretty much explains batman's morality and goals in the best way possible.
about 12 years ago
Clearly that Aqua-man is not being voiced by John DiMaggio, otherwise he'd be awesome.
about 12 years ago
Meh, screw fanservice. Lets see some proper porn instead! Lets see the engies scissoring away in a frenzy.
Jade Curtiss
about 12 years ago
@Flynn Scifo and Yuri Lowell: Oh, a lovers' quarrel?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_175397]@Moen[/url] with the two engis being source of fanservice and from TF2, didnt we got that already as they cosplayed as the dota2 characters back then?
about 12 years ago
I voted fanservice cuz I'm a horny little boy, but I actually enjoy this comic and think that some non-game related strips would be refreshing.
Yuri Lowell
about 12 years ago
Ooh! It's on now!
Flynn Scifo
about 12 years ago

*I'M* gonna kick your ass!
Yuri Lowell
about 12 years ago
I am so gonna kick your ass!
about 12 years ago
My first ever comment. Woohoo. I came here for the Team Fortress 2, Starcraft, etc.
about 12 years ago
Why don't you just go meta and make some DOTA2 meets TF2 kind of bullshit.
Oh yeah, and with some fanservice too.
about 12 years ago
I think the poll is interesting in a way that allow fan service to be couple with anything.

doing fan service and tf2 arc would cover 66% of your viewer base.

Since coupling those 2 offer you the highest % of favorable vote, that is what I propose (should) do.

about 12 years ago
Say what you will about Aquaman but he was a Badass on land or in the water when he had a harpoon hand. It just looked so cool even though it was not the most practical thing ever.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_175345]@DH[/url] Actualy it has been well established that Joe Chill aka Joseph Chilton killed batmans parents. http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Joseph_Chilton_(New_Earth) Dc wiki is very informative.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_175282]@Paul[/url]: Actually, no one knows who killed Batman's parents. Joker is only made the culprit in the Burton Films. (Burton took a lot of liberties with the canon, but it's still one of his better films.)
about 12 years ago
@A Gray Phantom: It's a simile.
Wolverine = Lots of health, we play reckless.
Batman = In a bad Situation, we use caution.
Superman = Invincible or hacking, no skill required.
Aquaman = Fail.

Stars traditionally make Mario invincible.
about 12 years ago
@A Gray Phantom: Wolverine feels beefy. Batman feels like he's 1-2 hits away from death. Superman feels like he has an invincibility star. Aquaman feels like he's already dead.
about 12 years ago
A Gray Phantom
about 12 years ago
I... don't get the joke. Why does Batman have only one heart? What's with the star above Superman?
about 12 years ago
I vote Pedobear arc.
about 12 years ago
Well, seeing as the Joker killed Batman's parents, the rivalry is understandable. Still I don't get why Batman doesn't exact revenge on him, despite his honor.
about 12 years ago
Actually, the superman game actually had your "hp" be the amount of civilians on one version. brilliant if i say so myself.
about 12 years ago
@Mine Herr:

Are YOU a bad enough dude to save the presi- I mean, attempt to attack?
about 12 years ago
Also I'm highly dissapointed that noone made a joke about Batman's parents being dead in the photo notes yet.
Or that his healthbar should be dollarbills or an utility belt.
about 12 years ago
I voted for Tf2 because we need some story on the current metagame.
And a real story this time not just a few comics.
But after that I am open for anything else.
On a related note: WHOA thats a lot of votes! I didn't know this many people read the comic actively.
 Platypus
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_175072]@RoderickBR[/url]: Yes this. Supes needs an Open World where the Challenge is actually figuring out where and when to be "teh auto-winz". Linear games always put you in the right place. Also if events continue to happen regardless of player presence it would be even more of a challenge.
 Platypus
about 12 years ago
Whatever you do Joe. :) I can't think of any of your comics that disagreed with me overly. IMO some of us NOW!! Trolls need to just roll with it. Even when it's not in my normal gaming the comic is still good.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_175072]@RoderickBR[/url]: Doesn't sound that bad, but I still think superman still isn't as well suited to video-games as, lets say, batman. But I might give it a look, thanks.
about 12 years ago
I voted TF2 arc. There should be some meat in the whole MvM concept.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_175049]@Hazama[/url]: The Return of Superman for PS2 is actually a cool one, where you have a giant city to explore (and you can fly at supersonic speed), and your "life bar" is how much the city is destroied. Superman is immortal, but if you fail your job, it's game over.
about 12 years ago
I never played any of the superman games, the premise is pointless IMO. Either the game is piss easy (Because you are superman), the game makes no sense (Because how are enemies hurting superman) or kryptonite will have to be REALLY common among the enemies. Anyone know if any of those apply?
about 12 years ago
Hey Jo, use survey monkey next time. Even the free trial has a lot of flexibility compared to the current quiz format.
about 12 years ago
Since there's no edit: TF2 is fine, but really, fresher content in the comic would be better.
about 12 years ago
I'm disappointed by the excess of TF2 fans in the poll responses.
about 12 years ago

Logan Darklighter
about 12 years ago
For a minute there, I thought you were making a comic about the closing down of City of Heroes. Maybe you guys haven't heard about that? Sign the petition asking NCSoft to reconsider closing down the game at-

Liro Raeriyo
about 12 years ago
I am about to become trollbait!!!

I don't like X-Men.
about 12 years ago
Expected 70% for more fan service. Was deeply disappointed
about 12 years ago
While i would LOVE a Dota 2 arc, nerfnow community doesnt care for it for the most part. Makes me so sad, since jo's dota arc has so much potential! But i can settle for TF2 arc with plenty of fanservice!!!
Mein Herr
about 12 years ago
I'm okay if only every other comic has fan service, just make sure the next one has the goods :D
about 12 years ago
Come on, pals! Seriously, we need more votes for moar fan service!!!
about 12 years ago
Don't worry Aquaman you'll become awesome after you get your hand chopped off and replace it with a spear gun. Plus you get a new outfit.
about 12 years ago
(...cont) great hearing and sight (again... see Superman), and can command all sealife to do his bidding. His weakness is that he gets weaker the longer he's out of the water. Superfriends pretty much forgot all about the last two points.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_174890]@kunil[/url] - That's Aquaman, who gets a bit of a undeserved reputation for being a joke, primarily thanks to the Superfriends cartoon in the '70s. He's extremely strong (but not as strong as Superman), extremely tough (again... see Superman), (cont...)
about 12 years ago
For those that don't know the last is Aquaman whose powers all require him to be near water
Metal C0Mmander
about 12 years ago
I guess I'm the only one who doesn't like arcs around here. Although if there was one I would prefer something else than TF2 because we already have so many of those.
about 12 years ago
didn't get this, who is the one on the last panel?
about 12 years ago
Batman: The Brave and the Bold made Aquaman epic, by making him the world's biggest ham.
about 12 years ago
Do one on HOTS
about 12 years ago
Looks like the results are in
TF2 & fanservice, excellent combination
Evil Smurf
about 12 years ago
more tentacle thing would be good
about 12 years ago
I wasn't aware Jo still cared about DotA2. I assumed he'd make a few comics about it and drop it like every other swing-and-miss game.
about 12 years ago
So then Jo, I guess you (to say nothing of the game developers) aren't aware that a properly-hydrated Aquaman can both lift an oil refinery straight out of the ocean and go toe-to-toe with Superman?
about 12 years ago
i dont get it guys... where is the Starcraft2 arc button?
about 12 years ago
Go something else arc! I want to see that mind work and not fall into lazy!
about 12 years ago
Most of the dota stuff is lost on me. I get it through context most of the time, but tf2 is my baby.

Also I only like the more detailed fanservice.
about 12 years ago
Why does supermans face look so awkward..?
about 12 years ago
Ahh, Fanservice, clearly the better of the options with some competition from TF2...
about 12 years ago
@Savasaan Todaro: Divine is risky, what if I drop it?
Savasaan Todaro
about 12 years ago
Dota 2 Arc would be absolutely divine :D
about 12 years ago
http://poll.pollcode.com/uf6se2 Broken links are broken, until you read the code and find them not broken!