[url=#user_comment_182628]@Huttj509[/url]: Too many!
The Smart Guy
over 12 years ago
Don't give ppl good ideas
over 12 years ago
and vice versa
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_183972]@Kuari[/url] : Its nothing to do with getting the term wrong. Its the fact it shows someone is stuck in thinking it is LoL and most LoL players haven't got a damn clue what they're doing in DotA2 because they're not used to stuff like mana control or defending towers and tend to massively overextend.
over 12 years ago
Evelynn here
over 12 years ago
Anyone who'd bitch and whine about something so petty needs some serious therapy... funny though.
over 12 years ago
SMNC was a waste of time. The original MNC was a faster paced and more interesting game.
over 12 years ago
I remember trying SMNC, but the game was so poorly balanced (the Annihilator ensured that the games were always curbstomps) and it was so vague about how to play effectively that I just dropped it entirely. It didn't help that I was playing around with it after I got a new monitor, but before my GFX
over 12 years ago
Funny, Cattz...in a lot of games, the 8-15yr olds seem to have those exact same comments about older players who drop in and can't be bothered to actually learn the game.
League of Lesbians
over 12 years ago
I get this so much, I play DoTA or SMNC and people lose their shit if I say champ. The only game with a calm community is Tribes.
Mister Whatever
over 12 years ago
anyone got a link of a vid where someone call the heroes champion and shit happens? Would really like to see that.
over 12 years ago
ROFL[url=#user_comment_183546] @GabonMx[/url], checked my mail and it came today.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_183294]@Cattz[/url]: I take it you've never played any Pokemon game?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_183491]@Aaron[/url]: I signed to beta on November last year and i got my invitation on February, wait a bit more and you'll get it
over 12 years ago
I tried signing up for DOTA2 on Steam about 3 months ago but I haven't gotten a login yet. Did it take anyone else that long? Have they shut off new people right now?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_183327]@Naumhagatos[/url]: So if you know, why did you talk like that about how dota fags call their game original?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_183294]@Cattz[/url]: Whatever helps you sleep at night, brah
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_183294]@Cattz[/url]: You realise that pokemon can be a really competitive game with optimal teams and ability setups. It ALSO had a decently competitive card game too.
I don't care as I play LoL for the shits and giggles, but just saying, your comparison was flawed...
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_183241]@Krinte[/url]: Yes, bro. It's even in the description. The point is: why to care so much about "the best game" or "the original"? Let's just have fun!
And BF3 is far better that CoD:MW3. Yes, this is an exception.
over 12 years ago
It really is fascinating how culture will cause the most normal words into pseudo swear words in game cultures.
Makes you feel like the guy who holds all the cards.
Makes you feel like a god. :D
over 12 years ago
Calling people who play other games 15-year olds. On the internet, no less. Truly you are a paragon to your people, Cattz.
over 12 years ago
"Creep" is a pretty neutral term for the guys that march across the map. "Cannon fodder" works too.
The word "Character" is a good neutral term, too. If anyone gives you shit about that, they're just trying to be pissed off.
Fun fact: the OG of the genre was Aeon of Strife. SC:BW represent'.
over 12 years ago
Just means you have a 8-15 year old lol player on your team and that he's going to suck miserably, feed, never deny anything, and have zero idea what's going on.
But they give up and go back to their game that's about the same level of difficulty as pokemon pretty fast either way.
League player
over 12 years ago
Yeah, Dota 2 sucks
Dota 2 player
over 12 years ago
Person below me, there is a huge difference between Dota 2 and league
Non-understanding player
over 12 years ago
I still don't get the whole debate between Dota 2 and league of legends they are similar when you look at ceartin aspects
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_183142]@Naumhagatos[/url]: You know DotA is a warcraft 3 map that's been around since much longer than LoL, right?
over 12 years ago
It is funny how Internet is evolving, years ago to troll was considered somethat like "no, i never did that" but now it is more and more accepted, in fact there are a lot of "faq : how to troll" around here for different games.
over 12 years ago
So cute her face on the last panel...
How DOTA fags can call their original and superior with a non-launched game that was announced 2 year after LOL.
We will just play and enjoy ourselves.
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_182703]@Nirual[/url]: I ,alone, am no reliable litmus test for this, but as mainly a LoL player, I don't care. I call them heroes sometimes from WC3 and I have only seen one person give a damn, where the other 3 people told him to STFU.
It was a good moment...
Sherlock Pie
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_182969]@yep[/url]: There are people who didn't played LoL or Dota 2
[url=#user_comment_182703]@Nirual[/url]: not really
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_182927]@Pie[/url]: no shit Sherlock
over 12 years ago
People rage at that because it makes them think that you are from LoL
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_182593]@Hazama[/url]: I see what you did there...
Trolling Nerd
over 12 years ago
I played Warcraft 3 and it's minigames, the one with the sheep and the one with the heroes, which was pretty fuc*ing hard. so i just whosyourdaddy on their asses.
over 12 years ago
Just reminds me of the nightelf "Our champion has fallen" you could get in WC3 Dota
Newfags I tell ye
over 12 years ago
Or mention LoL. Or HoN.
Actually, do anything on Dota 2 and you'll piss people off.
over 12 years ago
Shouldn't Engie dress in costume when playing DotA 2?
over 12 years ago
Calling heroes champions in DOTA gets a stupidly hostile reaction.
Calling champions heroes in LoL and.. nobody gives a shit.
But MOBA communities are all fucking terrible anyway
over 12 years ago
I have a feeling it works the other way around too.
over 12 years ago
a woman playing Dota? Are you trolling me?
AU fromage
over 12 years ago
omelette au fromage, omelette au fromage, omelette au fromage, omelette au fromage, omelette au fromage, omelette au fromage, omelette au fromage, omelette au fromage, omelette au fromage !!!!!!!
over 12 years ago
-this champion is anti-fun, counter intuitive, a burden of knowledge and overpowered
over 12 years ago
"someone sister"
"I'm luck"
"which call"
over 12 years ago
I get the feeling the drawings of Engy here were originally from a comic of her giving oral.
over 12 years ago
@Die Markierten Kommentator: GW2 started it by calling their classes "professions" and their professions "disciplines."
Seriously, go up to someone and ask them what profession they picked. How many times will you hear something like 'weaponsmithing' as opposed to something like 'engineer'?
over 12 years ago
Engie, you sly devil! I never knew you had it in you! ;)
Troll King
over 12 years ago
Not enough fan service this week, please fix for next week.
over 12 years ago
Cool, I really need to give DotA 2 a chance. Looks to easy however...
over 12 years ago
@Die Markierten Kommentator: The crafting discipline is called "Huntsman" actually, not hunter; I'd think that thieves are more often called "Rogues" than assassins; Instances is not an inaccurate term to refer to the dungeons, as a given group has their own instanced dungeon
A Gray Phantom
over 12 years ago
Jo, please do some comics based off of Payday: The Heist. That game is underrated and needs some lovin'.
over 12 years ago
idk,i haven't meat anyone in dota 2 to do such a flame i have mostly meet this behavior in hon,i actually have tried to troll people like the comic,the 2 types he has done but nobody has reacted in such a manner.
over 12 years ago
Are the DOTA2 guys that afraid of LOL that they jump on somebody just for calling their hero a champion? This just confirms my suspiscions that not jumping into the new DOTA was a good idea.
Dah' Blob
over 12 years ago
Master troll 3: Calling creeps: minions
over 12 years ago
Heh. Funny, my reaction to that word would be a certain amount of froth and flame...but about how the game is a lot better with the free-form characters and how badly the pre-built Archetypes suck due to no flexibility and poor builds to begin with...
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Can you make a comic based on Molten
Molten is Free Private servers for World of Warcraft.
Die Markierten Kommentator
over 12 years ago
I hate when people do that.
They do it a lot in Guild Wars 2.
They call Rangers "Hunters" (when that's a crafting discipline) or Thieves "Assassins", or Dungeons "Instances", or group events "Raids" and crap like that.
over 12 years ago
Engie trolls so we don't have to! Loving that third panel glee.
over 12 years ago
I'm sorry my friends, but suddenly I have the urge to say....
hue hue hue hue hue hue
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_182441]@bleep[/url]: People still play that?
over 12 years ago
The day after Meepo is released you make a comic about people raging at you. Meepo is, of course, the easiest hero to feed with. This cannot ne a coincidence.
over 12 years ago
So.. are DOTA players that insecure that they get pissed that easily? Between this and Hue, they seem like they are completely unstable.
the same
over 12 years ago
i want to "play" this game, just to try that!! :D
over 12 years ago
More zerg girls =~~
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_182420]@markcocjin[/url]: from now on, they shall be called Chimps!
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
Dota2 players are just jellin'
over 12 years ago
Good thing there's always -Heroes- of newerth?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_182398]@Tetra[/url]: Oh. You think they would be called "Legends" or something.
over 12 years ago
If someone is seriously trollable like that, they deserve to get trolled every day for the rest of their short, cardiac-arrest-ending lives.
over 12 years ago
Torchlight 2 comic? Borderlands 2 comic?
Mad Cow
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_182398]@Tetra[/url]: Yeah I even got this one and I don't even play these games.
over 12 years ago
call them chaps, markcocjin.
over 12 years ago
It sounds more annoying if they're simply called Champs. Ugh.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_182398]@Tetra[/url]: Thanks for explaining before I had to ask :)
over 12 years ago
DeAr dog - thats like some alliance convert refers to BLOODLUST as heroism...
over 12 years ago
I got mad just reading this. gj
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_182391]@MuthSera[/url] It's not funny anyways.
over 12 years ago
Heroes are referred to as "Champions" in League of Legends.