And no one did the obvious joke * "It's THIS big" Then the engies hold their necks, thinking how they'll choke on it* ?
over 12 years ago
pull off without any dialogue bubbles. It would be nice to return to that era, so these newfags can see what they've been missing. :3
over 12 years ago
From my experience, gag only strips tend to wear out their use since eventually you run out of jokes (you even made a strip or two making fun of this scenario). The main reason I, like several people below, started watching this continously was because of the arcs- which somehow you were able to
over 12 years ago
Arcs are more resilient to the gradual wear of time than a jab of the month at recent gaming news/failures.
over 12 years ago
Could always alternate, every other strip an arc, the other a three panel thing.
Grey Acumen
over 12 years ago
The gag-a-day things are easier for new viewers to stumble on and say "hey, I like this" but the arcs were/are my favorite part of this site and are the reason I enjoy the site and its characters as much as I do. A website is like anything, flashy catches your attention, but a little depth keeps it.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_185754]@Stan[/url]: its obviously TF2, logo above arc
over 12 years ago
I do love me some arcs.
over 12 years ago
I never leave your site and just leave a tab open and refresh the page when i get home to see if you made a new comic
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_185548]@hagnat[/url]: do 3 panel arcs?
over 12 years ago
jizzed my pants
over 12 years ago
Really hope its a dota 2 arc :)
over 12 years ago
nice use of metaphors, by the way
Unamused Pyro
over 12 years ago
Will pyro finally ditch that whore? (I mean cheating sniper whore)
over 12 years ago
Known in Japan as "Knight of TF2".
over 12 years ago
About time, been wanting one for forever. Bracing.
over 12 years ago
They can't call for help! Grab 'em!
over 12 years ago
Arcs! :3
over 12 years ago
remember to tell them to disable add blocker^^ and everyday here without addblocker!
over 12 years ago
Don't get me wrong, 3 panel strips are fun, but full fledged story comics are far better! :D
over 12 years ago
I dunno, looks like the arc is already finished to me...
This is how Pros Nerf Now.
over 12 years ago
No Word Bubbles, Only Engineer, Final Destination.
over 12 years ago
Thanks Joe
over 12 years ago
Maybe you should mix it up with arc stuff twice a week and the single comic gags the rest.
It was the gag ones that drew me in personally and in this one I have no particular idea what's going on or why I should care.
Liro Raeriyo
over 12 years ago
This.... This reminds me of a time... when NERF NOW was the greatest thing ever...
over 12 years ago
Well, I check NerfNow as part of my daily webcomic routine regardless of arcs vs gags, so I know I won't make a difference for the statistics at least.
Still, I like both so I wouldn't mind either way.
The Awesome Racoon
over 12 years ago
I can't believe it actually took me a while to get the joke. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?!
over 12 years ago
here is a thought: if you want to keep doing arcs, and you want to keep doing 3 panel comics... why not both ?
do 3 panels a week, two arc-comics and one random 3-panel
over 12 years ago
The Anon
over 12 years ago
I'm thinking funny one off strips bring more people in since they get passed around.
Arcs are probably better at keeping people coming back
An Onymous
over 12 years ago
I'm just happy to see orange Engie again, she was the original Engie after all...
over 12 years ago
Woo, new ark, The tf2 comics are my faves
over 12 years ago
OMG the new TF2 arc!!!! It's been too long. My body is ready.
over 12 years ago
New arc? FUCK YEAH!
The Original Arc
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_185471]@Foolius[/url]: hit the left most arrow button above the comic. Start there.
over 12 years ago
I'm very confused about these arcs.
What is an arc and where can I find them?
over 12 years ago
Well, Jo pal, not only webcomics but most popular comic strips were quite successful using the 3 panel gag. And even if it seems simple, they can be quite hard to achieve (making a joke in 3 panels is NOT that easy!!).
Looking forward to the new arc, buddy!
over 12 years ago
Excellent. I've been reading since demo lost his eye and have been waiting for new arcs ever since. Not that the short gags weren't funny, they were just... um... short.
over 12 years ago
Make a link to the start of the arc.
That will probably make arcs a little more popular, I think.
over 12 years ago
Personally I like the gag strips, but it's your comic so you should do what you want with it.
over 12 years ago
Wanted to chip in with a slightly different point of view.
Gag-strips aren't only much more newbie-accessible, they're also easily shared over social media and the like, which probably gets you tons more views in comparison to arcs. Doesn't mean you shouldn't do arcs, I for one love em :)!
over 12 years ago
Alright, so i'm givin up on Nerfnao for now, so you can see that people like me don't like dat sheet.
You see i'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve.
over 12 years ago
You're not wrong, but the analysis is missing some fundamentals. Gag-a-days are low-barrier material - they are instantly grokkable and newbie friendly. But audience retention is a different function, and gag-a-day doesn't have inherent mechanisms to support that.
That's what arcs are for.
over 12 years ago
@ Nobody: It's the logo for TF2. Hence, new TF2 arc.
over 12 years ago
Also this should have been Friday's comic :P
Unless weekend cliffhanger incomming???
over 12 years ago
What's that circle thingy on top the arc mean?
over 12 years ago
well do you care about that much popularity? does it make you more money? what do you enjoy doing?
over 12 years ago
I personally started reading your comic because of the arcs and they hooked me up. Sure 3 panel strips are short, but story arcs can hook people up.
over 12 years ago
Easier to digest material will get more views because people are lazy.
The existence of "tl;dr" is a testament to this fact.
That and other sites are more likely to link to something when all of it is on one page.
over 12 years ago
Just remember to wait until the end to check the data- you may get people who decide to wait until the whole arc is done before they decide to read it. Besides, just because 3 panel gag strips are popular, doesn't make them only option arc sets require more depth and effort, which shows in your work
over 12 years ago
I assume this will mean LOTS of fanservice?
over 12 years ago
You're going to get more links on 3 panel gags because people can just link them and get the whole point across in one link.
The internet doesn't like reading.
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