Superbe!! Vraiment magnifique!! Quand on voit la qauilte9 graphique de jeux comme Rayman Origins: Batman Arkham City ou Mortal Kombat .on se dit que ces ge9nies de l'illustration devraient bosser en comics !(surement beaucoup moins lucratif sans doute!)
over 12 years ago
Carry on, my wayward son...
Faceless Void
over 12 years ago
Something tells me that a Rapier CM would still lose to Void... :V
over 12 years ago
Oh shit, this is me :D early boots for CM=AMAZING! Really though, cm with rapier...can't tell if good, or just suicidal.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_197543]@Devilsfuge[/url]: yes but lol is gooder
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_197468]@SomeAsianGuy[/url]: Not at all, obvious troll is obvious, 2/10, at least twist real facts...
over 12 years ago
Love the facial expressions in this one
over 12 years ago
In my opinion both LoL and DotA are great games.
I find LoL more light hearted in tune and actually care about the characters in it
In DotA It also feels both more serious and a bit more socail (due to steam chat)and it doesnt have a meta forcing you to play a certain way yet
Both are good
over 12 years ago
A DotA player and a LoL player walk in to the bar...
The barman says, "Hey which one is better, LoL or DotA?"
The Dota player says, "Dota... for sure!"
The LoL player couldn't deny it.
over 12 years ago
What's this? Bickering over which is better, DoTA 2 or LoL? Plebeians...we all know HoN is the superior title!
over 12 years ago
dota sucks =S
over 12 years ago
Need a DOTA + LOL comic with Fanservice.
= Crashed site.
over 12 years ago
whenever i play invoker (dire side) and let someone takes mid, i roll with maiden top letting her get some nice farm and nice assists :3
You know
over 12 years ago
Since you have said all you care about it money you should make league of legends comics as they have a larger user base.
over 12 years ago
I'm wondering, why the fuck you guys aren't rolling in dosh as support? like really, guys, do you even set up ganks?
Nerd Fight
over 12 years ago
What's this, people being passive-aggressive over their preference between two similar games?
over 12 years ago
LoL skins don't affect hitboxes.
over 12 years ago
And this is why I don't play action RTS games. =.=;
over 12 years ago
Some LoL skins actually give u an advantage ingame such as having a smaller hitbox for champions or larger hitbox for skills.
over 12 years ago
"LoL=The casual game of the century
Dota 1/2=A game for people that like challenges "
over 12 years ago
Her face in the end is so funny xD
Sherlock Pie
over 12 years ago
LoL=The casual game of the century
Dota 1/2=A game for people that like challenges
over 12 years ago
Supports can be killing machines.
over 12 years ago
Worth it for her expression in the third panel.
over 12 years ago
Admiral-Crunch, it is a team game supports are not supposed to be killing machines, they need to be supports. Also supports are pretty fun to play.
Just Another LoL Fanboy.
over 12 years ago
You always may try LoL. Gold generating items are design to prevent gold starvation.
over 12 years ago
Oh god that is so cute, I love the dota2 comics!
over 12 years ago
And that is exactly why DOTA stinks. If you have to play support the game just sucks.
over 12 years ago
I mean... if maiden would have thinking about selling all her current gear just to get those boots and maybe that sword, I think context would have been clearer even without knowing Dota before hand.
Of course, joke wouldn't be exactly the same but Dota-fans still could have figured it out.
over 12 years ago
I have to agree with some other commentators that Dota (2) comics are insiders - generally Jo's comics are easy to get even if game preferred would be unheard but you has to be familiar with Dota to get these; although in this strip alternative second pic could have worked.
CM appears to have transformed into a muppet for that last panel.
over 12 years ago
Love the DotA comics, keep them coming please.
over 12 years ago
LoL VS DotA.
Round 1.
over 12 years ago
Since when was LoL pay2win?
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_197364]@epik[/url]: I don't think it is pay2win actually but hey man just enjoy the comic
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_197364]@epik[/url]: Stop getting mad over video games, bro
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_197362]@Sciass[/url]: LoL is shit though, nobody wants that casual pay2win in here bro
over 12 years ago
I would like to see some LoL comics
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_197359]@DragonSlasher[/url]: pure skill as in picking hero with passiv stun skill and buying passiv stun chance item. perma stunning till enemy is dead. yea pure skill indeed!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_197356]@kopro[/url] since when dota 2 need to spend more money to be better then other people ? League of legends require RUNES and u can obtain make slot runes @ lv30 rite? When a Lv 24 vs a lv30 in MM guarantee the lv30 have advantage coz his runes slot are all maxed out . And DotA is pure skill ! lol is shit.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_197356]@Kopro[/url]: Bad strawman is bad.
Even when you feign, you should mask your intentions sliiiighly better :3
over 12 years ago
Amazing haha :D
over 12 years ago
this is why lol is way better. you don't have to spend real money to be better than the enemy
450 fucking dollars you serious?!?!?!?!
over 12 years ago
I don't really mind DotA comics because I'm sure there are plenty of people that get the joke. I however, never do. So I just enjoy the art.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_197234]@Arteous[/url]: Silly Dumbfuck Trollboy. The true cancer of gaming is teh intrawebz!!!
over 12 years ago
you just used that joke man :|
over 12 years ago
Omni, Wisp, Tide, Ogre, Abaddon(not in yet), Dirge, Earthshaker. You sometimes do use Sandking as support on dual or tri-lane but having them hard-support is generally a bad idea. Better to be semi-support.
dota comics are...
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_197316]@SerialKillerWhale[/url]: Ogre, Wisp, Tide... Omni and even Brewmaster can be played as support aswell.
over 12 years ago
This would make more sense with an str support.
Wait ARE THERE str supports?
over 12 years ago
I really wish I understood this one :( Guess thats what I get for not playing Dota.....or following your basic trail of logic.
over 12 years ago
Moar Dota Comics :3
Shadow Scryer
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_197270]@Snoipah[/url]; Are you writing this comic? No? Piss off then.
over 12 years ago
Brilliance/Arcane aura now have twice the effect on Crystal Maiden:
"Your carry days are no longer a dream, little support."
over 12 years ago
Response from other players and community:
"Dream on little support, dream on."
over 12 years ago
Interpretation from someone who doesn't and never has played Dota2:
"Hey, the new patch is lowering some prices."
"With those lower prices I'll be rolling in cash after getting my required support items."
"This will let me get awesome weapons and be able to kill guys instead of just supporting!"
over 12 years ago
Love these little Dota 2 comics. Keep them coming!
over 12 years ago
Every time I play LoL as soraka, I teach the enemies the meaning of pitiful harass damage with my trusty banana of justice...Dream on Crystal Maiden...Dream on...
IDC its DotA, the concept is the same XD
over 12 years ago
This makes absolutely no sense at all. We can look forward to more of these and no more story arcs? Oh boy! >.>
over 12 years ago
I was trying to figure out which LoL hero was supposed to be but it turns out it was that shitty game for tryhards
Random dota2 player
over 12 years ago
Free key.
Stupid Police
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_197263]@Bindal[/url]: This joke has been brought up before. The fact that you haven't caught on by this point is just sad.
over 12 years ago
Enough with the dota jokes, its overrated as fuck.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_197234]@Arteous[/url]: Hold on, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome some of the gold tanks in WoT are.
over 12 years ago
@That Guy: You ain't the only one. Dota2 jokes are always only understood, who play the freaking thing. Most other jokes are understandable in general even if you don't play the game (or Jo explains what the thing refers to, like the XCOM comic).
But with Dota2 - nope. Nothing at all.
over 12 years ago
@That Guy
The few last patches lowered the price of the items that support (gold-starved) heroes usually buy. In the comic, the classical support-role hero Crystal Maiden dreams about being rich because of this (and defeating a hard-carry Faceless Void with her 6 items).
That Guy
over 12 years ago
I don't play DotA, so I don't get this one.
over 12 years ago
And she doesnt get regen? 3/10 shitty support, would not farm with.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_197234]@Arteous[/url]: I really hope this idiot is trolling
over 12 years ago
Kinda goes along with all buffs CM is getting. My Veno on the other hand...