What people are saying about "Gift"
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about 12 years ago
I got the same reaction when riot gave me 350 RP
about 12 years ago
They really should have done nothing. This just screams boardroom "hey customers, we appreciate you, and want to show it, but not really"
about 12 years ago
Buy "No luca no"
Some guy in Vancouver
about 12 years ago
Wow, enough MS points to cover a single one zone bus fare in Vancouver for an anniversary gift? I've seen restaurants give out free birthday dessert worth way more and they didn't have to pay a membership for the place.
about 12 years ago
Once i got 50 ms for free. just yes!
Master Chief bi-platform curious
about 12 years ago
Steam: Free to play, Free promo games, betas and free patches and DLC. All for free no sub required.

PSN: A few Free to play games, plus handfuls of games open for all plus subscribers.

Live: Pay or you don't get to play online or stream content. One free to play game, cross game chat.
Trolling Nerd
about 12 years ago
He is voiced by Robin Atkin Downes, he actually played a character in Uncharted 3, but it wasn't Nathan Drake.
about 12 years ago
Merasmus is voiced by Nolan North.
about 12 years ago
xbox = multi player games.
ps3 = single player.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_212459]@Goro[/url] wring network.
about 12 years ago
Hey now, you can buy a key for your crates with that kind of cash.
about 12 years ago
thats microsoft
about 12 years ago
XBL, where you pay to play online when you can do it for free in PC, PS3 and Wii... wait, scratch the last one :p

I hope Wii U will be better online. I think Xbox720 will be free online to compete against PS3 and Wii U.
about 12 years ago
oh shut up, north america gets free designer xboxes.
All we get in old germany is a boot to the face.
Trolling Nerd
about 12 years ago
Hopefully i can buy something for my only game on GFWL, Resident Evil 5, with those points.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_212309]@Shingro[/url]: and i'll still keep playing xbox. Just a better controller layout/game selection in my personal opinion. I own all the systems i just always find myself coming back to xbox. I tend to find more competition :o maybe since you need to play your more often not 5-10?
about 12 years ago
It's not even real money that you could use to go to the store to buy a bag of cheetos. It's MS points. Well maybe you can buy a picture of a bag of cheetos.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_212095]@First[/url]: Sup dawg, we heard you like loggin' in...
about 12 years ago
@Herr Boogie: Don't forget the winter event last year where they gave away free games. I got a Valve complete pack, and a X complete pack out of that.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_212272]@Dude[/url]: It's funny because you can choose literally any other system and pay way less. You could build a $500-700 PC and *saved* money. But you know, $500-700 dollars is nothing unless you're a hobo(?)
Herr Boogie
about 12 years ago
Today I've been playing tf2 (+steam account) for 5 years to the day... how appropriate :)

valve gave nothing... (apart from the billion free updates and hats)
about 12 years ago
No, they won't go broke from Xbox Live's anniversary. They already did with Bing It On.
about 12 years ago
So are the rumours and spam letters true after all? Bill Gates DOES giving away his fortune? I have a hotmail account for years, when can I expect my million dollars to arrive?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_212272]@Dude[/url]: Or you can get a wii or a PC that doesn't make you pay for internet that you already paid for.
about 12 years ago
All the people that are blathering on about how XBOX has higher costs, and PS3 costs less yearly and such is better I find quite idiotic. Unless you dont have a job, or any source of income whatsoever, sixty dollars won't make you broke. Or if your a hobo. And hobos dont have videogames.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_212218]@BoozeHound[/url]: Touche! Not that apparently anyone suffered any more effects then inconvenience, but it's a fair point. Presumably since PS+'s 'free games each month' thing kicked MS in the pants a bit Gold will be getting more features then "We put more ads on your dashboard for you" Everyone wins!
about 12 years ago
Micro-gifts from Microsoft that's only good for microtransactions.
about 12 years ago
you are aware that they need have to give you nothing at all for 10 years of gold.
about 12 years ago
It's like a gift card for...indie games I guess? or avatar clothes.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_212136]@Software2[/url]: Looks like Plan C didn't work on everyone. I'll just be blunt for Jo. SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP.
about 12 years ago
Can we officially call Jo's swivel chair "Chairsworth"?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_212214]@Shingro[/url]: on other hand, had you gotten PS3 on launch you would have had your account info stolen at least twice by now =D
about 12 years ago
Shy Engie is shy
about 12 years ago
I think the funnier thing is if you have remained subscribed to Gold for long enough you've paid hundreds more then a launch PS3. Irony! Can't wait when the next console sets are comparatively priced and Gold is still for pay. =D
Not anti
about 12 years ago
IT isn't the Anti-valve, cause it is in MS points, which can only be spent on MS things.

If they really loved you they would give you an actual $2.50.
about 12 years ago
seeing how much microsoft makes in a single year you'd think they would give out a little more then that, guess their wallet isn't as loose as their asshole
about 12 years ago
In response to Software2's photo-note:

about 12 years ago
"I, too, was twelve once."

That's a good one.
about 12 years ago
Happy anniversary.
Now, go play some Steam.
about 12 years ago
Ah! But if only you'd been loyal. Those that have had a solid subscription, uninterrupted on the same account in good standing for the past 10 years apparently received a free 250 GB Xbox Elite in the mail!

But.. yeah, dat 200 MS points.
about 12 years ago
"Thanks for paying us $500+ for features all other consoles have for free! Actually you know... lemme get something for you... ah, here's two bucks and a few quarters, cheers!"
about 12 years ago
@O-(-'.'Q) ..So, Origin, then?
about 12 years ago
"What's that Microsoft? You're giving me something? Well why don't you give me MORE, huh? Don't you appreciate me more than this? Do you only regard me THIS MUCH?! Well screw you, M$, I'm going to these other guys who don't give me jack, because they know how to appreciate me!"
Sprntr Zomby
about 12 years ago
So let me get this straight. Microsoft gives you a box that gives you $2.50. Valve gives you a box that costs $2.50. So Microsoft is the anti-Valve. SInce Valve is seen as incredible, then Microsoft must be horrible.

The data seems to agree.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_212163]@Xenn[/url]: They do it worldwide for both gold and silver members.
well then
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_212171]@Bob[/url]: They didn't give away anything . . . they merely gave away some incentive to give them more money, not exactly what I'd call a present.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_212151]@lainverse[/url]: They don't give games away. You have to pay for the service to get those "free" games... And the bubble layout was weird on the first panel, you should've flipped the panel or something.
about 12 years ago
There is no reason they actually have to give you anything. You should be happy you received something
about 12 years ago
Looks like we don't even get that over here in the UK.
An Anonymous
about 12 years ago
Man they cheap...
about 12 years ago
@That Guy: It might seems so but actually they are giving virtual money which you can only spend on virtual items and can't convert back to real dollars. So, basically they are loosing only potential profit. Sony on PSN+ gives away multiple major games for "nothing" and still have great profit.
about 12 years ago
@That Guy: except they don't really give you hard cash, it is like just a 2.5$ discount on next game you buy.
about 12 years ago
looks like I can get some Horse Armour!
That Guy
about 12 years ago
Considering how many people have Xbox Live accounts, the total amount of dollars they have given would be 2,5 x 20 million or something?
about 12 years ago
@O-o: Joke's on you! He stopped doing TF2 arcs a long time ago!
about 12 years ago
in my mind, engie in a comic automatically makes it about TF2. *shrugs*
I know that feeling
about 12 years ago
Got a big whooping "HEY HEY, it's our ten year anniversary, and to thank for for being a subscriber to xbox live for 6 years, here is a little memoir.

You spent 0 hours on xbox live this year

You have 0 friends on xbox live
about 12 years ago
Such a generous gift! Damn it! You can't even buy a drink with that sum!
about 12 years ago
hey, please keep it peacefull in here
about 12 years ago
You know what, software2? I hope he never does a TF2 arc again. Then everyone will know that it was your whining that did it.
about 12 years ago
M$ was also giving away a free arcade game...that requires kinect to play...f*** you M$...f*** you...
about 12 years ago
Here are all the DOTA and TF2 comics since the last arc:

DOTA Comics:

TF2 Comics:
about 12 years ago
"Oh my, not enough TF2 comics, whine whine whine"

Excuse me while I go puke aside~
he who notices stuff like short comment text limits
about 12 years ago
-ay, so just so's ya know, write/draw whatever the hell you want, if its what makes you more money, i don't care. I'll read either way. Your funny, amusing, and talented. Thanks for the laughs. sweet jebas titties I sound like a mother now.. um.. you...YOUR MOTHER SMELLS OF ELDERBERRIES!
he who notices stuff
about 12 years ago
i noticed (orly?) in your comics lately you seem torn on what comics we as viewers seem to respond too, and I just wanted to let you know that although I personally don't get my troll on in your wonderous comment section, I do enjoy -all- of your comics and thats why I check your site nearly every d
about 12 years ago
Since last comic's comments were so full... Go back and count the number of TF2 comics in the past several months. Not comics involving Jo's TF2-based characters, but things that are actually about the game. I only see one in recent history. That so-called TF2 arc, for example, was NOT about TF2.
about 12 years ago
I love steam games that are also Windows live games, logging in while I'm logged in is awesome.