There *is* a way of fixing this.
Make the accuracy for hitting the head REALLY low will deter people from only attacking the head.
Anon E Mouse
over 12 years ago
@Leonardo DiCaprio: I am not a clever man.
over 12 years ago
In a game where mechanics like slow are baked in and balanced, often there's an appreciable tactical advantage to debuffing opponents.
Slowing an opponent (or speeding an ally) might mean that you get two turns to every one of theirs, doubling your effective DPS.
over 12 years ago
Ah V.A.T.S, saving my ass ever since i started playing Fallout.
Leonardo DiCaprio
over 12 years ago
@Anon E Mouse (Mock Nerd Rage): I bet you feel rather clever right now.
Anon E Mouse (Mock Nerd Rage)
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_220572]@sigterm[/url]: Hah! Talk about dumbing down. Fallout 2 is just a string of out-of-place references and lame jokes. Utter crap. And Fallout? Horribly simplified controls and the only good parts of it's story was stolen. Now, Wasteland - that's a great game. Early games were so much better than modern crap
over 12 years ago
In fallout 2, playing unarmed combat fighter was plenty of fun. You could *punch* the guy in the leg, knocking him down, and then kick him in the eye, causing critical. It is a pity that bethesda has dumbed down melee/unarmed combat in Fallout 3/Fallout New Vegas.
over 12 years ago
the only RPG's i found the "damage in the best crowd control" to NOT be true is Eternal Poison.
I played this game on past, what is it name ? Was a Flash based game.
over 12 years ago
It is little pointless when you can kill anyone with a couple of shots (like in Fallouts). When enemies are tough and disabling shots are really effective, it's other way around.
over 12 years ago
Fallout 1 and 2 did it right. There was no way my under-leveled Combat Boy would have taken out that Deathclaw if not for called shots to the legs with that sledgehammer.
over 12 years ago
simply nerfing the headshot to 1.5x or 2x damage instead of 3x would make it more of a legitimate tactical question. Even if one option is statistically guaranteed to do more damage over a large enough range of attacks, there's reason to consider reliability *now* over reliability long term
over 12 years ago
Some games force a npc to spawn an item in their loot table, that they normally wouldn't have, if your weapon has certain abilities that affect items.
Such as a weapon with Ruin Armor(Bebilith) cause drow npcs to have "drow armor", even if they wore no armor, in neverwinter games.
over 12 years ago
Well, there is still the use of attacking the weapon itself if it's holding, say, a missle launcher.
over 12 years ago
Yay for targeting groins and eyes on the first two Fallout games.
over 12 years ago
it also reminds me of MECHWARRIOR. One strategy is to hit the head (cabin) but, for strongest enemies, the best strategy is to destroy a leg or destroy the weapons.
over 12 years ago
Whether you slow/maim/DD is just a matter of deciding what most effectively allows you to kill them before they kill you.
Whether that is best achieved by making them die faster or making them take longer to kill you is personal preference.
Nice folks kill them fast otherwise you slowrolltroll.
over 12 years ago
Anyway, regarding fallout it's true, but I did have a tendency to shoot at the groin with my revolvers, just reading those "uuuugh" of pain was soooo satisfying :).
over 12 years ago
If there's one thing some game designers don't realize is how often some gamers take advantage of the rules of theoretical probability.
over 12 years ago
Aiming at body parts in FF Tatics Advance is fucking OP because your archer have +hit chance and every effect nulls the opponent for almost a full fight
over 12 years ago
This makes me think of Fallout 3. But it does seem to make a difference as crippling their arm stops them from shooting. But that's about the limitation of its value.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_220129]@Vulpis[/url]: Without knowing whether it'll hit or not in advance, you can expect to do a lot more damage going head/head/head than body/body/body. They'd have the same expected damage if the headshot only worked a third of the time. You'd only really use bodyshots if he was near death already.
over 12 years ago
Aaaactually, going for the head is the best decision only 60% of the time...the other 40%, it was a poor choice and you should have gone for the body shot instead.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_220070]@Max[/url]: Depends. Sometimes, you run into enemies, which just can't get past your shields. Suddenly, shooting his weapons becomes totally pointless!
And if you got defense drones, nobody is going to care about missles, either.
So, no - always shooting weapons and shields is NOT the best thing.
Leonardo DiCaprio
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_220111]@blub[/url]: No one was talking about Dota or dota-clones. That mindset doesn't apply at all in this situation.
over 12 years ago
I'm sorry, but disables are always better than nukes, especially against tankier heroes or carries with lifesteal... nukes are really only good the first ~20 minutes, after that you won't be able to nuke anyone down except an underfarmed support maybe...
over 12 years ago
Well.. In fallout 3/NV (yes yes, I've never played the originals..) on higher difficulty it's way more profitable to shoot legs (if the enemy is melee)and arms (if enemy is ranged or melee, but too close to you) first.
over 12 years ago
Pokemon boiled down to this for me, you could lower their attack with a growl or you could get a new attack move to KO them faster.
over 12 years ago
And in Dwarf Fortress adventure mode you can grapple enemies, breaking limbs and tearing out jaw so all the floor will be littered with teeth and covered with blood. Human taller than you? Chop off his legs!
over 12 years ago
Targetting worked fine in JA2. Head was usually a good choice but with auto weapons you, more often than not, went for torso, and sometimes enemies had good armor (and you had crappy weapon) so the best choice was to go for the legs. Also torso hit leave enemies with no breath.
over 12 years ago
>quick save
>shot head
>yes:go step 1
>no:quick load, go step 1
over 12 years ago
indeed ftl is mainly take out weps/shield then dodge
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_220022]@Bindal[/url]: Yeah, but if you don't attack their weapons first, and they get a missile launcher, they'll hit you at least 3/4 times by the time you'll make them suffocate.
Same for the rest, yes it's useful if you have teleport but otherwise weapon(or shield if they are big) focusing is more effective.
over 12 years ago
Things like his definitely need to be balanced out with different kind of enemies, like ones with helmets that either negate the damage bonus or make it harder to hit, making the other options much more viable. The Deathclaw example is good too.
over 12 years ago
This actually works in games where you can choose between a few powerful dudes and many weaker ones. If I have more boots on the ground, I can have some of them go for the less-damaging status attacks, thus bringing your bigger dudes down to my dudes' level.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_220022]@bindal[/url] the ship designs are kinda funny in ftl if i recall right at least ship had oxygen inaccessible to it's crew due to a lack of a door.
As others have pointed out, Fallout did this well for the high-end enemies like Deathclaws; doesn't matter if you're max level with the best weapons, if one of them gets close to you, you're dead. Ditto for the super-tough foes in FO3 and NV. But for ordinary foes like Raiders.. not so much..
over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
mage has not done anything because he's still deciding if he should go frost or arcane due to a stupid hotfix blizz just put out nerfing his fire spec.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_219989]@Max[/url]: That I can answer you.
Engine/Piloting (both got the same result): Prevents them from dodging and from fleeing.
Oxygen: Suffocates them, granting you more stuff.
Medi-Bay: Because they can heal, which can be an issue if you want to go for suffocation
Doors are, indeed worthless, however.
over 12 years ago
Fallout 1 was exactly this, just aim for the eyes and his head is gone. In dwarf fortress this has been done propely, you generally go for the limbs first to cripple the opponent in order to achieve that headshot.
over 12 years ago
In Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (which btw I find to be more enjoyable than FFT, personal opinion) archers abilities are AMAZING at lower levels. They can immobilize, blind (which both lowers their chance to hit by 70% or so and makes them much easier to hit), disable, confuse and many others.
over 12 years ago
but see, if you didn't have the "deeper tactical experience" you would only be able to attack the body instead of getting that 3x bonus, so you still win out overall.
over 12 years ago
sometimes cc is really turn efficient and necessary
over 12 years ago
Reminds me of my philosophy as to what is the best counterspell... Killing the spellcaster.
over 12 years ago
Same for faster than light.
Why bother shooting the hyperdrive or the door system? Just nuke the shield, or if you can, directly the weapon, and it's GG.
over 12 years ago
That said, in Fallout 1 and 2, my main tactics was to attack the eyes to blind enemies, or maiming his hand when he's wielding a 2-handed weapon. I could do it in the first turn, so it was oddly effective.
over 12 years ago
Many games suffer this. It's the "killing them dead first" syndrome. Don't bother with slowing down enemies or weakening them. Just kill them to remove the threat.
over 12 years ago
groin, while easier to hit than eyes hitting there is guaranteed that enemy wont be doing anything to attack for a while
old fallouts had nice targeting system. though in the end it went double shot to eyes or groin.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_219825]@DeltaPangaea[/url]: You're wrong on that. The problem in most games is, that your enemy isn't an actual threat to you. In games where you have a good chance of dying in a "fair" fight and can't overwhelm everything quickly by damage, disabling abilities become golden. It's just rare to see it these days.
over 12 years ago
For high HP opponent:
Ranged vs. Melee: Aim for legs to slow, then aim for head.
Melee vs. Ranged: Close in, aim for legs to prevent escape, then aim for head.
Ranged vs. Ranged / Melee vs. Melee: Aim for arms to debuff, then aim for head.
For horde of low HP opponents: Always aim for body.
over 12 years ago
In the old Fallout games this was done right; shooting a deathclaw's leg was the only way to survive for most players because they took too long to kill before they reach melee otherwise, and shots to the crotch or eyes were useful at different levels of skill and different situations.
over 12 years ago
I love when games make me do a choice that isn't the "KILL EVERYTHING" route
But FE9 priest pushing level was so evil
over 12 years ago
Well, it really depends on the game, on how well done it is. On poorly designed games, you are quite right Jo.
On others, like AOW2, it's not so correct. For example, in Kings Bounty you could turtle your way to victory. With the paladin, i often played long battles and ended with 0 casualties.
over 12 years ago
I'm with Dew. Against the computer, the is absolutely no reason to put non-damaging moves (with few exceptions) on your 'mon. What works more efficiently, confusing a zubat so that it might not hit you when you finish it off, or finishing it off right now?
over 12 years ago
70% chance slow gives you the chance to first hit if you were anyways last one to attack you will get a second hit for free now that he attacks last and you see Chargeable attacks earlyer to prepare urself better.
idk i would slow, hit head till he is low and than go for body to secure the kill.
over 12 years ago
Go play Final Fantasy Tactics 1.3 patch, you CAN'T powerhouse to win
over 12 years ago
You should play FinalFantasyTactics
over 12 years ago
100 hits x 60% chance x 300%hit dmg x 9999dmg = 1799820
100 hits x 100% chance x 9999dmg = 999900dmg
Within 100 hits against redhood here you would kill him faster with hitting the head and i mean 180% faster.. than hitting the body.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_219893]@Drascin[/url] While that may be true if you have additional damage that doesn't get multiplied by a headshot or some really good effect that might trigger, in this basic case you end up doing about 180% of the body damage by going for the head. 0.6 x 3 = 1.8
over 12 years ago
Actually, it would seem going for the body is the best damaging decision here.
Going for the less hit chance shot is very rarely worth it.
over 12 years ago
The body shot looks like it should actually be beard shot.
"Hit causes shame and sense of nudity"
over 12 years ago
Dat pic is wrong. Head damage causes silence.
over 12 years ago
THIS IS SO TRUE!!! I haven't seen one game that has made the targeting thing work.
over 12 years ago
Well in the original Fallout when fighting Deathclaws crippling their legs will SIGNIFICANTLY reduce their movement that kiting them to death is possible if you have enough Action points
over 12 years ago
Shouldn't the mage be buisy casting a fireball at the gazebo?
over 12 years ago
Persona did turn based tactics right. It encourages you to find your enemy's weakness and exploit the hell out of it and kill them ASAP but sometimes that's not possible and you have to think about how you'll deal with it.
over 12 years ago
Happy 900th comic according to the site! Only 100 more to something truly astonishing!
over 12 years ago
@Count N. Dew: Huh?
over 12 years ago
Bethesda Fallout games in a nutshell.
Count N. Dew
over 12 years ago
and thus sums my entire pokemon playing experience
Vault Dweller
over 12 years ago
Go for the eyes.
over 12 years ago
The simply problem here is that it's too easy to hit the head.
There should only be a 33% chance to hit the head to balance it out towards hitting the body.
over 12 years ago
And this is the point when Dwarf Fortress Adventure mode steps in, especially next update when non-lethal combat and sneaking go in, therefore meaning you don't always just kill everyone (because you need them alive or it will bring the goblin horde down on top of you).
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_219809]@Nope[/url]: The same place as the horseman's head.
over 12 years ago
Multitargeting is only good if you are fighting a big enemy.
over 12 years ago
60% of the time, it works every time.
over 12 years ago
The lack of strategy is because there's rarely a point that you DON'T want to kill someone. You never want to stop someone without killing them, so incapacitating them is just faffing around. You never need to stop someone running away, or make them stop attacking. We need more variety than killing.
over 12 years ago
For all the (completely unwarranted) crap FF12 gets, it nailed status afflictions. Poison, blind, mute, etc. actually mattered in that game. It was amazing.
over 12 years ago
In Dwarf Fortress Adventure Mode, I find that the tactical selection works extremely well, more so than I have seen it in other games. Mostly because injuring and disabling the enemy with sure hits means less chance the enemy hits you back. Then again, that game gives 0 fucks if the player dies.
over 12 years ago
This is kinda why more in-depth TBC games have been in decline: When you're aiming for immersion, TBC just doesn't work. Sure, the settings might be nice, but you'll never feel like you're actually there. I feel the main reason that TBC games attempted the right panel was technology limitations.
over 12 years ago
So true
over 12 years ago
"Dominant strategy occurs when one strategy is better than another strategy for one player, no matter how that player's opponents may play."
I don't necessarily agree with the comic, as usually the options aren't cut and dry in good strategy games; like the original XCOM games.
over 12 years ago
Protip: Shoot the enemy until he dies
over 12 years ago
And then you fight the headless horseman. WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW?!?!?
Luiz Paulo Santos Cruz
over 12 years ago
In Fallout i always go to the groin or hands and legs because stategic stuff, and when i only to kill kill, groin and body.
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