What people are saying about "Schedule"
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about 12 years ago
Oh dayum, das hawt! :3
Andrew Hall
about 12 years ago
You sure it's not to keep herself in shape? Cause it looks like she's stayin' in some mighty fine shape there.
about 12 years ago
overdone bad joke with animu expressions and blatant fanservice GO!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_223592]@Ilikeemlikethat[/url]: By Mario Galaxy rules spinning is now actually quite easy. And why wear the bra if she is in the middle of a romantic tee-a-tete? That's to avoid breast injuries caused by centrifugal force.
over 12 years ago
bowser and them are so used to each other than her being in her lingerie doesnt phase either them.

which only happens with really close and old friends.
over 12 years ago
I have this strong feeling of deja-vu. Oh Jo, you've already did the similar comic with almost the same note, didn't you?
over 12 years ago
I love the tag-comment someone made about the Villain Support Group! Nice "Wreck-It Ralph" reference. ^_^
over 12 years ago
More Peach-service! ^_~
over 12 years ago
lol, love the expressions
over 12 years ago
It is like in that Terry Pratchet book. Angels and demons are supposed to be enemies but after thousands of years being the only familiar faces in the world they end up being pretty good friends
over 12 years ago
Some people think that a shameless fanservice increase the number of visitors. Well, it is true! :-D
over 12 years ago
bowser and mario probably have drinks at the bar when they aren't fighting or racing or beating one another at tennis.
over 12 years ago
Though the idea of these mario people just being a friendly bunch who put up a show is actually quite overused already...
over 12 years ago
That makes her quite the spinner!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_223546]@Naz[/url]: look at button below comment box, it says Troll NOW!! what do you think he did? also there's a ton of OMG's, and it started with 1 DOTA hater
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_223402]@OMG[/url]: Lol, you serious? This is a general video games webcomic, not a dota comic.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_223488]@assniger[/url] That didn't work too well at the end of Super Mario Sunshine. Guy was in a heated tub doing fine and landed in the ocean afterwards. Still going strong.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_223369]@MHDante[/url]: Well, have you ever seen Peach do any real Princess duties? She probably got up at the crack of noon and is just getting dressed now...
over 12 years ago
@The One Without Hair: how can you tell? :-P
The One Without Hair
over 12 years ago
Little do we know that Peach is on top of Mario during that whole conversation...
over 12 years ago
@O-(-'.'Q): Kill him with WATER.
over 12 years ago
Bowser is only successful because he's immortal. Seriously, he's dumped into lava multiple times yet he's just fine for the next game!

I'm pretty sure they all just tolerate him because if you can't kill him with LAVA wtf else can you do?
I think something is supposed to go here
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_223395]@VinLAURiA[/url]: So Mario and friends are the SNL of gaming, with platforming being their preferred skit?
Andrew Hall
over 12 years ago
Looks like she's staying in pretty good shape herself!
over 12 years ago
Coitus Interruptus!
over 12 years ago
Mario joke + fan service! Like!
over 12 years ago
No, tomorrow is a Golf day peach
over 12 years ago
Mario is gay bi the way, it's pretty obvious with that italian accent in his green double, who's name I can't spell.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_223395]@VinLAURiA[/url]: reminds me of the "Super Mario Western Show" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mO26RQkfID8
over 12 years ago
Mario vs Bowser has got to be the MOST weird good-vs-evil rivalry in gaming history. Assuming it's legit.

On the other hand, Mario could be a clone with implanted memories, who Bowser makes run through obstacle courses for fun.

Or, Bowser is just the most successful villian ever...
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_223369]@MHDante[/url]: well what do you wear around the house if not a bra? clothes are for chumps, and not supporting your chest-puppies is painful, right? only logical conclusion is get to as close to nude as possible while still holding up your tits.
over 12 years ago
So many Mario comics. More Dota 2 or I'll never read again!!!1!1!
over 12 years ago
Actually, this isn't far from the truth. Miyamoto recently confirmed that all of the Mario characters are sort of like actors in a play who take on different roles as each game demands. Hence all the various Mario games and the trope GoKartingWithBowser.

Read: everyone go watch Wreck-It Ralph.
over 12 years ago
Apparently she drives karts with nothing but her looks and a bra.
Princess Peach
over 12 years ago
Damn it, Bowser, you didn't even bring rope. We can't even use today for practice.
Joe McJoeman
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_223372]@SkUrRiEr[/url] Don't say that word here!
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_223355]@Computermaster[/url] hence the continued kidnappings.
over 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_223369]@MHDante[/url]: Fanservice?
over 12 years ago
Why is she in a bra?
over 12 years ago
Hey guys, i really thought it was Kart Day. Don't blame me.

Sincerely, Bowser
over 12 years ago
"No Dad No!"
Anon #0404
over 12 years ago
'twas funny, but the jokes been done tons of times before :x
over 12 years ago
But, Mario's not in shape.
over 12 years ago
...orgytime is more fun.
over 12 years ago
Oh Bowser...