rather than predict with knowledge, predicting with experience helps you more.
about 12 years ago
MORE dota comics :D SO Awesome :D
about 12 years ago
Lol theres a hostage rescue in this comic
about 12 years ago
Best Mirana ever.
about 12 years ago
You drew a cute Mirana. You should use this character sometimes.
about 12 years ago
This is why I don't bother aiming, I just keep firing in all directions at all times.
about 12 years ago
So many MOBA comics, not enough TF2 comics. Must resist nerd rage.
Though I do like how mud monster things gets eaten. Nice touch from the last strip.
lol fan
about 12 years ago
nidalee looks different from what I remember.
about 12 years ago
This is why Dealwithit leagues
about 12 years ago
What kind of Lifestealer has that low HP by the golems?
You should never get so low, unless you are trying to do the Ursa camp at level 2
Skills targeted to units vanish, but there are lineskills and other area effects that do not have a unit as target and fly to their max range w/o hit
about 12 years ago
That reminds me, one time I was playing with a friend, and we were chasing a brewmaster and a rubick. My friend was lina, came from the side, and landed a perfect stun on brewmaster. I applauded him, but then he told me he had aimed for rubick... :3
about 12 years ago
this is why league sucks
about 12 years ago
well if you aim you nearly always hit but thats only after a certain amount of training. And you need to figure out how the enemy likes to move. if they are moving like retards it gets hard to aim but still possible
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_247097]@Noxin[/url]: I'm not sure why it wouldn't, the only thing that terrain height effects is vision and unit pathing.
about 12 years ago
I usually get killsteals with that 2nd skill.
It's great how it ignores terrain height, and you can generally shoot it at the direction the enemy is going, which is also a minus, if you're teammate is actually going for the kill.
Trolling Nerd
about 12 years ago
Gimme back my TU!
about 12 years ago
@Check your sources...: Actually, that wasn't a failure, that's why we loved that little creep.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_246985]@Deh[/url]: I say old chap, this is quite peachy. It's always a pleasure to make the acquaintance of a newcomer who appreciates this comic! You, good sir, are most welcome here!
it's a spear not an arrow
about 12 years ago
Okey, that first panel Mirana is fucking adorable.
Check your sources...
about 12 years ago
@Dota1 > dota2: Wow... Really? The hero's name is in the 3rd panel and Lifestealer's design in dota2 is almost identical to the one in DotA... In fact, it was in DotA that this design was a failure since it used the exact same model than the creeps, only bigger.
Dota1 > dota2
about 12 years ago
I love it when people use the dota2 hero designs instead of the original, that way for us that have played the game before it became the flavor of the month on steam we can't figure out who the fuck is in the 2nd panel! XDDDD
Dat Ashe
about 12 years ago
I once saw an Ashe completely fail an arrow only to pick off someone recalling down the line.
Andrew Hall
about 12 years ago
And then, Nidalee jumped out of the forest, skillshotted them all, and drank their sweet, sweet nutrients from their rotting husks.
about 12 years ago
"The more you try to predict the less it'll hit"
YUP! I hit a lot more Mirana skill shots when I'm just like fuck it and ( Yes hate me for this but yolo)
about 12 years ago
Someone said: "wasn't this a TF2 comic". I discovered nerfnow some days ago, and read through all of his comics in like... 2 days. I love most strips and i rather consider nerfnow to be a comic site about gaming.
The never-ending question: do you lead them, expecting them to keep going straight, or do you aim to predict a juke? OR, do you lead normally after all, expecting them to not juke because they expect you'll predict a juke?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_246909]@NONE[/url]: Nice joke.
Anon E Mouse (Sarcastic)
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_246959]@dealwithit[/url]: Yes, I agree. They should remove all luck from the game. As soon as you start the game, it immediately tells you who won based on player skill.
about 12 years ago
this is the reason why dota 2 sucks
about 12 years ago
lol #none a huskateer,well ya
about 12 years ago
It happened to me before. I power shot missed my target but I got double kill from else where. oO
about 12 years ago
Jo has great talent to draw female characters 100x sexier than they really are. Mirana is kinda medicore for me in a game but here... i would nydus her main.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_246894]@Steephill[/url]: My only game as Mirana I managed to get stuck on the high ground by the rune spot. Twice.
But then I ended up ambushing the enemy Sniper. JUST AS PLANNED.
Liro Raeriyo
about 12 years ago
Please its TF2, just not dieing is all you have to do to rage farm, a month ago i somehow managed to go 50-0 as a demoman with targe and eyelander and everyone accused me of hacking, THE RAGE WAS DELICIOUS.
about 12 years ago
My only game as Mirana I actually got quite a few awesome shots with the arrow, my team sucked though so we lost -_-