What people are saying about "Breaking Up"
Breaking Up
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Craven Nastravi
about 12 years ago
...am i the only one who remembers diablo1 on the ps1
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_256290]@Graveblossom[/url]: yes because valve never released games on consoles. oh wait...
An Onymous
about 12 years ago
Diablo 3 coming to PS3!? well, not like I'm gonna guy it. Still saving up for The Last of Us.
Blu Soldier
about 12 years ago
Why is diablo taking that from an altmer. Nobody likes altmers for a reason. Bosmer 4 lyfe bitches.
about 12 years ago
What's this? A nerfnow joke that I actually understand and find funny? SORCERY!
about 12 years ago
@JoMadBro?: Have You played new XCOM? - every complex PC game prepared for multiplatform ceases to be complex at some point of development. As I mentioned earlier - there is hard cap on how complex can console game be and it's nowhere near to PC only games' usual complexity.
about 12 years ago
It amuses me how Jo hates on D3. Blizzard already in the beta phase revealed that they were working on the D3 console version, so how is this news to anyone? It was NEVER a PC exclusive.

Mel: Blizzard have several games released on consoles, why do you think this one will hurt the PC platform?
about 12 years ago
*sets up room for diablo-tan to stay in. gets spiked bat. goes to have a talk with that mean pc-man to teach him manners* she may be a evil demon, but she is a cutey and he had no right!
about 12 years ago
D3 was awful. It almost felt like a port already, so colour me not surprised.
about 12 years ago
The issue is not that a PC exclusive is coming out on console (we have plenty of those.) The issue is that Blizzard likely dumbed down D3 so that they could port it to consoles. I don't particularly care, since I will likely never play this game.
about 12 years ago
@.: Yeah and those can do two things alltogether. Play games and play multimedia. And they age pretty badly. Not to mention complexity cap all console games have. General disappointment with Diablo 3 is even more understandable when the cat of it being prepared as console portable is out of the bag
about 12 years ago
In Valve We Trust
Liro Raeriyo
about 12 years ago
@.: PS3 originally cost over 500 dollars, and i couldent emulate SNES games on it, an extra 200 bucks to emulate classic games kinda outsells, even if your a blu-ray player
about 12 years ago
I prefer to imagine PC-dono sitting on his throne, waving a scepter around in anger. PC is an old platform, and has known the pain wrought by faithless publishers many times over. Blizzard may follow the money as they please, but the PC is too wise to go putting on a wifebeater and yelling about it.
about 12 years ago
... It is time.

*puts on his Guy Fawks Mask*

Cry Havok, and let slip the PS and Xbox Virii of War!
about 12 years ago
The Blizzard I knew died after the release of the Burning Crusade.
about 12 years ago
That this surprises people is a bigger surprise to me than Diablo III on consoles to begin with.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_256201]@Goro[/url]: what are you talking about?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_256158]@Mel[/url]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blizzard_Entertainment#Titles Welcome to 1991 or '94 as you wish
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_256171]@Tri[/url] : You mean the cancled starcraft ghost?
about 12 years ago
Come on jo it's time for some Starcraft comics!! We need moar zergtan!!
about 12 years ago
And with that Valve is the only developer left pulling for PC gaming.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_256158]@Mel[/url]: What about starcraft 64? Or Starcraft: Ghost? This isn't the first time Blizzard has released a game for consoles.
about 12 years ago
@no.: Hey! Thanks a lot for the explanation, pal! Now I get it.
about 12 years ago
I'm still laughing about this, after YEARS of delusional Blizzdrones claiming Blizzard will NEVER sell them out for consoles. Watch some of the retards still actually try and defend this.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_256096]@Durandal[/url]: Is that you, Yahtzee? Or you also watch Zero punctuation...
about 12 years ago
Poor Diablo-tan. Come to our consoles. We've got cake. No lie!

Also, for real? Did they announce D3 for consoles? Let's see how Blizzard handles that market...
about 12 years ago
On another note:
The guy in the strip is from an earlier strip.
about 12 years ago
NOBODY --- calls me --- chicken!
about 12 years ago
HEY MACFLY make like a tree and get out of here.
about 12 years ago
Everything about this new console generation is like watching a train crash happen in slow-motion.

Well atleast no matter what happens we will still have PC.
about 12 years ago
It also told me that I have to hunt you down and kill you brutally or it would stop working.
Sorry Anonymoose, seems I have no choice than to present your chopped of head to my laptop.
about 12 years ago
"Xbox 360 consoles are on par with notebook computers..." My "notebook computer" (which is even only a replacement for my main pc when I am not at home) told me that it is extremely insulted to be compared to a sucky XBOX like an superior athlete to a fat kid.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_256088]@Anonymoose[/url]: Well, it'd also need to be mouse-and-keyboard-based. Not enough buttons for all the hotkeys on a controller, I don't like analogue sticks compared to a mouse and I did mention chat-program and web-browsers. I think it'll be a while until I see a mouse-and-keyboard-based Console.
about 12 years ago
Only 6 buttons
Screen flashing red
Retarded skill system
Story made for 12-year olds

Who didn't expect it was made for consoles anyway?
about 12 years ago
Given Diablo 3's "always online" nature I do wonder if this means the PS4 will be an "always online" console. >_>;
about 12 years ago
I laughed, genuinely laughed, out loud at this comic, you won today.
about 12 years ago
People *do* go nuts for half-baked games on consoles (see: the fascination with the spunkgargleweewee genre), so I figure it'll go over well there.
about 12 years ago
If it doesn't support 4player couch-coop I'm gonna be fucking pissed.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_256077]@Aerion[/url] Opposite situation with me. I can't completely stop use consoles because no fightings I like released on PC.
about 12 years ago
Aerion, you don't have to wait much longer. Xbox 360 consoles are on par with notebook computers and already have 90% of what you're looking for.

The days of the PC exclusive are almost over, the PC is dead, dead from its heydey in the late 90s.
about 12 years ago
As for consoles vs. PCs... I'll switch over to Consoles when I can have my music, my net-browsers, and my chat-programs on there at the same time as my games.
Ideally they'd also have modular parts for repair and customization.
So, I'll switch over when consoles are identical to PCs, but cheap.
about 12 years ago
A game that was already on the PC, and was generally disliked in the first place, is coming out for the Console and people actually care?

I'll care when Diablo 4 is PS5-exclusive, but not before then.
about 12 years ago
Eh. Tried a demo of diablo 3 back when it first came out. Rather hated it, and kinda forgot it existed after the whole real money auction house thing calmed down until now.
about 12 years ago
Poor Diablo-Tan. She needs more love.
about 12 years ago
So, to finalize...I do not consider consoles a cheaper alternative, they just want to make you believe so.
about 12 years ago
that often do not let the games be available to multiple platforms. Thus if you want a certain kind of variety, you would be forced to more than one consoles.
Last but not least, there are the game prices, and the lack of high quality f2p games on consoles...
about 12 years ago
@.: Yeh, but nowadays you kind of need to have a computer anyways (maybe, I admit, this is changing in the tab/smartphone society) to work with etc.
So you will have a basic cost here anyways for your PC.

Furthermore, there are what, 3 or 4 major players in the console industry
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_256039]@Ninj77[/url]: That is She-ablo, the final form of the eponymous Diablo from Diablo 3. "Path" refers to Path of Exile, an MMO Dungeon Crawler that many have gravitated to because Diablo 3 was shit on release and has stayed as such.
about 12 years ago
I haven't paid attention to any of the Sony presentation, but I knew this was about multiplatform Diablo soon as I saw "whore".

Ohhh the tears. Yes.
about 12 years ago
This is a big deal but the fact the PS4 is nothing more than custom PC hardware wasn't big news to you?
about 12 years ago
What the Hell is this??? They're already launching the PS4??? God! I feel old!

Btw, even though I love our lil tailed vixen, what did she mean by "another path"? PC gaming is becoming "gay"?
about 12 years ago
The funny thing is that they never really tried that hard with Diablo 3.
about 12 years ago
I do not play/care about Diablo.

That said, d'awww, poor Diablo-tan! She's just adorable for a hellspawn (or whatever she is), and yet she just can't seem to catch a break.
about 12 years ago
I'm not sure why people are excited for a game that's been out for a year. Everyone who's wanted it already has it.

But hey, at least it wasn't as bad as Square Enix's "reveal" of the same thing they showed at last E3.
about 12 years ago
This is related to the moment we are now.

about 12 years ago
In my city, Diablo on PS1 was the more poplar version.

This will bring memories.
about 12 years ago
I like Diablo 3 and am still enjoying the hell out of it!
about 12 years ago
Cracks me up he's able to make a diablo demon sexy.
about 12 years ago
Just let the game die, that's all Blizzard wants to do with the Diablo franchise it would seem. A ruined economy, no PvP, simple grinding...
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_255975]@Anonymous[/url]: How about this one? http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/76/comments
about 12 years ago
Out of 37 comics in 2013 :
18 are about DotA2
8 are about TF2
11 are about other stuff.
Not complaining, just posting statistics.
about 12 years ago
I'm not really sure why everybody's excited for something we've known about for, like, a year. (The PS4, not D3.)
about 12 years ago
better than DOTA, but still not TF2
about 12 years ago
a top down dungeon crawler hack and slash on a console?

*is intreuged by how they are going to do it*

also yay diablo-tan
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_255975]@Anonymous[/url]: Hey! Didn't know I made so much of an impression!
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_255933]@woahh[/url]: The consoles are there to be a dedicated computer. Sure you can have a supercomputer to run your games (That's my preference, honestly) but you need, what, a good $700 for a decent computer? Little less if you're building it from scratch. Consoles are cheap but just as effective.
about 12 years ago
I touch my penis when I read these comics.
about 12 years ago
heliaxdemon, software2, jackthemaniac, olej, & everyone else who spurns legitimate attempts at humor (won't argue success or failure 'cuz opinions) for softcore porn so you can stick unoriginal photonotes on it, *YOU* are everything wrong with nerfnow. I miss the old days like nerfnow.com/comic/77
about 12 years ago
I get it, the guy is a GLORIOUS PC MASTER RACE guy. Nice reference.
And yet...
about 12 years ago
none of the people whining about D3 on consoles seem to remember/care that D1 had a PS1 version.
about 12 years ago
D3 fanboys? Now thats a good joke!
about 12 years ago
Zomg, fanservice: Diabloette is nekkid! o.O
about 12 years ago
I don`t think even console players have such low standards to play D3....
Sreggin Wej
about 12 years ago
Shit game for shit plateform.

Also works with "dead" instead of "shit".
about 12 years ago
Diablo sucks, draw more Torchlight!
about 12 years ago
for anyone who followed the game mechanics changes in diablo 3 beta, this news was obvious.
about 12 years ago
Oh my god oh m god oh my god.
Brace yourselfs,
fanboy shitstorm is about to start.
about 12 years ago
Popcorn is ready! show me now some invicible Wizard lvl10 build!
about 12 years ago
who cares if a failed pc game is going to console. let them have it. pleb games with artificial difficulty for casual peb gamers.

Now HOTS coming out on the 12 that's what matters. Where is our Starcraft 2 Engie fanservice??

also. Starcraft 2 Master race reporting in.
about 12 years ago
Sexy Diablo is Sexy.

Yet still, I never understood the necessity of consoles when there is a perfect thing called the computer...
about 12 years ago
Look at the upside. When it hits the Playstation it won't be in beta and still need 7 major updates to fix all it's problems. Like the PC version.
nice try, Jo
about 12 years ago
Female Diablo is hot but we need moar moar moar fanservice.
about 12 years ago
Honey, he didn't deserve you, yo' better off without him, mmhmm!
about 12 years ago
@LOVE IT You heard the man. Feed him.
about 12 years ago
Fanboy rage and internet drama is my life blood. FEED ME INTERNET, FEED!!!!!
Differently dieted zergling
about 12 years ago
I found the announcement to be... completely and utterly droll. Though in comparison to "There is a PS4, Buzzwords attack" to "this is a game we are porting to PS3/4" it is more interesting. However I am still looking forward to watchdogs for a hopeful PC port.
(Also Square's bit was bad.)
That One Guy
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_255905]@Lakitu[/url]: It's the glorious golden PC master race
about 12 years ago
Is that Smoke from Mortal Kombat 9?
about 12 years ago
Another path?

I see what you did there.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
Doesn't matter what kind of crazy magic was involved, Diableah is still hot.

Especially that tail.